


Berg Insight presents a unique database covering the 500 largest cellular IoT deployments identified as part of the company’s world-class IoT market research activities since 2004.

The extensive list includes various types of projects and product categories deployed across all types of vertical markets including OEM automotive, aftermarket automotive, transport & logistics, utilities, infrastructure, buildings & security, retail, industrial, consumer electronics, healthcare and other. The database includes project size and geographical distribution by the end of 2022 as well as a 5-year forecast for each individual project.

“The projects included in the top-500 list together account for approximately 548 million active cellular IoT subscriptions”, said Rickard Andersson, Principal Analyst, Berg Insight.

He adds that this corresponds to as much as 20.6 percent of the total number of cellular IoT connections worldwide at the end of 2022. The 500 projects on the list are in the coming years forecasted to grow to 1,024 million units by 2027, corresponding to an overall compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.3 percent.

Mr. Andersson continued:

“More than 100 deployments on the list have reached 1 million subscriptions or more, and the top-10 projects alone account for over 183 million units.”

Transport & logistics is the largest vertical in terms of the number of projects that made the top list, followed by aftermarket automotive, retail, utilities, OEM automotive, buildings & security and healthcare.

“When comparing the number of active subscriptions represented by each vertical for the entries in the top-500 list, OEM automotive is instead the largest vertical, accounting for 191 million units, ahead of utilities at 118 million units and transport & logistics representing 97 million units”, concluded Mr. Andersson.

Download report brochure: The 500 Largest Cellular IoT Projects Worldwide

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The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in a new era of possibilities to transform traditional homes into smart, automated spaces. This comprehensive project plan delves into the essential components of building a smart home with IoT, covering goal definition, device selection, network architecture, security considerations, integration strategy, testing, optimization, and ongoing maintenance. Let’s take a look!

What is IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an innovative paradigm that envisions a network of interconnected devices, physical objects, and systems, all of which can communicate and exchange data over the Internet. Essentially, IoT transforms everyday objects into intelligent data-generating devices that can be monitored, controlled, and optimized for a variety of purposes.

The core of IoT is based on integrating sensors, actuators, and communication technologies into devices to enable data collection and transmission. These devices range from common household items such as thermostats and refrigerators to industrial machinery and portable devices. Data generated by these devices can be analyzed to derive insights, automate processes, and improve decision-making.

The key components of IoT include:

Sensors: Devices with sensors can collect information from the environment, such as temperature, humidity, movement, and light.

Connectivity: IoT devices transmit data to a central system or other connected devices using various communication protocols such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and cellular networks.

Data Processing: The collected data is processed through cloud-based platforms or edge computing where it is analyzed, stored, and transformed into actionable information.

Actuators: Based on insights gained from data analysis, IoT devices can activate actuators to perform specific actions, such as: adjust settings, trigger alarms, and control other connected devices.

I. Defining Smart Home Goals

Before starting a smart home project, it is important to define clear goals to guide the implementation process. Consider specific areas you want to improve, such as home automation, security, energy management, or entertainment.

Prioritize these goals to ensure your projects stay focused and deliver tangible benefits. For example, if energy efficiency is a priority, you might set a goal such as reducing your energy consumption by a certain percentage or optimizing your heating and cooling system. If security is a concern, define goals such as implementing robust surveillance systems, smart locks, and intrusion detection mechanisms. Also, ensure your contractor uses field service management software to manage your project.

II. Device Selection

Selecting the right devices is the cornerstone of a successful smart home. Consider the following categories of IoT devices and their potential applications.

Smart Lighting:

Choose energy-efficient smart light bulbs that can be controlled remotely via a dedicated app.
Introduce motion sensors and automating lighting according to occupancy, contributing to both energy savings and comfort.

Smart Thermostat:

Choose a thermostat that learns your preferences over time and adjusts temperatures for maximum comfort and energy efficiency.
Integrate your thermostat and weather forecast to proactively adjust heating and cooling settings based on external conditions.

Home Security Camera:

For added security, choose a high-resolution camera with motion detection.
Ensure compatibility with central security systems for an integrated approach to monitoring and responding to potential threats.

Smart Door Lock:

Choose a smart lock that can be controlled remotely via a mobile app.
Implement features such as virtual keys and access logging to improve security and user accountability.

Smart Sensors:

Install sensors that monitor environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air quality for a comprehensive understanding of your home’s health.
Integrate security sensors to detect anomalous activity like an unexpected door opening.

III. Network Architecture

Network architecture forms the backbone of a smart home and enables seamless communication between devices. Consider the following:

Network protocols:

Choose wireless protocols such as Zigbee or Z-Wave for low-power, short-range communication between devices.
Ensure compatibility with Wi-Fi for high-bandwidth applications such as video streaming.

Hub or Controller:

Select the central hub or controller that matches the selected device and protocol.
Evaluate whether the hub supports the integration of various devices and has the computing power to handle the communication load.

Bandwidth considerations:

Evaluate the bandwidth requirements of each device to ensure a stable and responsive network.
Select devices with low latency requirements like security cameras and smart door locks to maintain real-time responsiveness.

IV. Security Considerations

With the interconnectedness of IoT devices, ensuring the security of your smart home becomes paramount. Implement the following security measures:

Device Authentication:

Enable a robust authentication mechanism for each IoT device that requires unique credentials.
Update your passwords regularly and consider implementing multi-factor authentication as an additional layer of security.


Implement end-to-end encryption to secure communications between devices and the central hub.
Always ensure that data sent over the network is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access or interception.

Regular Software Updates:

Keep all central hub devices and firmware up to date to address security vulnerabilities.
If possible, enable automatic updates to help your smart home remain resilient to new threats.

Network Segmentation:

Segment your network to separate IoT devices from critical systems such as PCs and work-related devices.
Create separate virtual local area networks (VLANs) to increase security and control access.

V. Integration Strategy

Achieving a seamless, integrated smart home experience requires careful planning and execution. Consider the following strategies:

Platform Compatibility:

Ensure that the selected device is compatible with popular smart home platforms such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple HomeKit.
For better interoperability and future-proofing, choose devices that adhere to open standards.

Automation Rules:

Define automation rules based on user settings and routines.
Leverage the power of the Intelligent Assistant to create voice-activated commands for your users.

Mobile Application:

Choose a device with an easy-to-use mobile application for easy control and monitoring.
The mobile app provides real-time updates and alerts to keep you informed of the status of your smart home.

VI. Testing and Optimization

Once your smart home is set up, thorough testing is essential to identify and resolve issues. Run the following test:

Functional testing:

Verify that each device functions as intended and responds accurately to commands and triggers.
Testing automation rules ensure a seamless and reliable experience.

Security Audits:

Conduct periodic security audits to identify and remediate vulnerabilities.
Test the responsiveness of security features such as intrusion detection and video surveillance.

User Experience Testing:

Gather user feedback to evaluate the overall experience of interacting with your smart home.
Make adjustments based on user settings to address vulnerabilities identified during testing.

VII. Maintenance and Upgrades

Smart Homes require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance.Create a maintenance plan that includes:

Periodic Equipment Checks:

Schedule periodic checks to ensure that all equipment is functioning properly.
Replace or upgrade end-of-life equipment to maintain peak performance.

Firmware Updates:

Keep both devices and the central hub up to date with firmware updates.
Quickly implement updates to address security vulnerabilities, introduce new features, and improve overall performance.


Plan for future expansion by choosing devices and infrastructure that can easily scale.
Consider integrating new technologies to keep your smart home at the forefront of innovation.

VIII. IoT and Sustainability

The convergence of IoT and sustainability represents a powerful partnership that has the potential to address environmental challenges and contribute to a more resource-efficient and greener future. IoT technology plays an important role in promoting sustainability through several key mechanisms.

Energy Efficiency: IoT-enabled devices with sensors and intelligent algorithms enable precise monitoring and control of energy consumption. In the context of a smart home, this means intelligent lighting systems that adjust brightness based on occupancy, thermostats that optimize heating and cooling, and appliances that operate at peak efficiency. By minimizing energy waste, IoT reduces overall energy consumption and reduces carbon emissions.

Smart Resource Management: IoT sensors can monitor and manage valuable resources such as water and gas. In smart homes, water and gas sensors can instantly detect leaks, preventing unnecessary waste and potential environmental damage.

Waste Reduction: IoT devices help reduce waste by optimizing waste collection processes. Smart containers equipped with sensors can monitor the filling level and send a signal when it needs to be emptied. This not only increases the efficiency of waste management systems but also reduces unnecessary transport and associated emissions.

Environmental Monitoring: IoT plays an important role in monitoring and controlling environmental pollution. Air quality sensors can detect pollutants in real-time, allowing authorities and communities to take timely actions to address air quality issues. This information allows individuals to make informed decisions about their daily activities, contributing to a healthier living environment.

Renewable Energy Integration: IoT technologies improve the integration of renewable energy sources into the power grid. A smart grid can integrate energy generated from solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy sources and dynamically balance energy supply and demand. This not only promotes the use of clean energy but also contributes to the stability and resilience of the entire energy infrastructure.

There You Have It

Building a smart home using IoT is a dynamic and challenging process that requires careful planning, device selection, network configuration, and ongoing maintenance. Improve comfort, security, and energy efficiency by defining clear goals, choosing the right devices, establishing a robust network architecture, prioritizing security, and implementing an effective integration strategy. You can build a smart home that not only makes your home more accessible but also more adaptable to new technologies. Regular testing, optimization, and maintenance are key to ensuring your smart home continues to meet your changing needs in the ever-changing landscape of IoT technologies.

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Today’s businesses rely heavily on IT systems for smooth operations, increased productivity, and remaining competitive. But just like any complex machinery, IT requires regular upkeep to function at its peak level.

In the initial quarter of 2023, global data breaches exposed over six million data records. This alarming statistic underscores the critical importance of prioritizing the health and security of your IT infrastructure. Neglecting these aspects can have serious repercussions, including system failures, security breaches, and an adverse effect on your overall business operations.

Our comprehensive guide outlines essential steps and best practices for maintaining the health of your IT system.

Learn How to Manage Vulnerabilities

Effectively managing vulnerabilities is paramount in maintaining a secure IT environment. This is where the vulnerability management lifecycle comes into play, providing a strategic framework for the continuous identification, assessment, and mitigation of system vulnerabilities.

This approach involves a systematic cycle of activities, beginning with the discovery and assessment of vulnerabilities, followed by prioritization based on risk and potential impact. Subsequently, a mitigation plan is devised, which may involve implementing patches, configuration changes, or other security measures.

Regular monitoring and reassessment ensure that the system remains resilient against emerging threats. This proactive and cyclical process not only strengthens the overall security posture but also aligns with the dynamic nature of cybersecurity, allowing organizations to adapt swiftly to evolving threats and protect their digital assets effectively.

Data Backup and Recovery

Data is essential to any organization, and protecting it should be prioritized. Create an effective data backup and recovery plan to safeguard against accidental deletions, hardware failures, or cyberattacks. Regularly back up critical data to secure offsite locations, and conduct periodic tests to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of your backup system.

Consider employing automated backup solutions to streamline the process and reduce the risk of human error. Additionally, document and regularly update your disaster recovery plan, outlining the steps to be taken in case of a catastrophic event.

Network Security

Securing your network is crucial to maintaining the overall health of your IT system. Start by implementing a robust firewall to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Regularly update and review firewall rules to adapt to evolving threats.

In addition, purchase and implement a reliable antivirus/anti-malware solution to detect and eliminate malicious software. Conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities in your network infrastructure and promptly address them.

For added security, consider implementing a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt communication between devices and ensure secure data transfer, especially when accessing the network remotely.

Hardware Maintenance

Hardware components are the backbone of any IT system, and their proper functioning is integral to system health. Develop a routine hardware maintenance schedule that includes cleaning, inspection, and testing of all equipment. Dust and debris can accumulate within hardware, leading to overheating and reduced performance. So, regularly clean and inspect servers, routers, switches, and other hardware components to prevent these issues.

Monitor hardware performance metrics and address any anomalies promptly. Replace aging or faulty hardware components before they fail to avoid unexpected downtime and potential data loss.

User Training and Awareness

Human error remains one of the leading causes of IT system issues. Educate your employees on best practices for IT system usage and security. Conduct regular training sessions to update them on the latest cybersecurity threats and preventive measures.

Encourage the use of strong, unique passwords and implement multi-factor authentication to enhance user account security. Establish clear policies regarding the use of personal devices on the corporate network to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access.

Monitoring and Performance Optimization

Implementing a robust monitoring system is essential for proactive IT system maintenance. Utilize monitoring tools to track performance metrics, detect anomalies, and identify potential issues before they escalate. Monitor network traffic, server performance, and application responsiveness to ensure a smooth user experience.

Regularly review and optimize system configurations to enhance efficiency and resource allocation. Consider implementing automated monitoring alerts to notify IT personnel of potential issues in real time.

Documentation and Change Management

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date documentation is vital for efficient IT system management. Document network configurations, hardware specifications, software licenses, and other critical information. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for troubleshooting, upgrades, and future planning.

Implement a robust change management process to track and manage modifications to your IT environment. Clearly define and document all changes, assess their potential impact, and communicate them to relevant stakeholders. This helps prevent unforeseen issues and ensures that changes align with business objectives.


A proactive approach to maintaining your IT system health is essential for the smooth operation of your business and the protection of sensitive data. By following the comprehensive guide outlined above, you can establish a solid foundation for IT system maintenance.

Managing vulnerabilities, data backups, network security, hardware maintenance, user training, monitoring, and documentation, all play an integral part in maintaining an efficient and secure IT infrastructure. By investing time and resources in these key areas, you can avoid downtime, enhance system performance, and protect against cyber threats—an essential aspect of success in today’s digital era. A healthy IT system forms the backbone of successful businesses in the digital era.

The post The Complete Guide to Maintaining Your IT System Health appeared first on IoT Business News.

By Michael De Nil, Co-Founder & CEO, Morse Micro.

The global smart city movement represents a major shift in how urban environments are designed, experienced and navigated. This monumental change is driven in part by digital transformation and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, which are reshaping urban infrastructure and cityscapes into hubs of intelligent connectivity. Central to this trend is the emergence of advanced wireless technologies that align with the unique demands of smart cities. Among these emerging technologies, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED HaLowTM stands out as an ideal wireless protocol for smart city connectivity.

Wi-Fi HaLow, an evolution of conventional Wi-Fi, is purpose-built to serve the needs of IoT applications. Incorporating the IEEE 802.11ah standard, it was released as a new certification by the Wi-Fi Alliance in November 2021. Wi-Fi HaLow operates in the sub-GHz band and surpasses traditional Wi-Fi in the 2.4, 5 and 6 GHz bands in terms of range, coverage and power efficiency, redefining the boundaries of wireless connectivity for smart city and IoT applications. Wi-Fi HaLow has the capacity to connect more than 8,000 devices from a single access point, providing long range connectivity beyond 1 km, low power consumption, advanced Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA3TM security, and massive network density – precisely the attributes demanded by smart cities.

Building on the strengths of the IEEE 802.11ah standard, Morse Micro is developing next-generation Wi-Fi HaLow solutions that extend 10 times farther and cover 100x the area of traditional Wi-Fi networks. These advancements further the goals of smart city application developers, facilitating long-range connectivity, automating urban services and promoting environmental sustainability.

A prime example of this innovation is the potential impact of Wi-Fi HaLow networks on smart city transit systems. Traditional network infrastructure upgrades often reach bottlenecks due to the high cost and complexity of expanding wireline networks, underscoring the need for new forms of long range wireless technology. In such scenarios, Wi-Fi HaLow’s superior range, penetration and performance offer a transformative solution, far surpassing the range limitations of conventional Wi-Fi in the 2.4, 5 and 6 GHz bands while outperforming the low data rates of low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) such as LoRa.

Wi-Fi HaLow’s versatility enables it to combine diverse building automation systems into a unified connectivity platform that provides an optimal balance of speed and range, and allows innovative IoT applications that may combine video with sensors, for example. It provides seamless connectivity between real-time operational data and the people and systems managing smart buildings, data centers, industrial processes, and other urban utilities. Its extended range and advanced security make it ideal for connecting a plethora of subsystems, from HVAC and smart lighting to microgrids and edge AI cameras.

By using standards-based Wi-Fi HaLow, the total cost to deploy and manage network services for smart cities is lower than other wireless solutions. Wi-Fi HaLow uses license-free radio spectrum in its operation, and Wi-Fi HaLow enabled equipment can be sourced from multiple OEMs. Unlike cellular service providers, which charge fees to use their networks, there is no recurring cost to use Wi-Fi HaLow connectivity. Expert personnel who understand Wi-Fi technology are plentiful and can use well-established methodologies to operate and maintain Wi-Fi HaLow networks. These economic benefits help reduce smart city operating costs, and the savings can trickle down to a municipality’s citizens.

On an enterprise level, Wi-Fi HaLow supercharges a wide array of smart city applications including security and safety systems, energy management, maintenance, occupant services, utility billing, demand management, indoor air quality (IAQ) monitors and compliance systems. With its distinct advantages in range, power efficiency, network capacity and security, Wi-Fi HaLow can equip these applications with the capacity to handle amounts of IoT device connectivity, significantly enhancing operations and services within a smart city.

Wi-Fi HaLow’s unique blend of long range, low-power consumption, advanced security and high-density connectivity is transforming smart city applications. Whether in support of automated transit systems, streamlined building operations or enhanced enterprise applications, Wi-Fi HaLow is a powerhouse protocol capable of addressing the myriad needs of a smart city. Its ability to connect thousands of IoT devices across sprawling urban landscapes enables efficient data sharing and automation, driving improved city services, environmental sustainability, and a higher quality of life for residents.

As cities worldwide transition to smart, connected environments, advanced wireless protocols like Wi-Fi HaLow have become key enablers of technology innovation. By providing a connectivity solution tailored to the distinct requirements of IoT applications, Wi-Fi HaLow isn’t merely contributing to the development of smart cities – it’s setting a higher standard of wireless communications. Wi-Fi HaLow’s growing market momentum represents a significant leap toward a smarter, safer, and more connected future, reshaping our urban landscapes one city at a time.

About the Author: Michael De Nil is co-founder and CEO of Morse Micro. He played a key role in the digital chip development of the 802.11 Wi-Fi chips found in most modern smartphones and had 10 years of experience in low-power digital IC design at imec and Broadcom before founding Morse Micro.

The post Wi-Fi HaLow: Powering the Evolution of Smart Cities appeared first on IoT Business News.

According to a new research report from the IoT analyst firm Berg Insight, the global market for precision agriculture solutions is forecasted to grow from € 3.1 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.4 percent to reach about € 5.2 billion in 2027.

A set of technologies are applied in precision farming practices, which are aimed at managing variations in the field to maximise yield, raise productivity and reduce consumption of agricultural inputs. While solutions such as auto-guidance and machine monitoring and control via on-board displays today are mainstream technologies in the agricultural industry, telematics and Variable Rate Technology (VRT) are still in the early stages of adoption. Interoperability between solutions remains a challenge, although initiatives to provide common protocols and language structure for data sharing are making progress.

Most major agricultural equipment manufacturers have today operations related to precision agriculture with varying strategies. Leading vendors of precision agriculture solutions include the world’s largest manufacturer of agricultural equipment Deere & Company, followed by the precision technology vendors Trimble, Topcon Positioning Systems, Raven Industries and Hexagon. Major input manufacturers like BASF, Bayer, Corteva Agriscience and Syngenta have entered the space primarily through acquisitions and focus on providing mapping tools and decision support for the purpose of input optimisation and yield maximisation. A group of companies have surfaced as leaders on the nascent market for in-field sensor systems. These include Semios, Pessl Instruments with its METOS brand, Davis Instruments and Sencrop.

The move from automation to autonomy is the next step in the evolution of the agricultural industry. “Although autonomy on a component level has been exploited by multiple manufacturers, autonomous agricultural operations on an equipment level are now on the rise”, said Veronika Barta, IoT analyst at Berg Insight.

Today, original equipment manufacturers are developing autonomous machines such as driverless tractors and seed-planting robots. Agricultural drones are the most advanced segment, performing autonomous operations by utilising multispectral cameras, LiDAR sensors and route algorithms. Aerial imagery for crop monitoring is the most common application area, followed by spraying operations of crop protection chemicals. Satellite navigation, sensors, artificial intelligence and machine learning will be the main facilitators of autonomous equipment in the future of farming.

Download report brochure: IoT Applications in the Agricultural Industry

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By Sam Colley, Giesecke+Devrient.

The Internet of Things (IoT) landscape in 2024 is set for transformative changes, driven by advancements in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), and a plethora of emerging technologies, as IoT systems become increasingly integrated into critical infrastructure.

In this article, I shall delve into the various aspects of this transformation, exploring the impact of AI and machine learning (ML) in creating intelligent IoT systems, the rise of edge computing, the integration of blockchain for enhanced security, the introduction of ultra-thin smart shipping labels, the incorporation of the SGP.32 standard, and IoT’s burgeoning role in sustainability.

Increased focus on IoT cybersecurity

In 2024, the integration of IoT devices into vital systems like Smart Cities, coupled with the increased adoption of technologies such as 5G, eSIM, iSIM, and satellite connectivity, has emphasised the importance of robust cybersecurity measures. These advancements have made IoT devices more versatile and efficient, but they also necessitate enhanced focus on safeguarding data integrity and device security.

To address these needs, there’s a growing emphasis on deploying advanced encryption and rigorous security protocols. These measures ensure the protection of data transmitted between IoT devices and central systems. Additionally, continuous monitoring and real-time threat detection, powered by AI and ML, may well become standard practices. They help in promptly identifying and responding to potential security breaches, maintaining the integrity and reliability of IoT networks.

AI and ML enabling intelligent IoT systems

AI and ML are revolutionising almost everything, including IoT. By analysing massive amounts of data instantaneously, AI enhances IoT applications such as predictive maintenance and energy management. This synergy, combined with centralised IoT management platforms, leads to unparalleled operational efficiency.

In 2024, the integration of AI and ML will become much more embedded in IoT infrastructures. The blend of AI’s analytical capabilities with IoT’s data collection and monitoring functions creates an ecosystem where operational insights are gathered more efficiently and effectively, leading to smarter, more responsive IoT systems.

Edge computing enhancing IoT performance

Edge computing is revolutionising IoT performance by processing data closer to its source. This method significantly reduces latency, crucial for real-time applications such as autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and augmented reality. These advancements are particularly pertinent in smart cities, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, where they facilitate immediate data analysis and improve service quality.

Looking forward, the integration of AI and machine learning with edge computing is expected to increase, enabling edge devices to independently make complex decisions. The expansion of 5G networks will enhance communication between these devices, promoting faster, more efficient data processing. Furthermore, edge computing’s role in reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions underscores its significance in fostering a more sustainable IoT ecosystem.

Blockchain for IoT security

As IoT devices increasingly handle sensitive data, the role of blockchain in bolstering IoT security is becoming more prominent. Blockchain’s decentralised nature offers enhanced data integrity, making it a key player in protecting against the growing cybersecurity threats in the IoT landscape. Its integration with AI and ML is particularly noteworthy, representing a significant leap forward in building a resilient IoT infrastructure.

This combination promises to shape a stronger, more secure IoT ecosystem for 2024 and beyond, especially as the attack surface of IoT expands. Blockchain’s ability to ensure the authenticity and security of data transactions across the network is vital in this context, presenting a robust solution to the evolving challenges in IoT security.

Ultra-thin, low-power smart shipping labels

The ultra-thin, low-power smart shipping labels, first seen in early 2023 with our very own Smart Shipping Label, which is equipped with a printed, eco-friendly battery, features an eSIM, and supports up to 1000 messages across LTE-M, NB-IoT, and 2G networks.

Such labels will become much more prolific in 2024, due to their function as advanced tracking devices for items both large and small. They are capable of real-time monitoring of location, temperature, and package integrity, ensuring secure and efficient transit.

Thanks to their adaptability for various logistical needs, from tracking small documents to larger assets, these smart labels not only enhance supply chain efficiency but also align with sustainability goals, representing a significant advancement in IoT-driven asset management.

Integrating SGP.32 into the IoT ecosystem

The integration of the SGP.32 standard into the IoT ecosystem in 2024 heralds a significant advancement in device capabilities and application efficiency. SGP.32 is pivotal for use cases that demand high location accuracy, like precision agriculture, by providing superior geolocation services.

Moreover, the incorporation of SGP.32 plays a key role in the expanded use of eSIMs within IoT devices. This is particularly beneficial for global IoT deployments, as it simplifies the complexities associated with device management across different regions. Features like remote provisioning and profile swapping inherent in eSIM technology are instrumental in enhancing operational efficiency.

This development is not just a technological leap; it’s a strategic enabler for more efficient, globally connected, and responsive IoT ecosystems. The impact of integrating SGP.32 will be felt across various sectors, significantly contributing to the overall evolution and effectiveness of IoT applications.

IoT’s sustainability drive intensifies

Finally, in 2024 IoT will continue playing its pivotal role in driving sustainability across various sectors. Advanced, energy-efficient sensors, coupled with AI, are revolutionising resource management by enabling precise monitoring and control. This technological synergy is significantly reducing waste and optimising energy use.

In industries like manufacturing, IoT adoption is being accelerated by tightening global regulations, which are mandating more sustainable practices and better ecological footprints. IoT technologies are not only enhancing operational efficiencies but also promoting environmental stewardship. The implementation of smart systems in areas such as energy management and waste reduction are evidence of IoT’s growing influence in creating a more sustainable future.

As the world grapples with environmental challenges, the integration of IoT in sustainability efforts is becoming increasingly crucial, marking a new era where technology and ecology harmoniously intersect.

The post 2024 IoT evolution: Cybersecurity, AI, and emerging technologies transforming the industry appeared first on IoT Business News.

According to a new research report from the IoT analyst firm Berg Insight, the global installed base of connected vending machines reached an estimated 5.8 million units in 2022.

North America represents the largest share of these machines, closely followed by the Rest of the World markets. Both are estimated to have installed bases of around 2.1 million each.

In Europe, the installed base of connected vending machines is estimated to have reached around 1.5 million units. Berg Insight forecasts that the number of connected vending machines worldwide will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.4 percent to reach 12.3 million units by 2027. As a result, the global penetration rate will reach 75.7 percent at the end of the forecast period.

The global connected vending solution market is served by a variety of players. Many of the leading providers are specialised technology companies offering connected vending telemetry and cashless payment solutions. US-based Cantaloupe is established as the clear leader in terms of installed base with more than 900,000 connected vending machines, mainly in North America.

Other leading technology suppliers include Crane Payment Innovations, Nayax, Ingenico and Televend (INTIS). The latter has continued to show significant growth and is clearly established as a top player on the European market. MatiPay, Vianet Group and Vendon are additional examples of technology players with relatively significant installed bases in Europe. In China, InHand networks holds a prominent position and is estimated to have installed its solutions in close to 300,000 vending machines by the end of 2022.

“The number of connected vending machines continues to grow and has now reached very high levels, particularly in North America”, said Felix Linderum, IoT Analyst at Berg Insight.

In Europe and the Rest of the World markets penetration levels are still modest but growing. Overall, cashless payments continue to be the main driver for adding connectivity in vending machines.

“This development was further reinforced by the Covid-19 pandemic”, continued Mr. Linderum.

He adds that because of the pandemic, there has been an accelerated adoption of cashless and contactless payments as users seek versatility, convenience and safety to a larger extent than before. Outside of North America and Europe, the main driver for growth is the growing installed base of connected vending machines in China. While stringent lockdowns enforced during the Covid-19 pandemic led to a slowdown in the country, there has been a noteworthy surge in the number of vending machines in China over the past few years. Berg Insight anticipates that the country is poised to emerge as a key player in the connected vending space.

Mr. Linderum concluded:

“Mobile payments and remote management of multimedia content are basically standard on the vending machines in China. Facial recognition technology is also a growing trend and enables pay-with-your-face functionality.”

Download report brochure: Connected Vending Machines

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By: Beemal Vasani, Head of Business Development of Ansell Inteliforz.

In today’s fast-paced industrial and manufacturing sectors, safety and efficiency are paramount concerns. Companies are increasingly turning to innovative technologies to transform their workplace culture, with the Wearable Internet of Things (WIoT) taking center stage. This cutting-edge technology is not only overhauling traditional practices but also revolutionizing the way companies approach worker safety and productivity. In this article, we will delve into the ways wearable technology is currently reshaping the industrial and manufacturing landscape, explore the myriad benefits of WIoT, and shed light on the software solutions that are propelling this revolution.

A Shift in Workplace Culture

Industrial and manufacturing environments have long been associated with rigorous physical demands and safety concerns. However, as technology advances, so too does the ability to safeguard workers and improve overall efficiency. Wearable technology, in particular, has emerged as a game-changer. From smart helmets to augmented reality glasses, these devices are revolutionizing the way workers interact with their environment.

One of the most significant shifts brought about by WIoT is the move towards a more proactive approach to safety. Traditionally, safety measures were often reactive, focusing on addressing incidents after they occurred. With wearable devices, companies now have access to real-time data that enables them to identify potential hazards before they become accidents. For example, smart vests equipped with sensors can monitor environmental conditions, such as temperature and air quality, alerting workers and management to unsafe conditions instantly.

The Multifaceted Benefits of WIoT

The adoption of WIoT is not solely driven by safety concerns; it also promises a host of other benefits. One of the most compelling advantages is its ability to reduce worker fatigue. In physically demanding industries, fatigue can lead to accidents and decreased productivity. WIoT devices can monitor a worker’s biometrics, such as heart rate and body temperature, in real-time. When fatigue is detected, alerts can be sent to both the worker and their supervisor, prompting necessary breaks or adjustments to tasks.

Furthermore, WIoT is facilitating the digital transformation of facilities. These devices are no longer just tools for monitoring workers; they are becoming integral components of interconnected systems that optimize operations. For instance, by equipping machinery with IoT sensors, it becomes possible to track equipment performance, anticipate maintenance needs, and reduce downtime. This seamless integration of WIoT technology results in cost savings and improved efficiency.

Enhancing Body Mechanics with Wearable Devices

The realm of body mechanics in the workplace is also being revolutionized by WIoT. Wearable devices, such as exoskeletons and wearable sensors, are designed to support workers and help them maintain correct postures and motions. These devices are equipped with sensors that can provide real-time feedback to workers, guiding them to adopt ergonomic positions that reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

Additionally, the data and understanding collected by these wearable devices is a goldmine of information. To harness this potential, companies are turning to sophisticated software solutions. These solutions aggregate data from various wearable devices and integrate it into a centralized platform. This allows for comprehensive analysis and insights that were previously unattainable.

For example, advanced analytics can identify patterns of movement and posture that may lead to injuries over time. By utilizing this data, companies can implement targeted training programs to improve worker ergonomics and reduce the risk of chronic injuries. Furthermore, the data can be used to engineer workflows, optimize the allocation of tasks and resources for maximum efficiency.

The Power of Integration

Integration is key to unlocking the full potential of WIoT. By consolidating data from wearable devices into a single platform, companies can achieve a holistic view of their operations. This data-driven approach enables predictive maintenance, real-time safety monitoring, and workflow optimization, all within one cohesive system.

Moreover, the benefits of WIoT extend beyond the factory floor. Office-based employees can also benefit from wearable technology, as it can monitor posture and sedentary behavior, promoting better health and well-being. For instance, smart wristbands can remind office workers to take breaks, stretch, or adjust their sitting positions, reducing the risk of long-term health issues.

Embracing Innovation: WIoT’s Role in Shaping Tomorrow’s Workplace

The Wearable Internet of Things is ushering in a new era of workplace culture, where safety, efficiency, and worker well-being take center stage. Companies that embrace WIoT are not only reducing the risk of injuries but also driving digital transformation, reducing worker fatigue, and optimizing operations. With the integration of advanced software solutions, the potential for improvement is boundless.

As more companies recognize the transformative power of WIoT, it is clear that this technology is here to stay. It is no longer a matter of if, but when, organizations will adopt WIoT to enhance worker safety and productivity. The future of industrial and manufacturing workplaces is being shaped by wearable technology, and those who embrace it are poised to lead the way in the evolving landscape of worker safety and efficiency.

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According to a new research report from the IoT analyst firm Berg Insight, there were a total of 2,900 private LTE/5G networks deployed across the world at the end of 2023, including trial and pilot deployments.

Private 5G network deployments are moving from trials to commercial operations and amounted to an estimated 700 networks whereof trials accounted for close to half. Until 2028, the number of private LTE/5G network deployments are forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33 percent to reach 11,900 networks at the end of the period. Increasingly, the networks will be deployed into commercial operations faster as there is less need for use case testing. A meaningful number of private LTE network deployments will also be upgraded to 5G, starting in the next 2–3 years.

Berg Insight defines a private cellular network as a 3GPP-based private LTE/5G network built for the sole use of a private entity such as an enterprise or government organisation. Referred to as non-public networks by the 3GPP, private LTE/5G networks use spectrum defined by the 3GPP and LTE or 5G NR base stations, small cells and other radio access network (RAN) infrastructure to transmit voice and data to edge devices.

“The major RAN vendors (Ericsson, Nokia and Huawei) all play significant roles as integrated solution providers and are challenged by a number smaller RAN equipment providers”, said Fredrik Stalbrand, Principal Analyst, Berg Insight.

Nokia counts the largest number of private network deployments with more than 635 private cellular network customers at the end of Q2-2023.

Mr. Stalbrand continued:

“The vendors increasingly pursue channel-led sales strategies, and have developed ecosystems of mobile operators, system integrators, VARs and consulting partners to bring solutions to market.”

A number of small cell and other RAN equipment providers including Airspan Networks, Baicells, CommScope, JMA Wireless, Mavenir, Samsung Networks, Sercomm and ZTE provide competitive LTE/5G radio products and in some cases complete private network offerings.

Important specialised core network software vendors include Druid Software, Athonet (acquired by HPE in June 2023), as well as Affirmed Networks and Metaswitch (both part of Microsoft since mid-2020). In total, EPC/5GC offerings are available from close to 30 vendors. A third category is IT-centric players like Cisco and HPE. These companies focus on delivering fully integrated Wi-Fi and private LTE/5G solutions, enabling network managers to administer Wi-Fi and private LTE/5G networks through a single pane of glass. Celona is a new entrant in the space, backed by NTT Data and Qualcomm, offering its integrated private cellular solution in a single SaaS subscription.

Download report brochure: Private LTE/5G Networks for IoT Applications

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By Manuel Nau, Editorial Director at IoT Business News.

In the face of escalating climate challenges, technology has emerged as a beacon of hope. The Internet of Things (IoT) stands out as a particularly powerful tool in the global effort to promote environmental sustainability. With its network of interconnected devices and sensors, IoT offers innovative solutions to monitor, understand, and address environmental issues, contributing significantly to the fight against climate change.

IoT: A Game-Changer for Climate Monitoring

Climate change is a complex beast, with a multitude of variables that must be tracked and analyzed. IoT technologies offer unprecedented granularity in environmental monitoring, with sensors capable of providing real-time data on everything from atmospheric CO2 levels to the health of ocean ecosystems. This data is invaluable for researchers and policymakers alike, offering up-to-the-minute insights that can inform responsive and effective environmental policy.

Energizing Renewables with IoT

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are crucial in the transition away from fossil fuels. IoT is instrumental in optimizing the performance of these energy sources. Smart sensors can track wind patterns and sunlight exposure, adjusting the positioning of turbines and solar panels to maximize energy capture. Moreover, IoT systems help in predicting maintenance needs, reducing downtime, and enhancing the overall efficiency of renewable energy infrastructures.

Smart Agriculture: Growing More with Less

Agriculture consumes a vast amount of our planet’s resources, but IoT is helping to change that. Precision farming techniques, underpinned by IoT, enable farmers to monitor soil moisture levels and crop health with pinpoint accuracy, leading to more judicious use of water and pesticides. This not only helps in conserving precious resources but also results in higher yields and better-quality produce.

Waste Not: IoT for Waste Reduction

Waste management is another area where IoT shines. Smart waste bins can signal when they are full, optimizing collection routes and frequencies. IoT systems also play a crucial role in the recycling industry, where they can sort materials more efficiently and identify contaminants that can hinder the recycling process.

The Smart Grid: An IoT-Enabled Energy Network

One of the most significant applications of IoT in sustainability is the development of smart grids. These intelligent energy distribution networks can balance supply and demand in real time, reduce energy wastage, and integrate a higher percentage of renewable energy sources. Consumers can play an active role in energy conservation through smart meters that provide real-time feedback on energy consumption, encouraging more responsible usage patterns.

Challenges to Overcome

Despite its vast potential, the widespread adoption of IoT for environmental sustainability is not without challenges. The energy consumption of IoT devices themselves is a concern; thus, it is imperative that these devices are designed to be as energy-efficient as possible. Additionally, the production of IoT devices must become greener, employing sustainable materials and minimizing waste.

Data privacy and security are also critical issues. The vast amounts of data collected by IoT devices must be kept secure to protect against breaches that could undermine public trust in these technologies.

Policy Implications and the Path Forward

To fully harness the potential of IoT for environmental sustainability, collaborative efforts are needed. Policymakers must create frameworks that encourage the development and deployment of sustainable IoT solutions. This includes investing in infrastructure, funding research and development, and setting industry standards that prioritize sustainability.

Cross-sector partnerships are equally important. The technology sector must work with environmental scientists, urban planners, and agricultural experts to create IoT solutions that are both technologically advanced and environmentally sound.


IoT offers a powerful arsenal of tools in the fight against climate change, from optimizing renewable energy to enabling smarter agriculture and waste management. However, the journey to a sustainable future requires more than just technology; it demands a collective commitment to innovation, responsible usage, and global cooperation. As we continue to harness the potential of IoT, we move closer to a more sustainable world where technology and the environment exist in harmony, combating climate change one smart solution at a time.

The post Harnessing the Power of IoT for Environmental Sustainability: Smart Solutions to Combat Climate Change appeared first on IoT Business News.

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