


What tech skills companies recruited for in Q1 2024? AI, Gen AI, and 5G

IoT Analytics today released the results of their latest report titled: “State of Tech Employment”.

The report analyzes over one million U.S. job postings to determine which tech expertise and skills are in demand and assess the hiring intensity of 450+ companies across various sectors. The findings from Q1 2024 show that 1. AI-related job postings are on the rise, 2. 5G- and WiFi-related job postings are up, while most other connectivity technologies decline, and 3. Cloud-related job postings have notably fallen.

Key insights

Tech job openings decreased 2% in Q1 2024 in the US and are now down 47% since their peak in April 2022, according to the inaugural State of Tech Employment Spring 2024 report.
AI-related job postings increased in Q1 2024, driven by strong demand for generative AI expertise. The number of 5G-related job postings also increased, while demand for cloud-related expertise declined QoQ.
Hiring density in the industrial automation industry currently tops other industries, with the telecommunications industry at the tail end.

Key quotes

Knud Lasse Lueth, CEO at IoT Analytics, remarks: “Our new State of Tech Employment Spring 2024 report highlights a pivotal shift towards AI and expertise in the tech industry. Despite a 47% downturn in overall US tech job openings since April 2022, we’re witnessing a surge in demand for generative AI skills. February also marked the first month of increase in total job openings after seven quarters of decline. AI hiring is widespread, but AI providers such as OpenAI, Nvidia, and Anthropic are clearly leading the pack—each firm is currently at the forefront of the hiring intensity ranking.”

Philipp Wegner, Principal Analyst at IoT Analytics, adds:

“The jump of AI-related job postings in Q1 2024 indicates that companies have realized that the talk of AI needs people that actually work on AI projects.”

The big picture: US tech role openings are down overall, but AI roles are up

The number of tech job postings decreased by 2% in Q1 2024 compared to Q4 2023, according to IoT Analytics’ inaugural 85-page State of Tech Employment Spring 2024 report. With that, Q1 marks the 7th consecutive quarter of overall declines in tech job openings in the US. Total job openings are now down 47% since their post-COVID peak in April 2022. For comparison, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a 27% drop in overall monthly job openings over the same period, showing that the tech industry has certainly taken a hit in the recent economic slowdown.

However, on the bright side, February 2024 saw the first month-to-month growth in tech job openings since the start of the slump, at 3% compared to January 2024. Helping to steer this upward trendline was a significant climb in AI and AI-related fields, which will be discussed further below.

The State of Tech Employment report analyzes over one million U.S. job postings to determine which tech expertise and skills are in demand and assess the hiring intensity of 450+ companies across various sectors. Below are three key findings from the report that reflect the state of tech employment going into Q2 2024.

Key finding 1: AI-related job postings are on the rise

As a whole, job postings seeking expertise in AI and AI-related fields are up 4% QoQ, with AI itself climbing 8% QoQ. Most impressively, job postings seeking Generative AI (GenAI) expertise were up 38% QoQ in Q1 2024, and this steep climb helped propel the 3% bump in tech job openings in February 2023.

For recent historical context, AI-related job postings have followed a similar path as other tech job postings, peaking around April 2022 and declining significantly since then. However, in January 2023—shortly after the public release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT—the rate of decline in AI-related job openings began to steady while other fields continued declining. By July 2023, the number of AI-related job postings began to rise, increasing 18% through February 2023.

This upward trend in AI-related job postings correlates with corporate executives’ rising interest in AI. Compared to Q4 2022, the number of quarterly earnings calls mentioning AI in Q1 2024 has risen 19 percentage points, from 13% of calls to 32% of calls.

Executives are concerned about a labor shortage and skill gap in this area, thus creating the need to upskill existing or future workforces. Companies appear worried about losing existing AI talent, exemplified by Google’s co-founder Sergey Brin personally calling an employee to convince them not to move to OpenAI. Other executives (e.g., from Cognizant and Accenture) highlight the need to develop the skills in-house.

Key executive quotes on upskilling for AI

“In 2023, 90% of our global workforce spent time in learning with 270,000 of our employees acquiring at least one new skill proficiency. And 88,000 completing AI and generative AI courses.” – Ravi Kumar, CEO, Cognizant, February 06, 2024
“Invest more in the people than in the technology. […] There is no AI-ready workforce you can hire a year from now, or two years from now, or three years from now. You need to bring your workforce with you and develop them.” – Paul Daugherty, CTO, Accenture, 12 December 2023

A closer look at AI-related job postings shows that Python skills are very important for AI roles—52% of all AI-related job postings mention it, much more than other programming languages such as C++ (12%) or R (8%). Expertise related to TensorFlow (14%) and Pytorch (11%), both machine learning libraries, also play an important role. There is also a significant demand for cloud-related skills in AI job postings, with Azure (15%) topping AWS (10%) in terms of the skills mentioned.

The increasing demand for AI-related skills and expertise naturally influences the salary for skilled workers with desired skills. The platform indicates that the median salary of skilled employees in AI jobs is now $172,000 per year, 17% higher than that of a software engineer with a similar level of experience.

Key finding 2: 5G- and WiFi-related job postings are up, while most other connectivity technologies decline

Job postings seeking 5G expertise rose 13% QoQ in Q1 2024, the highest climb of connectivity-related job postings. This aligns with what IoT Analytics observed at the Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Spain, where advancements in 5G technology to enhance quality and performance and enable private 5G connectivity were on full display.

WiFi-related job postings also rose in Q1 2024, though these only grew 2% QoQ. Meanwhile, in Q1 2024, job postings seeking 4G, cellular, Bluetooth, and LoRa expertise declined 3%, 6%, 9%, and 15% QoQ, respectively.

Key finding 3: Cloud-related job postings have notably fallen

According to the State of Tech Employment report, cloud-related job openings were down 3% QoQ in Q1 2024. Though this tech field has the highest number of job postings in absolute terms, the declining number of job postings is part of a continued downward trend since the peak of cloud-related job postings in April 2022. As discussed in the recent State of IoT Spring 2024, cloud revenue growth has reduced significantly in 2023 as cost optimization took center stage in many companies. That also impacted the cloud-related job postings. The job postings largely include companies that build products or services in the cloud and seek expertise in utilizing certain hyperscalers. Job postings that mentioned AWS dropped by 2% QoQ, Azure (-2% QoQ), and Google Cloud (-4% QoQ).

Other notable findings from the State of Tech Employment report

The State of Tech Employment covers more than just the changes in expertise and skills related to tech-related job postings. It also delves into the hiring intensity—the number of openings publicly displayed per 100 current employees—and layoff data of specific companies or industries.

Hiring intensity

Out of 7 tracked industries in the report (including the catchall “Other”), the industrial automation industry had the highest median hiring density in Q1 2024 at 3.1 open positions per 100 current employees. By comparison, the median hiring density across all industries tracked was 2.4.

Four industrial automation companies stood out in terms of hiring density:

Johnson Controls International plc had a hiring intensity of 6.2
Siemens had a hiring intensity of 4.8
Schneider Electric had a hiring intensity of 4.4
ABB Ltd. had a hiring intensity of 4.3

Companies in the telecommunications industry had the lowest median hiring intensity, with only 1 open position per 100 employees in Q1 2024. Some examples include:

AT&T had a hiring intensity of 1.05.
Verizon had a hiring intensity of 0.83.
Orange had a hiring intensity of 0.26.


Some tech companies continue to lay off staff, although at a much smaller scale than a year ago. In Q4 2023, approximately 24,000 tech-related layoffs were registered, compared to 167,000 in Q1 2023—a stark decline. The areas with the highest cuts were:

HR – Our tracker shows that US-based cloud computing and virtualization technology company VMware cut 44% of its HR personnel in 2023.
Marketing – Our tracker shows that US-based software company Informatica, for example, cut 16% of its marketing team in 2023.
Support – US-based technology giant Microsoft, for example, cut its support staff by 18% in 2023, according to our data.

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According to statistics, 9.2% of revenue is lost due to contract mismanagement and it’s even worse for big companies, who lose 15% due to this frequent problem.

Modern businesses recognize that effective contract management is crucial to streamlining operations and adhering to compliance measures, so contract management platforms have emerged as essential tools that help companies efficiently handle this aspect of doing business. They offer organizations greater control and visibility into their contractual agreements by centralizing creation, storage tracking, and analysis within one single solution.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at how contract management platforms help businesses streamline their operations.

Enhanced Contract Creation and Collaboration

Contract management platforms play a central role in aiding contract creation through templates, standard processes, and innovative features such as drag-and-drop editors and pre-approved clauses, making drafting easier than ever for teams across businesses.

By taking advantage of such tools businesses can improve contract creation processes while decreasing errors and complying with company policies and regulatory requirements as well as speed up contract lifecycle management considerably.

Centralized Contract Storage and Accessibility

One of the primary advantages of a high-quality contract management platform lies in its exceptional capacity to centralize contract storage. Acting as secure repositories where contracts can be stored securely yet remain accessible only by those authorized according to their roles and permissions, these platforms offer significant time and resource savings by eliminating cumbersome manual filing systems as well as scattered document repositories altogether, leading to reduced time wasted searching for lost documents as well as less chance for lost or misplaced contracts.

Contract management platforms also boast advanced search functionalities to optimize accessibility and efficiency, providing users with quick access to specific contracts based on criteria like contract type, key terms, parties involved, or status. With such simple access to contract data, users can retrieve relevant contracts more efficiently while increasing productivity by eliminating the time-consuming manual searching of extensive document archives.

Automated Contract Tracking and Renewals

Contract management platforms play a pivotal role in automating contract tracking for milestones, key dates, and deadlines. Their sophisticated algorithms track contract timelines with alerts sent directly to users about approaching due dates via automated alerts or notifications to prevent missed deadlines which could otherwise lead to disruptions and financial losses for businesses. Taking swift action ensures timely action preventing contract lapses that might otherwise cause disruptions or financial losses for them.

Platforms like these often come equipped with robust features that enable businesses to take a proactive stance towards contract renewals by providing tools that make the negotiation of terms easier, optimize vendor relations, and ensure continuity in services or partnerships. Leveraging such functionality enables organizations to streamline renewal processes while mitigating risks and increasing value from contractual agreements.

Compliance Management and Risk Mitigation

Contract management must ensure compliance with contractual obligations and regulatory requirements to achieve optimal performance. Contract management platforms assist businesses in maintaining compliance by tracking regulatory changes, measuring contract performance against SLAs, and managing risk factors. These platforms feature compliance dashboards and reporting functionalities to provide insights into contract status, performance metrics, and potential risks.

By making use of such tools, organizations can make more informed decisions, pinpoint compliance gaps more quickly, and mitigate threats more proactively. Contract management platforms enable real-time tracking of regulatory updates to ensure contracts stay current with changing legal frameworks and comply with evolving compliance risks. Contract management platforms play an essential role in mitigating compliance risks while increasing performance optimization and operational efficiencies for businesses.

Data Analytics and Insights

Modern contract management platforms leverage advanced data analytics and reporting tools, providing actionable insight into contract performance, trends, and opportunities. Going beyond basic functionalities by producing highly customizable reports and dashboards, allowing stakeholders to dive deep into contract metrics, identify bottlenecks in processes, track financial impacts of agreements, and optimize contract terms/negotiations terms accordingly.

By taking advantage of data-driven insights, businesses can significantly enhance decision-making processes. They can make more informed choices based on real-time information, enhance contract management strategies, and drive operational excellence. Utilizing such platforms allows organizations to stay agile and responsive to market changes quickly while simultaneously capitalizing on emerging trends or new opportunities swiftly and effectively.

Bottom Line

Contract management platforms play a vital role in streamlining operations for businesses by enhancing contract creation and collaboration, centralizing contract storage and accessibility, automating contract tracking and renewals, ensuring compliance and risk mitigation, and providing valuable data analytics and insights. Adopting a robust contract management platform can transform contract management processes, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and drive overall business success in today’s competitive landscape.

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Berg Insight today released the latest edition of its comprehensive smart city technology report comprising in-depth studies of five key technology areas – smart street lighting, smart parking, smart waste collection, urban air quality monitoring and smart city surveillance.

In 2023, the global installed base of individually controlled smart street lights amounted to 23.4 million units (excluding China). The corresponding figures for the smart parking and smart waste sensor technology markets were at the same time 1.30 million and 1.25 million units respectively.

Smart parking sensors refers to in-ground or surface-mounted parking occupancy detection sensors while smart waste sensor technology consists of fill-level sensor devices that may either be pre-integrated into bins and containers, for example as a smart bin offering, or retrofitted on existing collection points. The smart street lighting market has now gained significant traction and its installed base will grow at a robust CAGR of 21.9 percent to reach 63.0 million units in 2028. The number of installed smart parking sensors is expected to see a slightly slower growth of 19.8 percent (CAGR) while the smart waste sensor technology market will be the fastest growing of the three with a CAGR of 22.8 percent.

A more nascent smart city technology area is the field of non-regulatory urban air quality monitoring, which comprises increasingly small and low-cost air quality monitoring devices that can serve as valuable complements to traditional regulatory monitoring stations. In 2023, the number of such non-regulatory air quality monitoring devices installed in outdoor urban environments amounted to 154,000 units globally and will reach 498,000 units in 2028. The largest of the five covered smart city application areas was meanwhile the smart city surveillance market, which reached a global market value of € 12.5 billion in 2023. The market, which includes both fixed and mobile video and audio surveillance solutions, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.8 percent throughout the forecast period.

Outside China, Europe has emerged as the leading smart city technology adopter while North America constitutes the second largest market. The Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions meanwhile constitute the fastest growing markets for smart city technology, fuelled by ambitious top-down initiatives and rapid urbanisation.

“These regions offer fertile ground for innovation and investment, presenting significant opportunities for stakeholders to capitalize on the demand for sustainable urban solutions and digital transformation”, said Felix Linderum, IoT analyst, Berg Insight.

There are great opportunities for growth within all the separate smart city application areas, however, from a horizontal perspective, one of the biggest challenges is interoperability between the different layers and technologies.

“Truly smart cities are starting to emerge but their continued development will largely depend on the ability of local governments to navigate the complexities involved”, continued William Ankréus, IoT analyst, Berg Insight. Overall, the demand for remotely managed infrastructure grows day-by-day.

Mr. Ankréus and Mr. Linderum concluded:

“The massive influx of people into cities around the world and the increased interest in social, environmental and economic sustainability will continue to act as driving forces for smart cities and their enabling technologies.”

Download report brochure: Smart Cities: Connected Public Spaces

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Always On remote management raises the bar for commercial performance, energy efficiency, and customer experience.

Soracom, Inc., today announced that Sollatek, a world leader in Telemetry and IOT solutions for the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market, has chosen Soracom IoT connectivity to deliver remote monitoring and management capability for its widely-deployed commercial refrigeration and coffee solutions.

Sollatek offers a broad range of products, from refrigeration control to off-grid solar, with an emphasis on power stability, asset tracking, remote monitoring, energy optimization, and operational insight. Sollatek’s flagship suite of commercial refrigeration solutions are designed to monitor and control temperature, energy usage, and geolocation of everything from beverage coolers and refrigerators to display cabinets and ice cream freezers. Sollatek’s Always On solution also offers real-time asset location tracking along with the ability to mark cooler sales based on door openings, monitor cooler misuse, and remotely control cooling system functionality.

By combining this leading-edge connected hardware with an advanced online portal, Sollatek has emerged as a widely acknowledged global leader in Point of Sale (PoS) solutions in the $20 billion FMCG market. Many of the world’s largest beverage producers have already discovered the power of Sollatek’s Always On solution, with more than a million coolers and freezers deployed with Sollatek technology worldwide.

Sollatek selected Soracom for this project based on a demonstrated ability to provide reliable connectivity on a global scale. The Soracom IoT SIM offers multi-carrier cellular connectivity in more than 180 countries and regions, and spans over 380 mobile operator networks, with the ability to switch between networks automatically when signal is weak. Soracom’s included connectivity management platform (CMP) and unified billing system give Sollatek complete control of their IoT network at scale.

“Some of the world’s best-known brands rely on Sollatek to deliver consistently exceptional experiences for their customers,” said Takashi Serizawa, Head of Europe Region for Soracom.

“Soracom’s cloud-native IoT connectivity gives global innovators like Sollatek the quality of service they expect in order to succeed at scale.”

“Our devices offer fleet managers a wealth of data that can be used for real-time data-driven decisions that will maximize their output and keep their systems running efficiently,” said Dimitris Flokos, Head of IoT Solutions for Sollatek. “Providing that service at a global scale is how we stay ahead of the competition.”

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Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, is delighted to announce the commercial availability of the RG255C-GL 5G RedCap Sub-6 GHz LGA module, delivering comprehensive 5G and 4G coverage across the globe.

Based on Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.’s Snapdragon® X35 baseband chipset, the RG255C-GL offers exceptional wireless performance, empowering seamless low-latency 5G communication and advanced features including 5G LAN, URLLC, and network slicing.

The RG255C-GL, conforming to 3GPP Release 17 standards, features a compact LGA form factor measuring 32.0mm x 29.0mm x 2.4mm. With impressive data rates of 223 Mbps downlink and 123 Mbps uplink, it is tailored for applications such as CPEs, MiFi, Router, Gateway, or Industrial PDA. Additionally, this module supports LTE Cat 4 and 5G Sub-6 SA mode, ensuring compatibility with Rel-15 and Rel-16 networks for seamless integration and versatile deployment.

Furthermore, the module is compatible with Quectel 4G module EG2x series modules with smaller sizes, which can meet customers’ different application demands for medium speed, large capacity, low latency, and high reliability, making it ideal for customers to design in to current device applications.

“Having the RG255C-GL 5G RedCap module commercially available offers our customers access to the benefits of 5G without the accompanying expense and power consumption,” commented Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions.

“This technology paves the way for diverse IoT applications requiring worldwide 4G and 5G coverage with ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC) and network slicing.”

RG255C-GL is designed for the global market and covers nearly all the mainstream carriers worldwide. The module features Qualcomm® IZat location technology, offering GPS, GLONASS, BDS, and Galileo positioning functionalities. With its integrated GNSS receiver, customers can streamline their product design while enjoying enhanced positioning capabilities with greater speed and accuracy.

A wide range of interfaces including USB 2.0, PCle 2.0, PCM, UART, SGMII and SPI alongside a large number of drivers means that this module is ideal for a wide range of RedCap applications.

Quectel prioritizes security throughout the development of its IoT modules. Starting from product architecture to firmware/software development, Quectel integrates top industry practices and standards to address potential vulnerabilities. They collaborate with third-party independent test houses to mitigate risks and implement security measures such as generating SBOMs and VEX files, as well as conducting firmware binary analysis throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

The RG255C-GL RedCap module will be available alongside a series of antennas, providing developers with the ability to purchase module and antennas at the same time, reducing cost and time to market.

Attendees to Embedded World will be able to find out more about the RG255C-GL 5G RedCap module on the Quectel stand at booth number 3-318.

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Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, today announces the launch of the Quectel BG95-S5 3GPP non-terrestrial network (NTN) satellite communication module.

The module supports 3GPP Release 17 IoT-NTN in the S and L band frequencies for satellite communications. In addition, the multi-mode BG95-S5 supports LTE Cat M1, Cat NB2, eGPRS and integrated GNSS.

With a cost-effective SMT form factor measuring 23.6 mm × 19.9 mm × 2.2 mm, the BG95-S5 is ideal for space constrained use cases that need to be able to access multiple types of network technology. With NTN satellite communication growing in popularity as constellations are built, having the capability to connect via NTN, cellular and GNSS offers significant flexibility for designers. It ensures devices will be able to find connections regardless of their deployment location or whether NTNs are available at the moment of communication.

Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions says:

“This versatile module enables use cases that rely on ubiquitous connectivity to utilize NTNs or LTE Cat M1, Cat NB2, eGPRS or GNSS depending on availability in the deployment location.”

“The small size and low power consumption offer designers maximized options and we expect to see the BG95-S5 deployed in devices from wireless point of sale equipment to asset management, heavy industry, and wearable devices.”

A further benefit is the module’s low power consumption and extended temperature range of -40 °C to +85 °C. For developers and designers, Quectel supports accelerated time-to-market with reference designs, evaluation tools and technical support all available to assist development efforts. Certification procedures are underway for Skylo’s NTN, North American cellular carriers and regulatory certification in Europe, North America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The module shares identical pin assignments with other variants in the BG95 series, facilitating seamless migration for device manufacturers to NTN networks. A comprehensive array of Internet protocols, industry-standard interfaces, and diverse functionalities greatly enhance the module’s versatility, enabling its integration into various M2M applications.

Quectel’s IoT modules are developed with security at the core. From product architecture to firmware/software development, Quectel incorporates leading industry practices and standards, mitigating potential vulnerabilities with third party independent test houses and have incorporated security practices like generating SBOMs and VEX files as well as performing firmware binary analysis into the entire software development lifecycle.

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Fibocom, a global leading provider of IoT (Internet of Things) wireless solutions and wireless communication modules, is proud of winning the Embedded Computing Design’s Best in Show award during Embedded World 2024 with groundbreaking empowerment and excellent performance of its 5G premium smart module SC171 in the 5G mining industry.

Based on the Qualcomm QCM6490 chipset, the module delivers up to 12 TOPS computing capabilities and supports mainstream 5G frequency bands for high-speed, reliable connectivity. Notably, the module now has been deployed in the 5G mining scenario to ensure an intelligent and robust wireless connection.

Designed for high-end AIoT applications, Fibocom SC171 was selected by Sany (customer) to develop their 5G AR helmet for digital transformation in the mining industry. Embedded with SC171, the 5G AR helmet is capable of collecting HD video in the operational site underground in the form of 3D dimensional to the remote management center in real-time, this revolution can enhance remote collaboration efficiency, and help experts prevent equipment failures and provide professional support even in thousands of miles away. Moreover, by setting up the 5G AR helmet for each worker, it can build a two-way channel for remote experts to assist in the mining operation and troubleshooting.

Fibocom SC171 is an industry-piloting 5G smart module powered by the Qualcomm QCM6490 with a powerful CPU and a GPU to support rich AI algorithm integration, and up to 12 TOPS computing capabilities. Leveraging the 5G speed of up to 4×4 MIMO on the downlink and Wi-Fi 6E wireless experience, the module is capable of processing smooth 4K@60fps video encoding and decoding, supporting up to 5channels multi-camera working simultaneously. The module is positioned to provide premium wireless solutions to high-end AIoT terminal devices in the global market, additionally, it is compatible with the three mainstream operating systems: Android, Linux, and Windows.

“These are the best-in-class embedded systems and products on the market right now,” said Rich Nass, EVP of Open Systems Media. “We are delighted to honor Fibocom for the exemplary work and technical innovation they’ve displayed this year.”

“The Embedded Computing Design’s Best in Show is a professional platform to recognize the latest accomplishments in embedded, IoT, and electronics engineering in the global market, and Fibocom is proud of its win out of an incredible number of entries this year,” said Ralph Zhao, VP of MC BU at Fibocom.

“The industry recognition of Fibocom’s enablement for the intelligent transformation of traditional industry has proved the value of a series of products and industry solutions that Fibocom offers, and we have the confidence to fuel intelligence to more applications shortly.”

For more information, welcome to stop by Fibocom’s booth 3-222 in hall 3 during Embedded World 2024!

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Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, is pleased to announce the launch of the HCM511S high-performance MCU Bluetooth module for compact connected devices such as digital keys, portable devices and battery-operated motion sensors.

Utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy 5.4, the module accommodates an ARM Cortex-M33 processor and features built-in 32KB RAM and either 352KB or 512KB flash memory to deliver efficient performance.

The HCM511S module features excellent receiver sensitivity, a maximum transmit power of +6 dBm to achieve long distance transmission and has been designed to enable compact, low-power devices to connect cost effectively. Measuring just 16.6mm x 11.2mm x 2.1mm, the HCM511S is in the ultra-compact LCC form factor in order to optimize size and cost for end-products. Ideal applications for the HCM511S include sports & fitness devices, PC peripherals and accessories, healthcare applications including blood pressure and glucose metering, indoor navigation, digital key, connected lighting control and smart home and smart building applications.

“We’re delighted to bring the compact, high-performance HCM511S Bluetooth Low Energy MCU module to the market,” says Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions.

“Everything from digital keys to barbecue thermometers, heart rate monitors and smart locks can be supported by the HCM511S. For battery-powered devices such as Bluetooth remote controls or electronic shelf labels, the high-power efficiency of the module will be an added benefit.”

Critically, the HCM511S module offers the option of support for Bluetooth mesh network low-power nodes. This enables increased network scalability and node counts over mesh topology, enabling greater device density to be enabled. The module offers up to 18 GPIOs which can be multiplexed for various interfaces including ADC, USART, I2C, I2S, SPI and PWM to maximize developer design options.

Connecting via a PCB Bluetooth antenna, the high-performance product operates in industrial grade operating temperature ranges of -40 °C to +85 °C and weighs just 0.57g. The HCM511S is certified for use in Europe, America, Canada, China, Australia and New Zealand and is also a certified Bluetooth product by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group.

The module also supports Secure Vault®, an enhanced secure engine for a higher level of IoT security. Quectel’s IoT modules are developed with security at the core. From product architecture to firmware/software development, Quectel incorporates leading industry practices and standards, mitigating potential vulnerabilities with third party independent test houses and have incorporated security practices like generating SBOMs and VEX files as well as performing firmware binary analysis into the entire software development lifecycle.

Engineering samples of the module are currently available, and interested customers can learn more about it at the Embedded World show in Nuremberg, taking place from April 9th to April 14th. Visit Quectel’s booth at stand 3-318 for further information.

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Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, is pleased to be showcasing some its industry leading IoT connectivity solutions and technologies, catering to various industries and applications at Embedded World 2024 in Nürnberg.

During the event, visitors can explore Quectel’s extensive portfolio of IoT modules and solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of the IoT ecosystem. From 5G and LTE-M/NB-IoT modules to GNSS positioning modules, Quectel offers a comprehensive range of products that empower businesses to build reliable, scalable, and future-proof IoT solutions.

In addition, Zeljko Maric, Product Development Manager at Quectel, will be participating in a panel session centered on IoT Modem Reference Design or IoT SoC Modules Modem for Embedded Designers. The session is scheduled to take place in the exhibitor forum, Hall 3, on Wednesday, April 10th, at 3:30 PM.

“We are excited to participate in Embedded World 2024 and showcase our latest innovations in IoT connectivity,” said Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions. “As a leading provider of IoT modules, Quectel is dedicated to empowering businesses worldwide with reliable, secure and innovative connectivity solutions. We look forward to engaging with industry peers, customers, and partners at the event.”

Quectel is also highlighting some of its customers’ innovations during the show:

Broadcast Sports International: 5G MT-UHD, an advanced 5G-enabled broadcasting tool that opens new horizons for live sports and events coverage.
Consenz Head-up Display – equipped with the Quectel SC680A module, this cost-effective retrofit Head-Up Display (HUD) solution from Consenz enhances driving safety.
Speed Tech Corporation / Luxshare-ict Precision 5G MiFi unit alongside their 5G Indoor CPE and 5G Outdoor CPE units.
Microamp Solutions’ CellBox Air 5G mmWave Radio Unit is a system that connects to the Distributed Unit (DU) through the O-RAN 7.2x interface and features an integrated Massive MIMO antenna array.
MikroTik’s Chateau 5G Router is a device that epitomizes the fusion of sophisticated design and powerful 5G connectivity, designed to cater to the growing demand for faster and more reliable home and office internet solutions.
Monitair MonAir-CO2, a unique environmental sensor is equipped with the advanced Quectel EG915U LTE Cat1bis module and YC0002AA antenna, making it a one-of-a-kind 4G battery-operated device capable of meticulously tracking CO2, temperature, humidity, COV, NOX, and noise levels.
Particle‘s M-SoM M404 M.2 system-on-module embeds multi-radio connectivity in IoT devices features LTE-M + 2G fallback + dual-band Wi-Fi and includes a high-end modern microcontroller with Arm TrustZone, secure boot, and capable of running Edge ML models, combined with a best-in-class Quectel connectivity module.
PayEye eyePOS 3 – The world’s only terminal to support iris and facial biometrics fusion and all types of cashless payments – card, contactless (NFC) and mobile, featuring the QUECTEL SC668S-EM.
Sixfab will be showcasing a number of devices on the Quectel stand including the Jumpstart 5G, a fully certified, all-inclusive, ready-to-connect IoT computer for high-speed applications, a 4G/LTE Cellular Modem Kit for Raspberry Pi, a versatile 4G/LTE connectivity solution for Raspberry Pi and the Pico LTE, a comprehensive platform for global cellular connectivity & low-power IoT, pre-integrated with AWS IoT, Azure IoT & more.
Ricon will be presenting the S9980DSL-LTEv2 High-Speed Fiber Optical xDSL Fixed/Wireless Router with Integrated 4.5G Cellular Interface and S9955OUT-5G Industrial Outdoor Router
Roltek will be demonstrating their Edge Pro LTE8421 4G IOT Gateway, designed using the Quectel EG915 module to provide seamless and reliable connectivity even in challenging conditions
ZCS Lawn Mower Robot: The ZCS autonomous lawn mower robot, powered by the Quectel LG69T Series module, an automotive grade dual-band multi-constellation GNSS module integrating DR/RTK, demonstrates the future of smart, connected landscaping.

As part of the Quectel stand, Ikotek, a leading IoT original design manufacturer (ODM), will be there to showcase its capabilities in IoT device design, manufacturing and certification delivering high quality products and services to reduce complexity, speed up time to market, eliminate risk and reduce costs.

Finally, Acceleronix, a global IoT solutions and services enablement provider primarily focused on serving OEMs and enterprises, will have a presence on the Quectel stand. Delivering edge-device management software, Connectivity-as-a-Service, specialized vertical software, and mobile applications, Acceleronix offers comprehensive solutions tailored to empower every facet of IoT product lifecycle, spanning from development to data management and visualization.

Attendees to Embedded World can find Quectel on stand 3-318.

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In today’s tech-driven era, the demand for skilled professionals in the Internet of Things (IoT) sector is soaring. This industry, permeating sectors like manufacturing and healthcare, faces a significant skills gap. This gap extends beyond technical aspects, including the electrical and computer engineering degree required to oversee the intricate IoT landscape. Enter online STEM and business programs. These initiatives are critical, offering professionals the chance to enhance their skills and career prospects.

The Evolution of Digital Education

Historically, distance learning started as correspondence courses in the 1700s, seeing a transformation in the digital age. Online programs now provide unprecedented access and flexibility, making quality education globally available. Particularly in technology and business studies, the shift to online learning has demolished traditional barriers. For example, obtaining an electrical and computer engineering degree is now feasible online, offering a virtual yet comprehensive experience. This move towards digital education platforms is enabling countless professionals to balance their commitments across education, work and personal life efficiently.

Online STEM and business programs have evolved to incorporate cutting-edge technologies like virtual labs, simulations and interactive discussions. These advancements have enhanced the learning experience, enabling students to gain practical skills in a virtual setting. Moreover, the rise of mobile learning has made education even more accessible, allowing learners to access course materials anytime, anywhere, using their smartphones or tablets. This level of flexibility is particularly beneficial for working professionals in the fast-paced IoT industry, where continuous learning is crucial for staying ahead of the curve.

The rise of massive open online courses (MOOCs) has further revolutionized online STEM and business education. Platforms like Coursera, edX and Udacity offer courses from top universities and industry leaders, making high-quality education accessible to a global audience. These MOOCs often include interactive elements, such as quizzes, peer-reviewed assignments and discussion forums, fostering a sense of community and engagement among learners. Additionally, many MOOCs now offer specializations or nano-degrees that focus on specific skills or domains within the IoT industry, allowing professionals to gain targeted expertise in areas like IoT security, edge computing or industrial IoT.

Lifelong Learning and IoT

With technological advancements occurring at a breakneck pace, staying updated with the latest skills is essential. Online STEM and business programs are instrumental in this lifelong learning journey. These programs do more than impart technical knowledge; they also develop critical thinking, problem-solving and leadership qualities necessary for succeeding in the IoT domain. The flexibility of online learning proves advantageous for professionals aiming to further their education without pausing their careers, making it a favored option for many.

In addition to technical skills, online STEM and business programs also foster soft skills that are essential in the IoT industry. Effective communication, teamwork and adaptability are crucial when working on complex IoT projects that involve cross-functional teams. Online programs often incorporate group projects, virtual collaborations and presentations, helping students develop these skills in a digital setting. Furthermore, many online programs offer specializations or elective courses that allow learners to tailor their education to their specific interests within the IoT domain, such as data analytics, cybersecurity or product management.

Preparing Innovators for the Future

The deepening integration of IoT within daily life necessitates its incorporation into STEM education. Online platforms lead this integration by updating curriculums to include IoT applications and promoting practical projects. These efforts not only equip students with essential technical skills but also encourage creativity and innovation. The role of educators and institutions is pivotal as they adjust teaching methods for the digital format and initiate collaborations with IoT businesses. These partnerships offer real-world insights, preparing students to become innovative leaders.

Looking ahead, the merge of online education and the IoT sector is set to shape future technological advancements significantly. By offering accessible and versatile STEM and business education, online programs empower professionals to spearhead the IoT revolution. This, in turn, boosts not just individual careers but also fosters innovation across various sectors. As the IoT ecosystem evolves, the value of continuous education becomes increasingly evident, making these programs essential for shaping a smarter, more connected world.

Online STEM and business programs are also bridging the gap between academia and industry by offering learners exposure to real-world IoT challenges. Many programs include case studies, capstone projects or internship opportunities that allow students to apply their knowledge to practical scenarios. These experiences not only reinforce learning but also help students build a portfolio of work that demonstrates their skills to potential employers. Moreover, online programs often feature guest lectures or mentorship opportunities with industry experts, providing learners with valuable insights and networking opportunities in the IoT field.

The post Bridging Gaps: The Role of Online STEM and Business Programs in the IoT Industry’s Growth appeared first on IoT Business News.

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