


Berg Insight has found in its latest research that around 9.0 million people in Europe and 5.2 million people in North America were using telecare or medical alert solutions at the end of 2023.

The figures include users of both in-home and mobile systems. Until 2028, Berg Insight forecasts that the number of telecare users will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8 percent to reach 20.6 million in the two regions.

The market value of telecare solutions in Europe reached at the same time € 3.5 billion in 2023. The market value is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.4 percent in the next five years to reach € 5.2 billion at the end of the forecast period. The market value for medical alert solutions in North America is expected to grow from € 2.7 billion (US$ 2.9 billion) in 2023 to € 4.1 million (US$ 4.5 billion) in 2028.

Berg Insight’s definition of telecare solutions, also known as medical alert systems or PERS (personal emergency response systems), is a service aimed for elderly, disabled and vulnerable people to seek help from home in case of an emergency. These solutions can trigger an alarm when the user presses a button or when a passive sensor detects an event out of the ordinary. These systems provide continuous in-home or completely mobile monitoring services and can consist of a range of electronic devices such as personal alarm buttons, motion detection sensors, GPS monitors or fitness devices. The market evolves to include AI solutions that automatically trigger an alarm for instance when a user leaves home at an unexpected time or forgets to take his or her medicine.

The telecare market in Europe and North America is served by range of companies providing hardware devices, software platforms and monitoring services. In the European market, Tunstall, Legrand, TeleAlarm, Careium, Chiptech and Chubb are among the leading end-to-end solution providers. Tunstall, Legrand and TeleAlarm have strong presence across the European region. Chiptech has its operations in the UK market, meanwhile Careium is a leading market player in the Nordic region and has also presence in the UK. Companies such as Telecom Design, Essence Group, 9Solutions, Oysta Technology (Access Group), Everon and Ascom are key telecare equipment vendors in Europe. Essence SmartCare is well-established in both Europe and North America. Enovation, Skyresponse and Azur Soft are the leading providers of telecare monitoring software solutions. Additional significant vendors active in Europe are Tellu, Yorbl, Urmet, Navigil, SmartLife Care, Libify, SmartWatcher, Just Checking and Vivago. In North America, end-to-end telecare solutions are provided by Freeus (Becklar Group), Connect America, Mytrex, Numera (Nice North America), MobileHelp and Lively. Another group of companies offering monitoring services and reselling medical alert equipment are Medical Guardian, Life Alert Emergency Response, ADT, Bay Alarm Medical, Aloe Care and ModivCare. Major telecare equipment vendors are Essence Group, Climax Technology, LogicMark and Anelto.

“The market for personal emergency response systems for the elderly and the vulnerable population will continue to grow as the demand for digital care solutions has increased over the last couple of years”, says Vatsala Raina, IoT analyst at Berg Insight.

The European and North American market for personal emergency response systems is supported by several trends and developments that will have an impact on the competitive landscape during the forecast years. The silver generation is quickly becoming technologically savvy and open to adopt technology to help in everyday living needs. AI has an increasing role in the development of preventive and predictive care models. Solution providers have integrated AI and ML algorithms to analyse the monitoring data to learn about the patients’ daily routines, identify irregularities and expedite the needed assistance. Predictive analytics models assess the users’ risk of falling based on their historical data and health conditions.

Mrs. Raina concluded:

“The industry is moving towards incorporating new care models and technologies such as sensor-based systems, smart lamps to detect fall detection, and consumer-oriented technology companies incorporating PERS features in wearables, smart speakers and smartphones.”

The industry is becoming more patient-centric which calls for integrated systems and improved interoperability of connected care solutions.

Download report brochure: The Telecare Market in Europe and North America

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Toward providing an open platform to connect people and things (IoT)

Jasmy Incorporated and Panasonic Advanced Technology Development Co.,Ltd. have started collaborating to develop a platform that integrates information generated by individuals with information generated by things, enabling highly secure processing.

The Jasmy platform, which includes the Jasmy Personal Data Locker (hereinafter “PDL”) — an online storage-based personal information management and usage system provided by Jasmy — along with Panasonic Advanced Technology Development’s extensive IoT expertise, experience, and high technology, will drive the development of platforms applying blockchain technology and IoT synergistically.

This platform will incorporate agile development methods with Web3 technology, emphasizing speed in its development. Our goal is to release it as a platform, attracting a wide range of users across various fields. By utilizing this platform, we can create services that work well with many different things and can be used in various ways, significantly enhancing the efficiency of app and service development.

Specific details of the collaboration will be announced in the future.

Background of Collaboration

Until now, various personal information held by individuals has been owned and utilized by IT companies through internet services. PDL is a platform that not only securely stores data but also allows users to provide and share data under their own will, while maintaining security. Additionally, with the exponential increase in internet-connected devices, the functionality of each device has evolved extensively. The data generated from these diverse devices is vast and varied. Furthermore, besides requiring fast data processing and security, real-time responsiveness is also becoming increasingly important.

Furthermore, combining “information generated by people” and “information generated by things” requires a perspective beyond just data exchange. It involves building trustworthy relationships through the transfer and delegation of authority among “people and people,” “people and things,” and “things and things.” Additionally, to accelerate various service developments, there is a growing need for widely available platforms along with development environment packages (SDK) for developers. This will enable the creation of user-centric data utilization environments and new value, promoting “Data Democracy” worldwide.

Both companies share this understanding and have agreed to collaborate, combining their respective strengths and experiences to aim for the early realization of a widely used platform, leading to the agreement on this collaboration.

The post Panasonic and Jasmy begins to create a Web3-based platform that connects personal information with IoT information appeared first on IoT Business News.

IoT Analytics today released the results of the quarterly company earnings call analysis.

This analysis is based on a comprehensive dataset of Q1 2024 earnings calls from 6,000+ leading US-listed firms. The findings from Q1 2024 show that three key themes are currently trending in CEO discussions: 1. AI, 2. sustainability, and 3. election. These influential topics have captivated boardrooms worldwide and are shaping the future investment priorities for companies across various industries.

Key insights:

According to the latest “What CEOs talked about” report, three themes gained noticeable traction in Q1 2024: 1) AI, 2) sustainability, and 3) elections.
AI discussions continue to move away from ChatGPT and other chatbots and toward individual technologies, especially GPUs and LLMs.
Economic topics like recession significantly declined, though inflation saw a bump in mentions in Q1 2024.

Key quotes:

Knud Lasse Lueth, CEO at IoT Analytics, remarks: “In Q1 2024, CEO discussions clearly reflect a growing focus on AI, with one in three executives highlighting its significance during their earnings calls. The discussions around GPUs and LLMs have seen a notable increase, indicating a deeper engagement with the technological aspects of AI. There is also a renewed emphasis on sustainability, although we have yet to surpass the engagement levels of Q1 2022. The report “What CEOs talked about in Q1 2024″ offers a comprehensive analysis of current executive dialogues. My primary insight? Both AI and sustainability are poised to be pivotal in shaping 2024.”

Philipp Wegner, Principal Analyst at IoT Analytics, adds that:

“In Q1 2024, the hype around ChatGPT has decreased further, and executives are increasingly discussing how to generate value by integrating LLMs into their operations and products.”

The big picture

In Q1 2024, economic concerns remained the most discussed topic area in corporate earnings calls. Inflation remained the most mentioned tracked keyword, rising 7% quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) to 48% of calls; however, recession and uncertainty had fewer mentions, down 22% and 11% QoQ, respectively.

AI and its related terms (e.g., generative AI, data centers, and LLMs) continue their rise.

Key rising themes in Q1 2024

1. AI

In Q1 2024, discussions regarding AI rose 17% quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) to 32% of earnings calls. This constitutes a new peak after a noted short decline in mentions of AI in corporate earnings calls in Q4 2023. Additionally, AI-related terms witnessed rises in their discussions:

Generative AI (GenAI): +10.4% QoQ to 8.8% of calls
Data center: +20.6% QoQ to 9.4% of calls
LLM: +43% QoQ to 2.1% of calls
AI infrastructure: +34.5% QoQ to 0.7% of calls

Discussions around US-based semiconductor vendor—and leading provider of data center GPUs—NVIDIA experienced a rise of 19% QoQ to 2% of earnings calls. This follows a slight QoQ decline in Q4 2023.

Following a trend noted in Q4 2023, GenAI has further cemented its separation from the groundbreaking ChatGPT as discussions seem to focus more on actual applications of AI rather than impressive chatbots.

Executives from nearly all verticals discussed how to integrate AI into their products and operations or how to prepare themselves for the age of AI. The CEO of British multinational oil and gas company Shell, for example, highlighted how AI assists their engineers in detecting anomalies remotely. The CEO of India-based IT services and consulting company Tech Mahindra announced that the company plans to upskill all IT staff in AI-related skills in the next financial year.

Key quotes on AI

“We have millions of sensors collecting over 5 trillion rows of data that our AI models, combined with our conventional models, used to monitor equipment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, alerting engineers to anomalies from a distance.” – Wael Sawan – CEO, Shell plc, February 01, 2024

“We plan to train 100% of our IT talent in AI in FY 2025.” – Mohit Joshi – CEO, Tech Mahindra, January 24, 2024

Some executives discussed their LLM strategy quite in-depth. For example, US-based software and data company ZoomInfo’s president, David Travers, shared that the company is integrating LLMs agnostically. ZoomInfo developed its own LLM to support its operations but partnered with Anthropic to support its Copilot offering. It also leverages OpenAI’s ChatGPT in other aspects of its operations and offerings. Meanwhile, US-based business intelligence software and services provider MicroStrategy’s CEO, Phong Le, stated the company utilizes retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to combine its data with OpenAI LLMs to support its flexible AI bot offering across industry verticals.

2. Sustainability

Sustainability had a resurgence in Q1 2024, climbing 18.5% QoQ to 21.8% of earnings calls. This follows a drop to its lowest point in two years in Q4 2023. Further, keywords related to sustainability also had significant gains:

Energy efficiency: +50.4%QoQ to 3.2% of calls
Renewable energy: +33.3% QoQ to 6% of calls
Emission: +32.2% QoQ to 14.8% of calls

Since its peak in Q1 2022 at 26.6% of earnings calls, sustainability has generally hovered around 22% (±4 percentage points) of earnings calls, indicating it remains a topic of interest to executives. In context to this, February 2024 was the hottest February on record and the 9th consecutive month of record-breaking monthly averages. While the share of companies discussing has not grown much in recent years, vendors that market sustainability-related products and services frequently point out the business value, such as Germany-based automation and digitalization company Siemens’ CEO highlighting sustainability as a driver for business in almost every market.

Key quotes on sustainability

“Sustainability is a secular business driver in almost every market segment, such as electrification and renewables integration, energy efficiency, or safety in buildings, among others.” – Roland Busch – CEO, Siemens AG, February 13, 2024

“We also installed solar panels providing an extra 2.4 megawatt peak power compared to last year, and […] renewable energy community—the first ever energy community in Italy to be backed by an industrial company for the benefit of its local area.” – Benedetto Vigna – CEO, Ferrari N.V., February 1, 2024

3. Elections

2024 marks a year of elections in many countries and regions across the globe. Citizens of India, Indonesia, the EU parliament, the U.K., and the US are all scheduled to cast votes in upcoming elections this year—with Russia just having concluded its elections—and executives appear aware of this fact. The share of earnings calls mentioning election rose 28.4% QoQ to 17.2% of earnings calls. Notably, only 16.6% of companies based in North America discussed the upcoming elections, while companies in EMEA (19.2%) and APAC (22%) were much more likely to discuss the topic.

Elections in India (April–June 2024) and the European Union (June 2024) are coming up sooner than the presidential and congressional elections in the US, which are scheduled for November 2024. The analysis of earnings calls during the last presidential election gives a taste of what we can expect: 32% of all CEOs of North American earnings calls discussed the elections in Q4 2020. One keyword that had not been discussed for a while is rising strongly again: Trump. The keyword Trump rose 450% QoQ (though to only 0.8% of earnings calls).

Declining themes in Q1 2024

1. ChatGPT

While GenAI and LLMs appear to be developing into their own distinct topic areas within earnings calls, ChatGPT has further declined (-19% QoQ) in its mentions and was the only tracked AI-related term that did so.

This does not mean ChatGPT’s usage has declined. As of March 1, 2024, it had over 180 million users, and many companies have incorporated it into their operations. However, the release of ChatGPT and the availability of LLMs in easy-to-use web applications sparked new hype around AI in general. Now, as mentioned earlier, executives are moving past just ChatGPT and discussing broader AI with a focus on enterprise-grade projects and real-world use cases.

Key quote:

“Last year was the year of AI talk. Now, the conversation will shift to more tangible things, shift features, successful deployments, [and] practical value.” – Matt Calkins – CEO, Appian, February 15, 2024

2. Recession and most other economic concerns

Mentions of recession declined 22.3% QoQ to 7% of earnings calls in Q1 2024, as executives appear to be easing on this concern. Uncertainty also dropped a fair amount (-10.7% QoQ), though it still appeared in a quarter of earnings calls.

Key quote on recession:

“Even though we’ve got moderating economic growth, we are assuming an avoidance of a deep recession […].” – Mike West – President of Moody’s Investor Service, Moody’s Corporation, February 13, 2024

Not all economic concerns have dropped, though. After a slight drop in Q4 2023, inflation bounced 7% QoQ to 47.6% of Q1 2024 earnings calls and remained the most discussed tracked topic. This comes as inflation in the US was higher than economic forecasters had expected in January and February 2024. A jump in gas prices largely fueled this bump, though grocery prices generally remained flat during this period.

Key quote on inflation:

“The inflation has muted to a certain degree, but not gone away.” – Vimal Kapur – CEO, Honeywell, February 20, 2024

Mentions of interest rates also fell 7% QoQ to 35% of earnings calls, the second most-mentioned keyword we tracked. This is unsurprising, as the US Federal Reserve has held interest rates since July 2023. On March 20, 2024, the Fed indicated it still expects to cut interest rates three times in 2024, with the Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell adding that the surprising uptick in inflation in January and February 2024 had not changed the Fed’s picture of the economy: a cooling in inflation, though more gradual than previously expected.

3. War

War had the sharpest drop in executive mentions in Q1 2024, decreasing 28.7% to 5.8% of earnings calls. In Q4 2023, the Israel–Hamas war started, and the Russia–Ukraine war carried on, adding to geopolitical uncertainty during boardroom discussions.

However, the decline in the mention of war indicates that most industries have not experienced operational disruptions from these conflicts, even as Yemen’s Houthi rebels have conducted drone attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea (with the first fatal attacks on March 6, 2024).

What it means for CEOs

5 key questions that CEOs should ask themselves based on the insights in this article:

1. Sustainability: Given the increasing focus on sustainability, energy efficiency, and emissions in earnings calls, how are we tracking against our own emissions and energy savings goals, and what new sustainability initiatives should we implement or enhance?
2. Elections: How might the upcoming elections in the US, India, Indonesia, and the UK—and related global political shifts—impact our business, and what strategies should we develop to mitigate potential risks?
3. Recession and economy: How should we adjust our financial planning and strategies in response to ongoing muted business confidence, muted global GDP growth for 2024 and 2025, and declining concerns about recession and the current economic landscape by peers?
4. AI: As companies ramp up AI efforts (specifically generative AI), does our company have the necessary infrastructure, talent, and data to test and implement AI solutions effectively? Do we know where AI technologies add the most value to your company and might help us differentiate from our competition?
5. Labor market: Given rising inflation and ongoing skill gaps, how can we ensure our salary structure is competitive enough to attract top talent while also being sustainable for our business?

What it means for those serving CEOs

5 key questions that those serving CEOs should ask themselves based on the insights in this article:

1. Strategic alignment: How can I ensure that our company’s strategy aligns with the current trends in AI, sustainability, and political climates, especially considering their growing importance in corporate discussions?
2. Competitive analysis: What are our competitors doing regarding AI and sustainability initiatives, and how can we differentiate ourselves or learn from their approaches?
3. Risk management: What potential risks (e.g., market changes, regulatory developments, geopolitical issues) should I monitor that could impact our business strategy and operations?
4. Training and development: What training or development programs should we consider to enhance our team’s understanding and capabilities in AI and sustainability?

Long-term vision: How does the current focus on AI, sustainability, and the political landscape influence our long-term business vision and strategy?

Source: IoT Analytics

The post What CEOs talked about in Q1 2024 appeared first on IoT Business News.

iONLINE, a global IoT connectivity solutions provider, has partnered with eSIM specialist Workz to help businesses tackle connectivity challenges and the growing demand for sustainability.

The collaboration has created an advanced hybrid eSIM solution that offers remote online and offline network switching capabilities.

Companies face several challenges when managing connected assets on the move, including being hit by expensive roaming charges when moving outside of subscribed coverage zones and losing signal in weak or low coverage areas, leading to decreased visibility of devices and leaving businesses unable to perform critical tasks. Additionally, managing these changes requires dedicated resources, potentially straining operational efficiency.

The solution helps businesses lower running costs and avoid service disruption by automating network switching as conditions change. The eSIM component also enables on-demand network selection, freeing companies from being locked into the network options assigned to the SIM at manufacture.

The offering also provides a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional SIMs, with custom-sized modules that use 50% less plastic and rewritable eSIM technology that allows remote network updates and eliminates the need for any physical replacement of the card.

Through its global, private network, iONLINE provides secure, high-speed connectivity in 189 plus countries across more than 700 carrier networks. FlexiSIM is the result of iONLINE’s partnership with Workz, which launched the first cloud eSIM platform and now hosts over 100 telcos worldwide. It launched in South Africa and the United Kingdom in 2023 and is due to be released in the United States later this year.

Companies benefitting from the solution include Fujifilm, AIoTSense, BrightBlue, Trellis Works, Online Direct, and Amber Group. Fidelity ADT, the largest security services provider to medium and large-scale enterprises in South Africa, utilises thousands of FlexiSIM cards to stay connected daily to protect infrastructure, including airports, government, health and education departments, hospitality venues, casinos, shopping centres, and residential estates.

David Farquharson, CEO of iONLINE, said he approached several SIM manufacturers when first investigating options but that none brought the flexibility he wanted for the product.

“Workz was uniquely positioned to help us develop customised solutions to meet our clients’ needs, and in them we found a supplier and like-minded ally to achieve our global IoT vision. Workz’s dedication, innovation and collaborative spirit resonate deeply with our values at iONLINE. Their SIMs are manufactured on site with sustainability front of mind, ensuring minimal environmental impact.”

Workz CSO Robert Varty added, “We enjoyed working on this project with iONLINE. Their willingness to utilise new technology encouraged us to push the boundaries. It’s been great to see how companies leverage our technology to protect their assets, react quicker to situations, and gain greater visibility of their business. This partnership provides a springboard for us both as we continue to help businesses gain a competitive advantage from IoT.”

The post iONLINE & Workz introduce sustainable hybrid eSIM for improved business connectivity appeared first on IoT Business News.

IoT Analytics has published a new analysis that provides an overview and insights into the LPWAN market in 2024.

This analysis is derived from the “Global LPWAN Market Tracker and Forecast 2015-2027 (Q1/2024 Update)” – a tracker that includes market data on worldwide LPWAN connections and module shipments from 2015 to Q4 2023, including market projections for 2024 to 2027.

Key Insights:

LPWAN connectivity is on the rise. There were nearly 1.3 billion LPWAN IoT connections globally by the end of 2023, according to IoT Analytics’ Global LPWAN Tracker and Forecast 2015–2027 (updated Q1 2024). This is expected to grow at 26% CAGR until 2027.
NB-IoT comprises 58% of these connections. However, that does not tell the whole story about NB-IoT’s global adoption, as China’s nationwide adoption policy has greatly skewed this number.
In 2023, licensed LPWAN connections surpassed unlicensed LPWAN connections, even when excluding China’s saturation of NB-IoT, a licensed LPWAN connectivity technology.

Key Quotes:

Knud Lasse Lueth, CEO at IoT Analytics, remarks: “In less than a decade, LPWAN technology has transformed from a nascent market into 1.3 billion connections. This remarkable growth, propelled by both licensed and unlicensed LPWAN technologies, underscores the critical role of low-power wide-area connections in powering IoT applications across diverse industries. At IoT Analytics, our dedication lies in delivering precise, actionable insights that empower stakeholders to adeptly navigate the rapidly evolving IoT connectivity landscape.”

Satyajit Sinha, Principal Analyst at IoT Analytics, adds that:

“LPWAN technology is evolving rapidly. Integration with satellite IoT connectivity is a natural progression in the field and will likely pave the way for new applications and connect previously unconnected things. Both NB-IoT and LoRa technologies have important roles to play in this hybrid connectivity model, enhancing the efficiency and reach of IoT applications.”

LPWAN Market overview

There are nearly 1.3 billion LPWAN IoT connections globally, according to IoT Analytics’ Global LPWAN Tracker and Forecast 2015–2027 (updated Q1 2024), which tracks LPWAN market data at a granular level across regions, industries, and types. This represents approximately 8% of the over 16 billion connected IoT devices worldwide in 2023.

The LPWAN tracker forecasts that the number of LPWAN connections will grow at a 26% CAGR until 2027, reaching 3 billion at that time, or 10% of all IoT connections worldwide. Behind this growth is the need for use cases like remote monitoring that require infrequent data transmission and battery operation, which LPWAN is especially suited.

LPWAN definition
Low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) is a set of wireless communication technologies and protocols designed for power-efficient, long-range, and low-cost communication for simple IoT devices. LPWAN technologies are aimed at IoT applications that require the transmission of small amounts of data over long distances and/or to gather information from hard-to-reach locations (e.g., deep underground or remote areas) from battery-operated devices that can operate for several years without any human intervention, with minimal device and connectivity costs.
LPWAN can be on licensed spectrums (e.g., LTE-M and NB-IoT), where a network uses dedicated frequencies for connections, and unlicensed spectrums (e.g., LoRa), where a network does not use dedicated frequencies.

The tracker shares granular LPWAN market data across regions, industries, and technology types, including revenue, shipments, and connections. Here, we will look at three insights from the tracker that merit context, as discussed below:

1. China’s “Big Connectivity” strategy skews global LPWAN connection data
2. LoRa remains the leading LPWAN technology outside of China
3. Licensed LPWAN connectivity technology surpassed unlicensed in 2023, even when excluding China’s weighted adoption rate

Market insight 1: China’s “Big Connectivity” strategy skews global LPWAN connection data

Globally, NB-IoT has the largest share of LPWAN connections at approximately 54%. However, this does not paint a clear picture of the world’s adoption of this LPWAN technology.

In 2016, China—the world’s most populated country—made the nationwide rollout of NB-IoT part of its “Big Connectivity” strategy for 2016 to 2020 to support a wide range of use cases. One such use case is smart metering, in which China is a regional leader in adopting smart gas and water meters. According to the LPWAN tracker, by 2023, ~81% of all LPWAN connections in China were NB-IoT, and the country accounted for ~84% of all global NB-IoT connections.

The following charts help demonstrate the impact of China’s dedicated adoption of NB-IoT on global LPWAN connections. On the top chart, we see NB-IoT’s share of LPWAN connections skyrocket between 2016 and 2023—the timeframe for China’s “Big Connectivity” strategy. However, on the bottom chart, China’s LPWAN data are excluded from the global totals, and NB-IoT’s climb—while significant—is nowhere near as pronounced. By the start of 2024, LoRa had a sizeable lead over the other technologies.

This does not mean NB-IoT is not gaining steam elsewhere, however. As the bottom chart shows, when excluding China, NB-IoT comprised 20% of LPWAN connections in 2023—a quick climb since its 3GPP standardization in June 2016. By 2027, the LPWAN tracker forecasts NB-IoT to reach 23% of China-excluded global LPWAN connections, while LoRa is expected to maintain its lead at 36%.

Interesting new use cases are helping drive NB-IoT’s increasing share of LPWAN connections. In July 2023, Spain-based low-Earth orbit (LEO) constellation satellite operator Sateliot and Spanish multinational telecommunications company Telefónica successfully tested an end-to-end roaming 5G cellular network in space using NB-IoT. In January 2024, IoT Analytics noted this test as the most innovative IoT connectivity technology development in 2023.

Market insight 2: LoRa remains the leading LPWAN technology outside of China

When excluding all LPWAN data from China, LoRa has the leading share of global LPWAN connections at 41%—more than double NB-IoT’s share.

Though LoRa’s share of LPWAN connections is decreasing, the technology’s market is still forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 17% by 2027. Helping drive this growth are smart water and gas metering applications, sustainability applications, such as agricultural resource management and optimization, and asset monitoring and tracking solutions, such as US-based semiconductor manufacturer Semtech’s LoRa Edge technology.

Market insight 3: Licensed LPWAN connectivity technology surpassed unlicensed in 2023, even when excluding China’s weighted adoption rate

According to the LPWAN tracker and forecast, licensed LPWAN technology reached a milestone in 2023: its share of LPWAN connections surpassed that of unlicensed LPWAN connections without the assistance of China’s weighted adoption of NB-IoT, a licensed LPWAN technology.

When considering China’s adoption of NB-IoT, licensed connections had already surpassed unlicensed ones by 2020. However, as shown above, NB-IoT’s share of LPWAN connections is not representative of global adoption due to China’s dedicated nationwide rollout of the NB-IoT. Now, without China’s significant boosting considered, it appears that licensed connections are on the rise worldwide and are forecasted to comprise 58% of LPWAN connections in 2027.

Helping drive the rise of licensed LPWAN are cases like smart city management. China offers a good use case with its smart meters, but there are other case studies around the world. For example, Germany-based IoT sensor and data analysis company Sentinum sought to address inefficiencies with public waste management, such as waste collection trucks driving routes where some waste bins are not full. It wanted to use LPWAN connectivity due to its low-power demands, further adding to sustainability.

Sentinum partnered with Vodafone, a UK-based global telecommunications provider, to leverage Vodafone’s licensed LPWAN (specifically, NB-IoT) to reliably relay bin fill data to Sentinum’s backend servers and alert municipal waste disposal staff what bins need collection. Vodafone notes that some applications can experience a time savings of 40% and a CO2 reduction of around 25%.

Analyst assessment: Key LPWAN trends to watch

These insights are from the updated Global LPWAN Tracker and Forecast 2015–2027, which readers can leverage for granular data across regions and industries. Later in 2024, IoT Analytics is planning to publish a full LPWAN market report, which will dive into the LPWAN market data, trends, and company insights. For now, here are two trends worth watching: 1) cooperation and convergence and 2) addressing LPWAN’s limitations.

Trend 1: Convergence and collaboration

The LPWAN industry has evolved significantly over the last decade, and the technology has become more popular. With the market maturing and taking hold within greater IoT connectivity, there appears to be a shift from the early days of high competition to an increased focus on convergence and cooperation.

For example, on July 25, 2023, US-based semiconductor manufacturer Semtech Corporation announced a collaboration with UnaBiz, a Singapore-based IoT solutions provider specialized in LPWAN connectivity, to integrate Unabiz’s Sigfox 0G technology into Semtech’s LoRa Edge and LoRa Connect platforms. This partnership aims to create a cost-effective, versatile platform by offering Sigfox technology support in Semtech’s LR1110, LR1120, and LR1121 products through Sigfox-specific APIs.

Moreover, this initiative highlights the industry’s push towards sustainable, adaptable IoT solutions, allowing customers to choose optimal connectivity based on their unique use cases and sustainability objectives. It is these solutions that will drive the market through 2027, and possibly beyond.

Trend 2: Addressing LPWAN limitations

There are still some limitations of LPWAN that need to be addressed. For example, LPWAN was designed around point-to-point connectivity, not large-scale connectivity with heavy data loads. Higer packet transmission can make LPWANs susceptible to interference from a number of sources (e.g., atmospheric/electrical noise, other radio networks, or even jamming).

To address this, transmission protocols need to ensure that complete data structures are delivered to their endpoints. One notable approach gaining attention in the LPWAN field is from mioty Alliance, a group of businesses, institutes, and engaged individuals aiming to enhance IoT connectivity solutions.

The alliance’s solution is to leverage the Telegram Splitting Multiple Access (TSMA) method to split data packets into smaller subpackets at the sensor level and transmit the packets over different frequencies and time marks. An algorithm on the receiving end will monitor for mioty subpackets and reassemble them into complete messages, ensuring complete messages are received even if one or a few frequencies are experiencing interference.

Source: IoT Analytics

The post LPWAN market 2024: Licensed technologies boost their share among global 1.3 billion connections as LoRa leads outside China appeared first on IoT Business News.

Quectel, a global IoT solutions provider, and The Things Industries, a global leader in LoRaWAN® Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, today announces a partnership that ensures the Quectel KG200Z LoRaWAN module, comes integrated with “Works with The Things Stack” and “Secured by The Things Stack” certifications, providing users with a robust and secure LoRaWAN solution.

The Quectel KG200Z module harnesses the power of the STM32WL by STMicroelectronics, offering exceptional performance for long-range, low-power applications. It operates within the LoRa high-frequency band, spanning from 862 MHz to 928 MHz, and incorporates advanced AES hardware encryption for enhanced security. One of the standout features of the KG200Z is its compact profile, measuring just 12.0 mm × 12.0 mm × 1.8 mm, and its LGA form package. This design ensures seamless integration into size-constrained applications while maintaining reliable connectivity.

“Quectel is committed to delivering the most reliable and secure IoT solutions to our customers, and our partnership with The Things Industries is a testament to this promise,” commented Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions.

“By combining our KG200Z LoRaWAN module with Quectel’s best-in-classs product security approach with ‘Works with The Things Stack’ and ‘Secured by The Things Stack’ certifications, we are not just offering a product; we are providing a comprehensive solution that meets the highest standards of connectivity and security. This collaboration reflects our dedication to innovation and excellence and working with key ecosystem partners to provide best-in-class solutions.”

Through the collaboration with The Things Industries, Quectel customers are now able to use the KG200Z module in their device design and build, while running additional services through The Things Industries. This partnership empowers users to fully control the end-to-end encryption and key management while leveraging Quectel’s decades-long expertise in module capabilities.

Wienke Giezeman, CEO of The Things Industries, commented,

“With this partnership, users of the Quectel LoRaWAN module can fully integrate end-to-end encryption and key management in-house, while benefiting from the extensive experience and capabilities that Quectel’s modules offer.”

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The global cellular IoT module market’s shipments declined 2% in 2023 as compared to 2022.
Despite a decline in shipments, Quectel continued to lead, followed by Fibocom and China Mobile.
NB-IoT and 4G Cat 1 shipments declined in its top market, China, where 4G Cat 1 bis gained at 4G Cat 1 and NB-IoT’s expense.

Global cellular IoT module shipments saw their first-ever annual decline in 2023, falling 2% YoY, according to Counterpoint’s latest Global Cellular IoT Module and Chipset Tracker by Application report.

Inventory adjustments following supply chain disruption and reduced demand in some key market verticals like industrial and enterprise were some of the key factors driving this decline.

4G Cat 1 bis grew the fastest in 2023, capturing over 22% of the shipments. In China, 4G Cat 1 bis has now become the primary cellular standard for POS, smart meter, telematics and asset tracking markets, owing to its affordability and energy efficiency. The market is slowly transitioning from 4G Cat 1 and NB-IoT to more efficient 4G Cat 1 bis.

Commenting on market dynamics, Associate Director Mohit Agrawal said,

“India and China have shown positive growth due to increasing demand in the smart meter, POS and asset tracking markets. Conversely, the rest of the world witnessed a sharper decline, indicating a lack of expected market momentum.”

Agrawal added, “Around 12% of the modules shipped in 2023 were equipped with AI capabilities at the software or hardware level. These modules are gaining popularity in high-end markets such as automotive, router/CPE and PC, facilitating the management of the escalating data load in these sectors.”

Quectel, the leading module vendor, experienced a decline in its market share primarily because of weakened demand in markets outside China. The company has partnered with Syrma SGS Technology to manufacture IoT modules in India.
China Mobile and Fibocom experienced double-digit YoY growth. China Mobile’s growth was driven by smart meters, asset trackers and POS applications, while Fibocom’s growth was driven by POS and telematics applications.
This year’s merger between Telit and Thales propelled Telit Cinterion into the top five vendors of IoT modules. To further solidify its presence in India, Telit partnered with VVDN for local production.
Several Chinese brands like Unionman, OpenLuat, Lierda and Neoway have shown significant growth within specialized markets like smart meter, asset tracking and POS.

Commenting on the market outlook, Research Analyst Anish Khajuria said, “In 2024, the IoT module market is expected to return to growth in the second half of the year with normalizing inventory levels and increasing demand in the smart meter, POS and automotive segments. Moreover, substantial growth is forecasted for 2025, coinciding with the widespread adoption of 5G and 5G RedCap technologies in smart meters, routers/CPE, POS systems, automotive solutions, and asset tracking applications.”

Background: Counterpoint Technology Market Research is a global research firm specializing in products in the technology, media and telecom (TMT) industry. It services major technology and financial firms with a mix of monthly reports, customized projects and detailed analyses of the mobile and technology markets. Its key analysts are seasoned experts in the high-tech industry.

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The Internet of Things’ introduction into manufacturing operations has caused a dramatic transformation in operations management, tracking, and optimization. Leading this revolution are CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine shops known for their accuracy and productivity when producing metal and plastic components.

Through IoT, these facilities have the chance to increase efficiency, reduce operational costs, elevate their operations, and offer high-quality CNC machining services. It becomes increasingly important to be able to adapt and use cutting-edge technologies as the industry keeps changing. In this blog post, we’ll look in greater detail at how a CNC machine shop can benefit from the Internet of Things.

Streamlined Operations

67% of companies now leverage business process automation to optimize and streamline their routine, repetitive tasks. This trend extends to CNC machine companies as well. For these companies, streamlining processes stands out as a primary advantage of adopting IoT technology.

Shops can cut downtime, predict maintenance needs, and monitor machine performance in real time by connecting CNC machines to the internet. The machines’ sensors gather information on several variables, including vibration, temperature, and production output. With the use of this data, equipment may be maintained predictably, reducing unplanned downtime and maintaining steady production levels by servicing units before they malfunction.

Enhanced Quality Control

The margin for error is extremely small in the highly precise field of CNC machining. Even a small deviation can lead to product failure, jeopardizing customer happiness and the company’s reputation. IoT technology ushers in a revolutionary era in manufacturing, transforming quality control. HD cameras and advanced sensors continuously watch production processes. They quickly spot irregularities or deviations from set parameters. This leads to quicker decisions and higher manufacturing standards.

This advanced real-time monitoring feature is essential. It makes sure that any differences are quickly found and fixed, which significantly reduces the possibility of waste and the need for labor-intensive rework. Furthermore, the accuracy of this method makes it possible to identify any problems before they become serious ones, which promotes a proactive approach to quality control.

Optimized Energy Consumption

Another area where IoT can have a significant impact is energy efficiency. CNC machine shops can spot and get rid of operational inefficiencies by keeping an eye on their energy usage in real time. IoT systems can reduce energy consumption during periods of low demand without compromising production capacity by automatically adjusting the power utilization of equipment based on workload. This supports the store’s sustainability initiatives in addition to cutting operating expenses.

Improved Safety and Compliance

Workers in manufacturing environments face a variety of risks, and CNC machine shops are no exception. By keeping an eye on machine operations and ambient conditions, IoT can improve workplace safety by averting mishaps.

IoT solutions, for instance, can notify operators when a machine is operating outside of permissible limits or when dangerous circumstances occur. Furthermore, by automatically recording production procedures and safety precautions, the IoT can aid in ensuring compliance with industrial laws.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Being able to make decisions based on thorough data analysis is arguably one of the biggest advantages of IoT in CNC machining. The enormous quantities of data gathered from IoT devices offer insights into all facets of the business, ranging from customer happiness to supply chain management.

CNC machine shops can spot patterns, forecast shifts in the market, and modify their approach by examining this data. Proactive business management has the potential to boost competitiveness in the market, save expenses, and increase efficiency.

Customization and Flexibility

The IoT makes it possible for CNC machine companies to more effectively address the growing demand for customized products. Manufacturing can be more flexible thanks to IoT, as machines can be swiftly modified for different production runs. For stores hoping to broaden their clientele and enhance their service offerings, the ability to seamlessly transition between product lines is crucial.

Remote Monitoring and Control

The capacity to remotely monitor and control CNC machines using IoT technology is essential for resilience and operational efficiency in the linked world of modern production. In the context of today’s international production environment, where the smooth integration of processes across different geographies is crucial, this aspect becomes more helpful. With only a dependable internet connection, operators can remotely monitor and modify the functioning of CNC machines from anywhere in the world.

This remote accessibility is a vital tool for maintaining continuous production processes, especially in situations where direct access to facilities is impeded. It is not only a convenient feature. Circumstances like health emergencies, which can demand for quarantine, or natural catastrophes, which could physically destroy infrastructure, highlight the importance of remote capabilities. Businesses may protect themselves against unforeseen obstacles and ensure production continuity by minimizing potential disruptions through the use of IoT.


A major advancement in the industrial sector is the incorporation of IoT into CNC machine shops. These shops can attain previously unheard-of levels of quality, flexibility, and efficiency by utilizing IoT. The advantages are numerous and significant, ranging from increased quality control and streamlined operations to safer operations and optimized energy use.

Adopting IoT is becoming more than simply a benefit as the industry develops. For CNC machine shops that are dedicated to offering top-notch CNC machining services in a cutthroat and dynamic market, it is an absolute must. The path towards IoT integration for CNC machine shops is not just a means of achieving growth, but also a calculated step towards sustainability and excellence in the digital era. This is because the future of manufacturing is interconnected.

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Giesecke+Devrient (G+D) – a leading company in the security technology sector and in the development of SIM technology – has joined the IoT M2M Council, adding its influence to the fast-growing technology sector.

The IMC is the largest trade association dedicated to the IoT ecosystem with 28,000 enterprise users and product makers that deploy technology as rank-and-file members. G+D will participate in IMC programs to share its experience as one of the world’s largest producers of SIM technology, including know-how in eSIM technology, global connectivity, and vertical-market solutions for remote devices.

“G+D has been innovating for over 170 years. Our expansion into the IoT sector beyond eSIM is the ideal way to deliver additional value”, says Sam Colley, Digital Connectivity Portfolio Strategist at G+D. Colley, the IMC’s Chairman and formerly CEO of Pod Group, which, not coincidentally, was acquired by G+D in 2022, added:

“The acquisition of Pod Group was the first step in expanding G+D’s profile in the IoT, and that has been followed by the introduction of our AirOn360 eSIM platform and our vertical track-and-trace offerings.”

For its part, the IMC will provide interactions with its membership – the group is the exclusive IoT partner for the Consumer Electronics Show and the embedded world exhibitions, as well as organizing its own schedule of online events and push-content channels. IMC rank-and-file members must qualify as IoT adopters, which is unique, and the membership covers 27 different vertical markets of. It is fairly evenly dispersed between North America, Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world.

“We look forward to increasing our commitment to the IMC. It is a great platform to meet potential customers, as well as an important space for collaborating with other technology providers. We think it’s imperative that G+D introduces and shares best practices with all parts of the ecosystem. The IMC is unique in representing all the layers of the IoT stack worldwide,” says Colley.

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The Connectivity Standards Alliance (“Alliance”) Product Security Working Group is pleased to announce the release of their IoT (Internet of Things) Device Security Specification 1.0, with the accompanying certification program, and Product Security Verified Mark.

This groundbreaking initiative aims to establish a unified IoT cybersecurity standard and certification program, providing manufacturers a one-stop solution to certify their devices, enabling them to comply with multiple international regulations and standards more easily.

“The unveiling of the IoT Device Security Specification 1.0, alongside its certification program and the Product Security Verified Mark, signals an important milestone in bolstering IoT security and building confidence with consumers,” said Tobin Richardson, Alliance President & CEO of the Connectivity Standards Alliance.

“By bringing together diverse international regulations into a cohesive specification, the Product Security Certification Program streamlines the process, reduces redundancy, and provides manufacturers with a singular, respected avenue for certifying their devices globally.”

With the increasing adoption of consumer IoT devices, there is a heightened emphasis on security due to a rise in incidents involving breaches and malicious device hijackings. The Product Security Working Group aims to meet this challenge by consolidating requirements from the three most popular IoT Cybersecurity baselines from the United States, Singapore, and Europe into a single specification and certification program. This unifying effort helps manufacturers more easily and efficiently address these regulatory regimes’ requirements aiming to instill confidence in consumers and regulators.

“As consumers embrace the convenience and value of IoT devices, the Alliance is dedicated to helping to create more comprehensive protection for consumers. This initiative aims to establish a robust baseline for all consumer IoT devices,” said Steve Hanna of Infineon Technologies AG and Chair of the Product Security Working Group Steering Committee. “The Alliance’s Product Security Verified Mark and IoT Device Security Specification 1.0 will make it easier for manufacturers to address consumer IoT security requirements around the world.”

IoT Device Security Specification 1.0 Requirements

The Product Security’s IoT Device Security Specification includes dozens of specific device security provisions. IoT Device Manufacturers must demonstrate compliance with those provisions, supplying justifications and evidence to an Authorized Test Laboratory with expertise in security evaluation and experience certifying products relative to this specification.

Highlights of the specific requirements include:

Unique identity for each IoT Device
No hardcoded default passwords
Secure storage of sensitive data on the Device
Secure communications of security-relevant information
Secure software updates throughout the support period
Secure development process, including vulnerability management
Public documentation regarding security, including the support period

Nearly 200 member companies — including Amazon, Arm, Comcast, Google, Infineon Technologies AG, NXP Semiconductors, Schneider Electric, Signify (Philips Hue and WiZ), and Silicon Labs — have collaborated, pooling related technologies, expertise, and innovations enabling the IoT Device Security Specification 1.0, the accompanying certification program, and Product Security Verified Mark to meet the diverse needs of stakeholders, including consumers, device manufacturers, and regulators. Together, these companies spearheaded the process by driving requirements and specification development and ultimately helping validate the final specification.

The Product Security Certification Program and Verified Mark

Encompassing a broad spectrum of smart home devices such as light bulbs, switches, thermostats, doorbell cameras, and more, the Product Security Certification Program establishes minimum requirements for IoT devices. By consolidating several international regulations into a single set of requirements, the Certification Program streamlines the process, helping manufacturers meet certification criteria from multiple countries or regions with a single evaluation.

The Product Security Verified Mark is confirmation a product meets the specification’s security requirements, with the goal of inspiring consumer confidence. When displayed prominently on certified product packaging, store signage, and online platforms, this Verified Mark builds trust by serving as a marker for secure IoT devices. A printed URL, hyperlink, QR code, or a combination of these representations on the Product Security Verified Mark gives consumers access to more information about the device’s security features.

Looking Ahead

As technology advances and new threats emerge, the Product Security Working Group remains committed to continuously enhancing the IoT Security Device Specification and the accompanying certification program.

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