


Inventory stacking, a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, drove cellular module growth in 2021 and even into 2022. However, in 2023 it was a major headwind, driving a shipment decline of over 5% relative to 2022. What has buoyed the spirits of the cellular module market has been the growth of Cat-1bis.

According to a new report from global technology intelligence firm ABI Research cellular module forecasts show that Cat-1bis will replace nearly 70% of the Cat-1 market by 2029.

For years, many Cat-1 IoT devices were designed using only a single antenna which sometimes required carrier approval for use on their networks. LTE networks are ubiquitous with good coverage hence a single antenna was sufficient. But what device OEMs and chipset vendors realized is that Cat-1 module costs can be reduced even more by building a dedicated Cat-1bis chipset with send and receive functions delivered over a single antenna. Not only could power consumption be lowered but also component costs. The Cat-1bis standard in 3GPP Release 13 formalizes the common, yet informal use of single antenna Cat-1 devices. The original Cat 1 specification in 3GPP Release 8 required two antennas.

Commenting on the new data, Dan Shey, Vice President, Enabling Platforms at ABI Research, says:

“Like many new developments in the cellular IoT market, China is leading with deployment of Cat-1bis. Outside of China, Cat-1bis penetration is much lower since it is typically the replacement technology for new device designs. Regardless of region, based on the benefits of Cat-1bis relative to other cellular technologies, we see Cat-1bis becoming the number two technology choice for cellular IoT applications by 2029.”

Cat-1bis benefits include lower cost – outside of China Cat-1bis modules are at least 30% cheaper with even greater reductions seen in China. Network roaming is also a benefit as 4G roaming agreements are well established unlike the challenges seen today with NB-IoT and Cat-M. Finally, the Cat-1bis standard formalizes the use of a single antenna. The only question which will vary by use case and application is connection reliability for stationary applications. For battery-powered IoT applications, fixed placement of a Cat-1bis device where cellular network coverage is poor could shorten battery life as single antenna devices struggle to connect to the cellular network.

But there is also another view of Cat-1bis in the market. According to Shey, “Presently it is unclear if the chipset vendors will invest in new Cat-1bis chipsets. At Mobile World Congress, and more recently at Asia Tech Expo, RedCap was being pushed not only by module suppliers, but also the device OEMs and the chipset community. 5G RedCap is creating an opening to drive 5G device volumes in the IoT domain. The calculus by the 5G supplier community is 5G capabilities – low latency, location granularity, and future proofing against LTE sunsets, will convince more customers to invest in these higher revenue products.”

With Cat-1bis representing the near-term opportunity and 5G RedCap the longer-term opportunity, both technologies are receiving increased investment across the supply chain. Chipset vendors will play a key role in module and device development for both technologies. Qualcomm, Sequans, UNISOC, and ASR are all supporting both technologies; development outside of China is led by Qualcomm and Sequans.

These findings are from ABI Research’s M2M Embedded Cellular Modules and M2M Embedded Cellular Modules Update: 1H 2024 reports. This report is part of the company’s IoT Hardware & Devices research service research service, which includes research, data, and ABI Insights.

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Clea’s module Astarte provides the ability to orchestrate IoT field data and handle device-to-cloud communication on Google Cloud.

SECO, a leading global provider of end-to-end technological solutions for next-generation digital devices, today announced the listing of Clea’s module Astarte on Google Cloud Marketplace.

This integration enables users to easily access an advanced framework for IoT data-centric operations.

Astarte is the connectivity building block within Clea, SECO’s comprehensive software suite for building IoT solutions that harness field data. Based on open source and production ready, Clea is composed of a set of modules that deliver features encompassing data orchestration and modelling, device and fleet management, and development of value-added services and advanced AI applications. Astarte serves as an IoT communication and data orchestration layer, facilitating field data management. It incorporates all the necessary components for locally processing data through a series of built-in features and connecting a fleet of devices to a set of remote cloud-hosted applications. Astarte performs tasks including data modelling, automated data reduction, and real-time event facilitation – encompassing any feature expected in modern IoT middleware. Astarte is fully open source. Its architecture enables scaling to large numbers of device nodes, supporting large-scale messaging and data orchestration without compromising on stability and reliability.

Delivery through Google Cloud Marketplace will provide users with a consumption-based, software as a service (SaaS) release of Astarte. For businesses, this simplifies getting started and later scaling their IoT applications, via Google Cloud’s trusted, global infrastructure. A variety of flavours, from inexpensive starter plans to fully dedicated instances, will be provided. Astarte will also be natively and tightly integrated with the broader Google Cloud ecosystem, including Pub/Sub and BigQuery.

Following Astarte, other modules of the Clea software suite will soon be released individually on Google Cloud Marketplace. This strategic approach, aiming to make Clea components available on the marketplace through native integration with the Google Cloud ecosystem empowers developers to choose whether to use them collectively or individually – perfectly aligning with the requirements of their IoT applications.

Google Cloud Marketplace lets users quickly deploy functional software packages that run on Google Cloud, allowing customers to easily start up a familiar software package with services like Compute Engine or Cloud Storage, with no manual configuration required.

“Our listing on Google Cloud Marketplace is a pivotal milestone in our effort to provide IoT developers with the best of both worlds: the simplicity and convenience of SaaS and PaaS solutions, and the benefits and guarantees of an open source ecosystem,” said Dario Freddi, Chief IoT and Strategy Officer at SECO.

“We’re committed to filling the gap of the deprecated IoT Core with an even better experience for developers, and via the same convenience and integration with the broader Google Cloud ecosystem. We will also double down on our investment in Google Cloud with further releases of other Clea modules, in accordance with our mission of becoming the go-to choice for building IoT applications on Google Cloud.”

“Bringing SECO to Google Cloud Marketplace will help customers quickly deploy, manage, and grow Astarte on Google Cloud’s trusted, global infrastructure,” said Dai Vu, Managing Director, Marketplace & ISV GTM Programs at Google Cloud. “SECO can now securely scale and support customers on their digital transformation journeys.”

Discover Astarte on Google Cloud Marketplace here. To learn more about Clea and Astarte, visit

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As the EU strives to improve the availability of EV stations, ENGIE Vianeo is powering up its fleet of chargers with real-time data for improved analytics and troubleshooting.

ENGIE Vianeo, the EV charging business of energy company ENGIE Group, is partnering with international communications enabler BICS to connect its charging stations to the Internet of Things (IoT).

The solution will provide real-time data which allows for remote maintenance and enhanced decision-making. Partnering with BICS will deliver seamless connectivity, security and regulatory compliance to support ENGIE’s rapid European rollout plans.

Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular across Europe – new electric car registrations reached nearly 3.2 million in 2023, increasing by almost 20% from 2022. However, this is driving demand for more accessible charging infrastructure. Last year, the EU approved a new law to add more chargers across its member states, with specific targets for 2025 and 2030. This legislation put specific emphasis on installing stations across main highways.

In response to this demand, ENGIE launched its charging business, ENGIE Vianeo, last year. It has now partnered with BICS in a move to upgrade the technology supporting its expanding estate. By utilizing BICS’ IoT connectivity portal ‘SIM for Things’, ENGIE is upgrading its EV charging estate into a network of IoT devices to improve efficiency, reliability, and user convenience. The solution supports remote maintenance and troubleshooting, analytics on station activity, and enables remote software and firmware updates. These are determining rating criteria recognized by the users. Previous iterations of the technology have used a ‘black box’ fitted to the stations, these would collect data but have to be physically collected and processed, while this new solution means real-time, remote data collection from the highway to ENGIE Vianeo’s European supervisory center.

The real-time data provided by the solution will also improve customer experience, described by ENGIE Vianeo as a “key element of the transition to a lower-emission mobility model”. Users will be able to see live information, via their phone app, on nearby charger availability or the charging status of their vehicle. Answering such a need to guarantee the best charging experience leads to a significant increase in attendance.

“The appetite for electric cars is growing across Western Europe,” says Clémence Fischer, Managing Director, ENGIE Vianeo. “We aim to meet this demand by rapidly expanding our number of charging stations. In France alone, we aim to have 12,000 charge points by the end of 2025. In Belgium, we expect to double the current number of charging stations to exceed 5,000 charge points by the same date. Managing such a large, dispersed estate presents challenges, so alongside BICS, we’re investing in technology to give us complete visibility over our infrastructure. This will help us improve the prompt response of our services and keep stations maintained and running reliably, so they’re always ready and available when customers need them.”

Due to the typical locations of charging stations, in built-up metropolitan areas or remote highways, mobile connectivity (as opposed to fixed fibre) is a must. BICS is making this simple for ENGIE Vianeo, providing the internet connection, the SIM cards to connect the charging stations, and its SIM for Things platform for easy setup and maintenance. While the initial rollout for these ‘connected chargers’ will focus on Belgium, they will later expand across Western Europe, including France, Italy and Spain. Around 50,000 devices are expected to be deployed as part of the collaboration.

Mikael Schachne, CRO Enterprise, BICS, says:

“IoT technology augments businesses by enabling real-time visibility across their operations, from the management of moving parts within factories to devices distributed across the globe.”

“Enabling EV vehicles to access charging stations anywhere is essential as we look to achieve a more efficient and carbon-neutral mobility infrastructure. We are very pleased to partner with ENGIE Vianeo to accelerate their rollout, reducing the complexity with ‘plug-and-play’ SIM connectivity to rapidly and easily connect smart chargers across Europe.”

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According to IoT Analytics, the Enterprise IoT market size reached $269 billion in 2023, representing 15% growth year-over-year.

Growth is expected to slow down as economic concerns impact corporate spending, resulting in a 12% growth in 2024 before re-accelerating in 2025.

China, India, and the US are expected to lead in spending growth regionally, while automotive and process manufacturers are set to lead by vertical. IoT software spending continues to show strength and greatly outpace that of enterprise IoT spending in general.

Key insights

The enterprise IoT market size reached $269 billion in 2023, representing 15% growth year-over-year, according to the Global IoT Enterprise Spending dashboard (Q2/2024 update). Growth is expected to slow further to 12% in 2024 before re-accelerating in 2025.
Economic concerns have impacted corporate spending in general, including for IoT. IoT hardware technologies are currently hit the hardest.
China, India, and the US are expected to lead in spending growth regionally, while automotive and process manufacturers are set to lead by vertical.
Spending growth for enterprise IoT software is expected to greatly outpace that of enterprise IoT spending in general.

Select quotes

Knud Lasse Lueth, CEO at IoT Analytics, comments that “IoT remains a key priority for enterprises, with software vendors, hyperscalers, and telecommunications firms increasing their market share in the $269 billion IoT market. Growth continues to be strong for these and other firms, though not exponential.”

Joaquin Fernandez, Market Analyst at IoT Analytics, adds that

“Despite recent economic challenges, it looks like the enterprise IoT market is set for strong recovery in 2025. We expect a CAGR of over 15% from 2024 to 2030. IoT software will be the growth engine, driven by AI integration and real-time data exchange.”

Enterprise IoT market overview

Enterprise IoT market size grew 15% to $269 billion in 2023 year-over-year (YoY). This is lower than the 18% YoY growth in 2022, according to IoT Analytics’ Global IoT Enterprise Spending dashboard—which was updated in June 2024 and includes a look at enterprise IoT spending by region, vertical, and technology, along with a look at 100+ companies. For 2024, IoT Analytics expects growth to slow further to 12%, with the IoT market size expected to reach $301 billion.

Market recovery on the horizon. Enterprise IoT spending shows signs of growth rate recovery starting in 2025, with a CAGR of 15% projected until 2030.

Factors contributing to slower IoT market growth in 2024

Economic concerns weigh heavily on spending growth. Throughout 2023 and into 2024, economic concerns remained the top topic of CEOs during earnings calls. These concerns have generally led to reduced corporate spending, including for IoT.

Hardware spending is dragging the overall enterprise IoT spending growth rate down. Corporate curtailment of spending has hit IoT hardware the hardest. Out of the entire IoT tech stack—security, services, software, and hardware—hardware is likely to have the lowest growth rate in 2024 at 5%, according to the Global IoT Enterprise Spending dashboard. Specifically, the computers, controllers, and gateways segment is expected to experience a drop in actual enterprise IoT spending. One of the reasons is the high inventory levels that customers stockpiled in the last quarters.

Hardware companies express doubt about growth expectations in 2024. During individual interviews with over 300 exhibitors at Hannover Messe 2024, vendors with a heavy hardware footprint (e.g., large industrial automation suppliers) expressed caution when discussing their 2024 business outlooks—some citing customer inventory surplus and limited demand, which can lead to sales dips. Additionally, in May 2024, the CEOs of Siemens and Rockwell Automation—two leaders in this area—highlighted the muted industrial demands and high stock levels (particularly in China) during their Q2 earnings calls.

IoT market drivers in 2024 and beyond

IoT has a strong impact on the bottom line. According to IoT Analytics’ upcoming IoT Use Case Adoption Report 2024, enterprise IoT investments are overwhelmingly paying off—a finding likely to drive enterprise IoT market size growth in the coming years. Findings from the ongoing research show that the share of companies that report a positive ROI from IoT adoption has increased, and boardrooms are convinced about IoT’s positive impact.

Regional market drivers

China, India, and the US expected to drive market growth. In 2024, companies in China, India, and the US are expected to grow their IoT spending by 17%, 14%, and 13%, respectively. IoT Analytics forecasts higher growth for these countries in the coming years, with China and the US expected to exceed the YoY global growth average through the end of the decade and India to exceed until 2028.

Vertical market drivers

Automotive and process manufacturers to consistently outpace enterprise IoT spending growth through 2030. The dashboard projects automotive manufacturers to grow their enterprise IoT spending by 14% in 2024 and 18% in 2025. Through the decade’s end, the difference between their enterprise IoT spending growth rate and the global average is predicted to remain between 1 and 3 percentage points higher.

The automotive sector is undergoing significant change towards electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous driving, and software-defined vehicles. This transition requires substantial investment in IoT for vehicle connectivity, real-time data processing, and integration of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). Moreover, car manufacturers must redesign entire factories from producing vehicles with combustion engines to putting out smart electric vehicles. As the CEO of Renault, Luca de Meo, put it in the company’s Q1 2024 earnings call, “Transforming our industrial base puts us on track to reduce production costs by 30% for ICE and hybrid cars and by 50% for EVs by 2027. For example, deploying predictive maintenance AI tools resulted this year in a €270 million saving on energy and maintenance.”

Meanwhile, process manufacturers—those that utilize chemical, physical, or compositional changes to convert raw materials or feedstock into products—are expected to grow their enterprise IoT spending by 13% in 2024 and remain 1 to 2 percentage points above the YoY growth averages through 2030. Process manufacturers use IoT with the intent to enhance operational efficiency, improve safety, foster better communication, modernize operations, achieve scalability, and provide accessible data for informed decision-making. Examples of heavy IoT investment in this sector include Dow Chemical’s deployment of private LTE networks to modernize operations and enhance efficiency across their extensive Freeport manufacturing site. Such initiatives aim to improve operational efficiency, enhance worker safety, and streamline communication and collaboration.

Technology market drivers

IoT software expected to see strong growth through the end of the decade. All three subcategories of the IoT software segment—platforms (including platforms as a service), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and applications (including software as a service)—are set to expand strongly in the next few years, following only a slight growth dip in 2024. IaaS and applications both appear set for continued 20%+ CAGRs.

AI integration set to drive enterprise IoT software spending. The integration of IoT with other emerging technologies, such as AI and machine learning, offers advanced features like predictive analytics, real-time monitoring, and AI-driven insights. That has the potential to enhance the appeal and utility of IoT software solutions. Based on IoT Analytics’ interviews with exhibitors at Hannover Messe 2024, and in contrast with their hardware counterparts, software vendors have a positive business outlook in 2024, largely driven by the excitement surrounding AI products and their growing adoption. Major IT vendors such as Microsoft, Amazon, and SAP, as well as systems integrators like Avanade and Cognizant, highlighted a strong focus on new AI and data-related projects.

Use case market drivers

IoT-based process automation and asset/plant/operations performance optimization are top priorities for enterprises. The use cases that are expected to see the highest spending growth are IoT-based process automation and asset/plant/operations performance optimization. Both are forecasted to see the highest levels of growth in 2024 and 2025 and exceed the average YoY global growth rates through 2030. And rightly so, since the investment usually pays off. One finding of the upcoming IoT Use Case Adoption Report 2024 is that only 2% of end-users who invest in an IoT-based process automation report a negative/zero ROI.

IoT market company dynamics

Among the 100+ companies included in the Global IoT Enterprise Spending dashboard, most can be grouped into one of six categories, each with distinct IoT market dynamics.

Semiconductor companies: On average, the IoT portfolio of leading semiconductor companies had an overall revenue decrease of 6% in 2023. Strong demand for AI chips in IoT setups positively impacted companies such as NVIDIA and AMD, but this was insufficient to offset the economic and supply chain challenges that affected the industry.
Industrial automation companies: Schneider Electric, Keyence, and Yokogawa were notable outperformers in this sector. Overall, industrial automation companies grew their IoT portfolios by 10.5% in 2023 despite economic challenges impacting the industry.
Hyperscalers: Hyperscalers like Microsoft, Google, AWS, and Alibaba Cloud experienced an average growth of 19.2% for their respective IoT portfolios in 2023. The AI boom and strong adoption of new technologies globally drove this growth. Microsoft and AWS emerged as the primary beneficiaries of this and experienced solid growth in 2023.
Professional services companies: This sector experienced modest growth, with an overall increase of 2.8% for IoT-related professional services in 2023. Deloitte and Infosys were notable above-average performers.
Telcos: Telecommunications companies saw substantial revenue growth in 2023, with an overall increase of 19.7% for their IoT services. China Mobile, AT&T, and Vodafone were among the fastest-growing companies.
Other IT companies: The IoT portfolio of other IT companies saw an average growth of 9.5% in 2023. Examples of companies with IoT offerings in this category include IBM,, and HPE.

Analyst takeaway

Economic challenges—inflation, higher interest rates, or supply chain shortages—have impacted enterprise IoT market growth across the board. However, the Global IoT Enterprise Spending dashboard shows growth is around the corner in 2025. Already in 2024, we see market recovery for cellular IoT modules, which experienced a drop in shipments in 2023 due to inventory strategies stemming from supply chain issues. This rebound is just one of several positive indicators as we look forward to 2025. Also supporting this projected spending/revenue growth, senior enterprise IT decision-makers recently ranked IoT as 5th in tech prioritization for 2024 and 2025, a climb of one over 2023.

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By Justin Nichols, Director of Sales at OptConnect

In today’s world, where sustainability is not just a trend but a necessity, urban landscapes are crucial in creating healthier, greener cities. From expansive parks and meticulously maintained gardens to the perfectly manicured greens of golf courses, maintaining these urban oases requires a significant amount of water. Traditional irrigation methods, however, are often inefficient, leading to waste and increased costs. Enter smart irrigation systems powered by the Internet of Things (IoT), which promise to modernize how we manage water in urban landscapes, including the increasingly popular green roofs.

The Need for Smart Irrigation

Water conservation is paramount. Urban landscaping consumes vast quantities of water, often exacerbated by outdated irrigation systems that lack precision. Inefficient water usage also impacts municipal budgets and the environment. Smart irrigation systems address these challenges head-on by utilizing IoT technology to optimize water use.

Components of Smart Irrigation Systems

Soil moisture sensors are the backbone of smart irrigation systems. Strategically placed in the ground or on rooftops for green roofs, these sensors continuously monitor the water content in the soil. They provide real-time data to the control system, ensuring that plants receive just the right amount of water—no more, no less. This precision is a key feature of smart irrigation systems, contributing to their efficiency and water conservation.

Weather stations are instrumental in preventing unnecessary watering. They ensure that water is used efficiently by integrating real-time weather data, such as rainfall and humidity, into the irrigation schedule. This feature prevents watering during rain showers and adjusts the schedule based on upcoming weather conditions. Control systems, the brains of the operation, automate the entire process, allowing for manual adjustments when necessary. Connectivity through IoT networks ensures that all components communicate seamlessly, transmitting data to cloud storage for analysis and optimization.

Applications in Urban Landscapes

The benefits of smart irrigation are being realized across various urban settings. Parks, with their vast green expanses, have seen significant improvements in water management. By employing smart irrigation, these public spaces not only conserve water but also maintain lush, healthy greenery, enhancing the quality of life for city dwellers.
Gardens, both botanical and community, are also reaping the rewards. Precise watering schedules tailored to different plant species promote healthier growth and reduce water waste. Golf courses, which have unique irrigation needs, benefit from the ability to manage water usage more efficiently, ensuring that greens remain pristine without the excess cost and waste associated with traditional methods.

Green roofs, an innovative solution to urban heat islands and stormwater management, also benefit immensely from smart irrigation systems. These vegetative layers atop buildings require careful water management to thrive without overburdening the structure. Smart irrigation ensures optimal moisture levels, promoting healthy plant growth and maximizing the environmental benefits of green roofs.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the clear advantages, adopting smart irrigation systems is not without challenges. Technological issues such as sensor accuracy and connectivity can pose problems, but ongoing advancements continuously improve reliability and performance. Economically, the initial investment in smart irrigation technology can be a hurdle. However, the long-term savings in water costs and maintenance make it a worthwhile investment. Additionally, many municipalities and organizations offer incentives to encourage the adoption of water-saving technologies.

Regulatory and policy challenges also exist, as water usage regulations vary widely. Policymakers can play a pivotal role by creating frameworks that support and incentivize the use of smart irrigation systems, promoting wider adoption and greater sustainability.

The Future of Smart Irrigation

The future of smart irrigation is bright, with continuous innovations on the horizon. Emerging technologies promise even greater efficiency and integration with broader smart city initiatives. As public awareness grows and more stakeholders recognize the benefits, the adoption of smart irrigation systems is set to increase, transforming urban landscapes into models of sustainability and efficiency.

Smart irrigation systems represent a significant improvement in the management of urban landscapes. By leveraging IoT technology, these systems ensure that every drop of water is used efficiently, maintaining green spaces sustainably and cost-effectively. As we look to the future, the adoption of smart irrigation will be crucial in our efforts to build greener, more resilient cities, from parks and gardens to golf courses and green roofs. The transformation is not just about saving water—it’s about creating urban environments that thrive and inspire.

About Justin: Justin has over 20 years of sales and management experience and specializes in IoT solutions, capital equipment, and managed services in the industrial and energy sectors. As Director of Sales at OptConnect, he excels in securing hard-to-close deals, managing channel sales, and expanding enterprise sales across various markets.

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mCare Digital unveils the mCareWatch MW-241 powered by KORE connectivity.

KORE, a global leader in Internet of Things (“IoT”) Solutions and pioneering IoT hyperscaler, and provider of IoT Connectivity, Solutions and Analytics, and mCare Digital, a leader in assistive technology, is proud to announce the launch of the mCareWatch 241, the latest innovation in personal emergency alarms.

By providing the connectivity and provisioning platform needed to seamlessly connect the wearable devices, KORE enables mCare to virtually monitor patients in their homes or healthcare facilities.

Recently awarded the Best Innovative Assistive Technology product at the Asia Pacific Eldercare Awards in Singapore, the mCareWatch 241 showcases mCare Digital’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

Richard Tuke, vice president of sales for KORE EAP, is delighted to help push the needle forward when it comes to personal emergency technology. “Congratulations to mCare on their award-winning innovative health watch. Powered by IoT, this cutting-edge technology is truly enhancing lives and setting new standards in healthcare,” said Tuke. “Here’s to continued success and transforming health monitoring for individuals everywhere.”

Designed to offer the dignity of independence coupled with the security of immediate assistance, the mCareWatch 241 provides a new level of freedom and connectivity for users and caregivers alike. Each feature, from its lightweight design to extended battery life, was crafted to ensure all users can navigate their daily lives with confidence and ease.

Peter Apostolopoulos, co-founder of mCare Digital, is dedicated to enabling independence for individuals who need it most, like seniors and those living with disabilities. “The mCareWatch 241 represents our dedication to listening and responding to the needs of our customers. We are thrilled to offer a product that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of those we serve,” said Apostolopoulos. “This new model reflects our commitment to providing innovative, reliable, and user-friendly assistive technology.”

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Latest iteration of the Communications Service Provider (CSP) IoT Peer Benchmarking report from the world’s leading IoT analyst firm identifies the key trends shaping IoT connectivity and identifies the market leading MNOs and MVNOs.

Transforma Insights, the world’s leading Internet of Things analyst firm, has today published the 2024 edition of its ‘Communications Service Provider (CSP) IoT Peer Benchmarking Report’, identifying both the key themes that are defining the IoT connectivity market and the leading MNOs and MVNOs for IoT.

The report is based on extensive discussions with 25 leading global providers of cellular connectivity and detailed analysis of their capabilities and strategies. The CSPs profiled consist of: 1NCE, AT&T, BICS, Deutsche Telekom IoT, Emnify, Eseye, floLIVE, KORE, KPN, NTT, Ooredoo, Pelion, Semtech, Singtel, Soracom, T-Mobile US, Tele2, Telefónica, Telenor, Telia, Telit Cinterion, Velos IoT, Verizon, Vodafone and Wireless Logic.

Key trends in IoT connectivity

As a result of the extensive analysis, in addition to our ongoing research on IoT trends, we are able to draw a set of conclusions about how the IoT connectivity market, and specifically that related to cellular connectivity, has evolved since the last report was published in February 2023. The main key themes are:

The pace of change continues to be rapid, with evolving approaches to the market and the arrival of new technologies and commercial models. We expect more disruption in the coming year.
Devices and a device-to-cloud proposition, often incorporating sensors and data management, are becoming a key component of an IoT connectivity offering.
The quest for additional chargeable services and new revenue streams continues, including through premium support, network attach fees, VAS, Fixed Wireless Access, devices and consulting.
The need for customisation and contextualisation are paramount and require a modular and composable set of services plus some element of ‘consulting’.
Compliance represents both a challenge and an opportunity. Permanent roaming issues are largely resolved but with new data sovereignty, national resilience and other regulations on the horizon.
The Connectivity Management Platform landscape is evolving although at a relatively slow pace. There is appetite for change, both for CMP selection (typically dual-sourcing) and for overlay abstraction platforms.
Composing a multi-country connectivity solution, particularly involving LTE-M/NB-IoT is still too hard. Piggybacking on non-IoT networks remains king, and the door is firmly open for LTE Cat 1bis.
Despite the fact that the provision of connectivity using LPWA technologies leaves something to be desired, CSPs are still on the scout for the ‘next big thing’ with satellite NTN fulfilling that role at the moment. 5G does not yet promise much, although some forward-thinking CSPs are preparing.
SGP.32 is a positive and represents a significant reduction in the complexity of supporting localised connectivity. It will drive new business models and approaches.
There is innovative work focused on simplifying the process of adopting IoT connectivity, in particular in ‘meeting the developer were they are’ by translating the telecoms domain into IT.

These themes, and many more, are explored in greater detail in the report, as illustrated by the chart below.

Market leading CSPs for IoT

Based on the assessment of the CSPs’ strategies and capabilities we seek to advise enterprise adopters of which would be the most appropriate vendor to use for their IoT connectivity needs. The answer to that question is always specific to that organisation’s requirements, so there is no single ‘best’ CSP for IoT. Selection depends on innumerable factors, including the capabilities that the customer needs, the location of devices, preferred commercial models or even which cloud provider is used.

In the chart below we present our overall view of which are the market leaders. Our assessment has two dimensions. The first relates to pure IoT connectivity, including factors such as how multi-country connectivity is addressed, scalability, mechanisms for global traffic management and CMP capabilities. The second looks at those factors that are immediately adjacent to connectivity including devices, developer tools, security, compliance and contextualisation.

Report author Matt Hatton comments: “There are three main categories of leading CSPs for IoT. At the very apex of the diamond are the major mobile network operators, led by Vodafone and followed closely by DT IoT, NTT, Telefónica, AT&T and Verizon. The second category of market leaders are those that have focused exclusively on providing excellence in a narrow element of pure cellular connectivity, largely ignoring devices or much in terms of customisation for the enterprise client. This group includes 1NCE, emnify and floLIVE. Finally there is a group of CSPs that straddles the two camps, in some cases with equally capable connectivity offerings, but typically married with a more complete set of capabilities around ‘IoT services’. This group comprises Eseye, KORE, Soracom, Telenor, Telit Cinterion and Wireless Logic.”

Overall, the top 10 leaders in IoT connectivity are: Vodafone, Telenor, floLIVE, Wireless Logic, 1NCE, DT IoT, emnify, NTT, Eseye, and Telefonica. The top 10 leaders in IoT services are: Telefonica, AT&T, NTT, Vodafone, DT IoT, KORE, Verizon, Telit Cinterion, Eseye, and Wireless Logic. And the report notes an honourable mention for Soracom which just misses out on both of these lists, but has a strong proposition across both.

In the chart above, for the purposes of full transparency, we also include a dot to indicate the location of the average Transforma Insights client (i.e. any company with which we have had a commercial relationship in the last 12 months).

More on Transforma Insights’ Communication Service Provider IoT Peer Benchmarking Report here.

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Harada Industry, global automotive antennas leader, collaborates with UnaBiz, Massive Internet of Things (IoT) service provider and integrator, to design and manufacture Sigfox 0G technology-based vehicle tracking solution and in-vehicle antenna for the automotive industry.

HARADA has been delivering automotive antennas since 1957 with the “Lock Antenna ®”, a radio-receiving automotive antenna. Since then, the company has advanced into an OEM supplier for global automakers with offices in China, Germany, the United States, and other countries.

The collaboration between HARADA and UnaBiz involves joint efforts from R&D teams to create a “Film-type Vehicle Smart Tracker”, empowered by Sigfox 0G technology, that can be attached to the windshield of automobiles. The transparent film tracker will not obstruct the driver’s view, and its’ placement at the top of the windshield improves the radio wave environment, enhancing Sigfox 0G network reception. This retrofit tracker will be followed by fully integrated Sigfox-based solutions that automotive manufacturers can embed directly during vehicle assembly. Combined with HARADA’s advanced antennas, the integrated solution will open a broad range of use cases for the industry.

Micware, a tier 1 in-vehicle platform software provider for automotive control and car navigation systems, and an existing partner of HARADA will also be working with UnaBiz to develop the tracking and telemetry software platform.

HARADA and UnaBiz are set to explore various commercial strategies for the newly developed automotive products, with plans to introduce them to the market by the second half of 2024.

Keigo Harada, Executive Officer of HARADA expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, “It is a pleasure working with the UnaBiz team to combine our expertise in radio communication technologies to advance the automotive sector. Sigfox 0G and its global footprint are powerful, yet simple and elegant LPWAN technology that are straightforward to integrate into our portfolio of vehicle products and antennas. We are committed to leading the way, driving technological innovations that provide the best products and services for our customers.”

HARADA is located in 13 cities across 9 countries, supporting Asia Pacific, Europe, North America and the Central America markets, while UnaBiz has networks deployed in 70+ countries worldwide through its global 0G operators empowered by Sigfox 0G technology.

Alexis Susset, CTO of UnaBiz said, “We are excited to work with HARADA, a world-class supplier for global automakers as we see more and more Sigfox 0G technology engagements and applications in the automotive sector. Our automobile OEM customers in Europe and Japan are leveraging Sigfox for asset tracking, stolen vehicle recovery, and telematics. HARADA’s antenna knowledge is unique and a key enabler for us to expand globally and deploy solutions tailored to the automotive sector. We couldn’t be more excited to launch such a key collaboration in an industry we look forward to supporting in its digital transformation.”

Takuma Segawa, Executive Director of Micware added:

“Micware is thrilled to collaborate with HARADA and UnaBiz, both leading experts in their fields, to revolutionise the future of vehicle tracking and telematics. We will contribute our deep knowledge of software and other digital tools to build industry-leading solutions and products to build modern and inspiring experiences for end-users.”

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First of its kind IoT device powered by Samsara Network enables powerful location tracking to protect assets and reduce costs.

Today, at its Beyond conference, Samsara Inc. (“Samsara”) announced the industry’s first enterprise-grade Asset Tag designed to meet customer demand for tracking and managing small, high-value assets.

This new device leverages the Samsara Network to offer increased visibility into the location of mission-critical equipment and tools. As a result, organizations can minimize downtime spent searching for lost or stolen items, reduce associated costs, and simplify inventory management.

The industries that power our global economy – like transportation, oil and gas, and construction – have complex operations that rely on specialized assets to get their work done each day. These assets include toolboxes, jackhammers, chemical totes, and more. Due to manual inventory processes and a lack of connected systems, the recurring loss or theft of these materials can cost organizations millions of dollars every year.

But as sensors get more compact, sophisticated, and easier to install, they can track anything – big or small. Samsara’s Asset Tag was built around this opportunity: to provide unprecedented access and visibility into valuable assets at scale. By connecting critical assets to the cloud for the first time, customers can now easily capture and analyze location insights to significantly improve operational efficiency.

The Pike Corporation is a leading provider of infrastructure solutions for electric and gas utility companies within the United States. They use the Samsara platform across Vehicle Telematics, Video-Based Safety, and Asset Tracking to connect their operations. Most recently, Pike has begun testing Samsara’s Asset Tag to help recover misplaced or lost tools and equipment and accurately track safety PPE to comply with annual OSHA testing requirements.

“We have several high-value assets like service gloves and electrical grounds that don’t have serial numbers, but still need to be tracked, managed, and inspected to remain compliant,” said James Banner, Senior Vice President of Administration at Pike Electric. “Previously misplaced equipment would take us weeks to locate and if lost entirely, cost up to a million dollars to replace annually. With Samsara’s Asset Tags, we are hoping to minimize this downtime, cut costs, and digitize manual inspection processes – all while keeping our employees safe and efficient. We’re just getting started with this technology and I look forward to seeing what else it can do.”

With the Samsara Asset Tag, organizations can expect to:

Prevent loss and recover stolen assets: with advanced location tracking technology powered by Samsara’s vast network of gateways.
Reduce downtime and boost productivity: by sharing asset locations with technicians in the field via the Samsara Driver App and avoid service disruptions with Inventory Filtering, which pulls a summary of assets and applies filters to identify which tools are in close proximity.
Better manage inventory: and increase operational efficiency with a consolidated dashboard and easy-to-use reporting.

Powerful location tracking capabilities within the Asset Tag are enabled by the Samsara Network, made up of millions of IoT devices worldwide. This network coverage powered by Samsara devices leverages industrial-grade BLE technology and offers enterprise reliability designed to withstand the ruggedized, complex environments of physical operations.

“About a year ago, the Asset Tag was born from a radical idea that we could use the millions of Samsara Gateways we have out in the field to create a network, enabling ‘tags’ to ping off those devices. With this, we’d unlock a level of asset tracking that was previously impossible and solve even more real-world problems for our customers,” explained David Gal, Vice President, Product and Engineering at Samsara.

“After months of rigorous testing and customer feedback, I’m excited to see this vision become a reality. As we further connect every aspect of physical operations, we can turn massive amounts of data into valuable insights and drive real results.”

Asset Tag is shipping now to customers across North America and Europe. Learn more here.

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In today’s dynamic corporate world, sensitive information management and exchange are essential components of decision-making processes, mergers and acquisitions, and other commercial transactions. The usage of data room services has increased with the development of modern technology, particularly in cases like due diligence procedures. The virtual data room solutions have become vital resources for safe handling of information.

The importance of data rooms, their function in due diligence, and the necessity of selecting the best virtual data room providers will all be discussed in this article.

The evolution of data rooms

During mergers, acquisitions, and other corporate transactions, private records were typically shared and stored in physical data rooms. However, the creation of virtual data rooms was caused by the limitations of physical areas as well as the demand for increased efficiency and security. A data room is an online document storage that facilitates safe collaboration and sharing. The way corporations manage sensitive information has been changed by the shift from physical to virtual data room.

The data rooms for due diligence

The due diligence procedure is one of the main applications for data rooms. Analyzing a company’s operational, legal, and financial issues in great detail before a commercial transaction is known as due diligence. A due diligence data room is now essential for streamlining this procedure in the digital era. Parties may safely access and examine documents from any place thanks to these virtual data rooms. Data rooms are effective for due diligence because they make document management easier, give restricted access to private material, and keep an auditable record of all operations. During the due diligence process, these elements are essential for protecting confidentiality and guaranteeing that only authorized persons have access to certain documents.

The role of virtual data room providers

To guarantee the effectiveness and security of information management, selecting the top virtual dataroom provider is crucial. Although there are various virtual data room providers, there might be significant differences in their user interfaces, security measures, and functionality.

The best virtual data room providers pay great attention to elements like data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and access restrictions in order to secure critical data. Providers of data rooms are essential to maintain the reliability of the due diligence procedure. They provide a centralized platform for the safe organizing and sharing of documents. To improve document security and stop unauthorized sharing, these providers include technologies like digital rights management and document watermarking.

Crucial elements of data room providers

Security protocols: To protect sensitive data, data room providers provide the greatest importance by putting strong security measures in place. This includes encryption, and multi-factor authentication. These safety features guarantee that information is kept private and protected from unauthorized access.

User permissions and access control: Data room providers offer advanced user permission settings so that you may keep control over who has access to which documents or folders. Administrators can limit or give rights depending on roles and responsibilities, giving users variable degrees of access. This reduces the chance of unauthorized sharing or modification of critical information.

Document tracking and audit trails: Data rooms offer functionalities for document tracking and comprehensive audit trails. Because every move made in the virtual data room is recorded, administrators can monitor what users are doing. This helps with compliance and regulatory standards and improves accountability by giving a thorough picture of who viewed which documents and when.

Granular rights management and watermarking: These points help to improve document traceability and prevent unintentional sharing. Administrators can regulate operations like printing, copying, and downloading documents with comprehensive rights management, and watermarking helps identify the source of any stolen material.

Secure collaboration tools: Data room providers provide secure collaboration solutions that make it easier for users to communicate and work together on the platform. Discussion forums, Q&A sections, and annotation features are a few examples of these tools. Organizations can lower the danger of sensitive information being leaked through external channels by limiting communication inside the protected area.

Important factors to consider while selecting data room providers:

The most important factors to consider in your data room comparison process are:

Strong security measures: Assessing a provider’s security measures is crucial to guaranteeing that private data is safe.

User-friendly interface: The success of the data room is increased by the user-friendly interface, simple document uploading, and effective user management.

Customization and flexibility: Various business scenarios could call for special configurations and functionalities. One important factor to take into account is how easily virtual data room providers may customize their offerings to meet certain requirements.

24/7 support: Since business transactions require short lead times, having dependable customer service accessible 24/7 guarantees that any problems or inquiries can be solved quickly, reducing the possibility of delays.

Cost: In order to comply with financial restrictions, it is essential to comprehend the cost structure of virtual data room suppliers. Certain suppliers provide adaptable pricing structures, enabling companies to select programs according to their unique needs.


Data rooms are now an essential part of contemporary corporate transactions, particularly when it comes to due diligence procedures. Selecting the ideal virtual data room supplier is a crucial choice that directly affects information management efficiency and security. The top virtual data room providers supply safe and easy-to-use systems that guarantee the highest level of privacy while managing sensitive documents.

The post Understanding the Role of Data Room Providers in Secure Information Management appeared first on IoT Business News.

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