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A long-term study of Havana Syndrome patients was shut down after a National Institute of Health (NIH) internal review board found participants who reported being pressured to join the research.The study had until now not found evidence linking the participants to the same symptoms and brain injuries. The internal investigation that halted the study was prompted by complaints from the participants about unethical practices.

This comes after the intelligence community released an interim report last year concluding a foreign adversary is ‘very unlikely’ to be behind the symptoms hundreds of U.S. intelligence officers are experiencing, despite qualifying for U.S. government funded treatment of their brain injuries. 

In a statement to Fox News an NIH spokesperson stated, ‘In March 2024, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) initiated an investigation in response to concerns from participants who were evaluated as part of a study on Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI), the results of which were published in the journal JAMA. The investigation was conducted by the NIH Office of Intramural Research and the NIH Research Compliance Review Committee, an Institutional Review Board (IRB) within the NIH. The NIH investigation found that regulatory and NIH policy requirements for informed consent were not met due to coercion, although not on the part of NIH researchers.’

The statement continued, ‘Given the role of voluntary consent as a fundamental pillar of the ethical conduct of research, NIH has stopped the study out of an abundance of caution. In NIH’s assessment, these investigative findings do not impact the conclusions of the study. NIH has shared this update with both participants and JAMA.’

A former CIA officer, who goes by Adam to protect his identity, was not shocked that the study was shut down.

‘The way the study was conducted, at best, was dishonest and, at worst, wades into the criminal side of the scale,’ Adam said.

Adam is Havana Syndrome’s Patient Zero because he was the first to experience the severe sensory phenomena that hundreds of other U.S. government workers have experienced while stationed overseas in places like Havana and Moscow, even China. Adam described pressure to the brain that led to vertigo, tinnitus and cognitive impairment.

Active-duty service members, spies, FBI agents, diplomats and even children and pets have experienced this debilitating sensation that patients believe is caused by a pulsed energy weapon. 334 Americans have qualified to get treatment for Havana Syndrome in specialized military health facilities, according to a study released by the U.S. government accountability office earlier this year.

Adam, who was first attacked in December 2016 in his bedroom in Havana described hearing a loud sound penetrating his room. ‘Kind of like someone was taking a pencil and bouncing it off your eardrum… Eventually I started blacking out,’ Adam said.

Patients, like Adam, who participated in the NIH study raised concerns the CIA was including patients who didn’t really qualify as Havana Syndrome patients, watering down the data being analyzed by NIH researchers. Meanwhile, also pressuring those who needed treatment at Walter Reed to participate in the NIH study in order to get treatment at Walter Reed.

‘It became pretty clear quite quickly that something was amiss and how it was being handled and how patients were being filtered… the CIA dictated who would go. NIH often complained to us behind the scenes that the CIA was not providing adequate, matched control groups, and they flooded in a whole litany of people that likely weren’t connected or had other medical issues that really muddied the water,’ Adam said, accusing the NIH of working with the CIA.

The CIA is cooperating.

‘We cannot comment on whether any CIA officers participated in the study. However, we take any claim of coercion, or perceived coercion, extremely seriously and fully cooperated with NIH’s review of this matter, and have offered access to any information requested,’ a CIA official told Fox News in a statement noting that the ‘CIA Inspector General has been made aware of the NIH findings and prior related allegations.’ 

Havana Syndrome victims now want to pressure the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) to retract the two articles published last spring using early data from the NIH study that concluded there were no significant MRI-detectable evidence of brain injury among the group of participants compared with a group of matched control participants.

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China on Sunday released U.S. pastor David Lin, who has been in jail since 2006 in what the State Department has deemed was a wrongful detainment. 

The now 68-year-old pastor was formally arrested in 2009 for ‘contract fraud’ and sentenced to life in prison after allegedly aiding a non-government sanctioned house church. His sentence was later reduced and he was set to be released in April 2030.

According to a U.S.-based China advocacy group, China Aid, which was founded to assist persecuted activists, Lin had been traveling to China since the 1990s for missionary work.

Lin reportedly applied for a license through the Chinese government to organize a Christian ministry, but the request is believed to have been denied.

House churches are congregations in China that have not been approved by the Chinese government, but are reportedly picking up traction across the country despite government crackdowns, according to Christian websites. 

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) in 2019 warned that it suspected Lin was being targeted in prison due to his faith, and voiced concern over his safety and health.

‘Before his imprisonment, Pastor Lin was active in Beijing’s house church movement, which has long-faced hostility from Chinese authorities,’ the USCIRF said in a 2019 statement. ‘House churches are independent of state-sponsored religious organizations, and those who participate in and lead house churches often face intimidation, harassment, arrest, and harsh sentences.’

The State Department did not respond to specific questions from Fox News Digital regarding Lin’s release but instead said,’We welcome David Lin’s release from prison in the People’s Republic of China.’ 

‘He has returned to the United States and now gets to see his family for the first time in nearly 20 years,’ the spokesperson added. 

Reports show that the Biden administration has been attempting to secure Lin’s release for years, including as recently as July when Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Laos.

The administration, U.S. rights groups and lawmakers on the Hill continue to call for the release of other Americans still wrongfully held in China, including businessman Kai Li, who is being held on alleged espionage-related charges, and Mark Swidan, who was sentenced on drug charges.  

Nelson Wells Jr. and Dawn Michelle Hunt have also been ‘wrongfully imprisoned’ over alleged drug-related charges, according to the Dui Hua Foundation, a U.S.-based human rights group that focuses on political prisoners and other at-risk detainees.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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GOP Sen. Josh Hawley released a wide-ranging report Monday morning detailing the failures of the Secret Service in connection with the first assassination attempt against former President Trump in July, including new whistleblower allegations that are ‘highly damaging to the credibility’ of the agency. 

Hawley, R-Mo., shared his report with the House Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump to supplement their investigation. 

Hawley found a ‘compounding pattern of negligence, sloppiness, and gross incompetence that goes back years, all of which culminated in an assassination attempt that came inches from succeeding.’ 

‘On July 13, 2024, former President Donald J. Trump was nearly killed by an assassin’s bullet while hosting a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Secret Service failed to prevent it,’ the Hawley report states. ‘It was the most stunning breakdown in presidential security since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan.’ 

Hawley said the Secret Service, FBI and Department of Homeland Security ‘have all tried to evade real accountability.’ 

‘These agencies and their leaders have slow-walked congressional investigations, misled the American people, and shirked responsibility,’ the report states. 

After the first of two assassination attempts against Trump in just over two months, Hawley visited the Butler rally site to interview whistleblowers and opened up a whistleblower tip line, encouraging those with relevant information to share with officials. 

‘The resulting findings are highly damaging to the credibility of the Secret Service and DHS,’ the report states. ‘They reveal a compounding pattern of negligence, sloppiness, and gross incompetence that goes back years, all of which culminated in an assassination attempt that came inches from succeeding.’ 

Whistleblowers provided valuable information to Hawley, including that the Secret Service’s Counter Surveillance Division, which performs threat assessments of event sites, did not perform a typical evaluation of the Butler site and was not present on the day of the rally. 

Hawley also learned that Secret Service personnel ‘declined multiple offers from a local law enforcement partner to deploy drone technology, despite the fact that the would-be assassin used a drone to survey the rally site mere hours before the attempted assassination.’ 

Hawley also learned that the Secret Service’s Office of Protective Operations-Manpower told agents in charge of security for the rally ‘not to request additional security resources because they would be denied.’ 

The report also outlines other whistleblower allegations, including that law enforcement personnel ‘abandoned’ the rooftop where would-be assassin Thomas Crooks attempted to assassinate Trump ‘because of hot weather.’

The report also said the Secret Service agent with the responsibility of the security of the site, including ‘line-of-site concerns,’ was allegedly ‘known to be incompetent.’ 

‘That incompetence led to the placement of items like flags around the Butler stage and catwalk, impairing visibility,’ the report states. 

Whistleblowers also told Hawley that supplemental DHS personnel were used to fill in shortages of Secret Service personnel on the day of the rally. Some of those agents were allegedly pulled off of child exploitation cases. Whistleblowers said their training was ‘merely a poor-quality, two-hour webinar.’ 

Meanwhile, Hawley revealed in the report that the lead agent responsible for the Butler rally ‘failed a key examination during their federal law enforcement training to become a Secret Service agent.’ 

Hawley also was told that Secret Service intelligence units – or teams of Secret Service agents paired with state and local law enforcement to handle reports of suspicious persons – were allegedly absent from the Butler rally.

Whistleblowers also told Hawley that the hospital site where Trump received treatment after the shooting was ‘poorly secured, and the hospital site agent could not answer basic questions about site security.’ 

Kimberly Cheatle, who was the director of the Secret Service at the time of the rally, resigned from her post amid mounting pressure from congressional lawmakers on both sides of the aisle after the massive security failure. 

The Secret Service’s assistant director, Michael Plati, is also retiring. 

At least five Secret Service agents have been placed on leave since the assassination attempt in July. 

Trump was shot with Crooks’ bullet, which pierced the upper part of his right ear. As Secret Service agents led him away, with blood dripping down his cheek and his right ear, the former president raised his arm defiantly. 

Trump, just a day later, traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for the 2024 Republican National Convention. He attended events each night of the convention, and on the final night, formally accepted the GOP presidential nomination. 

Hawley released his report just a day after the second assassination attempt against Trump. 

Trump was golfing at his course at Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach, Florida, Sunday when Secret Service agents spotted and began shooting at another would-be assassin – Ryan Wesley Routh – who allegedly had an AK-47 pointed at the former president on the green. 

Routh was arrested. Routh laughed and smiled ahead of his first court appearance in Florida on Monday, Fox News confirmed. 

He was charged with possession of firearm by convicted felon and possession of firearm with obliterated serial number. 

The first offense carried a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison, a $250,000 fine and supervised release. The second offense carried a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a $250,000 fine and supervised release. Routh responded ‘yes’ when asked if he understood the penalties. 

Fox News is told additional federal charges are possible. The initial charges announced Monday will keep Routh in custody.

The detention hearing is scheduled for Sept. 23, and the probable cause hearing is set for Sept. 30.

Routh has had at least 100 run-ins with law enforcement before his most recent arrest. 

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Trump said the rhetoric of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris is causing him to be ‘shot at,’ following the second assassination attempt against him since July, while telling Fox News Digital that the suspected gunman ‘acted’ on ‘highly inflammatory language’ of Democrats.  

‘He believed the rhetoric of Biden and Harris, and he acted on it,’ Trump said of the gunman in an interview with Fox News Digital. ‘Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country – both from the inside and out.’ 

Trump pointed to Biden and Harris’ past comments casting Trump as a ‘threat to democracy,’ while telling Americans they are ‘unity’ leaders. 

‘They are the opposite,’ Trump said. ‘These are people that want to destroy our country.’ 

He added: ‘It is called the enemy from within. They are the real threat.’

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Fifty days until Election Day – and the race for the White House is rocked once again.

Two months after former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at a rally in western Pennsylvania, the Secret Service opened fire while Trump was playing golf at one of his courses in southern Florida to prevent what appeared to be a second assassination attempt against the former president.

After decades without an assassination attempt against a sitting president or major party presidential nominee, for the second time this summer, the nation has narrowly avoided a tragedy of gigantic proportions that would only further deepen the nation’s already firmly cemented polarization.

‘Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!’ the former president vowed in a fundraising email to supporters on Sunday, following the incident.

A top Trump ally, Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, argued in a statement that ‘as Americans we must unite behind him in November to protect our republic and bring peace back to the world.’

It is way too early to gauge whether the latest incident will impact the race between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris to succeed President Biden. 

The only thing that is certain is that the time left in the 2024 campaign is fleeting.

Harris emphasized that the ‘clock is ticking,’ as she called on supporters at a fundraiser on Saturday to volunteer and mobilize their friends to vote.

‘Please join our teams in our battleground states and help register folks to vote. … And talk with your neighbors and your friends about the stakes,’ she urged.

With the first and potentially only debate between the Democratic and Republican Party presidential nominees now in the rearview mirror, and early voting and absentee balloting starting to get underway, the showdown between Harris and Trump remains a margin-of-error race in the seven crucial battleground states that determined the outcome of Biden’s 2020 victory over Trump and will likely determine the winner of the 2024 election.

The latest Fox News Power Rankings currently rates six of the seven states as toss-ups.

Those states – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona and Nevada – have seen the bulk of the campaign traffic from the Democratic and GOP tickets and are the battlefields in the ad wars between the two sides. 

‘I think this is going to be a turnout exercise. Whoever does a better job of turning out their voters in those seven states will win,’ veteran Republican strategist Nicole Schlinger told Fox News.

Harris’ campaign, touting an ‘historic, 24-hour haul,’ last week showcased their fundraising prowess by hauling in $47 million in the immediate aftermath of the debate.

The money raked in by the Harris campaign was the latest sign of the vice president’s surge in fundraising in the nearly two months since she replaced Biden atop the Democrats’ 2024 national ticket.

‘Fifty-days is a lifetime in politics, but today I’d much rather be Kamala Harris than Donald Trump,’ longtime Democratic strategist Joe Caizzzo, a veteran of multiple presidential campaigns, said. ‘I think the enthusiasm remains overwhelmingly with the Democrats but there’s still a lot of work to be done.’

The Harris campaign highlights that it is investing much of its fundraising dollars into its grassroots outreach and get-out-the vote efforts, noting that it is ‘putting its resources into reaching the voters who will decide the election.’

The large ground game operation, originally constructed when Biden was the nominee, according to the campaign, includes over 312 offices and more than 2,000 staff in the key battlegrounds coordinated between the presidential campaign, the DNC and state Democratic parties.

In a straight Harris campaign and the DNC comparison to the Trump campaign and the RNC, the Democrats enjoy a sizable ground game advantage. However, Trump is relying on a handful of aligned outside groups to help run turnout operations that are traditionally performed by a presidential campaign. 

Republican National Committee Chair Michael Whatley took issue with the suggestion that the Democrats enjoyed a stronger get-out-the-vote operation.

‘No, they don’t have a stronger ground game. I feel very, very comfortable about the ground game we’re putting in place through Trump Force 47,’ the RNC chair emphasized in a Fox News Digital interview last week.

Whatley pledged that ‘we absolutely have the resources that we need to get our message out to all the voters that we’re talking to and feel very comfortable that we’re going to be able to see this campaign through, and we’re going to win on November 5.’

Additionally, Schlinger, a veteran of numerous Republican presidential campaigns, says on the key issue, Trump has the advantage.

‘Voters whose number one issue is the economy believe the economy is headed in the wrong direction and believe Donald Trump will do a better job fixing that,’ she emphasized. ‘Harris, I think, has an uphill climb explaining how she’ll do anything different than Joe Biden on that.’

Schlinger added for undecided voters, familiarity with the GOP nominee could give Trump an edge.

‘Nearly a third of voters have said they need to know more about Kamala Harris. With President Trump you know what you get, and I think that’s an advantage for Republicans,’ she argued.

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The Apache tribe in Arizona is taking a fight with the federal government and copper producers to the Supreme Court, which they hope will protect what they say is their religious rights to sacred ground. 

Apache Stronghold, a nonprofit group representing the tribe’s interests, is fighting to preserve Oak Flat — what the Apaches say is their ‘direct corridor to the Creator and the locus of sacred ceremonies that cannot take place elsewhere.’

According to the petition filed at the high court, the government ‘has long protected Apache rituals there.’

‘But because copper was discovered beneath Oak Flat, the government decided to transfer the site to Respondent Resolution Copper for a mine that will undisputedly destroy Oak Flat — swallowing it in a massive crater and ending sacred Apache rituals forever.’ 

Apache Stronghold argues that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and the Free Exercise Clause forbids the government to do so and are asking it to reverse a lower court decision.

‘In a fractured en banc ruling cobbled together from two separate 6-5 majorities, the Ninth Circuit rejected both claims. Although the court acknowledged that destroying Oak Flat would ‘literally prevent’ the Apaches from engaging in religious exercise, it nevertheless concluded that doing so would not ‘substantially burden’ their religious exercise under RFRA, relying on this Court’s pre-RFRA decision in Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association,’ the petition states. 

‘And while the majority acknowledged that singling out Oak Flat for destruction is ‘plainly not ‘generally applicable,’ it rejected the free-exercise claim ‘for the same reasons’ — no substantial burden,’ it continues. 

Oak Flat is a 6.7-square-mile sacred site east of Superior, Arizona. The site includes old-growth oak groves, sacred springs, burial locations and a singular concentration of archaeological sites testifying to its persistent use for the past 1,500 years, the Apache’s argue. 

Wendsler Nosie of the Apache Stronghold described it as the Mount Sinai of their faith. 

‘That’s where our ceremonial ways have been born, the identity of who we are, and the continuing of who we are as people, to how we’re created and how we’re placed onto this earth.’ Nosie said in an interview with Fox News Digital. ‘The meaning behind it is made so much more when it comes to the spirituality of an individual tied to mother earth and to the Creator.’  

‘One example is the Sunrise Ceremony, a multi-day celebration marking an Apache girl’s entry into womanhood,’ the legal filing states. 

‘To prepare, the girl gathers plants from Oak Flat that contain ‘the spirit of Chi’chil Biłdagoteel.’  As she gathers, she speaks to the spirit of Oak Flat, expressing gratitude for its resources. Ibid. Her godmother dresses her in ‘the essential tools of . . . becoming a woman,’ and tribal members surround her with singing, dancing, and prayer.’ 

According to the filing, in 1995, a large copper deposit was discovered 4,500 to 7,000 feet beneath Oak Flat. Hoping to obtain the deposit, two large multinational mining companies, Rio Tinto and BHP, formed a joint venture called Resolution Copper. From 2005 to 2013, congressional supporters of Resolution Copper introduced at least twelve standalone bills to transfer Oak Flat to the company, but each one failed. 

In 2014, Republican Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake attached the land-transfer bill to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), authorizing the transfer of a 2,422-acre parcel including Oak Flat to Resolution Copper in exchange for about 5,344 acres scattered elsewhere.

The bill revokes the presidential orders protecting Oak Flat from mining and directs the Secretary of Agriculture to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the proposed mine.

Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack published the EIS on Jan. 15, 2021, which said the mine would destroy Oak Flat.

Lawyers for Becket, a nonprofit law firm that defends religious liberties and is representing Apache Stronghold, say the government is trampling their clients’ religious freedoms. 

‘They effectively say that there’s a carve-out from RFRA for the government’s management of federal land, that if the government makes it impossible for you to exercise your religion, that’s a substantial burden, but that rule doesn’t apply to federal land,’ Becket counsel Joe Davis explained in an interview with Fox News Digital. 

‘But there’s really no basis in the law that Congress wrote for that kind of argument,’ he said. 

‘RFRA, on its face, says that it applies to all federal law and the implementation of that law, and it says that the use of land for religious purposes is a religious exercise that the law is designed to protect.’ he said. 

The Supreme Court could decide to take up the case as soon as October. 

‘Blasting the birthplace of Apache religion into oblivion would be an egregious violation of our nation’s promise of religious freedom for people of all faiths,’ said Luke Goodrich, vice president of Becket. ‘The Court should uphold its strong record of defending religious freedom by ensuring that the Apaches can continue worshiping at Oak Flat as they have for centuries.’

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A bipartisan pair of senators is introducing a new bill on the fourth anniversary of the Abraham Accords to deepen cooperation between U.S. and Middle East partners. 

The LINK Act, brought forth by Sens. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, and Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., co-chairs of the Abraham Accords Caucus, would establish a ‘military subject matter exchange program’ to deepen cultural ties and strategic cooperation between American troops and allies in the Middle East. 

‘In the face of emboldened Iranian aggression, I’m deepening the historic partnerships created through the Abraham Accords four years ago today,’ said Ernst.

‘More cooperation among our Middle East partners is what Tehran fears. The LINK Act accomplishes this by coordinating military planning and creating a permanent and effective defense alliance. By working hand-in-hand with our partners, the strength and security of our nations grows.’

The pair of senators had three of their previous Middle East-related bills signed into law. 

The Gulf States of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain signed a normalization deal with Israel in 2020, brokered by the U.S., known as the Abraham Accords.

As part of the agreements, UAE and Bahrain recognized Israel’s sovereignty and established full diplomatic relations. It was the first time Israel had established peace with an Arab country since 1994 with the Israel-Jordan peace treaty. 

In the months that followed, Sudan and Morocco signed deals to normalize relations with Israel. 

The bill comes at a time of sky-high tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Israel and Saudi Arabia had been nearing a deal that included the U.S. and would have normalized relations when Hamas launched its Oct. 7 attack on Israel. 

The U.S. has been bolstering its relations with nations in the Middle East to counter the growing threat of a potential nuclear Iran – even ones with mixed human rights records like Egypt and Saudi Arabia. 

The Biden administration recently lifted a hold on $320 million in military aid to Egypt that it had frozen in response to human rights concerns, bringing the total amount up to $1.3 billion transferred from Washington to Cairo this year. 

Egypt is playing a central role in the talks between Hamas and Israel about a cease-fire agreement.

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Toward the end of his presidency, Ronald Reagan was doing the standard round of exit interviews, one with Tom Brokaw of NBC. During the taping, Brokaw asked Reagan a rather brilliant question, namely, was there anything from Reagan’s Hollywood days that helped him become a better president? 

The Gipper thought for a moment and finally replied, ‘I don’t know how you can do this job and not be an actor.’ There was great wisdom in what Reagan had to say.

Shakespeare was right. ‘All the world is a stage.’ The great leaders of the world all knew about presentation. Think about it. 

Julius Caesar in his finest armor. Napoleon insisted on his own uniform, and that of his men be presentable. George Washington understood that what one looks like is a part of leadership. He never went before his men without being dressed in his finest, his horse brushed, and the leather well-tended. He said little publicly, which only added to his aura. When he went before the Constitutional Convention, he was always dressed in his finest uniform. Same with Robert E. Lee. When he went to surrender to Gen. U.S. Grant, the Confederate leader put on his best uniform. 

Sun Tzu once said that ‘victorious warriors win first then go to war.’ By that, he meant winners gain a psychological advantage before engaging the enemy. And presentation is a large part of that advantage.

Dressing in character is also a part of leadership. Abraham Lincoln was no slave to fashion, but the old log splitter understood his ruffled style worked for him. It was what citizens wanted. It was a part of his authenticity.

The internet is replete with stories about leadership and presentation, something lost on the intelligentsia today. Donald Trump has his own style, and that is key. His rallies are a lot of entertaining and informative. He commands attention. He obviously has fun on stage.

In that manner, Trump may be the most exciting president in modern history. From his hair style to his ubiquitous red hat to his rallies, everything is unique. None of it is accidental; Trump has always understood the importance of not just being a leader but also being seen as a leader. Donald Trump in a Speedo would not work for him. JFK in a bathing suit worked for him. In fact, JFK was one of those lucky men who clothing always looked ‘leaderly’ on. Manly. In control.

Arguably, no moment revealed Trump’s leadership more profoundly than when, just moments after his assassination attempt, he stood up before the audience, put his fists in the air, and shouted with defiance, ‘Fight!’

Juxtapose this with his current ultra leftist challenger. There is nothing iconic or memorable about the Kamala Harris campaign. Her campaign sign is arguably one of the most bland ever conceived of, static white letters on a plain blue field. 

Harris has tried her best to coin phrases like ‘coconut army’ and ‘brat.’ They’ve even gone so far as to try and appropriate the patina of rural Americans by slapping the Harris campaign logo on a camouflage hat and calling it a day. Just the other day, she tried out a southern accent, Of course, it backfired. Her presentation seems so forced, so insincere. Fakery.

The American people crave authenticity, and they see right through phonies. California coastal elite Kamala Harris in a camouflage hat isn’t authentic. It didn’t work when then-presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren attempted to do a livestream with a beer. It didn’t work when Barack Obama had the White House release photos of him at a gun range. And it most definitely didn’t work when Michael Dukakis rode in a tank in 1988. 

The socialist Tim Walz is even worse. He screams fraud! The cognitive dissonance between the trappings of mainstream America and the ideology of a far-left ivory tower elite is making him inauthentic to millions of Americans. He’s not even good enough to be a cliché. He is something worse.

Even Democrats concede that no president in modern history has created more iconic looks than Ronald Reagan. From his California ranch to his cowboy boots to his legendary Stetson hat, Reagan looked and felt exactly like what a conservative should be. Bold, classic, individualistic and quintessentially American.

For this and a thousand other reasons, Reagan is now regarded as one of our four greatest presidents. And Biden? People have already forgotten him and his presidency. To coin a phrase, he will be consigned to the dustbin of history where all miserable presidents belong. His presentation and lack of leadership have banished him to the list of failed presidents.

And Shakespeare was right: ‘The play’s the thing!’

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Due to weakness in the White House, we are experiencing chaos in the Middle East, strikes on our servicemembers, the bloodiest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust, and Americans still held hostage by Iran-backed Hamas.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Four years ago, we were celebrating the signing of the Abraham Accords, a historic advancement to peace in the Middle East ushered in under the Trump administration. On September 15, 2020, President Trump forged these agreements, facilitating the greatest deal between Israel and Arab countries in modern history. Americans, Israelis, and Arabs were brought together under a common vision. Cultural, economic, and defense ties were deepened, and the world watched as Iran’s biggest fear came true: a more unified and prosperous Middle East. This was peace through strength in action.

As a combat veteran who served in the Middle East, I co-founded the Abraham Accords Caucus, so Congress could build upon the Accords’ strong foundation. Through this work, I’ve created laws to strengthen and expand these agreements by establishing integrated defense systems with our allies and partners to protect from Iran-backed attacks on land and at sea.

Unfortunately, after three-and-a-half years of Biden and Harris in the White House, Iran-backed terrorists have put these efforts to the ultimate test. In April, the U.S., Israel, and our Arab partners worked together to shoot down a barrage of 300 Iranian projectiles, a feat made possible by my DEFEND Act. Additionally, my MARITIME Act paved the way for us to work with our partners to counter Iran-backed Houthis’ near daily threats in the Red Sea that disrupt innocent civilians and commerce.

The world is on fire and it has cost American lives.

It’s clear that Iran wants chaos; and, under President Biden and Vice President Harris’ lack of leadership, their wishes have come true.

The Biden-Harris White House has refused to enforce sanctions on Tehran, allowing the regime to fuel and fund its proxy terrorism and hostage diplomacy. Emboldened by this administration’s decisions, Iran-backed Hamas worked to undo the progress made by the Abraham Accords when these terrorists invaded Israel on October 7, 2023.

And yet, 11 months since this invasion, Israel and Arab states have demonstrated that they remain committed to the Trump-led agreement despite ongoing tensions in the region. While this is proof that the unifying strength behind the Abraham Accords is alive, we must be vigilant to ensure progress does not unravel because of the Biden-Harris administration’s appeasement. 

During my fourth trip to the Middle East since the October 7th attack, regional leaders told me they are ready to give up on American leadership. Make no mistake, this is a result of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ decision to abandon our allies and embolden our adversaries – it started with the Afghanistan withdrawal and has continued to this day.

The world is on fire, and it has cost American lives.

Now more than ever, we must build upon the Trump-era Abraham Accords, which is why I’m furthering my work to ensure Israel, and our allies, have a comprehensive strategy of cooperation to counter Iran’s efforts.

My STARS Act would extend defense coordination to protect from hostile space activities. This will improve satellite security coordination to enhance the United States’ situational awareness, defend against threats from adversaries, and deepen space cooperation with Israel and other allies in the Middle East.

To further integrate regional defense operations, my LINK Act would strengthen people-to-people ties between military leaders of Abraham Accords countries, and my AI Accords Act would direct the Pentagon to increase partner-sharing network capabilities to improve cyber cooperation. 

The power of the Accords is not dead. In fact, their continued existence is exactly what Iran fears. A united Middle East helps put an end to the regime’s wave of terror across the region that seeks to destabilize our partners, kill American servicemembers, and destroy the United States, Israel, and our allies. Four years into the Abraham Accords, too much is at stake: we cannot afford to fail. 

President Trump brought our partners together and extinguished Iran’s dream of destruction in the region. Four more years of Kamala Harris will breed further chaos, put the nail in the coffin of American leadership, and stifle the Accords. 

This moment demands a new commander-in-chief, not another abandoner-in-chief.

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Leonard Leo, who operates a vast network of conservative nonprofits, called on his groups to start ‘weaponizing’ their ideas, something he said the left has been championing over the years. 

A letter sent to groups supported by Leo’s 85 Fund on Wednesday said it would be undergoing a ‘comprehensive review’ of entities it supports, and ‘will be adjusting the extent to which it funds ideas and policy development.’ The goal, according to Leo’s letter, is to ensure their philanthropic efforts are not overly focused on ‘ideation,’ or as Leo describes it, ‘the development of and education about conservative ideas and policies.’ Rather, Leo wants his groups to adopt more aggressive tactics that ‘weaponize’ their ideas and produce more tangible results, something he suggested liberals have championed effectively for their causes.  

‘The Left built powerful networks of activists, academics, journalists, and philanthropists, along with professionals from other disciplines, who could collaborate to influence public attitudes and generate political pressure on public officials,’ Leo said. ‘They invested in talent pipelines to populate the power centers inside government, where policy would be implemented. They incubated litigation as a means of leveraging the law to produce change. And, beyond politics and law, left-wing philanthropy built or took over enormous infrastructure to control various cultural chokepoints.’

‘In contrast,’ Leo continued, ‘vastly insufficient funds are going toward operationalizing and weaponizing [conservative] ideas and policies to crush liberal dominance.’


Leo, the co-chairman and former executive vice president of the Federalist Society, a group focusing on advancing the principles of a limited, constitutional government, controls a $1.6 billion war chest.  The money was given to him by industrialist Barre Seid to fund his network of conservative groups.

Leo’s letter cited the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation and the Hansjörg Wyss-backed Arabella Advisors as examples of groups that ‘incubate action-oriented campaigns.’ He pointed to their support of nationwide NGOs like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). SJP has been at the forefront of drumming up anti-Israel sentiment at college campuses across the country since Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack that killed over a thousand innocent Israelis and took hundreds hostage. Meanwhile, WPATH has been at the forefront of the transgender movement, publishing standards of care that doctors and public officials alike have used to justify ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors.

‘With donors like Hansjörg Wyss and the Arabella Advisors network having billions at their disposal, the left is able to significantly outspend the conservative movement to shift American society,’ Leo told Fox News Digital. ‘Consequently, we need to do more with less, focusing on leveraging the conservative movement’s talent to have impact, if we want to be successful.’

Leo has been credited with transforming the Federalist Society into the powerhouse lawfare organization it is today with more than 70,000 members. Meanwhile, Leo has also been considered one of the foremost influences on former President Trump’s Supreme Court nominations. Prior to Trump’s selection of Federalist Society-backed Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, Leo drew up a list of potential judges that Trump released during his 2016 campaign.  


After Trump was elected, Leo stepped away from his daily duties with the Federalist Society, but remained its co-chair. Meanwhile, in 2022, Leo’s Marble Freedom Trust received a $1.6 billion gift from American businessman and GOP donor Barre Seid. Leo still has roughly $1 billion left to spend, the Financial Times reported this week after analyzing public financial disclosures. A representative for Leo declined to share how many total NGOs receive financial support from the 85 Fund. 

‘[W]e need to do more with less, focusing on leveraging the conservative movement’s talent to have impact, if we want to be successful.’

‘Expect us to increase support for organizations that call out companies and financial institutions that bend to the woke mind virus spread by regulators and NGOs, so that they have to pay a price for putting extreme left-wing ideology ahead of consumers,’ Leo said during a rare interview he granted to the Financial Times. 

Leo told the outlet that his Marble Freedom Trust has been increasingly focused on going after ‘woke’ banks and China-friendly entities across a range of sectors, such as food production and artificial intelligence. Leo also indicated he plans to invest in local media in the U.S. over the next year.  

The call from Leo for his groups to ‘operationalize’ and ‘weaponize’ their ideas has been met with anger from liberal critics. 

‘Leonard Leo’s brazen call to ‘weaponize’ the conservative movement further exposes his strategy of using his dark money network to force his right-wing agenda on everyday Americans and stack the deck in favor of the powerful few,’ said Carolina Ciccone, president of NGO watchdog Accountable.US. ‘Let’s be very clear: This isn’t just about shaping conservative thought — it’s about weaponizing the very institutions that are set up to protect the rights of everyday Americans to serve the interests of right-wing special interests.’

Jay Willis, former GQ writer and current editor-in-chief of progressive commentary website Balls & Strikes, accused Leo of trying to rebrand ‘as an Elon Musk-style culture warrior who rants about the ‘woke mind virus.’’

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The backlash continued to mount following Vice President Kamala Harris’ televised interview Friday, with critics calling out her unwillingness to give clear and specific answers.

In her first solo sit-down TV interview since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Harris seemed to filibuster to avoid direct answers. One example came when the interviewer, Brian Taff of the Philadelphia ABC affiliate, asked for her ‘specific’ plans to bring down prices for Americans.

‘Well, I’ll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid,’ Harris responded. ‘My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. She was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager. 

‘I grew up in a community of hard-working people, you know, construction workers and nurses and teachers. And I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience. You know, a lot of people will relate to this.’ 

Critics have slammed Harris on social media, saying she gave confusing answers to a number of questions. 

‘Kamala Harris did her first local sit down interview after prepping for 53 days and it was a nightmare[.] She couldn’t even name 1-2 things she would do to bring down inflation,’ Karoline Leavitt, Donald Trump’s press secretary, wrote in post on X following the interview. 

California state Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones told Fox News Digital if Harris becomes president, the entire nation would suffer.

‘Kamala Harris has spent decades in public office, with a track record defined by rising costs and inflation. During her tenure in California, prices soared, and the affordability crisis has only worsened since she became Vice President,’ Jones said. ‘Talk is cheap, and while she promises to lower costs, her actions have repeatedly resulted in the opposite. 

‘Californians struggled under her leadership, and now the entire nation is bearing the brunt. America simply can’t afford a Harris presidency.’

Conservative podcaster Benny Johnson added that Harris’s answers made no sense.

‘Kamala Harris: ‘My focus is very much about what we need to do over the next 10-20 years to catch up to the 21st century around, again, capacity, but also challenges.’ What does this even mean?’ Johnson wrote in a post. on X. 

Harris’ answer resembled the response she gave during the ABC News presidential debate against former President Trump Tuesday, when she was asked by moderator David Muir whether Americans are economically ‘better off than they were four years ago.’

‘So, I was raised as a middle-class kid,’ Harris told Muir. ‘And I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America. I believe in the ambition, the aspirations, the dreams of the American people, and that is why I imagine and have actually a plan to build what I call an opportunity economy.’ 

Although Harris drew praise from pundits for her debate performance, her sometimes unresponsive answers there foreshadowed Friday’s sit-down, particularly on economic matters. In the debate, Harris went on to tout the same proposals without answering whether Americans are better off now than they were four years ago. 

‘Kamala Harris was very clearly and directly asked: Are the American people better off now than they were 4 years ago? She could not say yes because the answer is no — the American people are worse off today because of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s policies,’ former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard posted on X following Tuesday night’s debate. 

Harris and running mate Tim Walz have only done 10 unscripted interviews for the Democratic presidential ticket thus far, while Republican presidential nominee Trump and vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, have sat down for at least 49 interviews. 

Harris still has not held a formal press conference since replacing President Biden as the Democratic nominee. Trump took questions at a news conference on Friday in California, his third extended presser in recent weeks.

USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page said she believes Americans deserve to hear both candidates answer tough questions. 

‘I think part of the job description of being president is answering questions, not because reporters have a right to ask them, but because Americans have a right to hear them,’ Page told Fox News Digital. 

Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris campaign for comment. 

Fox News Digital’s Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to this report. 

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