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FBI Director Christopher Wray is set to warn lawmakers on Capitol Hill Wednesday that Chinese hackers are preparing to ‘wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities.’ 

Wray and other government officials are set to testify in front of the House Select Committee at 11 a.m. for a hearing titled ‘The Chinese Community Party Cyber Threat to the American Homeland and National Security.’ 

‘There has been far too little public focus on the fact that People’s Republic of China hackers are targeting our critical infrastructure — our water treatment plants, our electrical grid, our oil and natural gas pipelines, our transportation systems. And the risk that poses to every American requires our attention – now,’ Wray is expected to tell lawmakers in an excerpt from his remarks. 

‘China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities, if or when China decides the time has come to strike,’ he will add. 

Wray is also expected to say that ‘today, and literally every day’ Chinese hackers are ‘actively attacking our economic security, engaging in wholesale theft of our innovation, and our personal and corporate data.’ 

‘And they don’t just hit our security and economy. They target our freedoms, reaching inside our borders, across America, to silence, coerce, and threaten our citizens and residents,’ Wray will add in his testimony. 

Wray previously testified in April last year that FBI agents are outnumbered by ‘at least 50 to 1’ when attempting to address the threat China poses to critical infrastructure through its cyber hacking practices, and said Beijing has stolen more personal and corporate data from the U.S. than any other nation. 

‘They’ve got a bigger hacking program than every other major nation combined and have stolen more of our personal and corporate data than all other nations – big or small combined,’ he said during a House Appropriations Committee hearing at the time. 

‘To give you a sense of what we’re up against, if each one of the FBI’s cyber agents and intel analysts focused exclusively on the China threat – on nothing but China – Chinese hackers would still outnumber FBI cyber personnel by at least 50 to 1,’ Wray testified. 

Fox News’ David Spunt and Brooke Singman contributed to this report. 

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Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang spoke to Fox News Digital this week in South Carolina where he is campaigning for Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips’s primary bid against President Biden and said former President Trump would win the election if it were held today.

‘There are a lot of voters who are quite negative about Joe Biden, including independents in Wisconsin and Arizona and Georgia and Michigan, who are going to essentially decide the race in November, and that’s where our attention should be focused,’ Yang told Fox News Digital this week. ‘But most Democratic insiders are content to say, Joe, Joe, Joe, essentially, regardless of the numbers.’

‘I had some conversations like that in South Carolina over the last number of days where people would actually come to me and say, do you really think Joe could lose to Trump? And I would say, not only could he lose to Trump, but if the election were held today, he would lose to Trump and the poll numbers are generally getting worse, not better.’

Yang told Fox News Digital he recently had ‘very edifying conversation with South Carolina primary voters’ while campaigning for Phillips in the Palmetto State and ‘one of the sharpest discussion items was, will Joe Biden be well positioned to win in November?’

Yang said the voters were all ‘middle-aged African American women’ and that ‘half the table’ believed Biden was not well-positioned to win.’

‘I happen to agree with that half,’ Yang said.

Yang also had sharp criticism for the DNC who he said is not promoting ‘democracy’ in this nomination process. 

‘The most extreme thing the DNC has done to stifle democracy is canceling the primaries in Florida and North Carolina and attempting to do so in another state or two,’ Yang said. ‘I mean, it’s ridiculous to talk about championing democracy on one hand and then literally canceling primaries on the other. So if Democrats want to practice democracy, that would involve having debates. That would involve having genuine competitive primaries. That would involve giving the people a choice.’

Yang continued, ‘If Democrats did have a real competitive primary, for example, where the bosses were to say to Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer and J.B. Pritzker and others, please do run. Then you would have a genuine field, as opposed to this coronation that, in my view, threatens to lead us directly back to a Trump presidency.’

When asked why more prominent Democrats, including Democrats who ran for president along with Yang in 2020, aren’t speaking out more vocally about concerns over Biden’s candidacy, Yang likened his nomination to a ‘coronation.’

‘If you look at the candidates from 2020 in the Democratic field, a very significant number of them are either in the Biden administration or essentially in the Biden administration as Democratic electeds in Washington and the word went out to everyone in the Democratic Party that no one should challenge Joe for fear of their career,’ Yang said.

‘A lot of Democrats, you can tell, are just positioning themselves for 2028 including Gavin Newsom, who was in South Carolina this past number of days and saying, okay, like, ‘I will heed the word of the establishment and wait four years and risk throwing the country to Trump who is beating Joe Biden in most every national poll and in the all important swing states,’ so I think it’s like a blend of self-interest and conformity,’ Yang continued.

‘That’s what’s leading a lot of people getting out of Joe’s way,’ he added. ‘It’s one reason why I admire Dean Phillips so much for doing what he thinks is right for the country even though there were many people in the party who told him not to.’

Dean Phillips earned about 20% of the vote in the New Hampshire primary where President Biden was not on the ballot and won 63.9% as a write-in candidate which Yang referred to as ‘staggeringly impressive.’

‘It was an awesome achievement and also a clear sign of an appetite for a competitive primary for Joe Biden,’ Yang said.

Fox News Digital reached out to the DNC for comment.

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JERUSALEM — The shocking revelation that some employees of the U.N. agency UNRWA were part of the Oct. 7 massacre and transported Hamas terrorists in U.N. vehicles is just the most recent example of the heavily U.S.-subsidized agency’s relationship with Hamas. 

‘UNRWA is a horror show that is decades in the making co-produced by the United States taxpayer,’ Richard Goldberg a senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies(FDD,) said during testimony to a subcommittee of the House Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday.

Fox News Digital has been digging over the years into the scandal-plagued history of UNRWA, an acronym for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.  

According to a dossier that Israel’s government submitted to the Biden administration in late January, 12 UNRWA employees allegedly aided Hamas in different capacities Oct. 7. 

Seven U.N. staffers crossed into Israel Oct. 7 while others were accused of ‘participating in a terror activity’ or coordinating vehicle movements. The Biden administration has given UNRWA $1 billion of taxpayer money since 2021.

Just weeks before Israel claimed UNRWA employees took part in the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel, Fox News Digital reported a Telegram channel used by more than 3,000 teachers for UNRWA in Gaza was found replete with posts celebrating Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, praising the terrorists who raped and murdered civilians as ‘heroes.’ 

The Telegram channel is intended for UNRWA teachers and contains files with staff names, ID numbers, schedules and curriculum materials. In one post highlighted in the U.N. Watch report, UNRWA teacher Waseem Ula shared a video glorifying the Hamas attacks and posted a photo of a suicide bomb vest wired with explosives. The caption said, ‘Wait, sons of Judaism.’ 

Fox News Digital reported on an August video titled ‘Askar—UNRWA: Cradle of Killers’ purportedly showing Palestinian children inciting hatred against Jews and Israel at the Askar refugee camp near the West Bank city of Nablus.

In 2019, Fox News Digital reported that UNRWA schoolbooks were tainted with ‘systematic hatred’ of Israel. UNRWA has faced years of criticism for allowing school text books to be filled with antisemitic chapters in its schools while also glorifying terrorists. 

Two years earlier, in 2017, a Hamas terrorism tunnel was found beneath two UNRWA schools in Gaza. 

Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, told Fox News Digital by email, ‘As for donors, 15 donors announced funding suspension to UNRWA since 26 January (as of 29 Jan), namely: Australia, Austria, Canada, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Iceland, Romania Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, U.K. and the USA.’

When asked if the secretary-general will urge UNRWA’s Commissioner Philippe Lazzarini to resign, Dujarric said, ‘Regarding Mr. Lazzarini, he continues to work with the full confidence of the secretary-general as he deals simultaneously with the allegations against UNRWA staff, on which he took swift and proactive action and continue[s] to lead the humanitarian response to what is unfolding in Gaza.’

When pressed if UNRWA is no longer tenable as an organization and beyond reform, Dujarric referred Fox News Digital to his Monday press briefing. 

‘The contracts of the staff members directly involved have been terminated,’ he said. ‘An investigation by the U.N.’s Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) was immediately activated.

‘The secretary-general is personally horrified by the accusations against employees of UNRWA, but his message to donors, especially those who have suspended their contributions, is to at least guarantee the continuity of UNRWA’s operations, as we have tens of thousands of dedicated staff working throughout the region.’

During a briefing Tuesday, Dujarric claimed ‘UNRWA does not work with Hamas. We have operational contacts with de facto authorities like we do in every other place in the world where they are de facto authorities.’

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken described evidence that 12 UNRWA employees participated in the Oct. 7 massacre ‘highly credible.’

Despite calls for a wholesale revision of UNRWA, Blinken noted that UNRWA plays an ‘indispensable’ role in furnishing aid to civilians in the Gaza Strip and that ‘no one else can play the role that UNRWA has been playing, certainly not in the near term.’

‘This is the time to put stringent controls over UNRWA in the areas of education and [the] inspection of weapons,’ UNRWA critic David Bedein, director of the Center for Near East Policy Research and an expert on UNRWA’s curriculum.

Bedein told Fox News Digital that the Palestinian Fatah party and the terrorist organizations Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas ‘are controlling the workers’ unions’ for UNRWA teachers. 

‘You can stop that,’ Bedein said.

Fox News Digital reported in 2012 that Palestinians voted UNRWA elected candidates linked to Hamas to 25 out of 27 seats on a union board that represents 10,000 UNRWA workers.

Bedein said there must be a plan to overhaul UNRWA. First, ‘Cancellation of the new UNRWA curriculum, based on Jihad, martyrdom and ‘right of return by force of arms,’  which have no place in U.N. education, whose theme is ‘Peace Begins Here.’

He insisted ‘UNRWA dismiss employees affiliated with Hamas, Islamic Jihad or Fatah in accordance with laws of donor nations that forbid aid to any agency that employs members of a terrorist organization.’

Bedein notes that the ‘current UNRWA policy is that any Arab refugee resettlement would interfere with the ‘right of return’ to pre-1948 Arab localities.’ 

The refugee classification by UNRWA impedes the Israel-Palestinian peace process because it provides endless refugee status to generations of Palestinians who were not born in Israel.

According to Israel, the Palestinian demand to return all refugees is an impossible proposal because it would create a non-Jewish state.

Bedein argued that it was time to implement standards ‘to advance resettlement of fourth- and fifth-generation refugees from the 1948 war who have spent seven decades relegated to refugee status,’ while calling for an audit of all donor funds from the 68 nations who support the agency.

The FDD’s Richard Goldberg concluded his congressional testimony by telling the committee that, ‘October 7th is the logical conclusion of UNRWA. It is of course what they have been training generations to do with the resources we’ve provided going to these terrorist organizations to carry out that mission.’

UNRWA did not respond to multiple Fox News Digital questions.

Fox News’ Lawrence Richard and Bradford Betz contributed to this report.

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A new group is set to launch Wednesday to combat Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence in the United States, Fox News Digital has learned.

State Armor, a nonprofit organization, will concentrate on global security threats and will begin by working to expose ‘malign CCP influence operations’ to the public and lawmakers nationwide. 

‘States are now on the front lines against foreign adversaries. In fact, for years states have been targeted by well-resourced, technologically sophisticated foreign adversaries, particularly communist China,’ State Armor founder and CEO Michael Lucci told Fox News Digital in a statement. 

‘The Chinese Communist Party is engaged in a broad effort to supplant the United States so it can rewrite global norms according to its authoritarian model,’ Lucci said. ‘To achieve its goals, the CCP aggressively pursues a strategy to gain economic leverage over state and local governments, to make states dependent on their technologies, and to suppress the First Amendment-protected speech of Chinese dissidents within America.’

State Armor will focus on four primary areas to position itself as a leading research and educational source for state and local governments, including protecting critical infrastructure, building what it calls ‘supply chains of freedom,’ or sourcing products from free nations, stopping influence operations and preparing state supply chains if China were to invade Taiwan. 

The group will work to mobilize a network ranging from citizens to experts to ‘aid states in developing and implementing comprehensive, common sense, and bipartisan solutions to protect themselves from what is widely regarded as a generation-defining foreign threat.’

According to State Armor, they are currently working on passing several pieces of legislation or executive orders in more than 12 states. 

‘State Armor is going to bring awareness and ready-for-action plans to push counter-China policies that many of our state leaders know need to get done, but just aren’t sure where to start,’ former U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien said.

‘It’s no secret the Chinese Communist Party poses a major threat to the American way of life, but until now there hasn’t been a group solely focused on taking on Communist China at the state level,’ O’Brien added. ‘This issue is not partisan. States want to take action; State Armor will be there to show them how.’

The National Counterintelligence and Security Center, contained within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, released a report in 2022 on how the CCP is employing a strategy with state and local governments, including growing support for their interests among state and local leaders and leveraging the connections ‘to pressure Washington for policies friendlier to Beijing.’

‘The [People’s Republic of China] understands U.S. state and local leaders enjoy a degree of independence from Washington and may seek to use them as proxies to advocate for national U.S. policies Beijing desires, including improved U.S. economic cooperation with China, and reduced U.S. criticism of China’s policies towards Taiwan, Tibetans, Uyghurs, pro-democracy activists, and others,’ the report states. 

State Armor will move to combat such operations and has received support from individuals in the security realm. 

Alex Gray, a former deputy assistant to the president and chief of staff of the White House National Security Council, who is now the CEO of American Global Strategies LLC, is one individual who will throw his weight behind the group.

‘U.S. states are on the front line of the long-term competition between the United States and the [People’s Republic of China] and a responsible American strategy requires proactive preparation at the state level,’ Gray said.

‘State Armor will provide the organizing power needed at the state level to spur that preparation and address the dangers of Chinese Communist Party influence and access in the states. The time for action is here, and State Armor will be critical in leading the way.’

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A spokesman for the United Nations insisted Tuesday that UNRWA, facing allegations that at least a dozen of its employees participated in the Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel, ‘does not work with Hamas.’ 

The remarks came from Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, during a press briefing when a reporter asked whether Guterres is planning to ask for a broader investigation of UNRWA’s employees’ affiliation with Hamas. The reporter noted how it’s estimated, according to one intelligence report, that up to 10% of the 13,000 UNRWA employees working in Gaza are affiliated with Hamas. ‘Is he asking for a more intensive examination of the vetting procedures?’ the reporter asked. 

Dujarric responded by noting how Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner general of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, ‘himself has said UNRWA would commission an independent review of its work to look at risk, to look at how it does its operations.’

‘So that’s something they themselves want to do, while I think in any context I don’t know how you examine people’s thoughts. Right?’ Dujarric said. ‘What is clear is that any action that contravenes the U.N., U.N. principles, that violates our rules is dealt with. And I think Mr. Lazzarini did it. Furthermore, I think it’s also important to clarify something. Every year, UNRWA shares its list of staff with the host countries where it works. Right? So UNRWA works in Jordan, works in Lebanon, works in Syria.’

‘For the work that it does in Gaza and the West Bank,’ he said, UNRWA ‘shares the list of staff with both the Palestinian Authority and with the Israeli government as the occupying power for those areas. And as far as I’m told by UNRWA, concerns have not been raised when the list of staff has been shared.’ 

‘But have they shared this list with the de facto power in charge in Gaza, which would be Hamas? And then they asked Hamas for a list of their own members?’ the reporter pressed back, arguing that the terror organization would be unlikely to release that information. 

‘I think you can imagine the answer to the scenario which you’re laying out. Our counterpart for the occupied Palestinian territory is the Palestinian Authority,’ Dujarric said. 

The reporter interjected, saying, ‘But UNRWA works with Hamas.’ 

‘UNRWA does not. I don’t agree with the terminology. UNRWA does not work with Hamas. We have operational contacts with de facto authorities like we do in every other place in the world where they are de facto authorities,’ Dujarric responded, before moving onto other reporters’ questions. 

The exchange comes amid Israel’s allegations that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, which led the United States and several other countries to cut off funding for the agency and reignited debate over Gaza’s biggest humanitarian aid provider. 

In Gaza, UNRWA employs thousands of staffers to provide aid across the Middle East, and has been the main supplier of food, water and shelter to civilians during the Israel-Hamas war. 

Israel, whose allegations were detailed in a document provided to the Biden administration Monday, has long railed against the agency, accusing it of tolerating or even collaborating with Hamas and of perpetuating the situation of Palestinian refugees.

The Israeli government has accused Hamas and other militant groups of siphoning off aid and using U.N. facilities for military purposes.

UNRWA denies those allegations and says it took swift action against the employees accused of taking part in the attack. The United States and other top donors that together provided more than half of UNRWA’s budget in 2022, nevertheless suspended their funding to the agency. Guterres says 2 million Palestinians in Gaza, or 87% of the population, rely on UNRWA services that would be scaled back as soon as February if the money is not restored.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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An Iran-backed militia group in Iraq says it is suspending attacks on U.S. troops after a drone attack killed three soldiers early Sunday, but the Department of Defense is casting doubt on those claims. 

The Iraq-based Kataeb Hezbollah said Tuesday it was suspending ‘military and security operations against the occupying forces to avoid any embarrassment for the Iraqi government.’ 

The group is one of multiple Iranian proxies in the region that are believed responsible for carrying out attacks on U.S. targets in Iraq, Syria, and, most recently, Jordan over the past several months. The groups say the attacks are in retaliation for U.S. support of Israel in its ongoing offensive against Hamas militants in Gaza and the mounting death toll of Palestinian civilians. 

Since Oct. 17, there have been at least 165 attacks on U.S. targets in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan. Of these, 66 were in Iraq, 98 were in Syria, and one was in Jordan. Meanwhile, Houthi militants stationed in Yemen have been firing upon commercial vessels in the Red Sea – prompting retaliatory strikes from the U.S. and its allies. 

Per Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin, Kataeb Hezbollah said it would support Palestinians in Gaza in other ways and told its fighters not to respond even if the U.S. were to strike. 

Asked for his reaction to the group’s message, Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said, ‘actions speak louder than words.’ 

‘I don’t think that we could be any more clear that we have called on the Iranian proxy groups to stop their attacks. They have not. And so we will respond in a time and manner of our choosing,’ he said. ‘When I say, ‘actions speak louder than words, there have been three attacks – to my knowledge – since the 28th of January. And I’ll just leave it there.’ 

President Biden has faced mounting pressure to respond after three U.S. soldiers were killed and more than 40 were injured in an overnight drone strike at a base in Jordan near the Syrian border. 

Biden blamed the attack on Iran-backed militias and vowed that the U.S. ‘shall respond.’ At the same time, administration officials have repeatedly said the U.S. has no desire to escalate tensions with Iran. 

The attack marked a significant escalation of violence in the onslaught of attacks since Oct. 17 as it was the first time U.S. troops had been killed by enemy fire. 

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FIRST ON FOX – Nikki Haley’s campaign says they’ve received an over 200% increase in email traffic from supporters asking the candidate to stay in the race following former president Donald Trump’s primary victory in New Hampshire. 

A campaign spokesperson told Fox News Digital that, prior to New Hampshire, they were getting an average of 300-350 emails per day to, a generic email address for the Haley campaign. 

Last Wednesday, that number increased to thousands daily, between a roughly 185% to 233% increase, depending on the day. 

In the last six days, the campaign has received more than 6,000 emails total with messages supporting the former South Carolina governor and saying things like, ‘You’re the real Republicans’ only chance to be a normal political leader!’ and ‘please do not quit!’ 

‘Our campaign has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of grassroots support from across the country,’ Haley campaign spokesperson AnnMarie Graham-Barnes told Fox News Digital in a statement.

‘The political establishment is trying to coronate Donald Trump, but Nikki has never listened to the establishment. She listens to Americans, and their message is clear: Nikki is the last one standing between the Trump-Biden rematch that 70 percent of people don’t want to see,’ she added. 

One person from Minnesota wrote, ‘I’m a center-right Republican, like 80% of my friends and although many of us like Trump’s policy, he’s too polarizing and will NOT garner very many, if any, center-left votes. I don’t want a few states selecting my presidential candidate.’

Another, identified as Elly B, who grew up in a ‘blue state’ but is ‘presently living in a red one,’ wrote, ‘On behalf of many, many members of my Jewish and non-Jewish community of family and friends, we hope that you will keep campaigning and running for President. You are the right person for the job due to your well-honed management skills, your youthful vigor and your ability to understand the needs of our country and the world as we end the first quarter of the 21st century.’

Monica L., who said she ‘stood all day in the cold on election day’ in New Hampshire said, ‘I will never vote for a democrat, so please, please stay in the race if you can.’ 

Cooper C. from California said he was a ‘longtime Independent’ but re-registered as a Republican to cast his vote for Haley. 

Josh D., identified as a registered Independent in North Carolina who leans Republican, wrote, ‘Regular people do not want Trump or Biden. Please keep fighting!’

The former U.N. ambassador and last remaining major rival to Trump won 43% of the vote in the New Hampshire primary. 

Haley’s vowing to continue her uphill fight at least until Super Tuesday in early March. The next major contest on the GOP calendar is Haley’s home state, which holds a primary on Feb. 24.

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Since October, the Biden administration has sent about $121 million in taxpayer funds to UNRWA, the U.N. agency under scrutiny for its alleged ties to Hamas, the State Department said Tuesday.

A remaining $300,000 in appropriated funds for this fiscal year was supposed to be delivered to the humanitarian relief organization in the next few weeks. But the U.S. froze those funds over allegations that some UNRWA members participated in the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, according to State Department spokesman Matthew Miller. 

‘That funding has been suspended,’ Miller told reporters at the State Department daily press briefing. He added that it’s ‘impossible’ to say how much more the U.S. could provide to UNRWA this fiscal year if the funds are unfrozen because the government is operating under a continuing resolution. 

‘We don’t know how much overall funding will be available for this fiscal year, and that would impact how much that we would be able to provide UNRWA,’ Miller said. ‘Historically, we have typically provided somewhere between $300 and $400 million a year in funding.’ 

The Biden administration has sent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to UNRWA, reversing former President Donald Trump’s decision to cut funding to the group. Biden officials say the funds provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, while critics say the group is ‘effectively a branch of Hamas.’

UNRWA’s ties to Hamas have come into focus in recent weeks after Israel provided the Biden administration with a new dossier containing information about how some 13 agency staffers allegedly assisted or supported the Hamas terror attacks on Oct. 7.

The Biden administration announced last week it has temporarily paused ‘additional’ funding to UNRWA in response to the dossier. Germany, Italy, Australia, Finland, Netherlands and Switzerland have also joined the boycott following the accusations, which have already resulted in the termination of multiple staffers.

Miller said the next expected payment to UNRWA would happen over the summer and that the amount would depend on how much money Congress approves for the agency in Biden’s $106 billion supplemental package request.

Despite the terrorism allegations, the White House has defended UNRWA, insisting that the entire agency should not be judged by the purported actions of 13 people.

‘We very much support the work that UNRWA does, we think it’s critical,’ Miller said. ‘There is no other humanitarian player in Gaza who can provide food, medicine at the scale that UNRWA does. 

‘We want to see that work continued, which is why it is so important that the United Nations take this matter seriously, that they investigate it, that there is accountability for anyone who is found to engage in wrongdoing, and that they take whatever other measures are appropriate to ensure that this sort of thing cannot happen again,’ he said.

Fox News Digital’s Peter Aitken and Anders Hagstrom contributed to this report.

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Mike Pompeo, former secretary of state in the Trump administration, blasted the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as ‘truly evil’ for its infiltration of American institutions during a House select committee hearing on Tuesday – and he went on to torch Chinese President Xi Jinping for never being held accountable for the COVID-19 pandemic unleashed on the world.

In a bipartisan show of support, Pompeo and Leon Panetta, former secretary of defense in the Obama administration, testified Tuesday before the House select committee hearing titled ‘Authoritarian Alignment: The CCP’s Support for America’s Adversaries.’

‘We should never forget this information space on social media and how the Chinese Communist Party has communist-directed entities on every one of our children’s cellphones passing information that is deeply filtered, designed for our young people here to undermine their idea and their understanding of America and our foundational ideas,’ Pompeo said. ‘This is the very Xi Jinping that unleashed a virus upon the world that killed millions of people, including over a million people in the United States. It gets seldom referenced.’

‘It’s hard to imagine the staggering impact that COVID had on the world, and yet no one’s held Xi Jinping accountable, not for the leak from his lab, which happened,’ Pompeo continued. ‘Not for the fact that once he was aware he had a leak from his lab, of a relatively lethal, relatively contagious virus, he foisted it upon the world. He made a decision to hide the data, hide the information, to off the researchers and to put thousands of people on airplanes and transit them across the world with the death and destruction and the economic harm that followed from that. This is the very same Xi Jinping that’s working here in the United States against us.’

Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., noted how Pompeo warned America’s governors not to get too entwined with the CCP.

‘As Washington becomes more aware of the China threat, the CCP has targeted many of our states’ governors. This morning, the Washington Post published a story about the CCP’s ‘united front’ efforts [in] amping up their engagement with our nation’s mayors, including the mayor of Carmel, Indiana, in my state,’ Banks said to Pompeo. ‘The former mayor, he just left office, who went on lavish trips to China and engaged at a high level with Chinese officials in their country. Why should our nation’s mayors stray away from these types of entanglements with the sister cities projects and other CCP united front efforts?’

In Wisconsin, the home state of Chair Mike Gallagher, Pompeo said, ‘They have made a hard place for your state’s legislative body.’

‘They are determined to propagate their efforts. They want to make friends so that when they are confronted, they can turn to their friends and say, ‘We’re not such bad guys after all,” Pompeo said. ‘The Chinese Communist Party is truly evil, they will work at every level of government, they will work against our private sector as well. They’ll show up at PTA meetings, if that’s what it takes. This is an effort on every level of the Chinese Communist Party.’

‘When the Chinese Communist Party shows up at your school and offers a free swing set, it is not because they care about the health of your children,’ Pompeo added. ‘That’s maybe the simplest way to articulate sister cities programs and the Confucius Institutes. On all of these ‘united front’ efforts inside our country … they may show up and give you some temporary lift, but in the end, it is about them, not about us.’

Breaking with the bipartisan nature of the hearing, Rep. Jake Auchincloss, D-Mass., said Jan. 6, 2021, was Xi’s ‘best day in office’ and demanded that Pompeo state under oath ‘that Joe Biden was duly elected in a free and fair election.’

In response, Pompeo said, ‘Well, so much for bipartisanship of this committee. Well done, sir, you have destroyed that.’

‘Of course, President Biden is the duly elected president of the United States,’ Pompeo said.

‘I wish Secretary Clinton would be so clear about her election as well,’ he added.

Pompeo went on to say, ‘We did have a peaceful transition of power from the Trump administration to the Biden administration. I was present for that.’

‘We’ll have partisan disagreements on many things,’ Pompeo said. ‘It is a factual matter that the world was in less conflict three years ago than it is today. Secretary [Antony] Blinken said just yesterday that not since 1973 has the Middle East been so dangerous. I agree with him on that. It was safer three years ago because we established a deterrence model that was successful in preventing the invasion of Europe, the debacle in Afghanistan, and the good work that we did – you’ll recall that the Trump administration was actually the first administration to provide defense weapons systems to Ukraine when the Obama administration had concluded it could not or would not do so. These were things that kept the American people safe. It wasn’t partisan, it wasn’t political. It was good policy.’

Pompeo and Panetta, who both also served as CIA directors, describe themselves as good friends. They both also addressed the conflict in Ukraine.

‘The only way to try to avoid war with China, the only way to deal with China, is from strength,’ Panetta said. ‘Both China and Russia became more aggressive when they sensed weakness on the part of the U.S. And for that reason, we must take strong action to arm and train Taiwan to defend itself, to strengthen our force posture, to invest in the next generation of military technology, to bolster our alliances, and to maintain strong export controls on critical technologies.’

‘We lost deterrence in Ukraine,’ Pompeo said later in the hearing. ‘We shouldn’t applaud ourselves for rallying NATO. That’s great, I’m glad the Europeans stood up. But we should remember, we did not conduct American foreign policy with the diplomatic excellence and the military power to actually convince Putin not to invade Ukraine. We have to win these things. It is insufficient to catch incoming missiles. You have to hold your adversary at risk.’

‘My effort as secretary of state was to remind the world if we don’t hold the CCP at risk – if we simply play defense economically, diplomatically; we allow a spy balloon to travel over our country for five days and then hold a press conference announcing what brilliance it was to fire, shoot it down over South Carolina – Xi Jinping gets that he’s on offense, we’re on defense,’ he added. ‘And that is not a good place for the United States to be.’

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The Justice Department is investigating ‘Squad’ member Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., over the alleged misuse of government funds intended to pay for her security, two sources tell Fox News.

The probe is related to allegations of federal security money being spent improperly, the sources said.

A subpoena announcement was read on the House floor Monday, and sources said it was related to the investigation into Bush.

The Justice Department declined to comment. 

Responding to Fox News Digital, Bush’s office provided a statement confirming the ‘Department of Justice is reviewing my campaign’s spending on security services.’ 

The congresswoman blamed ‘right-wing organizations’ for the DOJ probe, as well as other investigations into the matter by the Federal Election Commission and the House Committee on Ethics. ‘I have not used any federal tax dollars for personal security services. Any reporting that I have used federal funds for personal security is simply false,’ she said in part. 

One of those watchdog groups, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), reacted to news of the Justice Department probe and defended having filed an official complaint with the FEC in 2023 regarding the details of repeated payments Bush made to a man who is now her current husband.

‘In her own FEC filings the payments were initially characterized as being for ‘security.’ Among the many troubling facts involved that we strongly felt justified an investigation were her close personal relationship, her large payments to others for the same services at the same time, and that her husband reportedly didn’t have a license to provide those services,’ FACT executive director Kendra Arnold said in a statement obtained by Fox News Digital. 

‘Unfortunately, after our complaint was filed, Rep. Bush changed the language on her disclosure describing the continuing payments to her husband to something amorphous and vague, ‘wage payments,’ which at a minimum is contrary to the purpose of the law to clearly describe the purposes of campaign disbursements,’ she said. ‘Our hope, as it always is with our complaints, is that a thorough and fair investigation reveals the truth of the matter and whether any legal violations have occurred.’

Arnold added, ‘The rules and laws governing the use and disclosure of federal campaign expenditures are written to ensure that those in Congress elected to represent us do so without personally profiting from their office. The facts alone speak to the need for an investigation, citizens deserve the truth, and we are glad that several governmental bodies have found an investigation is merited and look forward to the outcomes.’

In a message read aloud by a House clerk on Monday to notify Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., House Sergeant at Arms William McFarland relayed that his office received a grand jury subpoena for documents issued by the Justice Department and added that the sergeant of arms office would comply with that subpoena. The message did not elaborate further.

Speculation swirled on social media about what the DOJ probe could be about, including whether it was related to Jan. 6, but sources later pointed to Bush instead. 

Bush notably has spent more than $500,000 on her own private security while publicly advocating for the defund the police movement. 

PunchBowl News first reported the Justice Department is conducting a criminal probe into Bush, connected with the House sergeant at arms subpoena.

Bush’s husband and former security guard, Cortney Merritts, who she married in February 2023, has pocketed more than $100,000 in payments since Bush added him to her campaign’s payroll in January 2022 for what they marked as ‘security’ payments before switching their description to ‘wage expenses’ in April, Fox News Digital previously reported.

In March 2023, Bush was hit with two FEC complaints over security payments she made to her new husband.

One complaint comes from the Committee to Defeat the President, an anti-Biden super PAC, which alleges Bush has ‘flouted’ federal campaign finance laws by paying Merritts $60,000 for security in 2022. Merritts does not have a license to perform security functions in the congresswoman’s district.

Bush’s campaign also paid $225,281 to the St. Louis-based PEACE Security firm for personal protection throughout 2022. Bush and Merritts have been together since before she entered Congress in 2021, a press release from her office said.

FACT also filed a complaint to ask the FEC to investigate whether Bush ‘used campaign funds for personal use,’ citing the $60,000 payment in 2022 for security services provided to Merritts.

‘It appears Rep. Bush’s campaign may have made payments for services that were unnecessary or above fair market value because of her personal relationship with the payee,’ Arnold wrote in the complaint at the time. ‘If so, these payments would qualify as either impermissible payments to a family member or an impermissible gift.’

‘Therefore, we request the FEC investigate whether Rep. Bush converted campaign funds for personal use by paying a salary that was not for bona fide services at fair market value,’ the complaint said. ‘Ultimately, if one or more campaign laws are found to have been broken, we request the FEC hold the respondents accountable.’

Fox News’ Joe Schoffstall contributed to this report.

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