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– Former GOP hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy on Wednesday threw his support behind Republican Congressional Candidate J.R. Majewski in his bid to unseat Democratic Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur.

Ramaswamy said he was endorsing Majewski to represent the 9th Congressional District in Toledo, Ohio, because he is an ‘America First’ patriot. 

Ramaswamy, who suspended his presidential campaign last month, said he would do ‘everything in his power’ to ensure Majewski beat Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, who has held her position for more than four decades.

‘If there was ever a case for term limits, Marcy Kaptur is a perfect example,’ Ramaswamy said. 

Ramaswamy slammed the Republican establishment for bailing on Majewski in the 2022 midterms after the ‘mainstream media’ falsely reported that he had not won an Air Force medal that he had in fact won. 

‘It’s time for us to level up as a Republican Party. Time to actually stand up for truthful patriots – not swallowing what we’re force-fed by the mainstream media, but standing up for what’s right, what’s true,’ Ramaswamy said. 

Ramaswamy’s endorsement comes days after he unveiled his endorsement criteria for other political hopefuls he dubbed ‘The American Truth Pledge.’ 

The ‘American Truth Pledge’ has four broad categories. The first reads ‘The people we elect to run government should actually run the government,’ the second being ‘The first and only moral duty of US leaders is to US citizens,’ the third being ‘Public service is about serving the public, not oneself,’ and the final one reading ‘The absence of national pride is an existential threat to our nation’s future — we must fill that void.’ 

Fox News’ Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to this report. 

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The U.S. has intelligence of a national and international security threat related to Russian nuclear capabilities in space which could threaten satellites, including potentially knocking out U.S. military communications and reconnaissance, Fox News has learned. 

Sources tell Fox News that the Russian capability has not yet deployed.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner on Wednesday morning first warned of a ‘serious national security threat,’ and called on President Biden to declassify it. 

‘The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has made available to all Members of Congress information concerning a serious national security threat,’ Turner said. ‘I am requesting that President Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat.’ 

Fox News Digital obtained the notice sent to congressional members Wednesday, which pointed to ‘an urgent matter with regard to a destabilizing foreign military capability that should be known by all Congressional Policy Makers.’

Sources told Fox News that the deliberations about declassifying the intelligence relate to interests in protecting intelligence sources and methods.  

A separate source told Fox News that the threat is ‘concerning Russian capability,’ noting that the ‘potential seriousness of the threat is grave,’ but ‘the threat is not immediate in nature.’ 

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., later attempted to quell any panic caused by Turner’s statement by explaining that last month, he sent a letter to the White House ‘requesting a meeting with the president to discuss a serious national security issue that is classified.’

‘In response to that letter, a meeting is now scheduled tomorrow on this matter here at the Capitol with the Gang of Four and with the president’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan,’ Johnson said. ‘I will press the administration to take appropriate action, and everybody can be comforted by that.’ 

Johnson said he ‘saw Chairman Turner’s statement on the issue, and I want to assure the American people there’s no need for public alarm.’ 

‘We are going to work together to address this matter as we do all sensitive matters that are classified,’ Johnson said. ‘And beyond that, I’m not at liberty to disclose classified information and really can’t say much of that, but we just want to assure everyone, steady hands are at the wheel, we’re working on it. There’s no need for alarm.’ 

Meanwhile, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., and Vice Chairman Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said their committee ‘has the intelligence in question, and has been rigorously tracking this issue from the start.’ 

‘We continue to take this matter seriously and are discussing an appropriate response with the administration,’ Warner and Rubio said. ‘In the meantime, we must be cautious about potentially disclosing sources and methods that may be key to preserving a range of options for U.S. action.’

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Wednesday at the White House press briefing said that he was surprised by Turner’s statement, given that earlier in the week he reached out to members of Congress to offer himself to come to Capitol Hill to give a personal briefing on the matter. 

That briefing will take place on Thursday.

‘I am a bit surprised that Congressman Turner came out publicly today in advance of a meeting on the books for me to go sit with him alongside our intelligence and defense professionals tomorrow. That’s his choice to do that,’ Sullivan said.

‘All I can tell you is that I’m focused on going to see him, sit with him, as well as the other House members of the Gang of Eight tomorrow, and I’m not in a position to say anything further from this podium at this time, other than to make the broad point that this administration has gone further, and in more creative, more strategic ways, dealt with the declassification of intelligence in the national interest of the United States than any administration in history,’ he continued.

Sullivan added: ‘You definitely are not going to find an unwillingness to do that when it’s in our national security interest to do so.’

He said, however, that the administration has prioritized ‘the issue of sources and methods.’

‘Ultimately, these are decisions for the president to make, but in the meantime, the most important thing is we have the opportunity to sit in a classified setting and have the kind of conversation with the House Intelligence leadership that I, in fact, had scheduled before Congressman Turner went out today,’ Sullivan said.

Sullivan again stressed that he ‘personally reached out’ to Congress on the matter.

‘It is highly unusual, in fact, for the national security adviser to do that,’ he said. 

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The House on Wednesday passed a bipartisan resolution condemning Hamas terrorists’ use of rape and sexual violence as weapons of war during — and since — the attacks in Israel on Oct. 7. 

The resolution, introduced by Rep. Lois Frankel, D-Fla., and endorsed by 200 co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle, passed in a vote of 418 to 0. 

Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., voted ‘present.’

‘Our bipartisan resolution says it loud and clear: rape and sexual violence are crimes against humanity and should never be used or accepted as weapons of war,’ said Rep. Frankel. 

The resolution ‘condemns all rape and forms of sexual violence as weapons of war, including those acts committed by Hamas terrorists’ and calls on ‘all nations to criminalize rape and sexual assault, and hold accountable all perpetrators of sexual violence, including state and non-state armed groups.’ 

‘There are some subjects that are so difficult to talk about, but it is our responsibility to do so,’ Rep. Frankel said from the House floor Wednesday.

‘Hamas’ actions on Oct. 7 and continuing is almost too difficult to speak about, raping, mutilating and burning to inflict psychological pain and unleashing trauma that continues to plague a grieving Israel,’ she said. 

‘Shockingly and alarmingly, Hamas’ violence has been met with a shrug from many corners in the world, and many deny it. Such weapons have been used throughout history and around the world to terrorize and traumatize victims, but that doesn’t make it OK. It must never be normalized. Our resolution makes it clear sexual violence is a crime against humanity,’ Frankel said. 

Rep. Tlaib said she was ‘disturbed’ that the resolution ‘completely ignores and erases any sexual violence committed’ allegedly committed by IDF forces. Those claims are unsubstantiated. 

The resolution also calls on all international bodies to ‘unequivocally condemn the barbaric murder, rape, sexual assault, and kidnapping by Hamas and other terrorists’ on and since Oct. 7 and hold accountable all perpetrators.’

It also reaffirms the United States Government’s support for independent, impartial investigations of rape and sexual violence committed by Hamas and reaffirms its commitment to supporting survivors of rape and sexual violence, including those brutalized on and since the Oct. 7 attacks. 

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FBI Director Christopher Wray made an unannounced trip to Israel, where he sat in on intelligence meetings before speaking to Fox News.

Wray’s visit was his first time on the ground in Israel since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. 

The FBI director met with his counterparts in Israel’s Shin Bet (Israeli intelligence) and others. He spoke to Fox News before boarding a plane to leave the country for Germany for the Munich Security Conference, where he’ll speak Thursday. 

‘We’ve seen a rogues’ gallery of foreign terrorist organizations both express support and praise for the Hamas attacks and threaten to attack U.S. interests at home and abroad,’ Wray said. ‘We’re working with all our partners to confront the elevated threat picture, which includes, I should add, the threats posed by Iran and Hezbollah, both in terms of the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7, and more broadly.’ 

‘We have learned a lot,’ Wray added of the information gathered by the FBI in the wake of Oct. 7. ‘The information exchange between our two countries has been terrific as well. As with a number of our other close allies who are all collaborating out of a shared commitment to combat the scourge of terrorism.’

Wray also spoke about the FBI’s role in protecting Americans in Israel and Gaza. 

‘The FBI has been working side by side, really around the clock, to aid in investigative and recovery efforts to provide support and services to U.S. victims of the attack and their families, and to identify and disrupt additional threats that we’re seeing emanating from the conflict,’ he said. 

Wray said he felt it was important to travel to meet with Israeli law enforcement and intelligence partners on Israeli soil ‘to show our unwavering support and commitment to these partners in the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas against innocent civilians on Oct. 7, and second, because we are closely working — again, I cannot overstate this — closely working with our partners in Israel and others around the world to investigate these attacks.’

‘Some of our FBI folks here in Israel have literally not taken a day off since Oct. 7, and I’m proud of the incredible support the team has provided to our partners during this dark time. The FBI’s partnership with our Israeli counterparts is long-standing, close and robust,’ he said. ‘Whenever we meet and talk — which we do all the time — these are deeply substantive conversations across a whole range of common threats between countries with shared values and shared commitment to the rule of law.’

‘I’m confident the closeness of our agencies contributed to our ability to move so quickly in response to these attacks and to ensure our support is as seamless as possible,’ he said. ‘My hope is that today’s meetings with Israeli intelligence and law enforcement partners, as well as our FBI personnel and officials at the U.S. Embassy, are demonstrative of the bureau’s continued commitment to these partners and helped identify even more ways that we can work together to keep people around the world safe from terrorism.’  

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The White House is mocking Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, for reiterating his demand that President Biden sit for a cognitive exam.

Jackson told reporters on Wednesday that he’s making his fifth attempt at pressuring Biden to prove his mental fitness for office.

Asked about Jackson’s comments by Fox News Digital, White House spokesman Andrew Bates replied: ‘Hi, Dr. Nick!’

Attached was a photo of a character from ‘The Simpsons’ named Dr. Nick Riviera, a physician whose running gag in the cartoon is about his questionable medical practices and maiming of patients.

Jackson, a medical doctor who formerly served as the White House physician, slammed the White House for making light of the situation.

‘Even Dr. Nick knows something is wrong with President Biden,’ Jackson said in a statement to Fox News Digital. ‘The American people are legitimately concerned and the clowns in the Biden administration think this is a joke. This is not a joke.’

‘Rather than administer a cognitive test or coming up with legitimate answers to Biden’s apparent cognitive decline, the clowns inside the White House are sending cartoon memes to address a concern they know is real,’ he said. ‘Nearly 80 percent of Americans are concerned about Biden’s physical and mental health, and 73 percent of Democrats feel he is too old or unfit for another term.’

Jackson said earlier during a Wednesday press conference that he was sending a letter directly to the president as well as every member of his Cabinet.

‘We are going to continue to make this an issue. I will be introducing another letter today. This will be the fifth letter that I’ve introduced that I’ve sent to the president,’ he said.

Jackson pointed out that former President Donald Trump took a cognitive exam when he was in the White House after mounting questions about his mental state in the media.

‘I would like to see that same type of enthusiasm and insistence from the press right now, that President Biden submit to a cognitive exam as part of his physical exam,’ Jackson said. ‘And if he thinks he’s fit to lead this country, prove it to us with some objective data that says so.’

It comes as Biden’s critics continue to seize on a recent report by Special Counsel Robert Hur regarding the president’s handling of classified documents before he took office. 

Hur’s 388-page report cleared President Biden of wrongdoing despite having ‘willfully retained and disclosed classified materials.’

Hur said Biden came off ‘as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’ and that ‘it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him-by then a former president well into his eighties-of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.’

Earlier this week, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that Biden would not be taking a cognitive test as part of his regular physical exam.

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Former Vice President Mike Pence’s policy think tank, Advancing American Freedom (AAF), sent a memo to senators Wednesday pushing back against Sen. JD Vance’s theory that the $95 billion foreign aid package contains an ‘impeachment’ clause for the next administration hidden in its text.

AAF’s memo comes after Vance circulated a memo ahead of the national security supplemental package vote Monday arguing the bill includes a provision that could be grounds to impeach former President Donald Trump if he wins the White House again. 

The text assures the delivery of $1.6 billion to finance Ukraine’s military as well as just under $14 billion for Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative through Sept. 30, 2025 – the same aid mechanism that Trump temporarily paused while pushing for an investigation into Biden family foreign business dealings. 

‘The president’s duty to faithfully execute the law is written into the Constitution,’ AAF’s memo reads. ‘It’s not an ‘impeachment time bomb’ created by the foreign aid package.’

A spokesperson for Vance told Fox News Digital that the AAF memo repeated talking points circulated by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a long-time advocate of aid to Ukraine. 

‘It’s unfortunate to see Mike Pence adopting Mitch McConnell’s talking points and advocating for a bill that would tie the next president’s hands on Ukraine. Their America Last foreign policy has been rejected by Republican voters,’ the spokesperson said.

According to the memo, AAF argues that the Constitution mandates the president to faithfully execute laws, rejecting attempts from lawmakers to interpret this as permission to ignore statutes. 

The Impoundment Control Act ensures Congress controls funding, requiring presidential notification and approval for cuts within a 45-day timeframe. Congress wields the power of the purse, the AAF memo states, despite changes in administrations. 

‘Congress routinely appropriates funds across presidential terms,’ the memo reads. ‘Following the argument to its logical conclusion, all advance appropriations are ‘impeachment time bombs.’’

‘The Trump-Pence administration sold weapons to Ukraine that the Obama-Biden administration refused to,’ the memo continued. ‘It also countered Putin’s influence by blocking Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which President Biden green-lighted.’

Meanwhile, Vance’s memo claimed that the supplemental bill ‘represents an attempt by the foreign policy blob/deep state to stop President Trump from pursuing his desired policy, and if he does so anyways, to provide grounds to impeach him and undermine his administration.’

Trump has promised he would end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours if he is elected president. 

The Trump administration, through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), withheld a total of about $400 million in security assistance from Ukraine in 2019. This came just before Trump asked Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelenskyy to investigate the family of his 2020 rival, Joe Biden, and while the White House allegedly was withholding an Oval Office visit from Zelenskyy in exchange for an investigation.

These actions are what fueled the impeachment effort against Trump, in which he was ultimately acquitted. 

Mark Paoletta, former OMB general counsel during the Trump administration, told Fox News Digital in a statement this week that the clause in the bill text is an ‘effort to inappropriately tie President Trump’s hands in his next term by locking in Ukraine funding for multiple years.’ 

Last week, AAF praised the bill for its continued assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, but bashed the billions of dollars earmarked for ‘non-lethal’ aid, such as ‘direct budget support’ to Ukraine. It also criticized the bill for not including H.R 2, the House’s border security policy passed last year that would crack down on asylum screenings and restore most Trump-era restrictions at the southern border. 

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House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner is urging President Biden to declassify information related to a ‘serious national security threat. However, House Speaker Mike Johnson says the threat is not immediate, and there is ‘no need for public alarm.’ 

Turner, R-Ohio, on Wednesday morning released a statement saying that ‘the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has made available to all Members of Congress information concerning a serious national security threat.’

‘I am requesting that President Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat,’ he added.

Fox News Digital obtained the notice sent to congressional members Wednesday, which pointed to ‘an urgent matter with regard to a destabilizing foreign military capability that should be known by all Congressional Policy Makers.’

A separate source told Fox News that the threat is ‘concerning Russian capability,’ noting that the ‘potential seriousness of the threat is grave,’ but ‘the threat is not immediate in nature.’ 

And a Pentagon source told Fox News the threat is related to space. 

Johnson, R-La., attempted to quell any panic caused by Turner’s statement by explaining that last month, he sent a letter to the White House ‘requesting a meeting with the president to discuss a serious national security issue that is classified.’

‘In response to that letter, a meeting is now scheduled tomorrow on this matter here at the Capitol with the Gang of Four and with the president’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan,’ Johnson said. ‘I will press the administration to take appropriate action, and everybody can be comforted by that.’ 

Johnson said he ‘saw Chairman Turner’s statement on the issue, and I want to assure the American people there’s no need for public alarm.’ 

‘We are going to work together to address this matter as we do all sensitive matters that are classified,’ Johnson said. ‘And beyond that, I’m not at liberty to disclose classified information and really can’t say much of that, but we just want to assure everyone, steady hands are at the wheel, we’re working on it. There’s no need for alarm.’ 

Turner’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment and more information. 

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Wednesday at the White House press briefing that he was surprised by Turner’s statement, given that earlier in the week he reached out to members of Congress to offer himself to come to Capitol Hill to give a personal briefing on the matter. 

That briefing will take place on Thursday.

‘I am a bit surprised that Congressman Turner came out publicly today in advance of a meeting on the books for me to go sit with him alongside our intelligence and defense professionals tomorrow. That’s his choice to do that,’ Sullivan said.

‘All I can tell you is that I’m focused on going to see him, sit with him, as well as the other House members of the Gang of Eight tomorrow, and I’m not in a position to say anything further from this podium at this time, other than to make the broad point that this administration has gone further, and in more creative, more strategic ways, dealt with the declassification of intelligence in the national interest of the United States than any administration in history,’ Sullivan continued.

Sullivan added: ‘You definitely are not going to find an unwillingness to do that when it’s in our national security interest to do so.’

Sullivan said, however, the administration has prioritized ‘the issue of sources and methods.’

‘Ultimately, these are decisions for the president to make, but in the meantime, the most important thing is we have the opportunity to sit in a classified setting and have the kind of conversation with the House Intelligence leadership that I, in fact, had scheduled before Congressman Turner went out today,’ Sullivan said.

Sullivan again stressed that he ‘personally reached out’ to Congress on the matter.

‘It is highly unusual, in fact, for the national security adviser to do that,’ he said. 

Meanwhile, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., and Vice Chairman Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said their committee ‘has the intelligence in question, and has been rigorously tracking this issue from the start.’ 

‘We continue to take this matter seriously and are discussing an appropriate response with the administration,’ Warner and Rubio said. ‘In the meantime, we must be cautious about potentially disclosing sources and methods that may be key to preserving a range of options for U.S. action.’

Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich contributed to this report.  

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Former President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law is promising that all the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) finances will be poured into getting him re-elected if she is made co-chair of the committee.

Lara Trump, who the former president has pushed as a potential co-chair of the RNC, told reporters on Tuesday that ‘every single penny’ would go to the campaign effort if she were appointed. 

‘The RNC needs to be the leanest, most lethal political fighting machine we’ve ever seen in American history,’ Lara Trump told Newsmax. ‘That is the goal over the next nine-and-a-half months. If I am elected to this position, I can assure you, there will not be any more $70,000 – or whatever exorbitant amount of money it was – spent on flowers.’

‘Every single penny will go to the No. 1 and the only job of the RNC – that is electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country,’ she added.

As he moves closer to locking up the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Trump has increasingly been pushing to exert control and install loyalists at the national party committee.

Last week, Trump announced plans for his daughter-in-law to run as co-chair of the RNC.

‘Lara is an extremely talented communicator and is dedicated to all that MAGA stands for,’ the former president said. ‘She has told me she wants to accept this challenge and would be GREAT!’

Lara Trump is the wife of the former president’s second son, Eric Trump.

As Trump seeks to win back his old job in the White House, he stated on Monday how crucial it was for the RNC to be a good partner during the election.

‘That means helping to ensure fair and transparent elections across the country, getting out the vote everywhere – even in parts of the country where it won’t be easy – and working with my campaign, as the Republican presumptive nominee for President, to win this election and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,’ he exclaimed.

Fox News Digital’s Greg Wehner and Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

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The chief civil servant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization said former President Donald Trump’s rhetoric about the organization does ‘undermine’ the security of its members.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made the comments during a press conference at the organization’s headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday.

‘The whole idea of NATO is that an attack on one ally will trigger a response from the whole alliance and as long as we stand behind that message together, we prevent any military attack on any ally,’ Stoltenberg said.

He continued, ‘Any suggestion that we are not standing up for each other, that we are not going to protect each other, that does undermine the security of all of us.’

The warning comes after Trump offered harsh words for NATO allies at a campaign rally last week, going so far as to suggest the U.S. would not defend NATO allies that do not contribute their full share.

Trump recalled a conversation he had with the president ‘of a big country,’ who he says asked him if they did not increase their defense contribution to the North Atlantic alliance ‘and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’

‘NATO was busted until I came along,’ Trump said. ‘I said, ‘Everybody’s gonna pay.’ They said, ‘Well, if we don’t pay, are you still going to protect us?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not.’ They couldn’t believe the answer.’

While Stoltenberg expressed concern at Trump’s remarks, the former president’s comment did spark a rush to confirm member countries’ contributions in the coming year.

The NATO chief announced that 18 of the alliance’s 31 members are on track to meet their pledges of contributing 2% of GDP to the group. European states are on track to contribute $380 billion this year, and Germany will meet its 2% pledge for the first time since the Cold War.

The figures show a dramatic uptick compared to 2023, which saw just 11 NATO allies meet their 2% spending pledge.

Fox News Digital’s Anders Hagstrom contributed to this report.

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President Biden’s first term in office has been marked by several foreign policy challenges, with some experts giving the president low marks as he seeks a second term in November.

‘From the catastrophic surrender of Afghanistan to the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine to the savage Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, President Biden’s foreign policy has consisted of unanticipated disasters to which his administration has responded ineptly,’ Victoria Coates, the vice president of national security and foreign policy at The Heritage Foundation, told Fox News Digital.

The comments come as Biden continued to confront several complex global challenges, including ongoing wars in Ukraine and Gaza, continued attacks of U.S. troops by Iranian proxies, and the growing threat of China.

Given the volume of challenges faced by the president in his first term, some experts have lauded his handling of foreign policy challenges, especially when compared to his most likely challenger in this year’s election, former President Donald Trump.

‘Trump’s encouragements to Putin and attempt to blackmail [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy by withholding weapons from Ukraine (for which he was impeached by the House of Representatives), more than anything Biden did, led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine,’ David Tafuri, a foreign policy analyst who served as a foreign policy adviser to the Obama campaign, told Fox News Digital last week. ‘Now, the front line for protecting democracy and rule of law runs through eastern and southern Ukraine.’

That front line was solidified by solid anticipation of the looming threat by Biden, Tafuri argued, noting that the president began readying Ukraine for a potential invasion months in advance.

‘This gave Ukraine and its allies time to prepare for the invasion, which proved crucial in Ukraine’s early success in defending Kyiv as well as most of the territory that Russia thought it would be able to occupy,’ Tafuri said. ‘Biden led NATO to work more collaboratively than it has in decades to provide billions of dollars in aid and sophisticated weapons systems to Ukraine, again flustering Russia’s intentions.’

But not everyone is sold on Biden’s handling of the war in Ukraine, especially as the war drags on and the Ukrainian resistance shows potential signs of faltering.

‘Biden never authorized a sufficient amount of weaponry to Ukraine to win, opting for virtue signaling instead, or in his words, simply ‘doing something,’’ Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst, former senior official at the Defense Intelligence Agency and author of ‘Putin’s Playbook,’ told Fox News Digital.

According to Koffler, the Biden administration has lacked a clear strategy to combat Russian aggression from the start, instead opting to ‘throw billions of dollars of weaponry to Ukraine and talk smack about Putin.’

‘Weaponry and technology don’t win wars – we learned it in Afghanistan and many other places. Putin is not afraid of words – he fears action,’ Koffler said. ‘Biden announced in the very beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that he will not authorize U.S. troops deployment into the theater to help Ukraine. It is insanity to give away a key deterrence element.’

Reached for comment by Fox News Digital, a White House National Security Council spokesperson pushed back against the idea that U.S. weapons aid has been insufficient to help Ukraine, pointing to American aid as being instrumental to Ukraine’s success in the Battle of Kyev, where Ukrainian forces beat back Russia’s initial invasion of the capital city in early 2022. The spokesperson also pointed to successes in the battle for Kharkiv and the retaking of more than 50% of seized Russian territory by Ukrainian forces, arguing U.S. weaponry was instrumental to the achievements.

‘Assuming Congress passes the president’s national security supplemental request, in 2024, we will enable Ukraine to both continue to conduct offensive operations to retake its sovereign territory and to strengthen its defenses against Russian attacks,’ the spokesperson said. ‘That includes creating and defending lanes for shipping in the Black Sea, and degrading Russian capabilities throughout the territory Russia occupies in sovereign Ukraine. Our aim through the totality of these efforts is to improve Ukraine’s standing on the battlefield and put Ukraine in the best position to win the war.’

Koffler also questioned the idea that Trump withheld weapons from Ukraine, noting that Trump was actually ‘the first one who authorized lethal military assistance to Ukraine.’

As part of Trump’s 2020 budget request to Congress, the former president did request $250 million in lethal aid for Ukraine that included Javelin anti-tank weapons, according to a 2019 report from Defense News, a weapon that would eventually become critical in the early days of the fighting against better equipped Russian forces. Meanwhile, the Biden administration at one point froze a $100 million aid package to Ukraine that included lethal weapons, a June 2021 Politico report noted, a move that came just months before Russia’s eventual invasion of the country.

All told, Koffler argued that Biden’s Russia policy has amounted to no more than ‘virtue signaling,’ while Trump’s policies were ‘based on real actions that sought to deter Putin.’

‘Most importantly, Biden’s policy of pushing Ukraine into NATO was a death sentence to Ukraine,’ Koffler said. ‘To think that Putin would fail to enforce his version of the Monroe Doctrine and allow NATO to absorb Ukraine, on which Russia relied for its security for centuries, was not simply incompetent. It amounted to signing Ukraine’s death sentence.’


But the administration’s struggles haven’t been contained to Ukraine, Coates noted, pointing to the U.S.’s ‘catastrophic surrender of Afghanistan’ and the president’s failure to ensure sufficient investment in defense by European allies.

‘He has continued to tolerate the insufficient defense spending and investments by the largest EU economies that President Trump has rightly decried, leaving American taxpayers footing a disproportionate percentage of the cost of the war,’ Coates said.

Meanwhile, Bill Roggio, the managing editor of Long War Journal, argued that the administration has also seen its fair share of struggles in the Middle East, telling Fox News Digital that Biden’s ‘general policy’ in the region has been to ‘disengage.’

‘I think the administration has a policy of wishful thinking,’ Roggio said. ‘It believes it can impose its will on the Middle East when the exact opposite is happening. Afghanistan is an example of this, to believe that withdrawing from Afghanistan would solve the problem of terrorism, and we saw how that went. The Taliban had a different take on that.’

Roggio also pointed to the continued attacks on U.S. forces by Iran-backed proxies, arguing that the administration’s actions to deter the attacks have been insufficient.

‘This administration believes it can go after the proxies themselves, but on a very limited basis, in order to restore deterrence, but they’re not getting to the root cause of the problem,’ Roggio said.

That root cause is the ‘Iranians themselves,’ argued Roggio, requiring the administration to target the country’s assets throughout the Middle East.

‘If the administration was serious about attempting to restore deterrence, it would go after the Iranian assets themselves, not just the proxies,’ Roggio said. ‘The members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard destroy Iranian intelligence ships that are providing targeting information.’

‘This doesn’t have to be strikes inside of Iran,’ Roggio added. ‘Iran has a lot of assets throughout the Middle East and we can go after that. That’s what needs to be done.’

But a White House National Security Council spokesperson defended the administration’s record on Iran, pointing out that the U.S. has administered over 55 sanctions on Iran that have targeted over 550 individuals and entities, continued oil seizures to enforce existing Iran sanctions, and indicted leaders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for terrorism and other charges.

Andrew Bates, the White House deputy press secretary, also pointed to Biden’s work to secure additional national security funding to target Iran, noting that the administration is seeking to cut off Tehran’s financial support for Russia and help Israel strengthen its defensive capabilities against Iran and groups backed by the country, arguing that a small group of Republicans in the House have worked to delay the critical aid.

Away from the battlefields of the Middle East and Europe, Biden has also been forced to confront the growing threat posed by China. Ian Bremmer, the president of Eurasia Group, believes the president has handled relations with China well, telling Fox News Digital last week that Biden has facilitated a ‘more functional and more stable’ relationship with the country and has ‘not given up anything that matters’ during tense negotiations.

Bremmer pointed to the fact that Biden has maintained tariffs on China at the level they were under Trump and has also secured export controls on ‘semiconductors, cloud computing, the CHIPS Act and the chips agreement with the Netherlands, South Korea and Japan.’

‘That is coordinating U.S. industrial policy and probably the most strategically important part of the advanced economy,’ Bremmer said.

But Koffler also pushed back on the idea that the administration has been successful in China, telling Fox News Digital that deals the president has struck with the country on climate change have been a ‘fiasco’ and only served to benefit China’s communist-led government.

‘Team Biden through regulations seeks to compel Americans to buy more electric cars that are powered by lithium-ion batteries and fewer cars that run on gasoline,’ Koffler said. ‘The U.S. is rich in oil and China controls 58% of the global production of lithium compounds and dominates the electric vehicle supply chain. So, Biden effectively seeks to help grow China’s economy and stifle the U.S. economy. The impact of these policies on U.S. national security will be profound.’

Meanwhile, Koffler pointed out that the crisis at the southern border has also benefited China, allowing the country to potentially sneak in people hostile to U.S. interests.

‘On Biden’s watch, record numbers of Chinese are pouring into the United States through the southern border, which Biden unsealed when he took over the presidency after Trump,’ Koffler said. ‘More than 24,000 Chinese have entered the U.S. illegally in 2023. It is almost certain that the CCP has dispatched a good number of them.’

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS
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