


By Justin Nichols, Director of Sales at OptConnect

The transition to sustainable energy systems is one of the most significant challenges of our time, requiring innovative technologies to optimize efficiency and integration at the enterprise level across numerous sectors. Among the most transformative technologies in this regard is the Internet of Things (IoT), which is continuously reshaping the landscape of energy management. By enabling more efficient monitoring, management, and optimization of energy, IoT technologies are pivotal in advancing the energy transition across multiple fronts by enabling more efficient monitoring, management, and optimization of energy.

Secure and Efficient Energy Systems with IoT

Secure connectivity is essential in today’s energy systems, providing the backbone for reliable and resilient energy management. IoT technology augments this foundation by facilitating safe, real-time monitoring and data collection from various distributed energy resources. This secure data transit is crucial for protecting systems against cyber threats while ensuring that energy operations are efficient and adaptable to real-time conditions.

Furthermore, IoT’s impact extends significantly to optimizing renewable energy sources such as solar power. Through IoT-enabled devices, energy providers can perform real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, which are vital for minimizing downtime and improving grid stability. These systems utilize advanced analytics to forecast energy output and adjust grid operations dynamically, enhancing the integration of renewable resources like solar and wind. Despite the cybersecurity challenges and the complexity of achieving seamless interoperability among diverse technologies, the robust capabilities of IoT provide a solid foundation for overcoming these hurdles and maximizing the efficiency of solar energy solutions.

Empowering Consumer Engagement and Decentralized Systems

IoT-driven advancements in the energy space extend beyond industry-level operations; they also directly impact everyday consumers. These technologies revolutionize how energy providers operate and transform how consumers conceptualize, interact with, and manage their energy usage.

By delivering detailed consumption data directly to consumers, IoT devices empower individuals with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their energy use through real-time monitoring, personalized insights, and demand response capabilities. These factors drive behavioral changes and foster greater energy efficiency and sustainability at the consumer level.

Additionally, IoT plays a crucial role in facilitating the rise of decentralized energy systems. These systems allow for more localized management of energy resources, reducing dependencies on centralized grids and enhancing community resilience to energy disruptions. IoT enables efficient management and coordination of distributed energy resources (DERs), such as residential solar panels and community battery storage, providing a seamless flow of energy and real-time adjustments based on local consumption and production patterns.

Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities

While IoT introduces transformative potential for the energy sector, it also brings challenges, particularly in cybersecurity and data privacy. These concerns are paramount as energy systems become increasingly interconnected and reliant on digital infrastructures. However, the strategic implementation of IoT can address these challenges by enhancing system security and reliability through continuous monitoring and advanced cybersecurity protocols.

The opportunities for growth and improvement are vast. IoT technologies not only enhance operational efficiencies but also support crucial sustainability goals by more effectively integrating renewable energy sources into the grid. Moreover, they enable predictive maintenance capabilities that reduce downtime and operational costs, all while improving the reliability and lifespan of energy equipment.

As the energy sector continues to evolve, integrating IoT technologies will play an increasingly vital role in shaping a sustainable future. IoT is at the heart of the energy transition by enhancing grid stability, optimizing renewable integration, and empowering consumers. For energy stakeholders, investing in IoT is a technological upgrade and a strategic move towards a resilient, efficient, and sustainable energy framework, promising a brighter future for global energy systems.

About Justin: Justin has over 20 years of sales and management experience and specializes in IoT solutions, capital equipment, and managed services in the industrial and energy sectors. As Director of Sales at OptConnect, he excels in securing hard-to-close deals, managing channel sales, and expanding enterprise sales across various markets.

The post How IoT Is Revolutionizing the Energy Transition appeared first on IoT Business News.

In the swiftly evolving tech landscape, the Internet of Things (IoT) stands out as a revolutionary force, reshaping industries from healthcare to urban development. Its reach is vast, yet its application in the realm of professional writing and research remains underexplored. By integrating IoT into their workflows, professional writers can leverage connected devices to streamline research, enhance data accuracy, and delve deeper into their subjects. This blog post explores how IoT can elevate the research process for writers, offering both efficiency and a competitive edge in producing high-quality, insightful content.

Understanding IoT and Its Capabilities

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of interconnected devices that communicate and exchange data with each other and the cloud, without human intervention. This network includes everything from everyday household items like refrigerators and thermostats to sophisticated industrial tools. At the heart of IoT are sensors and devices that collect data, networks that transmit this data, and software that analyzes it.

IoT’s utility stretches across multiple fields:

Healthcare: IoT devices monitor patient vitals in real-time, alerting healthcare providers to changes that could indicate medical issues.
Agriculture: Sensors assess soil moisture and nutrient levels, automating irrigation and fertilization to increase crop yield.
Smart Cities: Connected devices manage everything from traffic flow to energy use, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

By leveraging such devices, professional writers can access a wealth of real-time data, which can be invaluable for enriching content and supporting robust research findings. This technology not only expands the scope of what writers can explore but also enhances the precision with which they can write about complex topics. To ensure high-quality outputs in academic and professional writing, many choose to hire professional paper writers, who utilize these advanced tools to deliver well-researched and meticulously crafted documents.

The Role of IoT in Enhancing Research Quality

IoT technology can significantly elevate the quality of research conducted by professional writers by providing access to real-time, large-scale, and varied data sets that were previously difficult or even impossible to collect. This can enhance both the depth and breadth of content that writers can produce. Here’s how IoT facilitates these improvements:

Real-time Data Collection

IoT devices operate continuously, gathering data 24/7 and providing up-to-the-minute information. For writers covering dynamic topics such as market trends, environmental studies, or technological advancements, real-time data ensures that their content is both current and relevant. For instance, a writer discussing urban air quality could use data from IoT-enabled air quality sensors distributed throughout a city to provide readers with the latest findings.

Access to Larger Data Sets

IoT devices collect vast amounts of data from multiple sources simultaneously. This comprehensive data collection can reveal patterns and insights that are not visible through traditional research methods. Professional writers can harness this capability to support stronger, data-driven arguments in their papers. For example, using data from IoT sensors in multiple vehicles can help a writer analyze traffic patterns in real time, offering evidence-based solutions to urban congestion.

Case Study: Smart Farming

Consider the impact of IoT in agriculture, where sensors measure everything from soil moisture to crop health. A writer specializing in sustainable farming techniques could use data from these sensors to discuss the effectiveness of different farming strategies with precision, making the case for IoT-based solutions in agriculture with concrete evidence.

Practical Applications of IoT for Professional Writers

The integration of IoT technology offers a variety of practical tools and devices that can significantly aid professional writers in their research and content creation. Here’s a look at some key applications:

Environmental Sensors

Writers covering topics related to geography, climate change, or environmental science can benefit from environmental sensors that monitor air quality, water quality, and weather conditions. These sensors provide data that can enrich articles, reports, and papers with up-to-date, location-specific information. For example, data from oceanographic sensors can be used by writers to detail changes in ocean temperatures and their effects on marine life in environmental studies.

Wearables and Mobile Apps

Health and lifestyle writers can utilize data from wearables like fitness trackers and smartwatches to gather insights on health trends, fitness habits, and well-being. This information can support articles on topics such as the effectiveness of new fitness regimes or the impact of sleep on productivity, offering personal health data to illustrate broader trends.

Smart Home and Office Devices

For writers focusing on technology, business, or home improvement, smart home devices like connected thermostats, security cameras, and lighting systems provide a wealth of information on energy efficiency, security, and modern living. By accessing data from these devices, writers can discuss the practical implications of smart technology in everyday life or evaluate the ROI of smart home investments.

Integration with Research Methodologies

IoT can also transform traditional research methods. For instance, historians or cultural researchers might use IoT devices to monitor and analyze environmental conditions in historical archives or museums to study the effects of the environment on the preservation of artifacts, providing a novel angle in their research.

Streamlining the Research Process with IoT

The impact of IoT on the research process extends beyond just enhanced data collection—it also streamlines the entire workflow, making research faster, more efficient, and often more comprehensive. Here’s how IoT contributes to streamlining research for professional writers:

Automation of Data Collection

IoT devices automatically collect and record data, reducing the need for manual input and the time spent on data gathering. For instance, a writer focusing on urban development could use IoT sensors to automatically collect data on traffic patterns, noise levels, and air quality in different parts of a city, eliminating the need for physical surveys and manual data logging.

Real-Time Analysis and Alerts

Many IoT systems are equipped with tools that analyze data in real-time and can alert writers to significant changes or trends as they happen. This capability allows writers to quickly update their content to reflect current situations, ensuring that their articles or reports remain relevant and timely. For example, a financial analyst could receive instant updates from IoT-connected stock market tools, enabling them to write about market shifts the moment they occur.

Enhanced Data Organization

IoT platforms often include software solutions that help organize and visualize data, making it easier for writers to interpret complex datasets and translate them into understandable content. This is particularly useful for writers dealing with large amounts of data, such as those researching for extensive reports or books on complex subjects like climate change or economic forecasts.

Case Example: IoT in Disaster Reporting

In the context of disaster reporting, IoT devices can provide journalists with immediate data from the field. Sensors can monitor weather conditions, structural integrity of buildings, and even the movement of people in real time during a disaster like an earthquake or hurricane. This immediate flow of data helps journalists report more accurately on the event, potentially saving lives and informing emergency response efforts.

Challenges and Considerations

While IoT offers numerous advantages for enhancing research and writing, it also presents several challenges and considerations that professional writers need to be aware of. Addressing these issues is crucial for effectively leveraging IoT technologies.

Data Privacy and Security

One of the most significant concerns with IoT devices is the security and privacy of the data they collect. Writers must ensure that any data used complies with privacy laws and ethical standards, especially when dealing with sensitive information. For instance, using data from wearables for health-related articles must be handled carefully to respect user confidentiality.

Accuracy and Reliability of Data

Not all IoT devices are created equal, and the accuracy of data can vary significantly. Writers need to verify the reliability of the IoT data sources they use to avoid the risk of basing articles on inaccurate information. This might involve cross-verifying IoT data with other data sources or using only well-established IoT providers with a proven track record.

Ethical Considerations in Automated Data Collection

The use of automated systems to collect data can raise ethical questions, especially when individuals are unaware that their data is being collected. Writers should consider the ethical implications of using such data and ensure transparent communication about how it is gathered and used, particularly in journalism.

Technological Dependence

Relying heavily on IoT devices can make writers vulnerable to technical failures or data losses. It’s important to have backup systems and alternative research methods in place to mitigate these risks.

Case Study: IoT in Behavioral Research

Consider a case where IoT devices are used to track consumer behavior for a marketing analysis article. The writer would need to address how consumer consent was obtained, how data anonymity was preserved, and the accuracy of the devices used to ensure the integrity of the research and compliance with ethical standards.

The Future of IoT in Professional Writing

As IoT technology continues to evolve and become more integrated into our everyday lives, its influence on professional writing is expected to grow. Here’s a look at some emerging trends and potential future scenarios for IoT in the writing industry:

AI Integration for Predictive Analytics

IoT devices are increasingly being combined with artificial intelligence (AI) to provide predictive analytics. For writers, this could mean tools that not only gather data but also predict trends based on that data, offering deeper insights and forecasts. For instance, a business writer might use AI-enhanced IoT systems to predict market shifts or consumer behavior, providing readers with forward-looking analyses that add significant value to their content.

Blockchain for Enhanced Data Security

As concerns about data privacy and security grow, blockchain technology could play a crucial role in securing IoT data. Writers covering topics sensitive to data breaches could rely on IoT devices backed by blockchain to ensure their data sources are tamper-proof and fully secure, thus enhancing the credibility of their work.

More Sophisticated Content Customization

IoT could enable a new level of content customization for readers. Writers could use IoT data to understand reader preferences and behaviors in real time, tailoring content dynamically to suit individual reader needs and contexts. This could revolutionize how content is consumed and valued by audiences.

IoT as a Standard Research Tool

In the near future, IoT might become a standard tool in the researcher’s toolkit, much like the internet is today. Writers in fields from science to humanities could routinely use IoT data to enhance accuracy, provide real-time updates, and offer interactive content that engages readers in unprecedented ways.


The integration of IoT into professional writing and research heralds a new era of data-driven journalism and content creation. By leveraging real-time data, writers can not only enhance the accuracy and depth of their articles but also offer readers insights that were previously beyond reach. As we look forward, the potential for IoT in professional writing is vast, limited only by the creativity and ethical standards of the writers who wield this powerful tool. For those interested in further exploring the potentials and pitfalls of IoT in professional writing, resources like this offer insights into how technology is shaping educational services and student support mechanisms.

The post Enhancing Research with IoT: How Connected Devices Can Aid Professional Writers appeared first on IoT Business News.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives, influencing everything from how we manage home security to optimizing our health routines. In the realm of education, IoT’s impact has started to make significant waves, transforming traditional teaching methods and learning environments. As we delve into the role of IoT within educational settings, it is crucial to explore not only the potential it offers but also the necessities and implications of extending these technologies into students’ homes. This exploration is particularly timely, considering the recent shifts toward more digital and remote learning environments across the globe.

The Evolution of Educational Technologies

The journey of technology in education has been marked by continuous innovation, starting from the simple blackboards of the 1800s to the advanced digital tablets and virtual learning environments we see today. Each leap in technological advancement has aimed to enhance educational delivery and accessibility. Notably, recent global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have accelerated the adoption of remote and hybrid learning models, pushing schools and institutions to adopt more flexible and interactive technologies.

In this context, IoT devices have begun to play a central role in classrooms and laboratories, with smartboards that can sync with teacher and student devices, sensors that can gather and analyze real-time data for science experiments, and even attendance systems that can automatically update student logs. These advancements are not just modernizing teaching tools but are also reshaping the educational landscape to be more inclusive, efficient, and engaging.

For those looking to improve their academic performance or streamline their study processes, a term paper writer service can complement these technological advances by providing tailored writing assistance, ensuring students maximize their educational outcomes.

Benefits of IoT in Education

The integration of IoT technologies in education brings multiple, significant benefits that enhance both teaching and learning experiences.

Interactive Learning

First, IoT enables interactive learning environments that can adapt to the needs of individual students. For instance, smart devices can use algorithms to modify lessons based on a student’s pace and learning style, promoting a more personalized education. According to a study by the Center for Digital Education, schools that utilize IoT technologies have seen a 20% improvement in student engagement and comprehension rates.


It is another crucial benefit. IoT devices such as voice-assisted technology and smart braille readers help students with disabilities by providing them with more independent learning opportunities and access to the same resources as their peers. A report by the American Institutes for Research highlights that technology-assisted learning significantly reduces barriers for over 6.5 million students with disabilities in the U.S.


IoT enables the customization of educational content, allowing for a tailored educational experience that can adjust to different learning speeds and preferences. This customization not only aids in maintaining students’ interest but also in improving their academic performance by focusing on areas that require additional attention.

The Case for IoT at Home

The extension of IoT from classrooms to home environments can create a seamless continuity in learning, which is crucial for comprehensive education today. IoT devices at home enable students to continue their learning with the same tools and methods they use at school. For instance, smart home devices can help schedule homework, manage project deadlines, and even remind students of upcoming tests, mimicking the supportive environment they have at school.

Real-time Access to Educational Resources

It is another significant advantage. With IoT devices, students can instantly connect to cloud-based educational platforms where textbooks, tutorials, and supplementary materials are readily available. This connectivity ensures that learning doesn’t have to pause when the school day ends. According to a survey by Education Week, over 70% of teachers believe that students who regularly use technology are more likely to take advantage of online learning resources at home, fostering better study habits.

Parental Involvement

It is facilitated through IoT as well, allowing parents to monitor their child’s academic progress more closely. Devices can provide updates on student performance and alert parents to missed assignments or areas where their child may need extra help, bridging communication gaps between parents and schools.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits of IoT in education are substantial, there are significant challenges and considerations that must be addressed to ensure its effective and safe implementation.

Privacy and Security

They are paramount concerns. IoT devices collect vast amounts of data, and without stringent security measures, this data is vulnerable to breaches. According to a report by the Internet Society, over 60% of IoT devices are at risk of severe security vulnerabilities, including unauthorized access to personal information.

Equity and Access

Another critical issue is equity and access. The deployment of IoT in education requires that all students have access to necessary technologies at home, which is not always the case. A study by the National Center for Education Statistics found that approximately 14% of children had insufficient internet access at home, highlighting a significant digital divide. Ensuring that every student benefits from IoT technology entails addressing these disparities, potentially through government and community initiatives to provide the required devices and connectivity.

Over-Reliance on Technology

Furthermore, there’s a risk of developing an over-reliance on technology. While IoT can greatly enhance learning, it’s essential to maintain a balance to ensure that students also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills without total dependence on digital tools. The educational curriculum must integrate IoT thoughtfully, ensuring it complements traditional learning methods rather than completely replacing them.

Implementation Strategies

Successfully integrating IoT into students’ homes requires thoughtful planning and strategic implementation.

Technological Infrastructure

The first step is establishing the necessary technological infrastructure. This includes not only ensuring reliable internet connectivity but also equipping students with compatible devices. According to a report by the Consortium for School Networking, schools, and districts must partner with local governments and businesses to provide subsidized broadband services and affordable devices to low-income families, ensuring all students can access home-based IoT solutions.

Partnerships and Funding

They are crucial to overcoming financial and resource-based challenges. Educational institutions can collaborate with technology companies and non-profit organizations to fund and deploy IoT initiatives. For example, initiatives like the ConnectED program launched by the Obama administration have aimed to bring high-speed internet and free digital devices to underserved schools, demonstrating the potential impact of public-private partnerships.

Training and Support

Training and support for teachers, students, and parents are equally important. As per a survey by the National Education Association, over 80% of teachers felt they needed further training to integrate technology effectively into their teaching. Comprehensive training programs must be developed to empower teachers with the skills to use IoT tools effectively, while also providing students and parents with the necessary guidance to utilize these technologies safely and effectively at home.

Case Studies

To illustrate the practical benefits and challenges of IoT in home learning, let’s explore a few case studies:

Case Study 1: Smart Learning Program, South Korea

South Korea’s Smart Learning Initiative launched in 2011 aimed to digitize all school textbooks and create a comprehensive database of educational resources accessible through various IoT devices. By 2015, the initiative reported that students using the system experienced a 30% improvement in reading and math scores. The program included features such as AI tutors and virtual reality simulations that students could access from home, fostering an engaging and continuous learning environment.

Case Study 2: Connect Home USA

This initiative aimed to bridge the digital divide for residents in public housing across the United States. It provided not only free or low-cost internet access but also digital literacy training programs. An impact assessment showed that participating families saw improved educational outcomes for children, particularly in homework completion rates and overall academic performance, as students had better access to online resources and learning tools.

Case Study 3: IoT at Home for Special Needs Education, United Kingdom

In the UK, a pilot project deployed IoT devices tailored for children with special educational needs. Devices included customized tablets with educational apps and games designed specifically for skill development in children with learning disabilities. The project noted marked improvements in children’s engagement and independent learning skills, with parents reporting a 40% increase in their children’s ability to complete tasks independently.

Future Trends

The future of IoT in education promises even more integration and innovative uses, leveraging emerging technologies to further enhance learning environments.

Artificial Intelligence

One key trend is the increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) alongside IoT devices. AI can analyze data collected from IoT devices to tailor educational content more precisely and predict student performance trends, potentially improving outcomes. For example, AI-powered IoT devices can adjust learning schedules and content in real time based on the student’s progress and engagement levels.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Another emerging trend is the use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) integrated with IoT. These technologies can transform how subjects like history and science are taught, by providing immersive experiences that are not possible in a traditional classroom. For instance, students could take a VR tour of ancient Rome or visualize complex scientific processes in real time. Research by Tech Edvocate suggests that AR and VR in education are expected to increase student engagement by up to 70% and retention rates by 30%.

Internet of Behavioral

Furthermore, there is an increasing focus on the Internet of Behavioral (IoB) technologies, which analyze student behavior data to help in customizing education strategies and improving student outcomes. This could include monitoring attention spans and learning habits to better accommodate individual learning needs.

As we look towards these future developments, it is crucial for educational stakeholders to consider the ethical implications and ensure that these technologies are implemented in ways that are secure, equitable, and beneficial to all students.


As we have explored throughout this article, the integration of IoT in education, extending from classrooms to homes, presents both significant opportunities and challenges. The benefits of IoT—enhanced learning experiences, increased accessibility, and personalized education—are substantial, yet they come with concerns about privacy, security, and equitable access that must be carefully managed. The future of IoT in education is poised for even greater innovation, with advancements like AI, AR, and IoB technologies set to redefine traditional learning environments further.

For stakeholders in education—policymakers, educators, and technology providers—it is essential to collaborate on strategies that maximize the benefits while addressing the potential downsides. Ensuring robust security measures, providing equitable access, and maintaining a balanced approach to technology in education are crucial steps towards a future where all students can benefit from these innovations.

As we continue to navigate this evolving landscape, the goal should remain clear: to leverage IoT to make education more engaging, accessible, and effective for every student, regardless of their background or abilities.

The post Tech Trends Transforming Education: Do Students Need IOT at Home appeared first on IoT Business News.

Leading remote teams requires more than just a strong Wi-Fi signal; it demands robust tools that streamline collaboration and elevate communication to near-seamless levels. Enter the Internet of Things (IoT). This innovation powerhouse is transforming how we interact within the virtual workspace.

The secret lies in IoT’s ability to integrate with our daily work instruments – think secure document sharing enhanced by project management software tucked into your smartwatch. The leap from ideas to execution has never been so frictionless.

Presenting innovative ideas? The marriage of design and efficiency shines through online platforms that transform PPTs into universally accessible PDFs, balancing creativity with convenience.

The Convergence of IoT and Daily Workflow

IoT stands not merely as a buzzword but as the architect providing tools for virtual workspaces. It extends beyond gadgets and into the realm of productivity, where every device becomes a potential ally in the daily grind.

With IoT’s deep integration, team members scattered around the globe now tap seamlessly into workflows once confined to the office. This digital renaissance fosters an interconnected workspace that is responsive and intelligent.

Data flows unimpeded from screens to servers, bridging distances with a mesh of shared information. Indeed, this is more than convenience – it’s a transformative approach to collaboration that champions efficiency and unites remote teams under one digital sky.

Secure Document Sharing

In the pursuit of seamless remote collaboration, secure document sharing sits at the forefront. The advent of wearable IoT devices is pushing boundaries further; picture receiving a notification on your smartwatch – a prompt to review a teammate’s presentation. It’s an age where convenience collides with high-level security protocols.

When time zones and deadlines conspire, leveraging an online PPT to PDF converter becomes invaluable, ensuring that visually engaging presentations are not only created but also shared swiftly as universally accessible PDFs.

This digital alchemy facilitates a barrier-free environment for ideas to proliferate securely across continents. Such tools don’t just convert; they act as catalysts for efficiency within our ever-evolving work landscape.

Project Management on Your Wrist: The New Frontier

The realm of project management is experiencing a heralded shift, thanks to IoT wearables like smartwatches. These devices are no longer confined to tracking steps or delivering messages – they have evolved into robust tools for managing tasks and deadlines with the flick of a wrist.

Syncing with leading project management software, they offer real-time updates and alerts that keep teams aligned and actionable items in check, regardless of physical location.

This evolution symbolizes not just technological progress but also a cultural one, where the very fabric of team dynamics is enhanced by continuous connectivity. Facilitating immediate responses and decision-making, smartwatches are redefining what it means to be hands-on in the digital age.

Revolutionizing Meetings with Smart Room Technology

A successful IoT project does not halt at personal devices; it extends its reach into the very environment where virtual collaboration flourishes. Smart room technology is redefining the traditional meeting space, crafting an atmosphere primed for productivity and participation across any distance.

IoT-enriched rooms are equipped to detect participants, adjust lighting and climate for comfort, as well as manage advanced conferencing equipment with effortless precision. This intelligent orchestration amplifies focus and fosters a setting where ideas can thrive unfettered by technical glitches or environmental distractions.

As businesses navigate the complexities of remote leadership, smart technology stands as a steadfast ally in orchestrating meetings that rival their in-person counterparts in efficacy and engagement.

Enhancing Team Synergy with IoT: A Glimpse into Tomorrow’s Workspace

The linchpin of remote team synergy lies in the innovative application of IoT within collaborative environments. By integrating a constellation of smart devices and systems, the workplace transcends physical boundaries, fostering a synergy that propels productivity to new heights.

IoT innovations offer a glimpse into the future workspace – an ecosystem where real-time data from sensors inform decision-making, and AI algorithms predict project bottlenecks before they occur.

Such seamless interconnectivity ensures that every team member is attuned to the pulse of ongoing tasks, regardless of their location. As we look ahead, it’s clear that IoT stands as a cornerstone for crafting highly responsive and cohesive teams, ushering in an era where collaboration is not just facilitated but truly enhanced by technology.

Future-Proof Your Teamwork with IoT

IoT is revolutionizing remote work, transforming challenges into opportunities for unparalleled collaboration. By embracing these technologies, leaders can future-proof their teams, ensuring efficiency and unity in the digital workspace. The integration of IoT is not just a trend; it’s the new standard for competitive teamwork.

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iONLINE Connected Networks, an enterprise private LTE/5G provider supplying IoT connectivity solutions globally, has today launched FlexiSIM, its intelligent network switching (eUICC) SIM, in the United States.

Many businesses face challenges around network resilience, security, and scalability. These frustrations are worsened by ineffective SIM and data management with inflated cost structures. FlexiSIM solves these issues by offering a seamless, multi-network-resilient SIM card that is adaptable, affordable, reliable, and secure, ensuring that your devices stay connected both in the US and globally.

iONLINE firmly established its presence as a South African business in 2005 and over the last two decades has become a global enterprise with offices in Johannesburg, London, Sydney, and now Tennessee.

David Farquharson, founder and CEO of iONLINE, believes FlexiSIM’s multi-network resilience, combined with enhanced IoT security services and features, has a lot to offer enterprise organizations which use mobile networks to connect their devices.

“Unstable connectivity can have serious consequences,” he says. “It impedes growth, progress, and innovation, and hinders overall business operation efficiencies. Unreliable connectivity can be the deciding factor between a flourishing business and a failing one.”

Improve your company’s network resilience with FlexiSIM.

Security and privacy, management and control, scale and cost – these are very real concerns for companies doing business in today’s interconnected world. FlexiSIM’s emphasis on privacy, security, and management ensures these concerns are all but eliminated.

A cost-conscious solution, you will only pay for the data you use, nothing more. Better yet, you can control this down to the most granular level, overseeing all aspects with iONLINE’s intuitive CentralFlex data management platform. When it comes to IoT device monitoring, CentralFlex lets you quickly and easily collect and analyze different data points and metrics in real time, facilitating faster decision-making. You’ll no longer need to rely on sluggish and unresponsive MNOs to monitor your connections, data usage, and costs associated with incorrect bundle overcharges.

Built on a fully private and secure network, with dedicated routing and private IPs delivered to your network, FlexiSIM only connects to what you allow. You can do business with confidence knowing that your data, network, and devices are fully safe and secure.

Give delays, high costs, and lack of control the boot, and instead welcome a highly responsive, secure and reliable IoT connectivity network, backed by iONLINE’s world-class support.

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Semtech Corporation, a high-performance semiconductor, IoT systems, and connectivity service provider, and Console Connect, a leading Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) platform, today jointly announced their collaboration which will expand Semtech’s connectivity coverage across the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region for its AirVantage® Smart Connectivity service.

Semtech is leveraging Console Connect’s IMSI service and extensive partner roaming network to extend the reach of its AirVantage Smart Connectivity service to more markets and locations across the APAC region.

AirVantage Smart Connectivity service provides customers with a network of the world’s leading cellular service providers, enabling ultimate flexibility by seamlessly switching to the next available network for constant and resilient global connectivity. The multi-profile, multi-network service offers global coverage for deployments of both fixed and mobile applications, overcoming regulatory and roaming restrictions.

Console Connect provides automated IoT connectivity coverage and direct access to the cloud in over 180 countries worldwide, with extensive reach and competitive pricing throughout the APAC region, enabling Semtech customers to experience seamless and affordable roaming.

Rupa Datta, senior director of product management, managed connectivity at Semtech, said:

“This collaboration not only expands our presence in APAC with access to the full range of LTE technologies, but also extends global access to the best networks in terms of speed and coverage for our Smart Connectivity offering and its growing customer base.”

“We are excited to be Semtech’s connectivity partner of choice for the APAC region, where our features and network offer comprehensive reach and reliability. With IoT deployments accelerating across the region, this collaboration facilitates businesses to keep devices always connected,” said Yogesh Lulla, vice president, mobility services, Console Connect.

AirVantage Smart Connectivity offers resilient coverage, maximizes uptime and provides seamless expansion into new markets with access to over 600 partner networks in over 190 countries and territories via one global SIM. The service seamlessly switches to available networks to enable critical assets to stay connected. With multi-network connectivity, the service delivers maximum coverage and performance with ultimate versatility for customers needing “always-on” connectivity by finding the best data-capable connection for continuous operation.

Leveraging the latest network automation technology, Console Connect IoT enables businesses to orchestrate and manage their connectivity using Console Connect’s fast, secure and private high-performance global network. In 2023, Console Connect launched the world’s first private connectivity solution linking devices with clouds on a global scale. Edge SIM ensures mobile traffic is not exposed to the public internet and provides greater visibility, security and control over global IoT assets.

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UnaBiz, Massive Internet of Things (IoT) service provider and integrator, announces performance evolution on Sigfox 0G technology, reducing device energy consumption by up to 18 times.

The transformative enhancement aims to deliver a significant efficiency boost for Sigfox-based solutions, empowering developers, 0G Operators and major customers alike.

Central to this advancement is the integration of a 600bps data rate across its global 0G network, coupled with the introduction of the N=1 repetition mode. Both innovations collectively enable devices to operate at unprecedented levels of efficiency, reducing energy consumption by up to 18 times compared to the previous standard of 100bps with N=3 repetition mode:

By adopting, on top of the existing 100bps infrastructure, the higher 600 bps data rate, solution makers can achieve 6 times reduction in energy consumption and improved transmission quality when devices are transmitting on the move.
By opting for minimal repetition – sending only 2 frames or even 1 frame, instead of 3, solution makers can enjoy further energy savings of 33% to 66%.

These optimisations not only extend battery life for sensor solutions significantly, enhancing reliability and longevity while opening up new business opportunities, they also introduce versatility in battery management for device and solution designers. Moreover, they enhance the performance for use cases requiring radio transmission efficiency beyond current implementations.

“With this technology update, we offer enhanced flexibility for our partners to optimise their solutions. Device battery requirements can vary greatly depending on needs like Facility Management, Metering, and Asset Tracking. With our latest network and device library updates, solution designers can now easily balance device lifetime and network performance for their specific use cases. Seamless transmission option selection eliminates the need for network resync, unlocking broader possibilities with Sigfox 0G technology,” explained Nicolas Chalbos, Head of Sigfox Innovation at UnaBiz.

Designing solutions with 600bps and/or n=1 repetitions

As with most IoT technologies, improvements in power efficiency bring advantages and considerations:

Transmitting at 600bps enhances communication speed (and reduces related power drain) and optimises even more the spectrum used by Sigfox 0G technology, but reduces the transmission budget by 8dB, impacting the range at which messages are received by Sigfox gateways.
Reducing message repetition from the default 3 to 1 also reduces spectrum use and overall power needed to transit, but may raise the possibility of incomplete data reception in areas with weaker network coverage.

Solutions designers, particularly those implementing 600bps and/or n=1 configurations, are encouraged to verify data transmission reliability in their deployment areas. If additional coverage is required, the global 0G network operators provide assistance and various solutions for coverage extension.

For more information regarding the benefits and considerations for your use cases, visit:

Alexis Susset, CTO of UnaBiz said, “We are continuously evolving Sigfox 0G technology both for enterprises and the broader market in general. The new enhancements aim to improve UnaBiz’s technological ability to address IoT solution needs that rely on the key strength of our Sigfox 0G technology. Enabling 600bps data transmission and releasing our open-source device library, which includes options to control data transmission repetition, not only enhances energy management for devices but also improves reliability in use cases such as logistics, where the devices are transmitting while moving. We look forward to continuing to empower businesses and industries to address their challenges with our frugal, cost-effective, and energy-efficient technology and solutions.”

For more technical information on the availability of 600bps data rates, visit the Sigfox Build Radio Configurations page. If you are also interested in benefiting from fewer transmission repetitions, visit our Sigfox 0G technology Github Page, where you can view and download Sigfox open-source device library.

The post UnaBiz upgrades Sigfox 0G Technology, reducing device energy consumption by up to 18X appeared first on IoT Business News.

Skylo Technologies has certified Sony’s Altair ALT1250 chipset for its satellite network. The certification enables seamless support for both cellular and native satellite connectivity in devices without manual switching. Sony’s Altair ALT1250 chipset, meeting Skylo’s high standards, opens up opportunities for remote tracking, IoT devices, wearables, and global communication solutions. The integration of this chipset with Skylo’s network accelerates the deployment of satellite-connected IoT solutions across industries such as fleet management, logistics, and agriculture.

Skylo Technologies, the pioneer in satellite network connectivity, today announces the certification of Sony Semiconductor Israel’s (Sony) ALT1250 chipset as part of the Skylo Certification Program.

All devices incorporating the chipset will seamlessly support both cellular and native satellite connectivity without requiring the user to manually switch between the two. Connectivity plans and devices are available through a Skylo mobile service provider partner.

Sony’s Altair ALT1250 has passed rigorous testing and evaluation, proving its capability to meet Skylo’s high standards for connectivity, power efficiency, and reliability. Now, devices equipped with the ALT1250 chipset can operate on Skylo’s satellite network, providing endless opportunities for remote tracking and sensing, IoT devices, wearables, and global communication solutions.

“We are excited to have Sony’s Altair ALT1250 achieve certification under Skylo’s program. This certification milestone will simplify module and end-device onboarding to Skylo’s enabled NTN,” said Dima Feldman, VP Product Management and Marketing at Sony Semiconductor Israel. “Our OneSKU technology now includes satellite communication and opens up a myriad of possibilities for innovation providing connectivity in multiple countries around the globe, both in urban and remote areas.”

Skylo’s Certification Program empowers manufacturers and developers by endorsing chipsets and devices that are fully compatible with its satellite-based communication platform. By doing so, Skylo is fostering a vast ecosystem of connected devices that can operate anywhere in the world. The integration of Sony’s Altair ALT1250 chipset with Skylo’s network will accelerate the deployment of satellite-connected IoT solutions globally, enabling data-driven decision-making across a host of industries including fleet management, logistics, agriculture, and beyond.

“This achievement under the Skylo Certification Program is no small feat. Sony’s Altair had to pass rigorous testing to ensure reliability, efficiency, and seamless integration for efficient operations over Skylo’s satellite network,” said Prasanna Iyengar, Sr. Director of Product Management for Skylo.

“It marks a significant milestone in IoT and wearables connectivity, enabling manufacturers to effortlessly incorporate NTN connectivity into their devices without the need for additional hardware modifications. This ensures that NTN is not just a feature but the foundation of ubiquitous connectivity.”

The post Skylo Technologies Certifies Sony’s Altair ALT1250 Chipset for its Satellite Network appeared first on IoT Business News.

IoT Analytics released a research article that highlights 6 out of 17 industry trends included in the Embedded World 2024 Event Report.

This report presents key highlights and in-depth insights assembled by the IoT Analytics analyst team from one of the world’s leading fairs for the embedded community.

Key Insights:

The current state of embedded systems was on full display at Embedded World 2024, with a clear emphasis on edge AI.
As part of the Embedded World 2024 Event Report, IoT Analytics’ team of four on-the-ground analysts identified 17 industry trends related to IoT chipsets and edge computing—this article highlights 6 of these trends related to edge AI.

Key Quotes:

Satyajit Sinha, Principal Analyst at IoT Analytics, remarks:

“The shift towards edge AI will necessitate that CPU vendors develop not only high-performance multi-core CPUs but also integrate specialized NPUs into their SoC designs. The recent increase in demand for NVIDIA GPUs—driven by AI workloads—and the prevailing AI chip shortages have led to upward pressure on prices within the AI chipset market and could continue to do so for the foreseeable future.”

About Embedded World 2024

Embedded World is a leading event for the embedded systems community. This year, it took place from April 9 to April 11 in Nürnberg, Germany, and once again, it showcased the latest developments and innovations in embedded systems, embedded software, chipsets, edge computing, and related topics.

Attendance was up 19% from the previous year and has returned to pre-pandemic participation levels (~32,000 visitors). The number of vendors, too, returned to and even surpassed pre-pandemic levels, with a record 1,100.

IoT Analytics had a team of four analysts on the ground. They visited more than 60 booths and conducted over 35 individual interviews to comprehensively understand the most recent developments in embedded systems, with a special focus on IoT.

Embedded World 2024 emphasized the integration of AI within embedded systems, with a clear focus on edge AI. Corporate research subscribers can refer to the 67-page Embedded World 2024 Event Report for more information about the event, including highlights from keynote speeches, important announcements and launches, and major trends identified by the team. Here, the team shares only six of these trends, each based on observations about the future of edge AI.

Background about edge AI
To answer the question of what edge AI is, it is important to understand edge computing.
What is edge computing?
IoT Analytics defines edge computing as intelligent computational resources located close to the source of data consumption or generation. The edge includes all computational resources at or below the cell tower data center and/or on-premises data center, and there are 3 types of edges—thick, thin, and micro—as shown below.

Three types of edges and commonly associated equipment (source: IoT Analytics)

Thick edge describes computing resources (typically located within a data center) that are equipped with components (e.g., high-end central or graphics processing units) designed to handle compute-intensive tasks/workloads such as data storage and analysis.
Thin edge describes intelligent controllers, networking equipment, and computers that aggregate data from sensors and devices generating the data.
Micro edge describes the intelligent sensors and devices that generate the data.

What is edge AI?
Based on the above, edge AI is the deployment of AI models on a device or piece of equipment at the edge, thus enabling AI inference and decision-making without reliance on continuous cloud connectivity.

6 edge AI trends observed at Embedded World 2024

“Edge AI will reshape our world in a profound way.”

Edge AI was the key theme throughout the conference. Salil Raje, SVP of adaptive and embedded computing at AMD, best captured the energy around this topic during his keynote address, stating, “We stand on the brink of an era where edge AI will reshape our world in a profound way.”

On the stage, Salil Raje and Eiji Shibata, CDO at carmaker Subaru, discussed how AMD and Subaru are collaborating on an edge AI system for autonomous driving based only on cameras—with the vision to achieve zero accidents by 2030.

Below, the team highlights 6 trends it observed on the topic of edge AI.

1. NVIDIA becoming a key edge (AI) computing company

US-based chipmaker NVIDIA has played a crucial role in driving the adoption and implementation of AI technologies across various sectors. NVIDIA’s GPUs, renowned for their high-performance capabilities, specifically in data centers, are also becoming integral to deploying complex AI models at the edge. With a partner network of over 1,100 companies, NVIDIA has established a dominant position in the AI technology market, far ahead of its competitors AMD and Intel.

At Embedded World 2024, one such partner, Taiwan-based embedded systems provider Aetina, introduced its AI-driven industrial edge solutions powered by NVIDIA GPUs, such as its AIB-MX13/23, which is powered by NVIDIA’s Jetson AGX Orin GPU capable of 275 trillion or tera operations per second (TOPS). Using a portable ultrasonic testing device connected to the AIB-MX13/23, Aetina and its partner, Finland-based defect recognition solutions provider TrueFlaw, demonstrated a non-destructive evaluation method for fault detection.

Additionally, Taiwan-based fabless semiconductor company MediaTek showcased four new embedded systems-on-chips (SoCs) for automotive applications—CX-1, CY-1, CM-1, and CV-1—which support NVIDIA’s DRIVE OS 3 autonomous vehicle reference operating system. This application demonstrates how NVIDIA’s technologies are expanding into new domains beyond the gaming and data center GPUs they are generally known for.

2. Simplifying on-device AI inferencing processes for developers

The integration of on-device AI comes with various challenges. One key challenge that developers often face is the dilemma of investing in new devices before they can evaluate the performance of the AI chipset and its compatibility with an AI model. Evaluation factors for developers can include device TOPS, CPU/NPU percent utilization, and temperature. To solve this and other related problems, companies are launching new AI developer platforms that can simulate on-device AI performance, allowing developers to test AI model deployment using specific edge device/chipset resource specifications without purchasing the physical hardware.

One solution on display at Embedded World 2024 was Taiwan-based IoT and embedded solutions provider Advantech‘s EdgeAI SDK platform. This platform supports deploying AI models over widely recognized AI chipsets like Intel, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, and Hailo. Advantech showcased a pose detection model running on an AIMB-278 industrial motherboard integrated with Intel’s ARC A380E embedded systems GPU. Advantech’s EdgeAI SDK facilitated the model’s deployment.

3. AI model training shifting to the thick edge

AI model training is shifting from centralized cloud setups to thick-edge locations like servers or micro data centers. This is possible due to the integration of high-performance CPUs and GPUs that enable powerful computing at the edge, AI training, and multiple AI inferencing capabilities. Further, AI training can also happen on vendor premises, reducing reliance on cloud infrastructure, lowering costs, enhancing privacy, and improving the responsiveness of AI applications on edge devices.

Just before Embedded World 2024, US-based computer builder MAINGEAR and Taiwan-based memory controller manufacturer Phison announced the launch of MAINGEAR PRO AI workstations integrated with 4x NVIDIA’s RTX 5000 Ada or 4x RTX 6000 Ada GPUs with more than 1000 TFLOPS computing power.

At the event, Aetina launched its AIP-FR68 Edge AI Training platform, supporting various 4x NVIDIA GPUs with up to 200 teraflops—the number of float-point operations a chip can perform—of computing power, a lot for a single GPU.

4. Accelerating micro- and thin-edge AI through NPU integration

Integrating dedicated NPUs within edge devices greatly enhances AI inference capabilities. Additionally, it results in power savings, improved thermal management, and efficient multitasking, enabling the deployment of AI in power-sensitive and latency-critical applications, such as wearables and sensor nodes.

At the fair, the Netherlands-based semiconductor manufacturer NXP showcased its new MCX N Series MCUs, which provide 42 times faster ML inference than CPU cores alone. Additionally, UK-based semiconductor design company ARM demonstrated an ARM Cortex A55-only setup and an ARM Cortex A55 + ARM Ethos U65 NPU setup for AI inferencing. The latter setup offloaded 70% of AI inferencing from the CPU to the NPU, with an 11x improvement in inference performance.

5. Localizing autonomous decision-making via cellular-connected micro- and thin-edge AI

Integrating AI-enabled chipsets directly into cellular IoT devices is on the rise, marking a transformation toward intelligent, autonomous IoT systems capable of localized decision-making. This trend will likely substantially impact industries like smart cities and factories, and it brings significant advantages, including real-time data processing, reduced latency, and greater efficiency due to smaller form factors.

An example is the intelligent mowing robot solution displayed by China-based wireless communications module vendor Fibocom. It utilizes a Qualcomm-based intelligent module for powerful on-device computation, allowing it to not only map its environment and avoid obstacles but also perform cost-effective boundary recognition, all without constant reliance on the cloud. This practical application demonstrates the tangible value of AI-enabled chipsets in IoT devices.

Further, the US-based IoT solutions joint venture Thundercomm showcased its EB3G2 IoT edge gateway, which leverages a Qualcomm SoC for on-device AI model execution. This SoC enables immediate data analysis, reducing latency and cloud dependence. The gateway’s algorithms are capable of human detection and tracking, making it valuable for security and traffic management.

6. Tiny AI/ML bringing micro-edge AI capability to traditional devices

As the name suggests, tiny AI/ML are small-sized AI and ML models capable of running on resource-constrained devices, such as sensor-based micro-edge devices. The analyst team noted several cases of tiny ML being integrated into everyday objects and tools, enabling them to perform decision-making functions autonomously without the need for cloud connectivity. This approach bolsters privacy and data security by processing information directly on the device—at the very edge.

UK-based voice intelligence platform developer MY VOICE AI showcased NANOVOICE TM, a speaker verification solution powered by tiny ML and designed for ultra-low-power edge AI platforms. The solution combines passcode verification with speaker recognition for enhanced security.

Likewise, US-based AI/ML software company SensiML demonstrated a proof-of-concept for a smart drill that uses AI/ML models to classify different screw fastening states. The model is capable of both real-time edge sensing and anomaly detection. Further, Norway-based fabless semiconductor company Nordic Semiconductor showcased its Thingy53 IoT prototyping device embedded with Nordic’s nRF5340 chipset, which enables anomaly detection via embedded ML. When paired with an accelerometer, the Thingy:53 senses equipment vibrations using an embedded tiny ML model. As an example, this system could cut off power to a device or machine when it detects anomalies.

The future of the embedded world: what these edge AI trends mean for IoT embedded systems

Embedded World 2024 emphasized the growing role of edge AI within IoT systems. The developments the team witnessed focused on easier AI inferencing and a spectrum of edge AI solutions (micro, thin, and thick), pointing to greater intelligence at network edges.

Edge AI is shifting intelligent computation away from cloud-centric models and moving it closer to data sources. Driving this shift are reduced network traffic, near-instantaneous decision-making for time-critical applications (e.g., manufacturing, autonomous systems), and enhanced privacy by processing data locally. Ultimately, edge AI reduces reliance on hyperscalers and promotes broader AI usage outside centralized infrastructure. It holds transformative potential across healthcare, automotive, and robotics, with the capability to reshape operational paradigms within these industries.

Looking ahead, edge AI will have varying impacts across edge levels:

Thick edge AI: Facilitate the execution of multiple AI inference models on edge servers or at the network periphery and support AI model training or retraining for scenarios involving sensitive data on premises
Thin edge AI: Enhance the intelligence of existing sensors and devices by utilizing gateways, IPCs, and PLCs for AI processing at the network edge
Micro edge: Enable direct AI integration into sensors, improve the scalability of intelligent systems, and empower everyday connected devices to make autonomous decisions

Source: IoT Analytics

The post The top 6 edge AI trends – as showcased at Embedded World 2024 appeared first on IoT Business News.

Chirp delivers powerful telecommunications connectivity for decentralized physical infrastructure networks on peaq

peaq, the layer-1 blockchain for DePIN and machine RWAs, announces the expansion of its ecosystem as telecommunications provider Chirp Network joins to provide decentralized connectivity for smart devices.

Chirp is building a unified, multi-protocol decentralized connectivity network that will enable the exchange of data over any supported protocol and from any distance. The network includes Chirp’s “Blackbird” gateway devices, already spread across 33 countries. These gateways provide connectivity for other IoT hardware across a variety of channels, including LoRaWAN, LoRa 2.4 gHz, BLE, and more.

Powered by Chirp’s LTE networks, Blackbirds can connect devices anywhere in the world, enabling entire networks and fleets to exchange data on a borderless backbone seamlessly. Chirp is joining peaq to grant DePINs a reliable and versatile way to connect smart devices to global networks over any major Internet of Things (IoT) protocol.

XMAQUINA, the project behind the world’s first fully autonomous tokenized robot cafe, will be the first DePIN in the peaq ecosystem to tap Chirp Network as its connectivity layer. XMAQUINA’s tokenized robotic barista, recently unveiled at the TOKEN2049 conference in Dubai, uses Chirp to link with peaq, exchanging data with the blockchain via Chirp’s IoT connectivity layer, which enables it to operate autonomously.

Chirp will also be providing connectivity for ELOOP, a project enabling tokenized investment in DePINs, via the peaq network, as well as Silencio — a DePIN on peaq rewarding people with crypto for collecting local noise pollution data.

Chirp’s integration with peaq creates a backbone for devices on peaq, enabling DePIN builders to tap the Chirp Network as their connectivity layer. By doing so, they can launch their dApps faster without having to worry about roaming contracts to ensure global connectivity.

As part of the integration, Chirp will create an endpoint layer for devices on peaq — a service that will enable them to communicate with the peaq blockchain — and set up an API to give builders more flexibility. It will also launch a data handling service for DePIN devices using SIM cards, such as smartphones and tablets.

Chirp will also build a peaq integration adapter – a handy tool for builders looking to customize their integration with peaq and leverage the blockchain as the data storage layer for their own DePINs.

Tim Kravchunovsky, founder of Chirp Network, says: “Reaching true decentralization is no trivial matter. Our integration with peaq will bring the DePINs building in its ecosystem one major step closer to it — ultimately resulting in a world whose infrastructure backbone is run by its users, not Big Tech. This integration boosts peaq’s position as the leading layer-1 for DePIN projects.”

“Decentralized connectivity and networking is an important function for any DePIN,” adds Till Wendler, co-founder of peaq.

“peaq’s integration with Chirp unlocks this crucial feature for all DePINs in the ecosystem, enabling devices all over the world to communicate via a people-owned network. Chirp’s agnostic approach to wireless protocols will assist DePIN builders in bringing the largest-ever number of IoT devices on-chain.”

The post Chirp Network joins peaq to provide universal connectivity for DePINs appeared first on IoT Business News.

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