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Russian President Vladimir Putin is continuing to blame the West for his nation’s difficulties subduing opposition forces in Ukraine.

The Russian president told regional governors and national defense officials on Monday that the Ukrainian military’s current campaign in the territory of the Kursk region will not affect negotiations.

‘The West is fighting us with the hands of the Ukrainians,’ Putin told them at his home outside the capital city of Moscow, according to a report from The New York Times.

‘The enemy will certainly get the response he deserves, and all our goals, without doubt, will be accomplished,’ he continued.

Ukraine launched incursions into the Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk districts last week, continuing the campaign since last Tuesday. 

The events have put the Russian military command under fire over the intelligence and tactical lapses that allowed such an attack to happen. 

‘One of the obvious goals of the enemy is to sow discord, strife, intimidate people, destroy the unity and cohesion of Russian society,’ Putin told government officials in a televised meeting this week, according to the Moscow Times. ‘The main task is, of course, for the defense ministry to dislodge the enemy from our territories.’

Experts attribute the Ukrainian gains to ‘unconventional’ tactics that have caught the much larger Russian military off-guard.

‘Given the significant disparity of combat potential favoring Russia on the battlefield, Ukrainian forces appear to be switching to, or at minimum, intensifying, unconventional warfare, bringing war deeper into Russia,’ Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst and author of ‘Putin’s Playbook,’ told Fox News Digital last week. 

‘With the latest surprise incursion into Kursk oblast, Zelenskyy likely aims to demonstrate to Putin that as long as there’s no peace in Ukraine, the Russian people will not sleep peacefully either,’ Koffler said. ‘Kyiv is probably also seeking to beef up its negotiating position in a potential peace settlement with Moscow.’

Approximately 121,000 people have evacuated the Kursk region — residents of the Belovsky and Krasnoyaruzhsky districts have also joined the exodus.

Ukraine has been the beneficiary of tens of billions of dollars from Western powers providing weapons and resources in order to push back against Russian expansion through the remote conflict.

Fox News Digital’s Peter Aitken and Caitlin McFall contributed to this report.

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Former President Trump has a record of doing the many jobs involved in being president. COVID obscured his many achievements, especially with an inflation-free period of economic growth, but his record is still there. We know how he will govern and we know he now has experience with selecting senior officials. While he is never predictable in persona or postings, his legislative agenda will be a continuation of his first term: renewal of his tax cuts, a defense build-up to deter our enemies abroad, support for our allies especially Israel, a huge push for energy production and deregulation and, hopefully, massive downsizing of the size and reach of the federal government. 

By contrast, Vice President Harris does not possess the minimum skills set necessary to be president. To borrow from the jargon of baseball, which highly prizes ‘a five tool player’ or even a ‘five tool prospect,’ the vice president unfortunately lacks any of the tools needed to be even a minimally qualified president. She’s a ‘zero tools’ political player. 

The 5 ‘tools’ in baseball are (1) hitting for power; (2) hitting for average 3) fielding ability 4) throwing ability and 5) running speed. A list of presidential tools is considerably longer but would include (1) great ability to absorb complex data sets and intelligence information and make hard decisions on difficult issues; (2) deep experience in national security issues; (3) deep experience in the federal administrative state (not familiarity with the mission of all 2.8 million non-military employees of the federal government, of course, but facility in the discussion and assessment of the hundreds of agencies in the executive branch which all answer to the president and which are guided by his or her appointees); (4) the ability to communicate with the American people via a variety of means, but especially the set-piece big speech designed to convey important decisions or choices and regular interviews and press availabilities and (5) the political skills of negotiation and compromise, both within a president’s own party but also across the aisle and with the governors of states and territories and of course other nations, both friends and enemies. 

Harris is eligible for the office of President to be sure. She is old enough and born in the U.S. We also know she has passed the California Bar Exam after graduating from Hastings Law School following her undergraduate education at Howard University. Harris failed the first time she sat for the Bar but that does not signify much. It is not typical of talented lawyers that they fail their first Bar, but it’s also not unheard of. In a New York Times 2016 profile Harris had recently consoled a young law student who also failed the test, telling her: ‘It’s not a measure of your capacity.’ Actually it is evidence sufficient to lose some young would-be lawyers their jobs which are often given on the condition of taking and passing a state’s Bar Exam, but it’s not dispositive on the question of legal ability. You can retake the Bar as Harris did and she passed on the second go around.

Harris’s career as an assistant district attorney in San Francisco is already a talking point in her stump speech, as was her time as the Attorney General of California and brief stay in the United States Senate. There are hundreds of thousands of current and former assistant district attorneys in the United States and some are brilliant and others are dumb as rocks. There are scores and scores of former and current state AGs and United States Senators. Those titles don’t tell us much. What has she done?  What did she accomplish? What does she think needs to be done by the Congress? What is her agenda?

She has been a loyal if bumbling number two to an increasingly frail president whose capacity to do the job is a question on the mind of everyone paying attention. It should also be on every voter’s mind: Is Harris up to this job? 

In answering that, we have zero interviews of Harris since Biden withdrew more than three weeks ago. We only have hours of cringe-inducing tape from decades in the public eye. It is her tenure as Vice President that should matter the most to voters, and neither she nor the president she served has accomplished anything of lasting positive significance. They spent a vast amount of money the country didn’t have on projects that have not come to fruition. That spending unleashed ruinous inflation. They failed to secure our southern border and more than 10 million migrants have crossed it without invitation since Biden and Harris assumed office. Their record on national security is awful and the support originally offered to Israel after the massacre of 10/7 waxed and since last year has steadily waned. The influence of America on the world has never been this low. 

The resume of actual accomplishments by Harris isn’t there and the record that is there is terrible. 

If the country chose its chief executive randomly out of one of many ‘hats’ marked only by vocation, I would pick from the hat labeled ‘president of local or regional bank’ or ‘successful principal of a large high school’ and—crucially—’successful real estate developer’ over the bag marked ‘local prosecutor’ any day. I would especially do so if informed that the ‘local assistant DA’ bag only included folks who had flunked their first Bar. 

Nor does election to any local or statewide office in California signify much beyond the backing of large public employee unions, for those unions in fact run the politics of the state now and have for more than a dozen years. Harris won the election to be San Francisco’s District Attorney in 2004. She then ran for and won the California Attorney General job in 2010 and again in 2014, and won a United States Senate race in 2016. Of course she was on the ticket with President Biden in 2020. She’s a standard-issue left-wing pol from the most left-wing city in America. 

All we have to judge Vice President Harris’s ability to be president by are her hundreds of votes, interviews and statements over an electoral career now approaching two decades. She hasn’t won a single presidential primary or caucus—ever. If you lived in California you already knew that Harris was never going to impress with eloquence or ability. Harris is the product of the San Francisco Democratic machine which competes, usually successfully, with the Los Angeles Democratic machine. Harris paid her dues in San Francisco and she rose in predictable fashion. When President Joe Biden picked Harris as his running mate in 2020 he did so because he had promised to name a black woman as his running mate. Biden, whose judgment is no longer even debated, chose badly and we have Harris’s record as ‘border tsar’ as the single point of assessment, the single certain role she has held under President Biden.  Of course she failed there —which is why we have the elaborate ruse of a border bill talking point. To cover up her actual record as President Biden’s lead on all border issues. She has had no other high-profile designated role. 

Kamala Harris would be the least credentialed, least impressive and least prepared presidential candidate elected in the modern era. It’s impossible to imagine the damage her policies and personnel would do because they would be so far to the left of anything the country has ever experienced. Her campaign of invisibility is brilliant, but if it succeeds, the country is in for a terrible four years until she can be replaced. The legacy media has gone along with 23 days of silence. How long will it remain complicit?

Hugh Hewitt is host of ‘The Hugh Hewitt Show,’ heard weekday mornings 6am to 9am ET on the Salem Radio Network, and simulcast on Salem News Channel. Hugh wakes up America on over 400 affiliates nationwide, and on all the streaming platforms where SNC can be seen. He is a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel’s news roundtable hosted by Bret Baier weekdays at 6pm ET. A son of Ohio and a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Michigan Law School, Hewitt has been a Professor of Law at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law since 1996 where he teaches Constitutional Law. Hewitt launched his eponymous radio show from Los Angeles in 1990.  Hewitt has frequently appeared on every major national news television network, hosted television shows for PBS and MSNBC, written for every major American paper, has authored a dozen books and moderated a score of Republican candidate debates, most recently the November 2023 Republican presidential debate in Miami and four Republican presidential debates in the 2015-16 cycle. Hewitt focuses his radio show and his column on the Constitution, national security, American politics and the Cleveland Browns and Guardians. Hewitt has interviewed tens of thousands of guests from Democrats Hillary Clinton and John Kerry to Republican Presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump over his 40 years in broadcast, and this column previews the lead story that will drive his radio/ TV show today.

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Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign is blasting former President Trump’s interview with billionaire Elon Musk, saying Trump’s campaign is in service of ‘self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class.’

Trump joined Musk on X Spaces, a live audio chat feature on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, for an interview Monday night, although it had a shaky start due to technical difficulties. Millions of people ultimately listened to the interview, according to the live tracker throughout the discussion.

Musk said in a post after the interview that he would also be happy to host Harris on X Spaces.

During Monday’s interview, Musk gave Trump ample time to explain his stance on various issues such as immigration, the assassination attempt he survived at a campaign rally last month, inflation and the idea of eliminating the Department of Education to allow states authority over school systems.

‘I want to close up the Department of Education, move education back to the states … Of the 50 [states], I would bet that 35 would do great. And 15 of them, or, you know, 20 of them, will be as good as Norway. You know, Norway is considered great,’ Trump said, adding that deep blue states like California may struggle if the department is eliminated.

The Harris campaign hit Trump following the interview for the policy proposals the former president touched on and took a jab over the technical difficulties the X Space endured.

‘Donald Trump’s extremism and dangerous Project 2025 agenda is a feature not a glitch of his campaign, which was on full display for those unlucky enough to listen in tonight during whatever that was on,’ Harris campaign spokesperson Joseph Costello said in a statement. ‘Trump’s entire campaign is in service of people like Elon Musk and himself — self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class and who cannot run a livestream in the year 2024.’

Project 2025 is a controversial initiative organized by conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation that was authored by a number of conservatives, including some former Trump administration officials.

The initiative offers right-wing policy recommendations for Trump should he win the presidency, including replacing civil service employees with Trump loyalists, abolishing the Department of Education, criminalizing pornography, eliminating DEI programs, cutting funding for Medicaid and Medicare, rejecting abortion as health care and infusing the government with Christian values.

Trump has sought to distance himself from the initiative, which has been criticized as being an authoritarian and Christian nationalist plan that would undermine civil liberties, saying he knows nothing about it, that parts of it are ‘absolutely ridiculous and abysmal’ and that its backers are on the ‘radical right.’

Monday marked Trump’s return to X after nearly a year of not posting on the social media platform, posting a series of campaign ads prior to the interview with Musk.

Before Musk purchased X in 2022, Trump was suspended from the platform following the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, when the platform was still known as Twitter. But even after Musk reinstated his account, Trump’s only post was sharing his mugshot in August of last year.

‘This country is going down, and these people are bad people that we’re running against. And they’re liars. They make statements. They do things that are so bad. They say they’re going to make a strong border. They say they’ve been great on the border, and they’ve been the worst in history. They say they’ll stop crime,’ Trump said towards the end of the interview.

Trump also addressed President Biden’s decision last month to suspend his re-election campaign, saying it was a Democratic ‘coup’ that pressured the president to step aside. Biden’s decision came amid pressure from Democrats to drop out of the race over concerns about his mental acuity.

‘This was a coup. This was a coup of a president of the United States. He didn’t want to leave, and they said, ‘We can do it the nice way, or we can do it the hard way,” Trump said.

‘They just took him out back behind the shed and basically shot him,’ Musk responded before Trump criticized Biden as ‘the worst president in history.’

Fox News’ Emma Colton contributed to this report.

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The FBI says it is investigating Iranian cyber hacking attempts against the 2024 presidential campaign of former U.S. President Trump. 

‘FBI is investigating the recent cyber intrusion into the Trump campaign,’ the FBI told Fox News in a statement. ‘We can now confirm that the FBI is investigating.’  

The 2024 presidential campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris told Fox News it ‘vigilantly monitors and protects against cyber threats, and we are not aware of any security breaches of our systems.’ 

The claim of Iranian involvement came shortly after Microsoft issued a report detailing foreign agents’ attempts to interfere in the U.S. campaign in 2024. 

That report cited an instance of an Iranian military intelligence unit in June sending ‘a spear-phishing email to a high-ranking official of a presidential campaign from a compromised email account of a former senior advisor.’

Politico reported Saturday that it began receiving emails on July 22 from an anonymous account. The source — an AOL email account identified only as ‘Robert.’

‘These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our Democratic process’ Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said.

Iran’s mission to the United Nations, when asked about the claim of the Trump campaign, denied being involved.

However, Iran has long been suspected of running hacking campaigns targeting its enemies in the Middle East and beyond. Tehran also long has threatened to retaliate against Trump over the 2020 drone strike he ordered that killed prominent Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

In its report, Microsoft stated that ‘foreign malign influence concerning the 2024 US election started off slowly but has steadily picked up pace over the last six months due initially to Russian operations, but more recently from Iranian activity.’

The analysis continued: ‘Iranian cyber-enabled influence operations have been a consistent feature of at least the last three U.S. election cycles. Iran’s operations have been notable and distinguishable from Russian campaigns for appearing later in the election season and employing cyberattacks more geared toward election conduct than swaying voters.’

‘Recent activity suggests the Iranian regime — along with the Kremlin — may be equally engaged in election 2024,’ Microsoft concluded.

Fox News’ Jake Gibson and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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A conservative government watchdog group secured a legal victory against the Biden-Harris administration by compelling the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to stop deleting employee emails they say had been done in violation of the Federal Records Act.

America First Legal, the right-leaning, Washington, D.C. based public interest organization founded by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, sought records concerning the CDC’s endorsement of the controversial gender ideology within public schools in February 2023. In response, the CDC told AFL that it systematically deletes the emails of most employees 30 days after they depart from the agency.

As of Friday, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is now required under a preliminary injunction granted to AFL to enlist the help of Attorney General Merrick Garland and inform Congress to recover the deleted emails and halt the destruction of records. 

‘Notably, while the Biden-Harris administration has been slapped down for illegally violating the law, CDC employees’ homes were not searched and raided without notice or consent, nor have their families had to endure the trauma and onslaught of legal fees or indictments,’ AFL said in a news release. 

‘Yet, the Biden-Harris Administration did exactly that to President Trump. We cannot have a country where government bureaucrats are allowed to circumvent the law without repercussion, and innocent civilians are subjected to invasive and unlawful political persecution for saying the ‘wrong’ thing. The two-tiered justice system in the United States has never been more prevalent,’ the group said. 

In April, AFL filed the initial lawsuit against the Biden-Harris Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and NARA.

‘The Biden-Harris Administration was actively destroying the records of federal employees at the CDC in blatant violation of the law–and we are pleased that the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has ordered a stop to their illegal conduct,’ AFL executive director Gene Hamilton said in a statement. 

AFL subsequently reached out to NARA urging an investigation into the CDC’s policy of deleting employee emails. 

‘NARA investigated the allegations but determined that because the ‘CDC instructs individual email account holders to apply retention based on the email’s content value and its applicability to a NARA-approved records schedule,’ NARA considered the matter closed. In short, NARA entrusted individual CDC employees to decide which emails can be automatically deleted,’ AFL said in a news release.x

This isn’t the first time the CDC has been in hot water over its influence in the public. Last year, the CDC reportedly had ‘significant input on pandemic-era social media policies’ at Facebook and Instagram and worked to ‘silence dissent’ related to the COVID vaccine. 

Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci, former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, denied attempting to suppress the theory that the COVID-19 pandemic began as a result of a lab leak in Wuhan, China, during the heated House Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing this summer.

Fox News Digital has reached out to the CDC, HHS and NARA for comment. 

Fox News Digital’s Brian Flood and Danielle Wallace contributed to this report. 

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Israel on Monday accused Tehran and its Palestinian terrorist proxy Hamas of smuggling weapons into Jordan and the West Bank to destabilize those areas as the world braces for a possible retaliatory strike from Iran. 

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Monday that a ‘serious and dangerous situation is unfolding in Iran.’ 

Katz alleged that Iranian Revolutionary Guard Units are collaborating with Hamas operatives in Lebanon to smuggle weapons and funds into Jordan ‘with the aim of destabilizing the regime.’ 

From there, Katz said, the weapons are smuggled into the West Bank, flooding areas like Judea and Samaria where there are refugee camps, ‘with dangerous weapons and large sums of money – aiming to create a pro-Iranian Islamic terror front.’ 

Katz said Iran’s effective control of these refugee camps in the West Bank leaves the Palestinian Authority ‘powerless to act.’ 

‘We must take terror hubs like the Jenin refugee camp and carry out a thorough operational campaign to dismantle the terror infrastructure in the camp,’ Katz said, calling such a plan ‘a shared interest of Israel, many regional states, and the entire free world – to halt the spread of Iran’s axis of evil.’ 

Katz’s statement comes as Israel is bracing for a possible retaliatory strike from Iran in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran late last month. 

Israel was immediately blamed for the assassination after pledging to kill Haniyeh and other Hamas leaders over the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack on the Jewish state, which killed 1,200 people and saw hundreds more taken hostage. 

Iranian-backed Hezbollah militants in Lebanon also late last month confirmed the death of Faud Shukr, its ‘No. 2’ commander who was involved in the 1983 Beirut bombings of a Marine barracks bombing that killed 241 U.S. military personnel. 

This comes as mediators United States, Qatar, and Egypt have been pushing for ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas to end the 10-month war. 

Mediators have spent months trying to get the sides to agree to a three-phase plan in which Hamas would release the remaining hostages captured in its Oct. 7 attack in exchange for Palestinians imprisoned by Israel and Israel would withdraw from Gaza. Talks have been expected to resume Thursday.

On Monday, France, Germany and Britain issued a joint statement endorsing the plan, while calling for the return of scores of hostages held by Hamas and the ‘unfettered’ delivery of humanitarian aid.

The statement was signed by French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. It also called on Iran and its allies to refrain from any retaliatory attacks that would further escalate regional tensions.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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The State Department on Monday denied a Wall Street Journal report that claimed the Biden administration had offered Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro amnesty in exchange for him stepping down from his 11-year reign.

‘That is not true,’ Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel told reporters during the question-and-answer portion of a press briefing Monday. ‘We have not made any offers to Maduro or others since this election.’

Patel’s comments were in stark contrast to claims made by ‘three people familiar with the Biden administration deliberation[s]’ regarding secret meetings held in Doha, Qatar in June and September 2023 between the U.S. and Venezuela, according to the Wall Street Journal report.

Details following the meetings have been scarce, though reports released last year indicated that chief adviser to Maduro, Jorge Rodríguez, and the White House National Security Council’s former senior director for the Western Hemisphere, Juan González, met at least twice to discuss an array of issues on top of the alleged amnesty proposal, including sanctions relief, according to a document posted by Maduro to X. The U.S., however, has never verified this information. 

The Wall Street Journal report further suggested that Maduro’s top officers facing judicial indictments over offenses relating to charges of conspiring to export cocaine to the U.S., could also see amnesty agreements. 

The State Department did not return Fox News Digital’s questions regarding the Wall Street Journal report, though a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council echoed the department’s claims.

‘Since the July 28 election, we have not made any specific offers of amnesty to Nicolás Maduro or others,’ Director of Strategic Communications and Assistant Spokesperson to the National Security Council Vanessa Vidal Castellanos told Fox News Digital.  

‘In coordination with our partners, we are considering a range of options to incentivize and pressure Maduro to recognize the election results and will continue to do so, but the responsibility is on Maduro and the Venezuela’s electoral authorities to come clean on the election results,’ she added. 

According to the report, an amnesty proposal was allegedly floated as a way to incentivize Maduro to step down before his term was set to end.

But Maduro was reportedly unwilling to ‘discuss arrangements where he would have to leave office’ — a position he has only doubled-down on since the national election last month.

Despite international calls for the Venezuelan president to step aside amid mounting evidence that shows he lost to opposition leader Edmundo González, Maduro has refused to relinquish his power. 

Secretary of State Antony Blinken echoed those calls last week and said, ‘In the days since the election, we have consulted widely with partners and allies around the world, and while countries have taken different approaches in responding, none have concluded that Nicolás Maduro received the most votes this election.’

‘Given the overwhelming evidence, it is clear to the United States and, most importantly, to the Venezuelan people that Edmundo González Urrutia won the most votes in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election.’

The UN General Assembly has offered to mediate the election results as a third party to resolve the growing unrest in Venezuela.

Despite mounting pressure to step down, Maduro’s regime has arrested thousands of protesters and dissidents, maintained military loyalty and has elected the pro-Maduro Supreme Court to resolve any election disputes. 

Maduro’s position on leaving office is reported to be ‘unchanged.’

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Hurry up. America’s top shooters are moving into position to target Iran.  With Sunday night’s announcement hastening the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and moving the submarine USS Georgia under U.S. Central Command’s control, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is making sure U.S. Central Command is prepared to attack Iran, and/or its proxies, if Tehran strikes Israel in the next few days.

Air Force F-22 fighter jet pilots have already unpacked their bags at a Middle East base where they arrived Aug 8.  Here are more top shooters under Central Command’s operational control – that we know of. 

The guided missile submarine USS Georgia

It’s very unusual for the Pentagon to make announcements about secretive submarines. But then, theUSS Georgia is a very special vessel.  Powered by a nuclear reactor, the USS Georgia began life as an Ohio-class ‘boomer’ designed to carry nuclear weapons, then underwent a high-tech conversion into a conventional guided-missile attack submarine.  Now she can carry an astounding 154 precision Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise Missiles.  And SEAL teams with mini-submarines.  Add in a highly advanced communication suite, and USS Georgia can stare down Iran all by herself. 

The USS Georgia was already on exercises in Europe and is positioning in the Eastern Mediterranean. Her Tomahawk missiles have roughly a 1,000-mile range, which equates to good coverage well into Iran.  The most modern Tomahawks also accept targeting updates while in flight, giving commanders maximum flexibility to act on fresh intelligence. 

Eight U.S. Navy destroyers

That’s six in the Persian Gulf, and two more in the Red Sea, per a count from the Washington Post on Aug. 2.  Crews from ships like USS Laboon have been whacking Houthi drones, missiles and unmanned boats for months.  The DDG-51 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers can fire Tomahawks, too, as but the destroyers will have some of their vertical launch tubes loaded with Standard Missiles for air defense across the region, as seen when Iran attacked Israel back in April. 

Two aircraft carriers

Austin ordered the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln to speed up its transit from the Pacific to the Middle East, where the USS Theodore Roosevelt is already running sustained flight operations.  Nuclear-powered carriers can charge ahead at 35 knots per hour without slacking off, since they don’t refuel.  The Middle East crisis has compelled Central Command to keep a carrier in the Red Sea area almost non-stop for 10 months and it has required four carriers – Ford, Eisenhower, Roosevelt and Lincoln – to meet the tasking. Moving the Lincoln actually leaves the Navy one carrier short in the Pacific. 

A squadron of F-35C carrier jets flown by Marines

Austin touted the F-35Cs on the Lincoln by name on Sunday, because these stealthy, carrier-based jets have tremendous radar and other sensor capabilities known to intimidate Iran.  In an unusual twist, it’s a U.S. Marine Corps squadron flying the F-35Cs.  Other Marines fly the F-35B vertical take-off and landing variant with amphibious ships.  But this squadron, the ‘Black Knights’ of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron VMFA 314, trains and flies as part of Carrier Air Wing 9.  (Don’t look so shocked.  Marines flew from carriers in World War II and Korea.)

F/A-18EF Superhornets

Yes, the very jet flown by Tom Cruise in ‘Top Gun: Maverick.’  Carrier Air Wing 11 on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt has three F/A-18E squadrons.  They have been busy day and night with air patrols against Houthi aggression in the Red Sea and doing their part in knocking out Houthi drones, missiles and unmanned boats. 

Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles

This ground-attack variant of the F-15 air superiority fighter is affectionately known as the ‘Mud Eagle’ and has been operating quietly in theater for ages. The F-15Es are true fighter-bombers, and their most experienced pilots have thousands of combat hours from the anti-ISIS war.  The two-seat F-15Es carry air-to-air missiles, a gun and ‘any nuclear or conventional weapon in the USAF inventory.’ Just so you know, Iran.

Austin’s choice to deploy America’s top of the line strike options serves two purposes. The first, obviously, is to deter Iran and constrain Iran’s tactical options as the mullahs mull their retaliation plans.  But the specific choice of these forces is to provide Central Command with capability for sustained, precision strikes against military targets in Iran or among Iran’s militia groups.

Don’t forget that U.S. B-2 bombers can reach any spot on the globe.  Also, B-1 bombers were used by Central Command in attacks on Syrian targets. I would not be surprised to see the B-1s in action again with their joint stand-off missiles.

Beyond this, expect Britain, France, regional allies like Jordan, and others to have forces in play.

Of course, China is taking note of this firepower display. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi issued a statement on Saturday supporting Iran’s ‘dignity’ and right to self-defense, whatever that means.  Iran is the center of Mideast terror and China is Iran’s top ally. 

Gen. Erik Kurilla at U.S. Central Command will soon have all he needs to defend, deter or strike back. 

As they strive to keep a lid on this crisis, we owe a big debt of gratitude to the American men and women making these crisis deployments in the Middle East. 

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Democrats have continued to push a vulgar falsehood about former President Trump’s running mate Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, despite the claim being debunked weeks ago.

‘It undermines their moralizing about Trump’s falsehoods and gives Trump an opportunity to say it’s ‘the pot calling the kettle black,’’ Democratic strategist Julian Epstein told Fox News Digital.

Epstein’s comment comes as Democrats show no signs of ditching the Vance ‘couch meme,’ a vulgar rumor that originated on social media last month that Trump’s running mate described a sex act he performed on a couch in his 2016 memoir, ‘Hillbilly Elegy.’

Despite the claim being quickly debunked, its viral spread was picked up by Democrats and spawned jokes and memes across social media.

The falsehood even made its way to the top of the Democratic ticket, with Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, cracking a joke about the rumor during a speech in Philadelphia the same day Harris announced he was joining the ticket.

‘I got to tell you, I can’t wait to debate [Vance]. That is if — if he’s willing to get off the couch and show up,’ Walz said during the remarks as Harris smirked behind him, according to a recounting of the event on NBC News. ‘You see what I did there?’

The moment went viral on the Harris campaign’s TikTok account, named Kamala HQ, garnering 5.3 million views, NBC reported, noting that Democrats have continued to use the joke despite the release of fact-checks debunking the rumor by several media outlets.

In one such example, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent a news release on July 26 targeting Trump’s decision to pick Vance, joking that Republicans are ‘couching their public praise of Trump’s vice presidential nominee with private criticism.’

On July 27, the Kamala HQ X account shared a screenshot of Vance’s moments on ‘cat ladies’ with the caption that the Ohio senator ‘does not couch his hatred for women.’

A day later, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, long believed to be a potential candidate to join Harris on the ticket, joked on ABC News that while Trump ‘talks about all kinds of crazy stuff,’ Vance is ‘getting known for his obsession with couches.’

Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla., has also leaned into the joke, responding to Vance’s post asking why Harris had not been taking questions from the media.

‘I’ve been on Air Force 2 JD, there is a great couch on it,’ Moskowitz said in an August 7 post on X.

The continued veiled jabs at Vance over a debunked rumor seemingly fly in the face of one of the main Democratic criticisms of Trump, who the party has long claimed peddled misinformation and false claims for political benefit.

That criticism of Trump took center stage during the 2016 Democratic National Convention, when then-first lady Michelle Obama famously declare ‘when they go low, we go high,’ in reference to the attacks on her and her family.

‘More than anything else, Democrats want to memory-hole the Biden/Harris record of the last four years. They want to memory-hole Harris’ fringe left views from just five years ago.’

Obama doubled down on the theme during the 2020 convention in support of President Biden, declaring that ‘going high is the only thing that works.’

Moskowitz has nevertheless defended his party’s apparent double standard, arguing on social media that continuing the spread of the rumor is just jokes and does not compare to the lies spread by Trump.

‘For 2 years we had to hear that Joe Biden was an international super criminal mastermind from Despicable Me 3. You will listen to couch story,’ he said last month.

Moskowitz’s office did not immediately respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment.

However, Epstein believes Democrats are making a ‘mistake’ by continuing to lean into the falsehood, though she argued getting into a ‘tit for tat campaign of insult comedy’ would also be a ‘trap for the Republicans.’

‘More than anything else, Democrats want to memory-hole the Biden/Harris record of the last four years,’ Epstein said. ‘They want to memory-hole Harris’ fringe left views from just five years ago.’

The Harris campaign did not immediately respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment.

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On Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 2 a.m., the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, was assassinated in Tehran, just a day after Fuad Shukr, the most powerful military commander of Hezbollah, was killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut, Lebanon. 

Shukr was wanted by the U.S. for 41 years, with a $5 million ‘Rewards for Justice’ bounty for any information about him due to his central role in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, which killed 241 U.S. military personnel and wounded 128 others. Haniyeh also directed and celebrated the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, which resulted in the killing of 1,200 people and over 300 days of hostage-taking of hundreds, including Americans, by Hamas.

Adding to the shock, Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper, citing an unnamed source in Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, reported that a high-level American security delegation, brokered by Oman, secretly traveled to Tehran. 

Their mission was to deliver a ‘calming and cautionary’ message to deescalate the situation and ensure the supreme leader of Iran understood that the Biden-Harris administration was ‘kept in the dark’ by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the killing of two major terrorist leaders last week. 

The detailed report stated that the American delegation, arriving on a private plane from Turkey, landed at Payam-e-Khorram Airport in Karaj on Thursday and held a two-hour meeting with Iranian officials before returning to Ankara. 

According to the same report, ‘the delegation presented a list containing the names of ten Mossad agents inside Iran, whom the Americans believe were involved in the assassination, directly or indirectly. This was intended as a good faith initiative in response to the Israeli state’s stunning strike, which was carried out without coordination with Washington.’ It could be one of the most valuable souvenirs given to the Iranian mullahs lately.

Although the U.S. State Department rejected the report on Sunday, later in the week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that to deescalate the conflict, the Biden administration had ‘engaged in intense diplomacy with allies and partners, communicating that message directly to Iran,’ which largely confirms the Kuwaiti newspaper’s report. 

Additionally, immediately after the reported visit by the U.S. delegation, ‘more than two dozen people, including senior intelligence officers, military officials, and staff workers at a military-run guesthouse in Tehran,’ were arrested in response to the assassination of the Hamas leader, according to the New York Times based on reports from two Iranians familiar with the investigation.

Iran delayed its retaliation attacks on Israel, a move for which some in the Biden administration claimed credit. However, on Monday, Aug. 5, 2024, two major events clearly demonstrated that the supreme leader of Iran did not respect the Biden administration’s pleas for deescalation and did not appreciate the American overtures. On that day, Iran-backed militias in Iraq attacked an American Army base, injuring five U.S. troops and two contractors.

Simultaneously, a high-ranking Russian delegation, led by Sergei Shoigu, the secretary of Russia’s Security Council and a senior ally of Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin, visited Iran. The delegation included Russia’s defense ministers and several Russian army generals, who met with Tehran’s top leaders.

They delivered Putin’s direct message to his minion the Comrade Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ordering him not to act recklessly by attacking Israel with outdated missiles as they did on April 13, an act that resulted in humiliation. Putin promised to soon deliver advanced weapons, including air defenses, to Iran.

Additionally, the Islamic regime of Pakistan announced plans to provide Iran with advanced ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, in case the supreme leader decides to launch a nuclear attack on Israel.

It is clear that it was not U.S. diplomacy that worked but rather Russian military and intelligence advice/orders that influenced Iran’s decisions. 

We are on the brink of World War III. Russia and China’s Communist Party are setting their war chessboard. Iran’s regime is likely to attack Israel with a nuclear bomb soon unless Israel, with the help of America, destroys all nuclear and missile facilities of Iran, thereby giving the Iranian people an opportunity to overthrow the weakened regime of the mullahs.

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