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JD Vance hit the campaign trail in Milwaukee on Friday, debuting his family’s four-legged-friend as he hits the road as former President Trump’s vice presidential pick.

Atlas, a German shepherd, energetically bounded up the stairs of a Trump campaign plane despite the rainy weather.

‘Atlas had a great time on the campaign trail today, and unlike Kamala, enjoyed meeting the press on the plane!’ said Taylor Van Kirk, Vance spokeswoman, in an exclusive comment to Fox News Digital.

Vance’s wife Usha also joined her husband and their dog in Milwaukee while campaigning on Friday.

Vance poked fun at his pooch in a post attached to a video on X, which now has over 10k likes.

‘Can’t really tell in this video, but he was *not happy* about the wet metal stairs. He’s doing good on the plane though,’ said Vance.

‘We’ve had two GSDs, and both of them do this thing where they find the one person who doesn’t like dogs and they suck up to them.’

Atlas’ eventful day didn’t end with his boarding of the Trump plane. The flight made an emergency landing back in Milwaukee soon afterward.

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Claims made this week by the head of Russia’s technology development for its Defense Ministry suggesting that Moscow is ‘ahead’ when it comes to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) race that erupted amid the war in Ukraine are being shot down by one top expert.

Speaking from a Military-Technical Forum held in Moscow this week, Gen. Vasily Elistratov, head of the Kremlin’s AI development, claimed on Wednesday that Russia is ‘ahead of our foreign partners’ despite ‘attempts to isolate us at the technical level.’

Russia’s more than two-year-long invasion of Ukraine has driven an AI race as Kyiv, Moscow and NATO nations rush to advance their AI capabilities for wartime applications. 

But while the war has brought renewed focus to AI-integrated defense systems, particularly when it comes to the development of autonomous weapons systems, Russian President Vladimir Putin has long made developing AI a top priority.

In 2017, five years prior to the largest war Europe has seen since World War II, Putin declared, ‘Whoever leads in AI will rule the world,’ and by 2022, Russia had grown its AI market by 18 percent in that year alone, according to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

Moscow doubled down on its AI efforts last year and allocated some $54 million of its federal 2024 budget for AI investment – though that is just a fraction of the $1.8 billion that the U.S. has allocated for AI in its 2024 and 2025 defense budgets.

Despite Moscow’s efforts, former DIA intelligence officer and author of ‘Putin’s Playbook,’ Rebekah Koffler, told Fox News Digital, ‘It is highly unlikely that Russia is ahead of the U.S. in AI development.’

Koffler explained that from the beginning, the U.S. and Russia have taken different approaches when it comes to AI, and while Washington focused its efforts of technological advancement, Moscow also focused on how it could use AI for psychological warfare. 

‘When you have a cyberattack, not only can it disrupt your computer, it can also have a psychological impact on the user,’ she explained. ‘In wartime, you can disorganize forces by attacking computer [systems].’

Koffler pointed to the clear psychological impact that Russia has made on entire populations following its use of disinformation campaigns, propaganda, digital fakes and election interference – a strategy the U.S. and the West typically do not pursue. 

‘The U.S. just doesn’t do that sort of thing,’ she said. ‘That’s just not how we operate.

 ‘In regard to Russia, it’s always been a thing – not just for foreign audiences but for domestic,’ Koffler continued. ‘With the power of AI, you can spread disinformation a lot faster.’

This could mean that Moscow may be ahead when it comes to decision-making technologies, Koffler said, though she reiterated her doubt that Russia was beating the U.S. in any aspect of AI development. 

The U.S. began employing AI technologies in warfare at the tail end of its War on Terror in Afghanistan in a move to alleviate the burden that U.S. and coalition forces were under as they attempted to maintain human intelligence networks on the Taliban amid the drawdown. 

From the beginning, human oversight has played a major role in how the U.S. and its Western allies approach ‘responsible’ AI employment in wartime, and it remains unclear how this specific factor could play a role in adversarial strategizing when it comes to AI on the battlefield. 

But it wasn’t just the U.S. that Elistratov was likely referring to when he propped up Moscow’s AI developments compared to its ‘partners.’

China, a top ally of Russia, has been making great strides when it comes to AI development and is frequently considered the U.S.’s chief competitor in the race to develop all aspects of the burgeoning technology. 

Koffler said that while Moscow is almost certainly beating allies like Iran and North Korea in the AI race, it is more likely that Russia is ‘close’ to China when it comes to AI development.  

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The U.S. and its top allies have taken a significant step in removing defense trade restrictions to ensure that technology and equipment can be shared at rapid speed as the AUKUS partnership looks to counter growing Chinese threats in the Indo Pacific.

The ‘historic breakthrough’ means the U.K. and Australia will no longer be subject to strict export license controls under the U.S.’s International Trafficking in Arms Regulations (ITAR) for the ‘majority’ of Washington’s defense technology.

‘We want the U.K. to be the U.S.’s number-one ally, and Australia’s desire is to be the U.S.’s number-one ally in the Pacific,’ a U.K. official familiar with the agreement told Fox News Digital. ‘AUKUS is about us recognizing the threat that China poses and the need for us, as America’s allies, to do everything we can to be part of competing with China in that space.’

A limited number of sensitive items will remain under tight U.S. control, and the U.K. official said this is another area in which the alliance can look to deepen its trust and partnership in the face of growing adversarial aggression. 

‘We’re looking for deep collaboration with the U.S. over the coming period,’ the official said.  ‘Some of the restrictions that remain on the excluded lists will be in those very advanced technologies where the U.S. is still rightly cautious about controlling access to them and really safeguarding the technology. 

‘What we want to do with this new status quo is use it to show that our industry is equally competent of controlling those secrets, equally competent of safeguarding the technology, so we can build even more trust with the U.S., so we can expand this sharing of technology even further,’ the U.K. official added.  

The official could not pinpoint the percentage of U.S. defense weapons and technology that will remain exempt from the latest trade-sharing deal but noted that those exemptions remain only in the ‘far reaches of technology’ on systems involving artificial intelligence, autonomous weaponry and hypersonic weaponry. 

The reform is estimated to cover up to £500 million in U.K. defense exports annually along with billions of dollars of trade across all three nations, which will in turn ‘boost our shared economic growth,’ Fox News Digital was told.

The AUKUS deal comes as the U.S. and the U.K. look to help Australia acquire nuclear-powered submarines as the alliance looks to bolster its defense posture to counter Chinese aggression in the region and beyond. 

‘I think it’s very difficult to overstate how important the submarines are, in terms of the Indo-Pacific and containing China,’ the official told Fox News Digital. ‘Just because they look quite old school, they are still very, very critical to that theater.’

The alliance, which was formed in 2021 specifically to counter Beijing, was received with some frustration and concern among European allies who feared that the U.S. and the U.K. were distancing themselves from Europe at a time when security threats on the continent had reached a level not seen since World War II. 

But Washington and London have pushed back on these arguments, and in speaking with Fox News Digital, the British official highlighted that increasing ties with the U.S. can only help deepen security in theatres across the globe. 

‘The U.K. being a very close ally of the U.S. helps lock the U.K. and the U.S. together in NATO,’ the official argued. ‘I don’t think this does anything to distance us from that. 

‘If anything, it gives us both even better capability and even better interoperability to work together in the Euro-Atlantic area if we needed to do that militarily,’ the official added. 

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President Biden claims a cease-fire deal in the Middle East is closer than ever.

Biden made the surprise announcement after signing a proclamation establishing a national monument in memorial of the Springfield 1908 Race Riot — a live event to which he arrived noticeably late.

‘One of the reasons I was late for y’all is because I was dealing with the cease-fire effort in the Middle East,’ Biden told the guests and reporters inside the Oval Office. ‘And we are closer than we’ve ever been.’

‘I don’t want to jinx anything. But as my grandfather said — by the grace of God and with a lot of luck, we might have something,’ he continued. ‘But we’re not there yet. We’re much, much closer than we were three days ago.’

A senior Iranian security official has warned that Iran will attack Israel if its talks with Hamas for a cease-fire in Gaza fall apart, a report says. 

The official, speaking to Reuters, said Iran and its allies, including Hezbollah, would also launch a direct attack on the Jewish State if it believes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is dragging out negotiations with the Palestinian terrorist group. 

Only Israel and Hamas reaching a cease-fire deal would hold Iran back from a direct strike against Israel in the wake of the assassination of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran in late July, three senior Iranian officials told Reuters, but the news agency notes that the sources did not say how long Iran would let the talks progress before deciding to take any action. 

Hamas said Sunday that it would not participate in new negotiations for a cease-fire in Gaza this week unless mediators present a plan based on previous talks. Talks are expected to resume on Thursday. 

Fox News Digital’s Greg Norman contributed to this report.

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Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is denying reports that he sought a position in a hypothetical Democratic administration.

Kennedy was accused this week of reaching out to Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris’ team to discuss the possibility of working inside a future Cabinet — the claim appeared in a report from the Washington Post.

‘That’s fake news. I didn’t ask Kamala Harris for a Cabinet position but I’ve reached out to all the candidates. I’ve met with some,’ Kennedy told guests during his ‘TikTok Town Hall’ live-streamed event.

The independent candidate claimed that he had met with all other candidates in the presidential election — specifically mentioning a meeting with Libertarian Party candidate Chase Oliver.

‘I wanted to meet with all the candidates to talk about dampening down the rhetoric and unifying our country and also talk about some of the issues — ending the wars, et cetera.’

Kennedy said he wasn’t sure he would be able to serve in a Harris-Walz administration unless ‘a lot of different changes’ were made.

‘The other candidates have met with me, Kamala Harris has said she doesn’t want to,’ Kennedy said. ‘I believe it would be tough for me to work with their administration unless they committed to a lot of different changes.’

The report from the Washington Post on Wednesday claimed Kennedy — whose long-shot bid for president took a hit earlier this week when a judge ruled his name should not appear on New York’s ballot — sought out a meeting with Harris in hopes of landing a potential Cabinet secretary position in her future administration. 

Kennedy was previously recorded on video speaking to former President Trump during a meeting at last month’s convention in Milwaukee, in which Trump appeared to allude to potential positions in his administration.

Nevertheless, Kennedy has continued to campaign and make regular media appearances with the expectation that he can win the election, the report notes, though he has left open the possibility of meeting with or getting out of the way of either Harris or Trump if they share an openness about his vision for the country.

Polling has shown Kennedy is one of the most disruptive independent candidates in decades in both breadth of appeal and commitment of his supporters.

Fox News Digital’s Michael Lee contributed to this report.

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The House Oversight Committee is investigating Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and his alleged ‘longstanding connections’ to China and CCP-linked entities, Fox News Digital has learned. 

Fox News Digital exclusively obtained a letter that House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., penned to FBI Director Christopher Wray, notifying the bureau of the committee’s investigation into Walz. 

‘The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is conducting a government-wide investigation into the Chinese Communist Party’s political warfare operations against America and the response from federal agencies,’ he wrote. ‘Vice President Kamala Harris recently announced her vice presidential running mate, Timothy Walz, the current governor of Minnesota.’ 

Comer said that the committee had been briefed by the FBI on April 22 and July 17 — both briefings occurred before Walz was named Harris’ running mate. 

However, Comer said that FBI briefers told the committee that the bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force ‘investigates exactly the kind of activity that has since come to light about Governor Walz.’ 

Comer is now seeking information about the Chinese entities and officials Walz has ‘engaged and partnered with,’ as well as any ‘warnings or advice the FBI may have given to Governor Walz about U.S. political figures being targeted by or recruited for CCP influence operations.’ 

Comer said Walz has ‘longstanding connections to CCP-connected entities and officials that make him susceptible’ to the CCP’s strategy of ‘elite capture,’ which seeks to co-opt influential figures in elite political, cultural and academic circles to ‘influence the United States to the benefit of the communist regime and the detriment of Americans.’ 

Comer pointed to reports of Walz’s ‘extensive engagement with CCP officials and entities while serving in public office,’ saying it raises questions about ‘possible CCP influence in his decision-making as governor — and, should he be elected, as vice president.’ 

‘Recent reporting reveals that Governor Walz has concerning ties to the People’s Republic of China,’ Comer wrote.

Comer pointed to reports that suggest that while Walz was a teacher in the early 1990s, he organized a trip to China for Alliance High School students, where the costs were reportedly ‘paid by the Chinese government.’  

‘In 1994, Mr. Walz set up a private company named ‘Educational Travel Adventures, Inc.,’ which coordinated annual student trips to the PRC until 2003, and was led by Mr. Walz himself,’ Comer wrote, adding that the corporation was ‘reportedly dissolved four days after he took congressional office in 2007.’ 

Comer also said Walz has traveled to China an estimated ’30 times.’ 

‘In its investigation, the Committee has highlighted the importance of U.S. officials being cognizant of CCP political and psychological warfare efforts that seek to threaten national security,’ Comer wrote. 

Comer then pointed to Walz’s time in Congress, noting he served as a fellow at the Macau Polytechnic University — a Chinese institution that characterizes itself as having a ‘long-held devotion to and love for the motherland.’ 

‘At the time he disclosed serving as a Macau fellow, Mr. Walz also had significant credit card debt,’ Comer wrote, noting that in 2019, Walz headlined the 27th National Convention for the U.S. China Peoples Friendship Association in Minnesota.

‘Governor Walz spoke alongside the president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, which, a year later, the Department of State exposed as ‘a Beijing-based organization tasked with co-opting subnational governments,’ including efforts to ‘directly and malignly influence state and local leaders to promote the PRC’s global agenda,’’ Comer wrote. 

Comer said Walz himself has ‘admitted that he does not ‘fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship.’’ 

‘Despite bipartisan efforts to identify and defeat CCP unrestricted warfare against America, Governor Walz continues problematic engagement with concerning entities and individuals,’ Comer wrote. 

Comer also pointed to a March 2024 meeting Walz had with Consul General Zhao Jian to discuss ‘China-U.S. relations and sub-national cooperation.’

‘Despite his knowledge and condemnation of communist China’s human rights violations, Governor Walz has said he ‘applaud[s] the accomplishments of the Chinese people and recognize[s] that some in the Chinese Government advocate for greater rule of law,’’ Comer wrote. 

Comer is now requesting that the FBI assist in the committee’s investigation by providing documents and information related to any Chinese entity or individual with whom Walz may have engaged or partnered. 

Comer is also asking for any records between the FBI and Walz, or his gubernatorial office pertaining to warnings or guidance about subnational government officials engaging with the PRC, CCP and the CCP’s proxies. 

Comer, in a statement to Fox News Digital, said ‘the CCP has sought to destroy the United States through coordinated influence and infiltration campaigns that target every aspect of American life, including our own elected officials.’ 

‘Americans should be deeply concerned that Governor Walz, Kamala Harris’s vice-presidential running mate, has a longstanding and cozy relationship with China,’ Comer said. ‘Mr. Walz has visited China dozens of times, served as a fellow at a Chinese institution that maintains a devotion to the CCP, and spoke alongside the President of a Chinese organization the State Department exposed as a CCP effort to influence and co-opt local leaders.’ 

Comer added, ‘FBI briefers recently informed the Committee that the Bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force investigates CCP activity that is similar to China’s engagement with Governor Walz.’ 

‘The American people deserve to fully understand how deep Governor Walz’s relationship with China goes,’ Comer told Fox News Digital. 

The Harris-Walz campaign did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment. 

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A partnership between Russia and Iran is allegedly deepening, according to the Pentagon.

In a press conference on Thursday, Deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh responded to a journalist’s question regarding a recent meeting between leaders of the two nations.

‘So I can’t speculate on, you know, on that visit, I would say that I think, separately, we’ve seen a deepening cooperation and relationship between Russia and Iran as Russia continues to, engage in its unlawful war in Ukraine,’ said Singh. 

‘So, you know, we’ve we’ve seen that deepening partnership.’

‘We’ve seen Russia continue to seek weapons out from Iran. While I can speculate on what this visit entails, you know, we’ve seen these visits of leaders, happen over the course of the last two years,’ Singh added.

Russia has recently promised missile support to Iran after a visit by a defense minister to the Middle Eastern nation.

Singh clarified, ‘in terms of how this plays, you know, into the Middle East. Look, Iran has a choice. I think we’ve been very clear in our messaging when it comes to the defense of Israel. We are going to stand in the defense of Israel just as we did, you know, on April 13th.’

The United States has recently expanded its presence in the Middle East, sending the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group to the region.

According to the Pentagon, it is unclear exactly where these additional American defense resources will be located.

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Former President Trump will have bulletproof glass surrounding his podium for outdoor events going forward, a federal law enforcement source briefed on the planning told Fox News. 

Indoor events, meanwhile, will not involve the same level of protection, the source confirmed. 

The additional level of protection comes after an assassination attempt on the former president during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania last month. 

The president was addressing the open-air crowd, just minutes into his speech, when a gunman fired at him from the rooftop of a nearby building. 

Trump managed to just barely turn his head and duck beneath the podium. A Secret Service member killed the gunman just seconds after he opened fire. 

Trump was struck in the ear but avoided serious injury. One spectator in the audience was killed and two others were injured. 

The security failure has brought heavy scrutiny on the Secret Service, which had been responsible for coordinating with local law enforcement. 

The fury over the security lapse mounted after it was revealed that law enforcement had identified the gunman – later identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks – as suspicious an hour before the rally began, but lost track of him. 

Crooks was able to scale the roof of a building owned by AGR International Inc., a supplier of automation equipment for the glass and plastic packaging industry, and fire an estimated eight shots with an AR-15-style rifle. 

Crooks was able to scale the roof of a building owned by AGR International Inc., a supplier of automation equipment for the glass and plastic packaging industry, and fire an estimated eight shots with an AR-15 style rifle. 

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Vice President Kamala Harris’ supporters want her to keep in line with President Biden on some policy points but not others, several of them said Thursday.

Fox News Digital spoke with Democrats who turned out at Prince George’s Community College in Maryland for Biden and Harris’ first joint appearance since she became the party’s presidential nominee.

Their speech came hours after an Axios report said Harris wants to create ‘distance’ between her own campaign and Biden on the economy, which he had struggled with in terms of approval ratings for much of his term.

‘I would say there are some things that, you know, that were going well, and there are some things that are needing to change,’ said Harris supporter Brian Galbraith.

However, he pointed out that the poor economic and inflationary outlook that plagued the first half of Biden’s term was a global phenomenon after the COVID-19 pandemic, rather than something directly caused by his policies.

‘While we have been impacted significantly by the recent inflation, we need to take a look around and realize that everywhere has been. So, no matter who, Democrat or Republican, I think we still would have been facing these issues,’ he said.

Another voter named Constance suggested she was happy with Biden’s economic policy but wanted to see Harris lean more into voter access issues.

‘I want to see her try to follow some of his, but I also want to see her come into her own, like kind of a combination,’ Constance said. ‘I want to continue to see the economy do well. I want [Harris] to really focus on voting rights and human rights.’

Other Harris supporters suggested there were issues outside the economy they wanted to see the vice president diverge on.

‘There are things that I would like to see her change,’ another woman said. ‘I would like her to make it easier for immigrants to enter the country legally. I think there are a lot of poverty reduction programs that we need to have in place.’

A speech attendee who identified herself as Arvia Ross told Fox News Digital, ‘I’d like to see her [distance herself]. … I would like to see her have a mind of her own on certain things.’

Harris supporters Johnny and Nicolas also wanted Harris to mix her own ideas in with the line Democrats have been toeing.

‘I think it should be a combination of both,’ Johnny said. ‘I think she can bring her own ideas to the table.’

The latter told Fox News Digital, ‘She’s free to include her own policies … not following the line of leadership and whatnot. But I know for the party and as a Democrat, a Democrat has certain policies that need to be focused on, so it should be a mix of the two.’

Harris and Biden appeared together Thursday to roll out the administration’s strategy for Medicare drug price cuts.

Biden was met with chants of ‘Thank you, Joe’ when he and Harris took the stage.

Earlier, Biden told Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy Harris is ‘not going to’ distance herself from his economic policies when asked whether it bothers him that she would do so.

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Vice President Kamala Harris could be ‘playing politics’ by allowing her subordinates to take the lead on her making major policy shifts, rather than pushing them herself, a Republican strategist says.

Unnamed officials have announced Harris’ new stances, reversing positions she had previously stated on issues such as fracking and ‘Medicare for All,’ but Harris herself has not yet publicly addressed these changes.

While the Harris campaign appears to be pushing a reworked agenda, one political strategist told Fox News Digital that ‘anonymous, on background campaign staffers do not take public policy positions, candidates and elected officials do.’

Dallas Woodhouse, State Director for American Majority-North Carolina, a nonprofit conservative training organization, said that Americans should assume that every position taken by Harris during her previous presidential campaign for President and the positions taken by the Biden-Harris administration are exactly hers today, ‘until she herself explains otherwise.’ 

‘The American public will never accept a candidate changing all their stated positions from just a few years ago without thorough examination and explanation,’ he added.

Harris advisers recently told Axios that ‘Harris doesn’t want to be completely defined by the Biden-Harris record.’ The publication reported that she is seeking to distance herself from Biden on several issues, including his economic policies.

Fox News Digital asked the Harris campaign if she plans to personally announce her new stance on the key issues but did not receive an immediate response.

These are some of the major issues on which she has reversed or walked back her views.

1. Fracking

Harris said during her first presidential bid in 2019 that she would ban fracking if elected – a key issue among a critical voting bloc in battleground states like Pennsylvania.

‘There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking, I have a history of working on this issue,’ Harris said in 2020.

Republicans, including former President Trump, have used her past comments on the issue to blast her in several campaign ads since she launched her 2024 campaign.

But campaign officials for the Democratic nominee are now saying that Harris will not ban fracking if she’s elected president.

2. ‘Medicare for All’

Harris published a plan for ‘Medicare for All’ during her 2019 presidential election, writing that her goal was to ‘end these senseless attacks on Obamacare’ and that she believes ‘health care should be a right, not a privilege only for those who can afford it. It’s why we need Medicare for All.’

‘The idea is that everyone gets access to medical care. And you don’t have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork all of the delay that may require. Let’s eliminate that,’ Harris wrote in 2019.

Additionally, then-Senator Harris cosponsored Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Medicare for All Act of 2019.

Despite her past support, a campaign official told Fox News senior White House correspondent Peter Doocy that Harris will not push the subject of ‘Medicare-for-all’ this cycle.

Colin Reed, a Republican strategist, previous campaign manager, and co-founder of South and Hill Strategies, expressed skepticism regarding the credibility of Harris’ recent policy change.

‘When Vice President Harris ran for the White House five years ago, she was a sitting U.S. Senator and the former attorney general of the largest state in the nation. In other words, an extremely accomplished individual with plenty of time on the national stage to form opinions on the big issues,’ Reed told Fox. ‘The idea that she could, over the span of five years, just change her tune on a dime on a slew of major big ticket items strains credulity,’

Reed said her shift on Medicare For All ‘would cost $44 trillion dollars – more than our entire $35 trillion dollar national debt.’

‘Either she was wrong then or is playing politics now, and voters will figure it out whenever she decides to answer questions in an unscripted setting.’

3. No Taxes on Tips

Under the current Biden-Harris Internal Revenue Service rules, taxpayers must report all tip money as income on their tax returns. Harris has supported measures that allowed the IRS to track and tax workers’ tips and even cast a tie-breaking vote in 2022 to pass legislation that increased IRS funding for this exact purpose. 

However, Harris recently said that she supports ending taxes on tips for service worker employees – an idea floated earlier this summer by Trump, who received plenty of positive feedback.

‘We’ll continue our fight for working families of America,’ Harris said at a recent campaign rally. ‘Including minimum wage, and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.’

4. The Border Crisis

Vice President Kamala Harris has previously supported rolling back Trump-era border policies but is taking a stronger position on the southern border crisis this election cycle.

When record numbers of migrants were coming through the border in 2022, Harris said that ‘the border is secure,’ during an appearance on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’

Harris was criticized by border state Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, shortly thereafter, who told CNN that ‘the border is not secure.’

Harris is now making border security a top priority for her 2024 campaign, talking tough on the campaign trail and suggesting in a new campaign ad titled, ‘Tougher,’ that more needs to be done.

‘Fixing the border is tough, so is Kamala Harris,’ a voice in the ad can be heard saying. 

‘Kamala Harris has spent decades fighting violent crime. As a border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border,’ a narrator says. ‘As vice president, she backed the toughest border control bill in decades. And as president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking.’

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