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The House Ethics Committee announced on Tuesday that it needs to further review allegations against Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., involving sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, and accepting improper gifts.

The committee also accused Gaetz of being uncooperative with its probe and said it had ‘difficulty in obtaining relevant information’ from him.

Gaetz has been under a years-long House investigation, spurred by the Department of Justice (DOJ), looking into reports in early 2021 that he had a relationship with an underage girl. The DOJ declined to charge Gaetz in 2023.

The bipartisan committee, led by Rep. Michael Guest, R-Miss., rarely releases such lengthy public statements.

But its investigation into Gaetz, which kicked off in April 2021, has attracted widespread media attention – which the panel noted.

‘There has been a significant and unusual amount of public reporting on the Committee’s activities this Congress. Much of that reporting has been inaccurate,’ the committee said, without elaborating on whether it was talking about the Gaetz matter specifically.

The committee also noted that Gaetz denies all allegations. 

‘Based on its review to date, the Committee has determined that certain of the allegations merit continued review. During the course of its investigation, the Committee has also identified additional allegations that merit review,’ the committee said.

House investigators are delving further into accusations Gaetz ‘engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, accepted improper gifts, dispensed special privileges and favors to individuals with whom he had a personal relationship, and sought to obstruct government investigations of his conduct.’

It said it’s no longer reviewing accusations ‘that he may have shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe or improper gratuity.’

When reached for further comment, Gaetz’s office pointed Fox News Digital to a Monday night X post criticizing the investigation.

He lashed out against the House Ethics Committee in the social media post, calling on the panel to instead work with him on cracking down on lawmakers who profit off the stock market.

‘The House Ethics Committee has closed four probes into me, which emerged from lies intended solely to smear me. Instead of working with me to ban Congressional stock trading, the Ethics Committee is now opening new frivolous investigations,’ Gaetz said. ‘They are doing this to avoid the obvious fact that every investigation into me ends the same way: my exoneration.’

He then took aim at former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., whose ouster Gaetz triggered late last year.

‘This is Soviet. Kevin McCarthy showed them the man, and they are now trying to find the crime. I work for Northwest Floridians who won’t be swayed by this nonsense and McCarthy and his goons know it,’ Gaetz said.

A spokesperson for McCarthy declined to comment on Gaetz’s post when reached by Fox News Digital.

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TAIWAN – China is inching closer to acts of war in the seas near the Philippines, according to experts, who say Beijing’s amplified hostile moves may soon cross red lines that could force the treaty-bound United States to intervene and defend the Asian nation. 

‘The Chinese are intentionally taunting the Philippines… which Beijing needs to justify an escalation,’ Andrew J. Masigan, a Philippine Star columnist and special consultant to the Middle East Media Research Institute’s (MEMRI) Chinese Media Studies project, told Fox News Digital. ‘Every time the Philippines makes a move, China escalates… for instance, when the Philippines adds two Coast Guard vessels, the Chinese will add six.’ But Masigan says his nation will not ‘fall into this Chinese trap,’ and will continue to follow international law while working to strengthen the U.S.-Australia-Philippines-Japan alliance and increase cooperation with Taiwan, Vietnam and Malaysia. 

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) claims roughly 90% of the South China Sea, with Philippines Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. telling the media that China is converting the region into the ‘Lake of China.’ 

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. recently spelled out what Chinese control of these waterways would mean, noting, ‘There is no such thing as a regional issue any longer… the South China Sea is the passageway for half of the world’s trade and therefore the peace and stability of the South China Sea and the freedom of navigation of South China Sea is a world issue.’  

Chinese Navy or Coast Guard ships harass Taiwanese or Vietnamese fishing boats on a near-daily basis, but since the end of 2023, Beijing has significantly turned up the heat on the Philippines. The Chinese have fired military-grade lasers and high-powered water cannons at both civilian and Philippine Coast Guard ships. Other hostile PRC actions include encircling, blocking and even ramming Philippine vessels.  

China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) now has the largest number of active warships in the world, and China’s Coast Guard, a paramilitary force with over 160 armed vessels and numerous patrol boats, has stepped up confrontations with Filipino fishermen, as well as the Philippine Coast Guard. China also makes use of a ‘maritime militia,’ fishing boats with deputized personnel equipped by the Chinese military.

President Marcos has repeatedly called on China to dial down its aggressive moves, warning that should a Philippine citizen (military or civilian) lose their life in one of these confrontations, ‘we would have crossed the Rubicon.’  

The major area of friction is in the Spratly Island chain. These features (most of which don’t meet international law criteria to be called ‘islands’) are claimed in totality by Beijing, as well as by Taiwan. Taiwan holds several islands but mostly pays lip service to its claims. 

Taiwan is officially the Republic of China (ROC), and the ROC constitution makes essentially the same territorial claims communist China makes. This is absurd to most in Taiwan, but should they be changed, China would accuse Taiwan of ‘declaring independence’ and war would almost immediately follow. 

Certain shoals, islets or even rocky outcroppings in the Spratly Islands are also claimed by Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. But out of all these claimants, only China has taken significant moves to militarize the islands it holds or is building. 

In 1999, a U.S.-built, World War II-era landing craft belonging to the Philippine Navy was intentionally grounded on the Second Thomas Shoal, a tiny submerged reef in the South China Sea, or the West Philippine Sea, a term favored by the Philippines. 

This rusting hulk, the BRP Sierra Madre, is a symbolic outpost representing Philippine sovereignty, and a handful of Philippine marines are stationed on board. At the end of December 2023, China sent 27 vessels to encircle the Second Thomas Shoal to prevent the ship from being resupplied. 

The deliberate beaching of the BRP Sierra Madre was done, the Philippines says, after China built structures on Mischief Reef, an atoll located roughly 130 nautical miles from the Philippines’ Palawan Province in the mid-1990s.  

Today, the Chinese-occupied Mischief Reef is a large artificial island complete with many types of military equipment, including anti-aircraft missiles, and an airfield with an 8,900-foot runway. In 2016, a Chinese commercial jet landed on what was once a few rocks surrounding a lagoon. 

Mischief Reef is just one of several artificial islands China has built in the South China Sea; military bases from which it can enforce its ‘nine-dash-line.’ 

These are nine lines drawn on a 1946 map of the South China Sea that claim everything from Taiwan to not far off the coast of Vietnam, and to the east, the lines encroach upon the beaches of the Philippines. 

In 2023, China added yet another line to what it calls ‘inseparable parts of China.’ It’s now the ‘ten-dash-line,’ which is raising serious concerns about Beijing’s ambitions. 

‘An important issue with China’s multiplying dashed lines is that it’s not clear what they include,’ Taipei Times columnist Michael Turton told Fox News Digital, echoing sentiments common among China watchers. ‘Will 10 lines become 20 over the next few years? Will China claim the dark side of the moon, now that they’ve landed a probe there?’ Turton asks. 

Dean Karalekas, author of ‘Civil-Military Relations in Taiwan: Identity and Transformation,’ told Fox News Digital, ‘Taiwan is the prize. But China’s military hasn’t tasted combat in decades.’ Bullying the relatively militarily weak Philippines, however, ‘could be how the untested Chinese Navy acquires a bit of combat experience,’ 

Karalekas says, ‘Beijing wonders whether America has the stomach for another war. A good litmus test for this is whether the U.S. Navy responds to a clear casus belli against the Philippines – a U.S. treaty ally with whom there is no ambiguity – strategic or otherwise.’ 

If a Chinese move against the Philippines doesn’t trigger a military response from Washington despite its clear treaty obligations there, ‘then Beijing may interpret this to mean that the U.S. is unlikely to go to bat for Taiwan, especially now, with a Biden administration that just projects weakness.’ 

Karalekas noted that would allow ‘China to gauge America’s response time, observe their tactics, and develop invaluable experience fighting the U.S. Navy, in a low-stakes conflict they can easily withdraw from without losing face.’

China’s actions have led to countermoves. The U.S., Philippine, Japanese, and Australian militaries are discussing closer cooperation. The U.S. now has access to nine temporary bases in the Philippines (and more are being built on the Philippine islands closest to Taiwan). Taiwan and the Philippines have been working on training cooperation since 2021. In April this year, Taiwan confirmed that it plans to sign a more comprehensive agreement with the Philippines to strengthen mutual maritime security.On June 15, Taiwan launched a new, 4000-ton Coast Guard vessel that comes equipped with three high-pressure water cannons with a range of 120 meters to perform ‘dispersal tasks,’ Taiwanese authorities said. 

There is no South China Sea version of NATO and the fact that Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam all have overlapping claims, experts agree, does play into China’s divide-and-conquer strategy. But in comments to Fox News Digital, MERMI’s Anna Mahjar-Barducci noted that while the Philippine Navy ‘monitors’ Vietnam’s island-building activities in waters within Manila’s exclusive economic zone, her nation’s military is focused on China. 

She cited Philippine Navy spokesman Commodore Roy Vincent Trinidad who said, ‘Vietnam does not initiate illegal, coercive, aggressive, and deceptive actions against us, unlike China.’ Philippine Coast Guard spokesman Jay Tarriela agrees, noting that ‘Vietnam focuses on minding their own affairs… They do not engage in harassing our fishermen or illegally deploying Coast Guard vessels and maritime militia in the waters surrounding our occupied maritime features.’

Earlier this month, the Chinese Coast Guard dumped food, meant for the marines aboard the Sierra Madre, into the ocean. When asked to comment on the situation on the Second Thomas Shoal, Chinese officials parroted the party line: that the area belongs to China and the Philippine ship must be towed away. 

The U.S. is reportedly considering giving the Philippines military drones, transport aircraft, and other defense systems. President Marcos, who visited Washington in April, told the press that while he does not believe a full-scale conflict with China is imminent or inevitable, he wants Beijing to understand that there is a red line, which once crossed, will result in a military response. 

This military response may happen faster than previously thought. On Monday, July 17, a Philippine sailor reportedly sustained severe injuries after Chinese ships once again blocked a Philippines resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre. The details of the incident are not fully clear, but it appears Chinese ships may have again rammed Philippine vessels, and in what reportedly is a new tactic, Chinese ships also attempted to tow away Philippine vessels. How seriously the sailor was injured is unknown, but ‘red lines’ may have already been crossed.

On Tuesday, State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller issued a statement condemning China’s actions over its actions on BRP Sierra Madre, calling the actions ‘escalatory and irresponsible.’ His statement reiterated that ‘The United States reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 United States-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea.’

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President Biden has significantly improved his standing with independent voters, a group crucial to winning in key battleground states this November, a new NPR/PBS News/Marist poll has found less than 10 days from the first presidential debate.

Biden overcame a 12-percentage point deficit among independents and now leads Trump 50%-48% with the group compared to a previous NPR/PBS News/ Marist poll taken in May.

Trump, however, maintains a slight one percentage point lead (50%-49%) in a head-to-head matchup among voters who say they definitely plan to vote in the November general election, but the two are tied 49%-49% among overall registered voters, including those who say they are undecided but are leaning toward a candidate.

Trump’s overall lead over Biden stays at one percentage point (42%-41%) with the inclusion of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (11%) and Dr. Cornel West (3%), as well as Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein (1%) and Libertarian Party candidate Chase Oliver (1%).

White voters favor Trump 55%-43%, while non-White voters favor Biden 58%-40%. The two are tied at 50% each with voters under the age of 45, but Trump holds a slight advantage (49%-48%) with voters over the age of 45.

Voters believe Trump would better handle the economy (54%-45%), immigration (54%-44%) and the U.S. role on the world stage (50%-49%). They believe Biden would better handle preserving democracy (52%-46%) and abortion (54%-42%). They also believe he cares more about the average person (50%-46%).

Inflation is viewed as the top issue by a plurality (30%) of voters, followed by democracy (29%), immigration (18%), healthcare (8%), abortion (8%) and crime (6%). 

A majority of 55% say they are not satisfied with either Trump or Biden as the candidates in the race, but more Biden voters (58%) than Trump voters (49%) specifically say they are not satisfied.

Biden’s favorability stands at 41% with 53% viewing him unfavorably. His approval rating matches.

Trump similarly holds underwater favorability ratings, with just 42% viewing him favorably and 53% unfavorably. Concerning his conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records last month, 51% believe he should definitely or probably serve jail time, but 47% say he should definitely or probably not serve jail time.

Trump and Biden will meet on an Atlanta stage for the first time in years on June 27 in a debate hosted by CNN.

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A group of House Republicans is demanding to know the Biden administration’s strategy for keeping its recent $404 million Gaza aid package out of Hamas’ hands. 

Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, a member of both the House Armed Services and Oversight committees, led a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday asking him to withhold the funds until his department can produce a ‘detailed account’ of how the flow of dollars will be safeguarded.

‘While we understand the intent of this package is to provide food, drinking water, education, shelter, and more for civilians in a war zone, we have major concerns that a significant portion of the funds will inevitably end up in the hands of the State Department designated terrorist organization, Hamas,’ Fallon led seven other Republicans in writing.

They pointed to accounts of Hamas seizing and diverting aid meant for civilians in Gaza who are struggling to survive amid Israel’s war on the militant group. The lawmakers said that aid was being used ‘for terrorist activities aimed at killing innocent civilians and advancing their stated goal of the destruction of the State of Israel.’

‘The American people and the international community need assurances that funding for humanitarian aid does not end up funding terrorism,’ the lawmakers wrote. ‘It is the Biden Administration’s policy to support Israel, and indirect funding for Hamas would prove counterproductive to this mission by prolonging the war and increasing the death toll.’

Blinken unveiled the new aid package during a conference on Gaza humanitarian assistance in Jordan last week.

‘Today, I’m announcing an additional $404 million in new aid to Palestinians in addition to the more than $1.8 billion in development, economic, and humanitarian aid that the United States has provided since 2021,’ Blinken said. ‘Let’s work together to ensure that more aid gets into Gaza, and once it’s in Gaza, reaches the people who need it the most – by land, by air, by sea.’

He also called on Israel to ‘do more’ to allow more aid into Gaza.

It brings the total amount of humanitarian aid sent by the U.S. into Gaza to more than $674 million since the conflict with Israel began, according to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 

Hamas militants invaded Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, slaughtering more than 1,000 people. 

‘The Administration’s goal of providing aid to civilians impacted by the ongoing conflict is noble, but we cannot allow American tax dollars to end up in the hands of terrorists,’ the Republican lawmakers wrote to Blinken. ‘We will expect a detailed account of your strategy to maintain the integrity of this funding no later than 30 days from the sending of this notice. We also expect the funding to be halted until such a plan is approved and in place.’

A State Department spokesperson told Fox News Digital that the department does not comment on congressional correspondence as a matter of policy but added, ‘However, we remain committed to providing humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable populations and working with partners to get assistance to them while taking every possible measure to prevent it from landing with those it is not intended to reach.’

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Political allies, family members, at least one foreign leader and even the Easter Bunny have all stepped in to assist President Biden offstage or direct him during public events, as shown by videos published by news outlets and circulating on social media. 

The self-admitted ‘gaffe machine’ is in the midst of controversy this week after video showed him standing on the stage of a ritzy campaign donor event in Los Angeles with former President Obama and late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, before Obama guided Biden off the stage as he smiled to the crowd. 

As the trio stood onstage smiling toward the crowd, Obama was seen reaching over and taking Biden’s wrist before putting his hand on the current president’s back and walking toward the stage’s exit. The scene sparked a renewed wave of criticism online that Biden is ‘confused’ and ‘senile’ and also jokes that the scene was reminiscent of a senior care home ad.

The Biden campaign pulled in a whopping $30 million from the star-studded fundraiser, which included support from Hollywood stars such as George Clooney and Julia Roberts. 

‘Former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden offer final waves to Peacock Theater crowd as Obama then grabs Biden’s hand to lead him offstage following 40-minute conversation with Jimmy Kimmel,’ Chris Gardner, senior staff writer for The Hollywood Reporter, posted early Sunday morning, accompanied by footage of the scene.

The clip is just one of many in recent months showing an ally, aide or family member stepping in to seemingly direct or guide Biden off a stage or during an event.

The L.A. event comes on the heels of Biden’s visit to Italy, where he met with Pope Francis and attended the G-7 summit to discuss additional funding to Ukraine as the nation continues its yearslong war against Russia.

‘They are cheap fakes. … They are done in bad faith.’

— White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

During the trip, scrutiny surrounding Biden’s age and cognitive state was put on the world stage after video circulated of the 46th president standing with Group of Seven world leaders outside. The video shows parachutists landing around Biden, ​​and leaders such as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Biden took a few steps away from the group, seemingly taking in the scene as a parachutist gathered himself after landing. Meloni then walked over to the president, touched his right arm and redirected him back to the group of world leaders.

The White House denied anything odd about the video, instead arguing that the video used ‘an artificially narrow frame to hide from viewers that he just saw a skydiving demonstration’ and that Biden was ‘saying congratulations to one of the divers and giving a thumbs-up.’

The pair of high-profile incidents within the space of a week underscore growing concerns about the 81-year-old president’s cognitive state.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday addressed the recent videos of Biden ‘freezing’ at public events as ‘disinformation’ promoted by ‘right-wing critics.’

‘They are cheap fakes. … They are done in bad faith. And some of your news organizations have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing … critics of the president have a credibility problem because the fact-checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation,’ she said.

Biden’s mental fitness has become a focal point this election season, with former President Trump routinely slamming the president for his garbled language in public remarks and repeated instances of Biden appearing confused while trying to find an exit off of a stage after public events.

‘It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him – by then a former president well into his eighties – of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.’

— Special prosecutor Robert Hur, explaining his decision to not pursue charges against President Biden

Earlier this year, Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report investigating the president’s handling of classified documents after his departure as vice president under the Obama administration further compounded concern over the president’s mental acuity. 

Hur announced in February that he would not recommend criminal charges against Biden for possessing classified materials after his vice presidency, calling Biden ‘a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.’

‘Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone from whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him – by then a former president well into his eighties – of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness,’ Hur wrote in his report. 

The findings sparked widespread outrage that Biden was effectively deemed too cognitively impaired to be charged with a crime yet could still serve as president.

When asked about the series of videos showing people guiding and directing Biden during public events, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital in a statement that they depict ‘routine moments for any president.’

‘These have two things in common: 1, they’re cheapfakes presented by discredited rightwing groups who can’t contend with the President’s record and agenda; and 2, their depictions of routine moments for any president have often been fact-checked by mainstream, nonpartisan reporters,’ he said Monday.

Biden’s history of being guided and directed offstage or during an event includes video footage from March showing the first lady striding up to Biden during the White House’s Women’s History Month reception. 

Jill Biden places her hand on Biden’s back as the president is seen speaking with an attendee, before Jill Biden points to an area off camera and Biden begins walking behind two members of the military.

In January, social media users again criticized the president when Jill Biden took her husband’s hand as he wrapped up remarks on the anniversary of Jan. 6. Jill Biden was seen holding the president’s hand as they walked toward the stage’s exit, appearing to drop his hand when she made it behind a stage partition. 

In another attention-grabbing scene this month, video footage of the White House’s Juneteenth celebration last Monday showed Biden standing with his arms still as a crowd of people around him danced and clapped to music. Biden smiled and began moving around when Philonise Floyd — the brother of George Floyd – took notice and placed his arm around Biden. The two then shared a fist bump.

Jean-Pierre also addressed the Juneteenth video during Monday’s press conference, saying that Biden standing relatively still while listening to music was ‘not a health issue’ and that others around the president were also standing still during the festivities.

‘That is a weird thing to actually flag, when if you look … at the people who are around him, if you look at the expanded video of the people who are around him, they were not, there were some folks who were not dancing either. And that has been fact-checked. I mean, just because you’re standing up listening to music and not dancing, that is not a health issue. That is just not a health issue,’ she said. 

Last month, footage showed a member of the military directing Biden after wrapping up remarks at the White House, which was lambasted by X account RNC Research. 

In 2022, the Easter Bunny even stepped in to apparently direct Biden away from speaking to members of the media. A person dressed in an Easter Bunny costume was seen approaching the president as he answered a reporter’s questions on Afghanistan and Pakistan. The costumed person placed their hand on the president, before waving and directing him to walk away from the gaggle of reporters.

In 2022, a young girl was seen on camera leading Biden off a stage during a Christmas season Toys for Tots event with the United States Marine Corps Reserve in Arlington, Virginia.

‘Which way do we go?’ Biden asked a young girl as she took his hand and walked him in the right direction.

‘When I was that age, I could hardly say my name in public,’ Biden added. ‘Actually, I used to stutter when I was a little boy, until I was in high school. It was the only thing everybody – anyway – you’re very impressive.’

Among the president’s instances of others apparently directing him during public events, Biden has also missed cues, including reading a teleprompter’s ‘pause’ instructions in April, abruptly walking off a stage in Arizona last year after spotting a baby in the crowd, asking the whereabouts of a deceased Indiana lawmaker during a press conference in 2022, and a handful of incidents where Biden told members of the media he would take questions from a predetermined list of media outlets.

‘Now, I’ve been given a list of 10 people that I’m supposed to call on, and you’re all supposed to ask me one question, but I’m sure you’ll ask me more. So, let me start off with the list I’ve been given,’ Biden, for example, told reporters during a 2022 press conference. 

Jean-Pierre last year also abruptly ended a press conference while Biden was still answering questions, with music soon filling the room as Biden thanked reporters. 

The Wall Street Journal published a bombshell report this month detailing interviews with roughly 45 lawmakers and administration officials on Biden’s mental state, which caused alarm that the oldest sitting president in U.S. history is showing his age in meetings.

‘The president moved so slowly around the Cabinet Room to greet the nearly two dozen congressional leaders that it took about 10 minutes for the meeting to begin, some people who attended recalled,’ WSJ reported. 

The White House hit back that the story and anecdotes were examples of partisan politics working to deride the ‘savvy and effective’ president.

‘Congressional Republicans, foreign leaders and nonpartisan national security experts have made clear in their own words that President Biden is a savvy and effective leader who has a deep record of legislative accomplishment,’ Bates said at the time. ‘Now, in 2024, House Republicans are making false claims as a political tactic that flatly contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues.’

Just hours ahead of Obama leading Biden off the stage in Los Angeles, Jill Biden defended her husband’s age in public remarks.

​​’Joe and the other guy are essentially the same age, so let’s not be fooled,’ she said during a campaign event on Saturday, referring to 78-year-old Trump, the New York Post reported. ‘Let’s not be fooled. But what this election is about, it’s about the character of the person leading our country.’

‘Joe Biden is a healthy, wise 81-year-old, ready and willing to work for you every day to make our future better,’ Jill Biden added. ‘Joe isn’t one of the most effective presidents of our lives in spite of his age but because of it.’

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Europeans are rebelling. They are dumping their long-ruling liberal parties, sick of suffocating climate diktats that have driven costs higher, unchecked immigration that has driven wages lower and a loss of sovereignty to the EU. 

Can Americans be far behind? Will U.S. voters fire Joe Biden – fire his absurd EV mandates, his dangerous open border, his inflationary spending and his love of globalist institutions like the U.N. — and instead choose a return to Donald Trump and common sense? 

The polls suggest it could happen; it wouldn’t be the first time that Europe has shown us the way. 

In 1979, the British people upended England’s dominant Labour Party, which had ruled for 11 of the prior 15 years, and chose Maggie Thatcher, leader of the Conservative Party, to be the country’s first female prime minister. Her party promised to promote growth, reduce the role of government, bolster the UK’s defense and uphold the rule of law. 

Eighteen months later, conservative Republican Ronald Reagan trounced incumbent Democrat President Jimmy Carter, winning 489 Electoral College votes to Carter’s 49, running on a similar platform.   

In both cases, voters spurned the Establishment; in both cases, voters were proven right. Both Thatcher and Reagan were credited – by voters if not the liberal press — with turning around their countries’ economies by embracing free markets, less regulation, lower taxes and growth. Thatcher won landslide reelections in 1983 and 1987 and was the longest-serving prime minister of the 20th century. 

In 1984, President Reagan was also reelected in a landslide, carrying 49 of 50 states.  

In June 2016, British voters again stunned the western world, in that year by voting to exit the European Union, again defying establishment voices on both sides of the Atlantic, including prominent think tanks, the liberal media, business leaders and even President Obama. Brits rebelled against mass immigration and also the micromanaging of their country by EU bureaucrats in Brussels who regulated every aspect of everyday life, including dictating food packaging, energy efficiency, how to care for ferret imports, cross border health care, safety at sea, labeling of fish for sale and so much more. 

Six months later, Americans similarly ignored establishment voices and elected Donald Trump president. The New York Times confidently predicted 21 days out that Democrat Hillary Clinton had a 91% chance of winning; indeed, she was the pick of business leaders, Hollywood, academia and liberal elites everywhere. 

Where Hillary fell short was with average working-class Americans, who came to believe that the Democratic Party no longer represented their interests – the same folks who voted for Brexit. 

The recent elections in Europe carry a similar message. Voters in Germany, France and elsewhere see their countries threatened by harmful green energy policies and unchecked immigration. They think their elitist leaders, like France’s Emmanuel Macron whose approval rating is now 24%, are out of touch with their needs and issues. 

Europe has been held captive by climate alarmists for over a decade, which has caused the shutting down of fossil fuel plants, hasty and ill-planned conversion to unreliable renewable energy sources and strictures on appliance use. They also caused significant damage to their powerful auto industries.  

The upshot of this climate frenzy is that wholesale prices for electricity in Germany, for instance, soared from 37.8 euros per megawatt hour in May 2019 to 67.3 last month – an increase of nearly 80% over the past five years. The energy diktats from the government – banning fracking, shutting down nuclear plants and so on, also left Germany (and other European countries) vulnerable to the shut-down of Russian gas flowing into Europe because of the Ukraine War, an event that pushed German electricity prices to an all-time high of 699.4 euros in 2022. 

As in the U.S., Germans have seen their real incomes clobbered by rising prices, of which energy costs are a major but not the only component. Inflation nearly touched 9% in 2022 and again in early 2023. Real wage growth has been negative in 9 of the past 15 quarters since the pandemic in 2020.  Worse, real wages have grown at only 0.23 percent from 1992 until 2023.  

France is in the same boat. Protests against environmental regulations that drove up the cost of fuel inspired the anti-government working-class Yellow Vest movement beginning in 2018; this year it is farmers.

The French and farmers across the continent have balked at climate initiatives aimed, in some cases, at driving them out of business. In the Netherlands, the government announced plans in 2022 to close down as many as 3,000 farms in order to meet controversial EU emission reduction goals; voters there responded by electing a far-right anti-immigrant leader in 2023. In the recent EU elections, they doubled down. 

The Green parties of Europe recently lost about one-third of their seats in the European Parliament as voters came to see Europe’s extreme climate agenda as elitist and costly. 

The same trend may emerge in the U.S. Joe Biden’s White House has allocated hundreds of billions of dollars authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act to reducing emissions and subsidizing electric vehicles. Voters recently discovered, courtesy of a CBS ‘Face the Nation’ interview with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, that even with a $7.5 billion budget, the government had only managed to build eight charging stations for EVs in three years. That does not inspire confidence. 

U.S. voters, like Europeans, are also furious about uncontrolled immigration; with Biden’s open border, millions of people have entered the U.S. illegally.  The collapse is a national security risk and has driven down low-end wages. Voters rate this one of their top concerns, and blame Joe Biden.

In November, Americans will have a chance to change the direction of our country, as the Europeans recently voted to do. Polling suggests that right-leaning politicians will soon lead France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Hungary, Greece, and Bulgaria. Polls also suggest that Donald Trump will join them, again following their lead.

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The North Korean military has breached the demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating the communist nation from South Korea multiple times this month.

North Korean soldiers were spotted inside the DMZ on Tuesday morning, apparently laboring on a project in the forbidden area.

South Korean military officials published photos of the incursion by North Korean troops around 8:30 a.m., who the Joint Chiefs of Staff say were carrying work tools. 

South Korean soldiers fired warning shots to spook the North Koreans, who scattered and re-entered their own borders.

Approximately 20 to 30 North Koreans are believed to have entered the DMZ during the incident.

A similar incursion into the DMZ was reported earlier this month, when a large group of North Korean soldiers crossed into the forbidden area on June 9.

The June 9 incident caused a similar outcry from South Korean guards, who broadcast warning messages and fired warning shots until the interlopers fled the area.

These interactions have heightened tensions between the two Koreas just as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is expected to host Russian President Vladimir Putin this week.

Putin is set to visit Pyongyang for two days beginning on Tuesday as he conducts his first official state visit to the communist nation in 24 years.

Russia has kept the much smaller and economically fragile North Korea as an ally as Western powers unleashed burdensome sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine.

North Korea has, in the past few years, served as a valuable middleman for Russia and China by conducting business and manufacturing operations outside the view of international law.

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A progressive ‘Squad’ Democrat could see his career in the House of Representatives end after New York’s congressional primaries next Tuesday.

On one side of the contentious primary race in New York’s 16th Congressional District is Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., a former middle school principal who is backed by the progressive left, including self-described Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

On the other side is Westchester County Executive George Latimer, a more moderate candidate who has scored backing from Hillary Clinton, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and former Rep. Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y., who is vying to get back into Congress himself.

The fight is part of a wider fracture within the Democratic Party caused by Israel’s war in Gaza. 

Bowman is part of a growing coalition on the left that’s critical of the Israeli government and its treatment of Palestinians, a movement that’s been met with bipartisan pushback.

It sparked a new battle for Bowman on Saturday after he criticized fellow House Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., on the ‘Night School’ podcast for his vocal support of Israel.

‘I think that he’s trying to gain political power for himself towards an ultimate objective,’ Bowman said.

Torres told Fox News Digital on Monday in response, ‘I have a general rule of not weighing in against a congressional Democrat who has not weighed in against me. But Bowman’s gratuitous attack on my character might cause me to rethink that rule. Stay tuned.’

AIPAC’s political arm also donated more than $1.5 million to Latimer during this campaign cycle, according to financial disclosures.

In response, Bowman and his allies have criticized AIPAC as a right-wing organization despite its bipartisan reputation. 

Ocasio-Cortez called the group a ‘slush fund for Republican billionaires’ on X this month and previously compared it to the National Rifle Association.

She’s also accused outside groups of spending more than $15 million to unseat Bowman, writing on X, ‘This is corruption. It is a core threat to American democracy. It also fuels Trump.’

She and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., are holding a rally for Bowman on Saturday before primary day.

Bowman’s comments on the Israel-Hamas conflict are also what inspired Jones, a former ally of Bowman’s in the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), to publicly shun him in favor of his opponent.

‘Over the past few months, I have had countless conversations with Jewish residents in my district and across the Lower Hudson Valley who feel anxiety, anger, and fear due to Rep. Bowman’s words and actions. I will always stand up for my Jewish constituents,’ Jones said in a statement when the CPC challenged him over his Latimer endorsement.

Bowman could lose his seat in similar circumstances under which he won it, by defeating longtime moderate Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., in the 2020 primary.

A survey by Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill released last week had Latimer leading Bowman 48% to 31%.

But Democrat strategist Max Burns of Third Degree Strategies argued that Bowman was still popular with voters.

‘I think there’s always going to be a concern that we need to move back to the center. There’s always going to be this fear that we’re alienating voters, but the data just shows that that’s not true,’ Burns told Fox News Digital. ‘I mean, Jamaal Bowman has been incredibly popular in his district. … I do think that at the end of the day, voters are going to look at the candidate that they know, but then the candidate who more likely than not has knocked on their door this cycle.’

Fox News Digital reached out to Bowman, Latimer and Ocasio-Cortez’s campaigns for comment.

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The presidential campaign is as frozen as the Arctic Circle.

Virtually nothing seems to melt the ice caps that have encased the race. 

The former president convicted of 34 felonies? Feels like it happened months ago, without exactly dooming the Trump candidacy.

The current president’s son, also convicted of felonies? Now that’s deemed a mere distraction by those who used an impeachment inquiry to try to sink the Biden campaign.

Each attack, each smear, each controversy dominates the news and then quickly yields to the next real or perceived outrage, leaving little lasting impression on the shape of the race.

All this is bad news for Joe Biden, who has an anemic 38 percent approval rating and is on track to lose, despite the apparent closeness of the contest.

While Trump’s lead in such core battleground states as Michigan and Pennsylvania is often just 2 to 3 points, it’s been remarkably consistent (with the president having a slight edge in Wisconsin). If Scranton Joe can’t win Pennsylvania despite endless trips there, the election is over.

That’s why Biden abruptly challenged Trump to two debates, with the first one, on CNN, in less than 10 days. It’s really his last chance to bring some heat and shake up the race.

Now I could make the argument that the Trump team has lowered expectations for Biden to the point that if he avoids major gaffes and doesn’t fall off the stage, he wins. The CNN rules – two-minute answers, no notes, muting the opponent’s mike – will also favor the president.

But debates can be overrated. Mitt Romney clobbered Barack Obama in their first debate and it didn’t matter. Hillary Clinton arguably won two or even three of her debates against Trump and it didn’t matter. 

The pressure is on Biden, who’s drilling with former top aide Ron Klain, to show that he’s aggressive and feisty as well as knowledgeable. Trump, who is doing only informal prep, will be hailed by his base no matter what he says or does.

In short, it will take something highly unusual to change many minds. Most Americans already know what they think of these guys.

The same goes for the Trump veepstakes. As Donald Trump told me, it doesn’t matter much because people vote for the top of the ticket. I think Doug Burgum has a somewhat better chance than when I first interviewed him three weeks ago, on this shorter short list that seems to include Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and J.D. Vance. 

But I can’t see that changing the race’s trajectory. What’s striking is that the anchors are now handling these as ‘vetting’ interviews about each candidate’s record, because they believe one of them may well be moving into the vice president’s mansion.

Trump’s GOP unity day on the Hill got muddied when he criticized Milwaukee, the host city for next month’s convention. Even though Trump said he was talking mainly about crime in the city – which is actually down substantially this year – I’m not sure why he needed to go there.


The 78-year-old Trump is so anxious to depict the 81-year-old Biden as mentally unfit for the job that minor incidents are being exaggerated and distorted. There’s no question, as I said on the air, that Biden often comes across as frail and confused. 

But after a $30-million L.A. fundraiser over the weekend, Obama grabbed his arm and then kept touching his back as they exited the stage. This went viral as the former president was depicted as ‘leading’ his onetime VP away.

Earlier, the New York Post, taking its lead from the RNC, misleadingly cropped a photo as if Biden was talking to no one at the G-7 in Italy. A wider angle showed Biden was saying a few words and giving a thumbs up to a skydiver who had landed next to the world leaders before the Italian prime minister led him back to the group. 

Despite a couple of flashy media headlines, I did not criticize Fox’s coverage, though sometimes that comes with the job. I made a point of saying that the coverage by ‘Fox & Friends’ was perfectly straightforward. We played a clip of Sean Hannity criticizing Biden, but there was no suggestion that he didn’t show the proper footage; he was paired with Joe Scarborough hitting Biden’s critics, as we often do to convey the range of commentary.

In my view, there’s little doubt that most of the media believe Trump will win the election, and here’s the proof.

The New York Times just ran a deep dive on how the Trump resistance is already laying the groundwork to battle and stymie him in a second term.

These groups ‘are drafting potential lawsuits in case he is elected in November and carries out mass deportations, as he has vowed. One group has hired a new auditor to withstand any attempt by a second Trump administration to unleash the Internal Revenue Service against them. Democratic-run state governments are even stockpiling abortion medication.

‘A sprawling network of Democratic officials, progressive activists, watchdog groups and ex-Republicans has been taking extraordinary steps to prepare for a potential second Trump presidency, drawn together by the fear that Mr. Trump’s return to power would pose a grave threat not just to their agenda but to American democracy itself.’ 

A newspaper simply doesn’t devote the enormous resources the Times did to this investigative piece without believing a Trump victory is at the least very likely.

Some groups are described as ‘wary’ of discussing their plans for fear of signaling a lack of confidence in the Biden campaign, which is exactly what it signals.

And that brings us back to the CNN debate.

Biden is really running out of time to change the narrative of the race. The debate will probably be a wash, but it’s his only shot. Otherwise, the frozen campaign will wind up freezing him out.

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Vice President Harris’ former communications director recently said there is one Republican who would be the ‘greatest threat’ to her vice presidency if chosen as former President Trump’s 2024 running mate.

Ashley Etienne, who served as Harris’ communications director in 2021, told CNN on Friday that she believes Ohio Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, is an ‘incredible debater’ and could present a challenge to Harris in the upcoming election.

‘I think JD Vance would pose the greatest threat [to] Kamala Harris, in some respects. I mean he’s an incredible debater,’ Etienne told CNN. ‘I think he has this quality that makes him seem palpable to that one to two percent that actually might vote or that is undecided, that will actually pay attention to the debates because most people don’t pay attention to the debates.’

Etienne, who also served as deputy assistant to President Biden after his 2020 victory, said Vance is ‘super smart,’ ‘quick-witted’ and could pose a threat to Harris on the debate stage.

‘I think he’s just got a quality about him where he’s super smart and sharp and quick-witted. I just think it’s going to be a challenge to see the two of them face-to-face. I mean, maybe it’s just me, but I think he’s going to be the greatest threat,’ she said.

The comment comes as Harris’ disapproval rating remains high with 55% of registered voters having an unfavorable opinion of the vice president, according to a Fox News national survey from May.

Vance is on Trump’s short list for vice president along with several other top Republican contenders. However, it was recently revealed that the first-term senator was one of only three from the candidate pool who had vetting documents requested from Trump’s campaign team.

Vance has shown staunch support for Trump throughout his campaign and legal woes, recently joining the former president at a Manhattan courtroom where he was eventually found guilty on 34 charges related to falsifying business records.

Fox News Digital previously reported on Vance’s Silicon Valley donor network, which could help boost Trump’s ticket if he is chosen as Trump’s VP nominee.

Vance, after serving as a Marine in the Iraq War, moved for a handful of years to San Francisco to work as a venture capitalist in the tech industry.

And Vance – the author of the bestselling memoir ‘Hillbilly Elegy,’ which was made into a Netflix film – two years ago won his own crowded and combustible GOP Senate primary thanks in part to Trump’s late-in-the-game endorsement. 

‘JD has a Rolodex of Silicon Valley contacts that very few Republican figures can get to. And he put some of those to use on behalf of [Republican U.S. Senate candidate from Ohio Bernie] Moreno,’ a source in Vance’s political orbit previously told Fox News.

Trump recently told Fox News that he has ‘a pretty good idea’ of who his vice presidential pick will be, an announcement that he confirmed could be made at the Republican National Convention in July.

Fox News Digital reached out to Harris for comment.

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