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All representatives of the UN Security Council, including the United States, United Kingdom and France, observed a solemn minute of silence in honor of the passing of Iran’s president! The extended silence resonated globally, prompting deep contemplation about the erosion of humanity’s foundational values, upon which this very organization was founded. 

Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio swiftly released a statement, declaring, ‘The regime in Tehran has lost one of its bloodiest hardliners. Since before his sham presidential election, President Raisi subjugated the Iranian people to years of repression and left behind a reign of terror. From his support of international terrorism, mass murders of the Iranian people, and other human rights abuses, the world won’t soon forget Raisi’s atrocities.’  

While Iranians worldwide celebrated the sudden demise of the Butcher, Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton voiced disappointment with the Biden administration’s ‘condolences,’ stating on X that, ‘Under the ‘Butcher of Tehran,’ Iran armed and assisted terrorists with American blood on their hands. Offering condolences for the death of this monster is a disgrace.’

The situation took a darker turn when President Joe Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken, defended offering ‘condolences’ for Raisi during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in response to Wyoming Republican Senator John Barrasso. Blinken went as far as to label it as the ‘normal course of business,’ further exacerbating the controversy.  

On Sunday, May 12, breaking news struck as a helicopter carrying Raisi, his foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian — who also happened to be an IRGC general — and several other delegates crashed. They were returning from the far north-western province of Iran’s East Azerbaijan after attending the inauguration of the Qiz-Qalasi dam, a joint hydroelectric power project with neighboring Azerbaijan along the Aras River.  

Among those present at the ceremony were Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev, alongside potentially several undercover Mossad observers. While Israel denied any involvement in such an attack, as expected, the news quickly spread across social media platforms, with Iranians worldwide expressing gratitude to Israel with messages like, ‘Thank You, Israel!’  

Iran’s regime attributed the crash to adverse weather conditions. However, given the strong relationship between Israel and Azerbaijan, speculation arose about the possibility of a missile attack by Israel’s capable military. Israel may have perceived this as a retaliatory measure against the Iranian regime, which had recently launched over 300 missiles and drones toward Israel.  

Since the formation of the Islamic Republic in 1979, Iran has never experienced genuine elections. The ruling clerics have adopted tactics from Soviet Russia and Communist China to manipulate elections, control media and suppress opposition, ensuring their perpetual hold on power.  

The Iranian constitution introduces three additional branches of government above the traditional three —Executive, Legislative and Judicial — to obfuscate despotic rule. It’s worth noting that Russia and China, much like the Islamic Republic of Iran, do not adhere to the true principles of republicanism.  

All can be classified as ‘tainted republics,’ a concept I extensively discuss in my recent book, ‘The Spirit of the Constitutional Law.’ These are dictatorships that bear the title of ‘republic’ while employing sham election systems to deceive both the international community and their own citizens about the nature of their governance. 

While presidential elections ostensibly occur every four years, candidates must first obtain approval from the supreme leader, who wields absolute authority in Iran. His Guardian Council, comprised of 12 loyal minions, controls every election process. Consequently, there has never been an elected president in Iran; all have been handpicked and appointed by the supreme leader, the chief orchestrator of tyranny in Tehran. 

Given these facts, it begs the question: How did Blinken fail to recognize this glaring reality? Raisi wasn’t an elected president but rather appointed, known for his role as a selected serial murderer working under the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. It’s regrettable to offer ‘condolences’ for Raisi’s death and label it as the ‘normal course of business,’ especially when the majority of Iranians were celebrating his sudden demise.  

Here are a few more insights for those seeking a deeper understanding of Raisi. At the tender age of 19, during the inception of the mullahs’ Islamic regime in Iran in 1979, Raisi began his journey. By the age of 20, devoid of any legal or academic qualifications, he was appointed as a judge, tasked with signing hundreds of execution orders targeting army officers deemed disloyal to the regime.  

As detailed in my book, ‘Comrade Ayatollah,’ Raisi emerged as a key figure in Khamenei’s covert circle of assassins, instrumental in facilitating Khamenei’s ascent to power, first as president in 1981 and later as the second supreme leader in 1989. Notably, Raisi and his colleague Mohseni-Ezhei, now appointed by Khamenei as the head of the Judiciary Branch, signed a pivotal letter on May 28, 1986. This letter effectively halted investigations into Khamenei’s potential involvement in the assassinations of the Chief Justice Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti, President Mohammad-Ali Rajaei, and Prime Minister Mohammad-Javad Bahonar and other prominent revolutionaries in the summer of 1981.  

These deaths cleared the path for Khamenei’s consolidation of power and subsequent presidency later that year. In 1988, Raisi earned the infamous moniker, ‘The Butcher of Tehran,’ for his role in orchestrating mass executions of thousands of political prisoners. Throughout the years, he continued to wield his lethal authority to eliminate dissenters and maintain the supreme leader’s grip on power.   

Iran’s regime attributed the crash to adverse weather conditions. However, given the strong relationship between Israel and Azerbaijan, speculation arose about the possibility of a missile attack by Israel’s capable military. Israel may have perceived this as a retaliatory measure against the Iranian regime, which had recently launched over 300 missiles and drones toward Israel.  

In 2019, as chief justice appointed by Khamenei, Raisi oversaw the brutal crackdown on thousands of young protesters across two hundred cities. Last year, following his selection as president by the supreme leader, hundreds more young protesters lost their lives in over 500 cities, sparked by the killing of Mahsa Amini by regime authorities.  

Did Raisi deserve the one minute of silence proposed by Russia and China at the United Nations? This is a question for you and the Biden administration to ponder. 

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After nearly eight months of war, Gaza’s health system is in tatters, with the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting on May 3 that nearly 70% of its hospitals are no longer functioning, while the United Nations and the International Rescue Committee saying even only 15 hospitals, out of some 36, are only partially operating, and 65% of the primary health care centers are out of action completely. 

Yet, despite the widespread destruction and chaos, Hamas-employed health and information officials continue to provide daily updates on the rising death toll and countless injuries. Additionally, aid agencies, media outlets and many world leaders, including President Biden, readily quote those figures without question. 

Last week, a heated debate erupted after the U.N. officially admitted that the data coming out of Gaza, from both the Hamas-run Ministry of Health and the Government Media Office, could not be verified. While it said the overall death count was likely the same, the international agency reduced by nearly half the number of women and children killed so far in the devastating war. 

The move prompted questions, particularly in Israel where Hamas’ data has long been challenged, on the reliability of this sensitive information now coming out of Gaza and why it continues to be cited.

‘It sounds credible when you say the Gaza Ministry of Health reported, but the truth is that most of the ministry employees are Hamas public servants, and they are not even working at the moment, they are on the run,’ Khaled Abu Toameh, a Palestinian affairs analyst based in Jerusalem, told Fox News Digial. 

‘No one really knows what is happening there,’ he said, adding, ‘The Hamas government has not been functioning since the second or third week of the war…. They all went underground.’

Since Israeli troops entered Gaza on Oct. 27, three weeks after thousands of terrorists led by Hamas attacked southern Israel, most of those affiliated with the Iranian-backed, U.S.-designated terrorist organization have since taken up arms, fighting from within civilian population centers both above ground and below ground, where the group spent some two decades and billions of dollars constructing an estimated 300 miles of subterranean passageways.

At the start of the war, medical officials employed by Hamas monitored the quickly mounting death toll via a network of computers connecting morgues and hospitals throughout the territory, a system that had previously been validated by human rights groups, the U.N. and the WHO. Previous conflicts had shown the overall death toll count, even though vetted by Hamas, which refuses to distinguish between civilians and combatants, to be fairly accurate.

‘At the start of the war, the health ministry had a stream of casualty data coming in from hospitals across Gaza. That is why so many Western journalists said the ministry’s data was worth citing in their articles and why the U.N. trusted it,’ David Adesnik, a senior fellow and director of research at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies who has been closely monitoring the situation in Gaza, told Fox News Digital. 

‘But, as Israeli troops moved deeper into Gaza, the ministry lost contact with hospitals. To compensate, it began using what it called ‘reliable media sources’ to determine the number of fatalities,’ he said, adding,’It never identified these sources and it’s a stretch to characterize any of the media in Gaza as reliable – instead of a supplement, these media reports began to provide the bulk of the media’s data, accounting for more than 75% of all deaths recorded in the first three months of this year.’

Adesnik said that over the past month, the Gaza Health Ministry began to ‘play down its reliance on media input’ and relabeled the deaths based on media reports as ‘unidentified individuals.’

‘There are still more than 10,000 of these unidentified individuals in the ministry’s official death toll of more than 35,000,’ he said. ‘But the big mystery is whether the ministry has any firm data at all on the 10,000-plus who’re unidentified.’ 

‘Even if you think the ministry was doing a good job at the beginning of the war collecting casualty data from hospitals, it’s shift to using ‘reliable media sources’ has seriously undermined its credibility,’ Adesnik added. 

Also calling into question the reliability of the information coming out of Gaza is the fact that only a handful of Gaza’s 36 hospitals and primary health care facilities that operated pre-Oct.7 are still functioning in some capacity, according to a May 3 report published by the WHO.

Zaher al Wahaidi, who has led Hamas’ Health Information Centre for the past year, told Sky News last month that since February, the morgue monitoring system that was once in place has only been capturing a small fraction of the deaths across the territory.

‘Of the eight major hospitals responsible for collating morgue data, just three are still providing information to the health ministry,’ Sky News reported. 

Speaking to Fox News Digital last week, an official from the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), the Israeli military body that coordinates civilian issues in the Palestinian territories, said that the Hamas-run civilian offices in the Strip were still operating ‘because they are publishing data… mainly in order to put pressure on the international community.’

In addition to the eight hospitals currently operating in Gaza, four in the north of the Strip, two in the center and two in the south, COGAT said there were an additional eight field hospitals, as well as some mobile medical units, being run by multiple countries and international organizations around the Strip. None of those facilities are part of the Hamas-run system. 

‘We have seen everything they [Hamas] are reporting from Gaza, and we also see that there is chaos in their reporting,’ the COGAT official said. ‘The numbers they publish are not right or accurate.’ 

The official pointed to the example of the recent change in death toll figures for women and children, saying, ‘This shows how they are trying to take advantage of the situation and are manipulating the numbers for political reasons.’

Abu Toameh said that the physical building that once housed Hamas’ Ministry of Health might still be standing, but whether the officials that once worked there are showing up for work each morning was another question. 

‘Are the hospitals in Khan Younis talking to those in Rafah and those in Rafah talking to those in Jabaliya,’ he said, referring to hospitals in some of the main urban centers in Gaza. ‘Is there anyone really in charge? I don’t know, and I don’t think anyone really knows.’ 

Abu Toameh also said that many civilians no longer take their dead to hospitals, preferring instead to bury them immediately in accordance with Islamic law.

Despite the breakdown, agencies, such as the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), continue to cite the Hamas-published data as the basis for daily reports on its websites, although it does include a disclaimer in the small print of not being able to independently verify the figures.

‘In the absence of complete U.N. figures on casualties, it is global standard to cite the local health authorities as appropriate,’ a United Nations official in Jerusalem told Fox News Digital when asked why it was still relying on Hamas’ data. 

‘When it comes to disaggregated data, once the Ministry of Health in Gaza published breakdowns that were more comprehensive, backed up by a list of names, U.N. reports reflected that, with attribution to the source alongside a clear note stating the U.N.’s inability to presently provide an independent confirmation of the data,’ the official, who spoke anonymously in order to speak more freely about the sensitive topic, said, explaining last week’s change to the women and children fatality figures.

‘The U.N. in Gaza continues working to independently verify fatality figures, where conditions permit,’ the official said. 

The WHO and the State Department did not respond to requests for a comment from Fox News Digital about why unverified, and possibly inaccurate, data from Hamas was still being quoted and used to dictate policy on the Israel-Hamas conflict. 

When asked last week in a press briefing whether President Biden had confidence in the casualty numbers coming out of Gaza, National Security communications advisor John Kirby said, ‘The President watches this very, very closely.  And you’ve heard him talk about the more than 30,000 people that have been killed, and he said the majority are women and children.  And he’s also said that’s unacceptable.’

‘As we’ve maintained time and time again, the right number of civilian casualties ought to be zero,’ he added. ‘But in terms of what specific number we’re quoting or citing on any given day, I mean, we’re doing the best we can working with the Israelis to — to ascertain the scope of the civilian suffering, but it’s obviously immense,’ Kirby said.

Last week, Israeli government spokesperson Avi Hyman announced that over 14,000 terrorists have been killed in Gaza and 16,000 civilians.

In a different press briefing last week, Vedant Patel, principal deputy spokesperson at the State Department, responded to a question about the ‘exaggerated Gaza death statistics provided by Hamas.’

‘Let me just be pretty clear about this – this has come up a couple times today – that the facts on the ground are pretty clear,’ he said. ‘Tens of thousands of innocent civilians have lost their lives, and any number above zero is tragic, problematic, heartbreaking, and indicative of the fact that more needs to be done to protect civilians in Gaza.’

‘It is also true that we are dealing with a belligerent, Hamas, that has a track record of co-locating itself and embedding itself within civilian infrastructure,’ Patel said. 

He did not comment on whether the State Department or the White House would continue referring to Hamas’ data. 

A White House spokesman referred Fox News Digital to the National Security Council, who did not respond by press time. 

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As the U.S. weighs sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC) over potential arrest warrants for Israeli officials, some experts have questioned the value of the court, given its track record since its founding.

‘[The ICC] has been around for over two decades, [but] it has less than 10 successful prosecutions,’ Orde Kittrie, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and law professor at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, told Fox News Digital. ‘It’s spent over $2 billion. It’s been really ineffective.’

As of July 2022, 31 cases have appeared before the ICC, which resulted in 10 convictions and four acquittals. The court has issued 37 arrest warrants, with 21 people ultimately detained while 12 people remain at large, according to the European Union’s External Action Service.

The ICC’s total annual budget for 2023 totaled around $183,500,000, which is an increase of around $34,500,000 or around 20% increase from 2022’s budget. 

Member states each bear a portion of the overall budget based on the size of their economies, with the most significant funds coming from large European economies, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Brazil, according to the Journal of Human Rights. 

Japan ranked as the largest contributor in 2022 with around $26,850,000, while Germany and France rank thereafter with around $19,000,000 and $14,400,000, respectively.

Appropriations for the court are divided into nine categories: the Judiciary, Office of the Prosecutor, the Registry, Secretariat of the Assembly of States Parties, Premises, Secretariat of the Trust Fund for Victims, Permanent Premises Project – Host State Loan, Independent Oversight Mechanism and Office of Internal Audit. The court also notes that ‘assets that the Court holds are normally not held to generate commercial returns and are therefore non-cash generating assets,’ meaning it must build its budget from contributions alone. 

Even with that sizable budget, and the significant increase year over year, the court relies heavily on the cooperation of members to enable its operations. Outgoing Registrar Peter Lewis in 2023 said the court faced an unprecedented workload – even before taking on the investigation into alleged crimes in the Gaza Strip – and that state parties’ cooperation remained crucial to any success.

US sanctions

This makes any sanctions against the organization a potentially crippling measure: Then-President Trump in 2020 authorized an asset freeze and family entry ban against ICC officials after the court opened investigations into alleged U.S. war crimes conducted in Afghanistan. 

‘The ICC Prosecutor … thinks the Biden administration is more interested in a cozy relationship with the ICC than with protecting Israelis and Americans from its power grab,’ Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust as well as president of Human Rights Voices, told Fox News Digital.

‘If President Biden does not immediately invoke the American Service Members Protection Act, terminate all cooperation and support of the ICC, and use his authority to sanction ICC officials for their outrageous prosecution – actually persecution – of the democratic representatives of the Jewish state … justice will have been dealt a disastrous blow,’ Bayefsky said.

The Biden administration increased its cooperation with the ICC, offering assistance and intelligence to the court to bolster its investigation into alleged Russian war crimes during the invasion of Ukraine, though Kittrie noted that the ICC case against Putin ‘hasn’t made a difference’ and possibly merely added ‘some sense’ of legitimacy for the ICC prosecutor. 

Bayefsky and others have urged the Biden administration to invoke the American Servicemembers Protection Act and sanction the ICC in response to any arrest warrants for Israeli officials. 

During a speech in the Rose Garden on Wednesday at a press conference with Kenyan President William Ruto, Biden reiterated that the U.S. ‘made our position clear on the ICC … we don’t recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC, the way it’s being exercised, and it’s that simple. We don’t think there’s an equivalence between what Israel did and Hamas did.’

The Rome Statute counts 124 signatories, including most of Africa, Europe and South America, but it does not include some notable holdouts: the United States, China, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea and Turkey, among others. 

The Biden administration reversed the sanctions but reinforced the position that the U.S. continued to ‘disagree strongly with the ICC’s actions relating to the Afghanistan and Palestinian situations.’ 

The Center for Constitutional Rights argued that the sanctions delayed critical investigations at the ICC, ‘directly and indirectly negatively’ impacting the work at the ICC, though perhaps not as drastically as the U.S. would have hoped.

Instead, the group argued that the sanctions created a difficult working relationship for the ICC and any potential collaborators, such as civil society organizations, investigators, lawyers and victims who would worry about facing similar sanctions for helping the ICC.

The ICC, which commenced operations in 2002, bases its authority on the signatories of the Rome Statute, which outlines four core international crimes that the court will prosecute: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression, all of which are ‘not subject to any statute of limitations’ but limited to only crimes that occurred after the statute came into force.

President Clinton signed the statute in 2000, but he demanded that the eventual ICC should address ‘fundamental concerns’ before he or any other U.S. president considered putting the statute before the U.S. Senate for ratification. The Bush administration took it a step further, withdrawing the U.S. signature and instead adopting the American Servicemembers Protection Act.

Also known as the ‘Hague Invasion Act,’ the law allows the president to use ‘all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release’ of U.S. or allied citizens detained or imprisoned by the ICC.

The bill also prevents the U.S. from providing support for the ICC, per Sec. 2004: The U.S. is prohibited from responding to requests for cooperation, of providing support to the court (including from law enforcement), of helping with extradition and using appropriated funds to assist the court, among others.

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The Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the Justice Department is coming under fire after reports that some of its personnel have an apparent political bias against the targets of their investigations. 

The OIG says its mission is to ‘detect and deter fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct by conducting objective, independent, and impactful oversight of the Department, its programs, and the conduct of its personnel.’ 

OIG personnel are non-political employees and do not shift with changes to the executive branch. Inspector General Michael Horowitz was confirmed by the Senate in 2012.

However, recent reporting and documents reviewed by Fox News Digital reveal that some OIG personnel, including ones responsible for overseeing investigations into Trump administration political appointees, appear to have partisan bias.

America First Legal (AFL) on Wednesday sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the DOJ to investigate the ‘existence of politically motivated employees in positions that demand impartiality.’ 

‘The Department’s Office of Inspector General itself describes that ‘[i]n light of today’s wide-spread lack of trust and negative views of government, a key facet of the Department’s challenge of strengthening public trust is ensuring that DOJ personnel fulfill their duties without any actual or perceived political influence or partisan consideration,’’ the FOIA request states. 

‘Despite this unambiguous obligation to avoid the appearance of political or partisan considerations, there is evidence that the Office of the Inspector General is deeply infected with partisan actors,’ it says.

According to documents reviewed by Fox News Digital, one OIG attorney, Deborah Falk Zerwitz, has donated 35 times to Democrats or Democrat-linked entities since 2007, totaling $6,466.

Zerwitz is currently overseeing OIG’s investigation into the department’s 2020 probe into deaths in state-run nursing homes in New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Pennsylvania. 

On her X account, Zerwitz ‘liked’ dozens of political posts including disparaging posts about then-Attorney General Bill Barr and Trump appointees, including one post saying all White House lawyers drafting executive orders should be ‘disbarred,’ and one accusing Barr of promoting a ‘myth of unaccountable career prosecutor.’ 

Another post she appeared to have ‘liked’ said, ‘We need to send Donald Trump packing, but we can’t stop there. We need to boot his Republican enablers out of office — at every level of government.’

She also ‘liked’ posts that referenced ‘Trump and his racist homophobic cult members,’ and one that read ‘Attention QANON, MAGAT Fascists,’ and ended with, ‘SO F— OFF.’  She also liked a post that accused Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., of ‘eroding our democracy.’

Jennifer Ramella, another OIG lawyer investigating DOJ’s nursing home death probe, donated 33 times between 2020 and 2022 to the Democratic PAC ActBlue, totaling over $300.

Another is Christina Monta, a former OIG counsel who led the investigation into the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania’s probe into reports of potential issues with a few mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections in 2020.

Monta, according to FEC data, made several contributions to ActBlue and Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Senate campaign, totaling $1,014.50 between 2019 and 2020.

Monta was counsel in one of the first cases DOJ litigated to allow biological males into women’s bathrooms in 2015. She also joined the DOJ’s challenge of Texas’ voter ID law around the same time.

‘It is imperative that Americans learn whether these views persist within the Department of Justice, certainly meeting the Department’s standard that a ‘matter of widespread and exceptional media interest in which there exist possible questions about the government’s integrity that affect public confidence,’ especially as we approach a Presidential election,’ AFL’s FOIA request states. 

‘It is vital for our democracy and trust in government that those in government with duties to be impartial do not wield their power by targeting political opponents,’ they said. 

A spokesperson for the OIG told Fox News Digital, ‘Consistent with the First Amendment, Citizens United, and federal law, the OIG respects the constitutional rights of its employees, and of all citizens.’

‘The OIG’s work is fact-based and objective, as evidenced by our reports on FISA abuses, Operation Fast and Furious, and decades of other oversight. Our ongoing work meets the same standards,’ the spokesperson said. 

In 2019, the OIG released a report on FISA abuses in the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation and outlined their investigation process: 

‘As part of the standard practice in our reviews, we provided a draft copy of this report to the Department and the FBI to conduct a factual accuracy review. Also consistent with our standard practice, we contacted individuals who were interviewed as part of the review and whose conduct is addressed in this report, and certain other witnesses, to provide them an opportunity to review the portions of the report that pertain to their testimony to the OIG. With limited exceptions, these witnesses availed themselves of this opportunity, and we provided those who did conduct such a review with the opportunity to provide oral or written comments directly to the OIG concerning the portions they reviewed, consistent with rules to protect classified information.’

The Civil Service Reform Act also prohibits OIG from discriminating against employees based on their political affiliations. 

Gene Hamilton, AFL executive director, said in a statement that, ‘if the ‘watchdog’ is a mere partisan bulldog, it does not deserve to exist.’

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A U.S. service member is in critical condition after sustaining a non-combat injury on Thursday while supporting humanitarian aid to Gaza, according to a U.S. defense official.

‘On May 23, a U.S. service member sustained a non-combat related injury aboard USNS Benavidez (T-AKR 306) while in support of the humanitarian aid mission to Gaza,’ a U.S. defense official said. ‘The service member was transported to a medical facility and is in critical condition at this time. More information will be provided as it becomes available.’

During an on-record call on Thursday, defense officials confirmed to reporters that three U.S. service members were injured while supporting a mission to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

While one individual was found to be in critical condition, the other two sustained injuries that were ‘very minor,’ according to Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, who described them as ‘routine injuries.’

He added that the two service members who sustained minor injuries had returned to duty.

‘On the injuries, I’m not getting too much detail,’ Cooper told reporters. ‘One was simply a sprained ankle.’

A temporary pier was anchored to a Gaza beach last Thursday as Israel comes under growing global pressure to allow more supplies into the besieged coastal enclave, where it is at war with Palestinian militants Hamas and a famine looms.

Operations began on Friday and 10 aid trucks were driven by U.N. contractors to a World Food Programme warehouse in Deir El Balah in Gaza. But on Saturday, only five trucks made it to the warehouse after 11 others were intercepted.

‘Crowds had stopped the trucks at various points along the way. There was … what I think I would refer to as self-distribution,’ U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters in New York on Tuesday.

‘These trucks were traveling through areas where there’d been no aid. I think people feared that they would never see aid. They grabbed what they could,’ he said.

Distribution was ultimately paused as the U.N. planned new routes and coordination of deliveries in a bid to prevent more aid being intercepted, said Abeer Etefa, a WFP spokesperson in Cairo.

Aid access into southern Gaza has been disrupted since Israel stepped up military operations in Rafah, a move that the U.N. says has forced 900,000 people to flee.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Nate Silver, the founder of FiveThirtyEight, said that if President Biden is still ‘struggling’ by the end of the summer, he should consider dropping out of the presidential race. 

‘If Biden is still struggling in August he needs to consider stepping aside,’ the polling guru wrote Thursday on X. ‘It’s not a great situation for Ds either way, but you have to do due diligence on the question. It’s an important election, obviously. It shouldn’t be taboo to talk about.’

Recent polls have shown former President Trump leading in several key swing states as Biden continues to get low favorability ratings. 

But a new poll this week shows the race deadlocked nationally. 

The Democratic president stands at 48% among registered voters, with his Republican predecessor in the White House at 47%, according to a Quinnipiac University survey released on Wednesday. Biden’s one-point edge over Trump is well within the poll’s margin of error.

In a likely five-candidate showdown, Biden stands at 41%, Trump scores 38% and Democrat-turned-independent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. grabs 14% support, with Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent progressive candidate Cornel West each at 2%.

‘Call them fair weather, call them unsure. A sizable block of registered voters is still juggling candidates, with Kennedy voters particularly swayable and Trump voters less inclined to bail on their candidate,’ Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Mally highlighted.

A Fox News survey earlier this month showed Trump narrowly ahead of Biden (a one-point lead) in a tightened race as an uptick in economic optimism pushed approval of Biden up.

Silver later added on X, ‘*If* Biden is still trailing Trump by >=3 points in the swing states in August—not something I take for granted—then he’ll be a pretty big underdog. It would be bananas not to consider alternatives. Sometimes all you get choose from is different types of bananas.’

He added that if the first debate goes ‘*really* badly’ for Biden and he’s polling five to six points behind Trump in swing states, ‘That’s a nearly unsalvageable position. You’d have to pull the emergency lever.’ 

The two candidates have agreed to two TV debates in June and September ahead of the election on Nov. 5. 

FiveThirtyEight correctly predicted that Biden would win in 2020, but incorrectly predicted Hillary Clinton would beat Trump in 2016. 

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A key election security bill backed by both former President Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., advanced through a key hurdle on Thursday, moving it closer to a chamber-wide vote in the House of Representatives. 

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, introduced by Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, passed the Committee on House Administration in a six-to-one vote. 

‘Preventing noncitizen voting and foreign influence in our elections is a critical component of restoring trust in our elections. I look forward to seeing these measures come to the Floor for consideration soon,’ committee Chairman Bryan Steil, R-Wis., said in a statement.

The legislation would require states to obtain documentary proof of citizenship in order for a person to register to vote in federal elections, while also mandating that they purge noncitizens from existing voter rolls. 

It would also empower citizens to bring civil lawsuits against election officials they believe are not enforcing or upholding the citizenship requirement.

Johnson first unveiled the bill during a press conference at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, alongside the former president.

He reiterated his support for it during another high-level media event at the U.S. Capitol just weeks later. Roy was in attendance along with the bill’s lead in the Senate, Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, as well as former Trump administration officials Stephen Miller and Hogan Gidley.

‘Due to the wide open border that the Biden administration has refused to close, in fact, that they engineered to open, we now have so many non-citizens in the country that if only one out of 100 of those voted, they would cast hundreds of thousands of votes,’ Johnson said at the time.

The top Democrat on the Administration panel, Rep. Joe Morelle, D-N.Y., however, argued on Thursday that the bill was overly burdensome for voters.

‘The bill would create extreme documentary requirements nationwide, making it much, much, much harder to vote, burdening every potential voter and particularly affecting people who have difficulty obtaining the required documents, including married women who have changed their names, students on a college campus, the elderly, lower income people, members of tribal nations, naturalized citizens, and, yes, even Republicans,’ Morelle said. ‘If it were ever to become law, its provisions are so Draconian that it would surely disenfranchize millions of eligible Americans.’

But conservative groups have lined up in support of the bill, including Honest Elections Project Action – whose executive director, Jason Snead, said it would ‘promote election integrity.’

‘Requiring proof of citizenship to register and vote is a no-brainer policy for any democracy,’ Snead told Fox News Digital. ‘Americans deserve to know their elections are free of foreign influence.’

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House lawmakers are working on a bipartisan response to the International Criminal Court (ICC) after its top prosecutor said he was seeking arrest warrants against both Hamas and top Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., told Fox News Digital during his weekly press conference Thursday that the top Republican and Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, and ranking member Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., were discussing a path forward.

Jeffries added that he himself had not heard from Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., who reiterated his commitment to hitting back at the ICC during his own press conference on Wednesday.

‘There are ongoing discussions, as I understand it, between Chairman McCaul and ranking member Gregory Meeks, and the objective is trying to reach bipartisan consensus with respect to the International Criminal Court,’ Jeffries said. 

McCaul told Fox News Digital when reached for comment, ‘The ICC is a flawed and politically motivated judicial body. In addition, the ICC has no jurisdiction here and its announcement violates its own stated position as a court of last resort.’

‘Israel has a robust judicial system, so there is no need for the ICC to get involved here. Congress needs to respond with strong, bipartisan sanctions. We do not know what a final bill will look like, but all relevant parties are discussing options,’ McCaul said.

With the House facing a week-long recess after Thursday’s afternoon votes, it’s likely the chamber will not see action until June.

But Johnson told Fox News Digital on Wednesday that he was looking at multiple options for a response.

‘There’s some great ideas on the table. We’re down to the fine points of that,’ he said, adding that he discussed the matter directly with Netanyahu on Friday and intended to do so again that day.

‘This is a great threat to the international community and to our allies, and to us ultimately, as explained earlier, so we’re getting down to the fine points of that and, hopefully, it will be a bipartisan bill and that everybody will be able to stand together,’ Johnson said.

One possible option is a House bill introduced earlier this month by Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., a Foreign Affairs Committee member who worked with the IDF, and Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas.

Roy told Fox News Digital on Wednesday that he anticipated their bill would be ‘about 90% where we would end up,’ but said it was up to Johnson and McCaul.

‘The only debates are waiver questions,’ Roy said. ‘In our bill we have a waiver provision, but the waiver is contingent on the ICC backing away from what they’re doing in going after Netanyahu, otherwise there is no waiver. There’s some debates about whether you want to give some greater latitude on the waiver. We’ve proposed some different alternatives to try to build a consensus on it.’

Mast told reporters on Wednesday morning that Democrats were seeking broader waiver powers for President Biden.

‘There’s a lot of back and forth right now between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats want there to be a presidential waiver in any sanctioning so they can let these people in for U.N. General Assembly or whatever it is that they want. We totally disagree with that. It should be handling these people in totality,’ Mast said.

Mast said he anticipated a vote sometime in early June.

When reached for further comment, Johnson’s office said it had nothing to add beyond his and Jeffries’ remarks. 

Notably, the Mast-Roy bill has seen its support swell since the ICC’s announcement earlier this week from 15 original co-sponsors to 62 – roughly a quarter of the House GOP conference. 

Rep. Mike Garcia, R-Calif., who is not a co-signer but supports a response to the ICC, urged strong U.S. action.

‘I think we need to be emphatic that a globalist organization does not have purview and domain over sovereign nations just writ large,’ he said. ‘I think there’s fundamentally a problem with countries being subjected to a very arbitrary and capricious globalist organization like this, that really has a political bent to it.’

Israel, like the U.S., is not under ICC jurisdiction. The Palestinian territories joined in 2015.

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A purportedly never-before-seen Department of Defense memo from the Obama era appears to indicate the federal government already may have had original copies of the documents seized at former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in 2022, raising serious questions about the pretext for the raid, Fox News Digital has exclusively learned.

America First Legal, a conservative legal group, released Thursday what it says is a newly unearthed memo from the Obama administration Department of Defense ‘confirming the government may have already had originals of the alleged classified documents involved in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s sham prosecution against President Trump.’

The document, titled Memorandum of Understanding Entered into by Presidential Information Technology Community Entities, is from 2015, and followed an October 2014 Russian breach of the Executive Office of the President’s network. Then-President Barack Obama took executive action to create the Presidential Information Technology Community (PITC) to better protect the executive branch from such attacks, according to AFL.

The PITC, which includes representatives from federal agencies such as the Department of Defense and Homeland Security, effectively established that the president controls information he receives through the PITC network.

The executive action was made public at the time. However, America First Legal said it obtained a never-before-seen memo confirming the Department of Defense has been ‘operating and maintaining the information resources and information systems provided to the President, Vice President, and Executive Office of the President.’ 

The memo could mean that the federal government has stored and retained Executive Office of the President documents, including ‘a substantial amount, if not all, of President Trump’s classified documents,’ AFL said in its press release. 

‘What America First Legal has uncovered after months of investigative work paints an unfortunate picture of the rule of law in Washington. A former President of the United States – the most democratically accountable officer under our Constitution – was subject to a politicized referral concocted by the Biden White House that led to an armed FBI raid of his home – where his wife and youngest child live – and is now subject to prosecution,’ America First Legal Vice President Dan Epstein said. 

‘And to now realize that the Biden Administration could have avoided an illegal referral process to recover records the government already possessed, that it could have used normal means to ensure that records the former president believed should be housed in his presidential library (not yet built because of the hordes of investigations aimed at silencing him) were subject to a temporary hold for purposes of Archives’ review – yet didn’t – speaks loudly to America: the law protects only those who follow the norms of one party,’Epstein added. 

America First Legal obtained the documents through litigation against the Department of Defense, the press release said. 

The DOD told Fox News Digital on Thursday that the department has ‘nothing to offer’ when asked about the memo. The White House and DOJ did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s requests for comment. 

The FBI agents seized 33 boxes of documents in August 2022 from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, spurring another legal battle that Trump has called a ‘scam.’ The investigation is overseen by special prosecutor Jack Smith, whom Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed to the job, and has charged Trump with 40 felony counts, including allegedly violating the Espionage Act, making false statements to investigators and conspiracy to obstruct justice. 

The FBI at the time told a judge there was ‘probable cause to believe’ that classified documents at Mar-a-Lago were being improperly stored and that investigators would find ‘evidence of obstruction.’ 

Trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges, and slammed the case as an ‘Election Inference Scam’ promoted by the Biden administration and ‘Deranged Jack Smith.’

The case was slated to head to trial on May 20, but has since been put on ice until presiding Judge Aileen Cannon sets a new date. Cannon did hold hearings this week to address the defense team’s motion for dismissal. 

Trump’s classified documents case also opened the doors to investigations regarding classified documents in the possession of President Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence. Special Counsel Robert Hur announced in February that he would not recommend criminal charges against Biden for possessing classified materials after his vice presidency, citing that Biden is ‘a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.’

‘Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone from whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him – by then a former president well into his eighties – of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness,’ Hur wrote in his report. 

The findings sparked widespread outrage that Biden was effectively deemed too cognitively impaired to be charged with a crime but could serve as president. Trump has meanwhile slammed the disparity in charges as a reflection of a ‘sick and corrupt, two-tiered system of justice in our country.’ 

Earlier this month, the White House asserted executive privilege over audio and video recordings related to Hur’s interviews with Biden, sparking condemnation from Republicans. Biden met with Hur for about five hours last year, when he was grilled about his handling of the classified documents. 

Republican House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., responded to the executive privilege by arguing there’s ‘a five-alarm fire at the White House.’ 

‘Clearly President Biden and his advisers fear releasing the audio recordings of his interview because it will again reaffirm to the American people that President Biden’s mental state is in decline. The House Oversight Committee requires these recordings as part of our investigation of President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents,’ Comer told Fox News Digital last week. 

‘The White House is asserting executive privilege over the recordings, but it has already waived privilege by releasing the transcript of the interview. Today’s Hail Mary from the White House changes nothing for our committee. The House Oversight Committee will move forward with its markup of a resolution and report recommending to the House of Representatives that Attorney General Garland be held in contempt of Congress for defying a lawful subpoena.’

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White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Wednesday responded to Ireland, Spain and Norway’s decision to recognize a Palestinian state, observing a growing trend of the international community turning away from Israel. 

At the daily White House press briefing, Sullivan reiterated President Biden’s support for a ‘two-state solution’ once Israeli forces defeat Hamas militants operating in Gaza. 

‘Each country is entitled to make its own determinations, but the U.S. position on this is clear,’ Sullivan said. ‘President Biden, as I just said, has been on the record supporting a two-state solution. He has been equally emphatic on the record that that two-state solution should be brought about through direct negotiations through the parties, not through unilateral recognition. That’s a principled position that we have held on a consistent basis. We will communicate that to our partners around the world, and we’ll see what unfolds.’ 

The national security adviser explained that Biden ‘believes that a two-state solution that guarantees Israel’s security and also a future of dignity and security for the Palestinian people is the best way to bring about long-term security and stability for everyone in the region – Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs.’ 

‘He has talked about a regional vision of Israel actually being integrated with all of the moderate Arab states in an architecture that can deliver regional stability,’ Sullivan said. ‘And I was in Saudi Arabia talking to the crown prince about that exact vision this weekend. And you saw public statements from him about what is possible if Israel moves down that path. 

‘So that’s a conversation we’ll continue to have with the Israeli government,’ he continued. ‘In the meantime, what we will do is work to ensure the enduring defeat of Hamas and a day after in Gaza that involves governance and security, not provided by Hamas, but by an alternative that ultimately gets us on a credible pathway to that two-state solution that President Biden has talked about.’ 

Last week, Sullivan traveled to Saudi Arabia, where he met with Crown Prince and Prime Minster of Saudi Arabia Mohamed bin Salman to discuss a ‘comprehensive vision for an integrated Middle East region,’ according to the U.S. Embassy in Israel. Sullivan then traveled to Jerusalem, where he met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog and other Israeli officials for ongoing hostage deal talks. 

Sullivan on Wednesday also responded to a reporter’s question about Israel’s ‘growing diplomatic isolation’ and what that means for a potential Saudi deal to recognize Israel. 

‘I think it’s a fair question. As a country that stands strong in defense of Israel in international forums like the United Nations, we certainly have seen a growing chorus of voices, including voices that had previously been in support of Israel, drift in another direction. That is of concern to us because we do not believe that that contributes to Israel’s long-term security or vitality,’ Sullivan said. ‘And so that’s something that we discussed with the Israeli government and something that we believe that a strategic approach to defeating Hamas, protecting civilians, surging humanitarian assistance, and then pursuing that vision of regional integration I just talked about, will put Israel in the best stead to engage countries around the world and revitalize a lot of the partnerships and friendships that have been a source of great strength for Israel over time and can be again.’ 

In retaliation for Ireland, Spain and Norway’s announcement Wednesday that the European countries will recognize a Palestinian state on May 28, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said he would stop transferring tax revenue earmarked for the Palestinian Authority. The move could handicap its already waning ability to pay salaries to thousands of employees, according to The Associated Press. 

Sullivan condemned that move. 

‘I think it’s wrong,’ he said of withholding funds from the Palestinian Authority. ‘I think it’s wrong on a strategic basis because withholding funds destabilizes the West Bank. It undermines the search for security and prosperity for the Palestinian people, which is in Israel’s interests. And I think it’s wrong to withhold funds that provide basic goods and services to innocent people. So from our perspective, those funds should continue to go with all of the necessary safeguards, but they should continue to flow.’ 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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