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JERUSALEM – As Iran ramps up its threats to launch a massive attack against U.S. ally Israel and possibly American assets in the region, the rogue regime in Tehran is on the cusp of producing a nuclear bomb.

Late last month, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said after having reviewed a Director of National Intelligence report on Iran’s atomic program, ‘I believe it is a certainty that if we do not change course, Iran will in the coming weeks or months possess a nuclear weapon.’ He added, ‘Iran will keep going until someone tells them to stop. It is time to put red lines on their nuclear program. The idea of ambiguity is not working.’

Graham termed the findings in the DNI report ‘unnerving’ and said Iran’s ‘ability to weaponize material has advanced’ with respect to a nuclear weapons device.

Just weeks before Graham’s dramatic announcement about Iran being on the brink of nuclear-armed weapons status, he sent a strongly worded letter to DNI head Avril Haines, stating,’You are in violation of the law’ over her vehement opposition to disclosing sensitive information to Congress on Iran’s nuclear progress. In 2022, Congress passed a law requiring the government to provide updates on Iran’s atomic program. Haines eventually complied after Graham went public in the media.

Graham told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on July 31 that there is no Hamas or Hezbollah without Iran’s regime. He urged Israel to launch attacks against Iran’s oil refineries, with the view toward stopping Iranian jingoism. In April, Iran launched over 300 missiles, drones and rockets into Israel.

A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department told Fox News Digital, ‘As the President and the Secretary have made clear, the United States will ensure one way or another that Iran will never have a nuclear weapon.

‘We will continue working with Congress to use a variety of tools in pursuit of that goal and all options remain on the table.’

The spokesperson added, ‘The intelligence community continues to assess that the Supreme Leader has not made any decision to restart the nuclear weapons program that Iran halted in 2003. That said, we remain deeply concerned with Iran’s continued expansion of nuclear activities in ways that have no credible civilian purpose and continue to vigilantly monitor them.’

However, Fox News Digital reported in July 2023 that intelligence reports from European states contradict the Biden administration’s assertion that Iran’s regime has not restarted its atomic weapons program. Netherlands General and Intelligence Security Service (AIVD) assessed Tehran’s development of weapons-grade uranium ‘brings the option of a possible [Iranian] first nuclear test closer.’

When asked about critics who claim Biden has not enforced oil and gas sanctions against Iran’s regime, the State Department spokesman said, ‘The Biden Administration has not lifted a single sanction on Iran.  Rather, we continue to increase pressure. Our extensive sanctions on Iran remain in place, and we continue to enforce them. Over the last three years, the United States has sanctioned over 700 individuals and entities connected to the full range of Iran’s reckless and destabilizing behaviors.’

Republican lawmakers and Iran experts have slammed the Biden administration for alleged appeasement toward the mullah regime with respect to unfreezing tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief.

The State Department spokesperson said, ‘Since 2021, we have sanctioned dozens of individuals and entities across multiple jurisdictions, including the PRC, UAE, and Southeast Asia for roles in the production, sale, and shipment of hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of Iranian petrochemicals and petroleum products. And we have identified as blocked property numerous vessels involved in this trade. ‘

David Albright, physicist and founder and president of the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington, D.C., told Fox News Digital, ‘Sen. Graham’s statement of being unnerved is good to hear. The IC assessment has been flawed ever since its 2007 National Intelligence Estimate.’

Albright is widely considered one of the world’s leading experts on Iran’s nuclear program. He said, ‘Sen. Graham mentioned that some advances had occurred in Iran’s ability to make nuclear weapons, i.e. weaponize the weapon-grade uranium into a nuclear weapon, but his comment was sparse and devoid of substance. It is in this area, however, where new intelligence community assessments may or may not lurk. But I cannot weigh in on this based on what the senator said.’ 

Albright worked closely with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Action Team from 1992 until 1997, focusing on Iraqi documents and past procurement activities. In 1996, he served as the first non-governmental inspector of the Iraqi nuclear program. 

Albright said, ‘It is clear that the DNI report included a short timeframe for Iran to produce a significant quantity of weapon-grade uranium, but this is old news and well-established by the IAEA in its quarterly reports and some standard calculations. The new twist is Iran’s recent expansion at the deeply buried Fordow site, which gives Iran a new ability to produce significant quantities of weapon-grade uranium in days at this site. But again, we have reported on this.’

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in July about Iran’s quest to obtain a nuclear weapon, ‘Instead of being at least a year away from having the breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, (Iran) is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that.’ 

When asked about the breakout concept, Albright said, ‘Breakout is usually defined as the time for Iran to produce enough weapon-grade for a single nuclear weapon. It has been measured in days rather than months for many months, based on IAEA reporting in its quarterly reports and standard calculational methods, which we have regularly published and the studies are on our website.’

He continued, ‘A common assessment, which we share, is that Iran has not made a formal decision to build nuclear weapons, so it has also not made a decision to breakout and produce weapon-grade uranium.’

‘Breakout is not typically used to discuss the entire time Iran would need to produce its first nuclear weapon,’ Albright noted. ‘This timeframe depends on the breakout above but also on what type of weapon would Iran build. Our assessment is that Iran could build a crude nuclear explosive, deliverable by truck, or able to be exploded underground in six months. It would need longer, perhaps six more months in a crash program to be able to mount a reliable nuclear warhead on a ballistic missile.’

Gabriel Noronha, a former U.S. Department State adviser on Iran, told Fox News Digital, ‘Iran has been decreasing its nuclear enrichment breakout time over the past five years, but that’s different than them actually making the decision to go and rush toward a bomb. However, they love the flexibility and leverage that being this close brings them – especially now that they are under two weeks away from having enough enriched uranium, and haven’t suffered any significant consequences as a result.’

He added, ‘However, it is much less clear how close Iran’s weaponization program has come to both building a weapon and being able to pair it on a missile that could reach Israel or other American allies. What’s clear from Sen. Graham’s press conference is that Iran keeps on getting closer and closer on this part of its nuclear program.’

Noronha, who is also a fellow at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), urged ‘Biden to have a clear and credible red line that further progress toward a nuclear weapon would be met with a military response. But he should only make a threat like that if he is willing to back it up with action. If President Biden really wants to avoid military action, then he needs to roll out every possible diplomatic and economic consequence in the interim to punish and deter Iran from proceeding any further.’

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The House Freedom Caucus is discussing who could take the lead of the ultra-conservative group with its chairman, Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., expected to step aside.

Multiple people granted anonymity to speak with Fox News Digital indicated they expect Good to step aside from his role after he lost his primary race in June and a subsequent recount Thursday night by a few hundred votes. Good had previously said that he would do so.

It puts the GOP rebel group in uncharted territory. A chairman has never stepped down before the end of a term, and a sitting chair has never lost re-election.

Two sources familiar with the discussions said they expected a previous Freedom Caucus chair, Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., or Scott Perry, R-Pa., specifically, to step in for the remainder of Good’s term.

Both sources, however, said discussions were leaning slightly toward Biggs.

‘I am going to push for Andy Biggs to take over during the remainder of Bob’s term. He supported Trump, and he knows how to be the chair already,’ one Freedom Caucus member told Fox News Digital.

Biggs did not comment when reached via spokesperson by Fox News Digital. A spokesperson for Perry also declined to comment.

One of the two earlier sources told Fox News Digital Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, the group’s policy chair, has also been floated as a possible replacement. 

But Roy, who also chairs the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on the Constitution and limited government, has not publicly indicated interest in the role. 

Freshman Rep. Andy Ogles, R-Tenn., has also shown interest in the role, according to another source. But it’s not immediately clear if he would be interested in serving out the remainder of the year filling in for Good or whether he’d want to run in the group’s closed-door election for a new term, which usually takes place at the end of the year.

Ogles’ office did not respond to a request for comment, while Roy declined, via spokesperson, to discuss private conversations.

Politico reported last week that Perry and Biggs were both in consideration to finish out the remainder of Good’s term.

Both have a significantly better relationship with former President Trump than Good does, a divide that drove his political unraveling.

Trump backed Good’s primary rival, John McGuire, and actively spoke out against the Virginia conservative’s re-election. Good had originally endorsed Trump’s primary rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, before switching to the ex-president when DeSantis dropped out.

Good’s office did not respond to Fox News Digital about whether he would follow through on stepping aside.

A Freedom Caucus spokesperson told Fox News Digital, ‘HFC does not comment on membership or internal processes.’

Good’s tenure as chairman has been a bumpy one, and multiple members left the group this year.

Most recently, Rep. Warren Davidson, R-Ohio, who opposed Good’s chairmanship, was voted out of the Freedom Caucus shortly after he endorsed McGuire in the primary.

Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, resigned in protest of Davidson’s ouster on the same day.

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Many have questioned the lessons learned from the 20-year war in Afghanistan following the chaotic withdrawal and subsequent Taliban takeover, but one major accomplishment from the U.S.’s time fighting the Taliban has emerged – the use of Artificial Intelligence to track terrorist attacks. 

In 2019, U.S. and coalition forces began drawing down their troop presence across the country, which left remaining forces strapped when it came to their ability to maintain human intelligence networks used to monitor Taliban movements.

By the end of 2019, the number of Taliban attacks levied at U.S. and coalition forces spiked to levels not seen since the decade prior, prompting security forces in Afghanistan to develop an AI program known as ‘Raven Sentry.’

In a report released earlier this year, U.S. Amy Colonel Thomas Spahr, chair of the Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations at the U.S. Army War College, quoted A.J.P. Taylor and said, ‘War has always been the mother of invention.’ Spahr pointed to the development of tanks during World War I, the atomic weapon in World War II and the use of AI to track Open-Source Intelligence as the U.S.’s longest lasting war began to wind down.

Raven Sentry looked to take the load off human analysts by sorting through vast amounts of data that drew from ‘weather patterns, calendar events, increased activity around mosques or madrassas, and activity around historic staging areas.’

Despite some initial challenges when the technology was first developed, a team of intelligence officers pulled together to form a group dubbed the ‘nerd locker’ to develop a system that could ‘reliably predict’ a terrorist attack. 

‘By 2019, the digital ecosystem’s infrastructure had progressed, and advances in sensors and prototype AI tools could detect and rapidly organize these dispersed indicators of insurgent attacks,’ Spahr, who was also involved with the program, first reported The Economist.

Though the AI program was cut short by the withdrawal on Aug. 30, 2021, its success was attributed to a ‘culture’ of tolerance for early failures and technological expertise. 

Spahr said the team developing Raven Sentry ‘was aware of senior military and political leaders’ concerns about proper oversight and the relationship between humans and algorithms in combat systems.’

He also pointed out that AI testing is ‘doomed’ if leadership does not tolerate experimentation when programs are developing. 

By October 2020, less than a year before the withdrawal, Raven Sentry had reached a 70% accuracy threshold in predicting when and where an attack would likely occur – technology that has proven critical in major wars today, both in the Middle East and Ukraine.

 ‘Advances in generative AI and large language models are increasing AI capabilities, and the ongoing wars in Ukraine and the Middle East demonstrate new advances,’ the U.S. Army colonel wrote.

Spahr also said that if the U.S. and its allies want to keep its AI technology competitive, it must ‘balance the tension between computer speed and human intuition’ by educating leaders who remain skeptical of the ever-emerging technology. 

Despite the success the AI program saw in Afghanistan, the Army colonel warned that ‘war is ultimately human, and the adversary will adapt to the most advanced technology, often with simple, common-sense solutions.’

‘Just as Iraqi insurgents learned that burning tires in the streets degraded US aircraft optics or as Vietnamese guerrillas dug tunnels to avoid overhead observation, America’s adversaries will learn to trick AI systems and corrupt data inputs,’ he added. ‘The Taliban, after all, prevailed against the United States and NATO’s advanced technology in Afghanistan.’

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Second gentleman Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, admitted Saturday to having an extramarital affair during his first marriage after a bombshell report by the Daily Mail reported he got his children’s nanny pregnant.

‘During my first marriage, Kerstin and I went through some tough times on account of my actions,’ Emhoff said in a statement to CNN regarding his first wife, Kerstin Emhoff. ‘I took responsibility, and in the years since, we worked through things as a family and have come out stronger on the other side.’ 

Emhoff did not return Fox News Digital’s requests for comment. 

Emhoff and his first wife were married from 1992 to 2009, and they share two adult children — Cole, 29, and Ella, 25, who they co-parented with stepmom Harris. 

The affair ended the marriage, according to the Daily Mail, which reported the nanny was also a teacher at Emhoff’s children’s school. The report said the woman, who Fox News Digital is not naming, did not keep the baby, though it is unclear what happened to the baby, or if Emhoff has ever been involved in the child’s life.

Emhoff, now 59, was an entertainment lawyer, and his wife was a movie producer when their marriage ended in 2009. Sources told the Daily Mail the pregnant nanny had to leave her job as a teacher at The Willows, an elite private elementary school in Culver City, California, where she had also taught the Emhoff children.

Harris met Emhoff in 2013, when she was serving as California attorney general, and they married in 2014. 

Harris knew about the affair before they married, and the Biden 2020 campaign knew about it when it was vetting her for Biden’s vice presidential pick, CNN reported. 

‘Doug and I decided to end our marriage for a variety of reasons, many years ago,’ Kerstin Emhoff said in a statement to CNN. ‘He is a great father to our kids, continues to be a great friend to me and I am really proud of the warm and supportive blended family Doug, Kamala and I have built together.’

Emhoff is often seen with Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, on the campaign trail. 

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Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, on Saturday called former President Trump’s offer to debate Vice President Kamala Harris on Fox News in September a ‘masterstroke.’

‘I think it’s great,’ Trump’s vice presidential pick told SiriusXM’s ‘Breitbart News Saturday.’In some ways, it’s a masterstroke because, of course, the Kamala campaign has been saying for a long time that President Trump is afraid to debate Kamala Harris, which, of course, is absurd because the last time he debated their nominee, that nominee withdrew two weeks later.’ 

President Biden pulled out of the race and endorsed Harris as the nominee last month after his weak debate performance in late June drew concerns from Democrats.

Late Friday night, Trump wrote on Truth Social, ‘I have agreed with FoxNews to debate Kamala Harris on Wednesday, September 4th. The Debate was previously scheduled against Sleepy Joe Biden on ABC, but has been terminated in that Biden will no longer be a participant, and I am in litigation against ABC Network and George Slopadopoulos, thereby creating a conflict of interest. 

‘The FoxNews Debate will be held in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at a site in an area to be determined. The Moderators of the Debate will be Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, and the Rules will be similar to the Rules of my Debate with Sleepy Joe, who has been treated horribly by his Party – BUT WITH A FULL ARENA AUDIENCE!’

Trump and Biden had previously been scheduled to debate on Sept. 10 on ABC. 

Vance said Trump has ‘fairly’ said about the previously scheduled debate, ‘I’m not going to do a debate before the Democratic National Convention because maybe they’ll switch out their nominee again.’ 

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled for Aug. 19-22. 

The Ohio senator added that Trump was ‘throwing down the gauntlet of ‘I was willing to go to CNN,’ which is far more hostile to him than any network would be to Kamala Harris, and ‘Kamala Harris, why don’t you come and agree to a debate.

‘The thing that we’ve learned about Kamala, Matt, over the last four years, is she’s incredibly bad if she’s not scripted, right?’ 

Vance added that the final reason he’s thinks ‘it’s so smart for the president’ to want an audience at the debate is ‘he really feeds off of human beings, which is like natural and normal for a political leader.

‘You’re supposed to lead people, and to lead people you actually have to sort of like people and engage with them well,’ he said. ‘So, him having a crowd for this debate, I think, is really important because it will show his natural leadership ability. And it also shows, frankly, that people are kind of turned off by Kamala Harris. So, I think it’s good. Hopefully, it happens, and hopefully Kamala Harris agrees to it. If she doesn’t, then, clearly, she’s the one who’s afraid to debate.’

Harris hit back at Trump’s offer for a new debate on X Saturday, writing, ‘It’s interesting how ‘any time, any place’ becomes ‘one specific time, one specific safe space.’ I’ll be there on September 10th, like he agreed to. I hope to see him there.’

In the spring, Trump had called on Biden for a debate ‘any time, any place.’ 

‘Donald Trump is running scared and trying to back out of the debate he already agreed to and running straight to Fox News to bail him out,’ Harris campaign communications director Michael Tyler told Fox News Digital. ‘He needs to stop playing games and show up to the debate he already committed to on Sept 10.’

Tyler said Harris would be at the previously scheduled ABC debate ‘one way or the other to take the opportunity to speak to a primetime national audience. We’re happy to discuss further debates after the one both campaigns have already agreed to. Mr. Anytime, anywhere, anyplace should have no problem with that unless he’s too scared to show up on the 10th.’

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Argentinian President Javier Milei has emerged as a powerful ally of the Venezuelan anti-government protests as international pressure mounts to award the recent presidential election to the opposition.

Leaders from around the world, including the U.S., have cast doubt on Nicolas Maduro’s claim that he won the election, and protesters have clashed with police in the streets of the embattled South American nation.

‘He’s been very, very helpful, and he has been kind of like a rallying voice in South America to allow him, along with the left, the opposition of healing work and kind of pushing other democracies to recognize Edmundo as president,’ Daniel Acosta Rivas, an OSINT Analyst, told Fox News Digital. 

Rivas said that Milei’s vocal support has ‘been coming into Venezuela and especially in the diaspora.’

Milei was among the first world leaders to speak out after the Maduro-controlled National Electoral Council handed victory to the incumbent with an alleged margin of 51%, compared to 44% support for the opposition. Pre-election polling (which is illegal in the country) indicated that opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez received double the votes of Maduro. 

The U.S. eventually recognized Gonzalez as the winner after claiming to have reviewed tally sheets, but Milei had immediately blasted the election result as a ‘fraud carried out and perpetrated by the dictator Nicolás Maduro.’ 

‘He may believe he has won a battle,’ Milei said. ‘However, the most important thing is that the Venezuelan lions have awakened, and sooner or later socialism will come to an end.’

Milei stressed that Argentina ‘will not acknowledge a new fraud’ and urged Venezuela’s armed forces to ‘defend democracy and popular will this time around.’ He pointed to ‘data’ that showed a ‘crushing victory for the opposition.’ 

Protesters took to the streets and met a violent crackdown from police as Maduro attempted to press his victory claim, drawing international condemnation. Milei continued to urge the protesters and support their fight against Maduro.

Maduro lashed out at Milei earlier this week, taking several shots at the Argentinian. He referenced Milei’s ‘monster face’ and called him ‘an ugly guy, too, and stupid.’ 

He also labeled Milei a ‘Nazi, fascist guy’ who demanded to know how anyone could take a ‘guy like that seriously,’ according to the Buenos Aires Herald. He also called Milei a ‘cowardly bug’ and a ‘traitor to the homeland.’ 

‘These people have said no to wild capitalism and fascism,’ Maduro insisted during a rally outside his party headquarters. ‘From Caracas, Venezuela has said no to the Nazi fascist Milei. We are a country of warriors.’

But Maduro’s response only seemed to have galvanized the protesters and strengthened Milei’s popularity among the opposition. Rivas noted that Maduro keeps commenting on the likes of Milei and Elon Musk – both prominent critics following the election result – in an effort to shift the focus away from the election, but the efforts have only highlighted him and his politics in a region that is increasingly unhappy with politics as normal in the region. 

‘He has pushed a right-wing movement or classical liberal movement throughout Latin America,’ Rivas said. ‘You see people being inspired by his message and his rise to the leadership … he was virtually unknown outside of libertarian circles before he ran for office, and he was dismissed by the other members of the opposition in Argentina during the Fernandez-Kirchner government. And look at him now.’

Venezuelan activists living in exile spoke glowingly of Milei and his potential impact on the country as protesters continue seeking an end to the Maduro-Chavez system and a new way of life, possibly one that aligns more with the politics of Milei. Since taking office earlier this year, Milei, an economist, has tamed Argentina’s runaway inflation, balanced the budget and pared the size of government.

‘Young people tend to embrace socialist ideas; however, those who have lived under these political systems become their biggest adversaries,’ Esteban Hernández, a Venezuelan journalist in exile in Miami, told Fox News Digital. 

‘The Venezuelan youth, unlike in other countries, doesn’t support these ideas,’ he said. ‘As a matter of fact, we have seen that in nations like the U.S. or even Argentina, they make efforts to get elected those who oppose socialism.’ 

‘During the last election cycle in Argentina, for example, we saw many Venezuelans warning locals about voting for Sergio Massa, and many even volunteered to get Javier Milei elected,’ Hernández added. 

Franklin Camargo, a Venezuelan activist in exile, told Fox News Digital that ‘Javier Milei is the best right-wing leader of our generation, since he refutes the socialists and the left with philosophical and moral arguments while continually offering the best defense of Individualism, Capitalism and Freedom.’ 

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I have spent several years now thinking about the idea of authenticity, because I believe it is the quality that American society most craves, but also one that is rare and incredibly hard to define. 

We clearly see this in our presidential race, in which Donald Trump’s supporters view him as a straight shooter who always says what he means, while his detractors describe him as a snake-oil salesman who will say anything to get what he wants.

Similarly, Kamala Harris fans see a tried and true public servant with decades of experience under her belt, while Republicans see a chameleon changing political colors more often than the pride flag.

Are either of them authentic? Neither of them? What is authenticity? 

My own search to define the elusive quality began at a little dive bar in Venice Beach called Hinano. I’d just driven from Brooklyn To L.A. and the final day’s drive had taken me through about six different Bob Ross paintings from hunter green forest to deathly beige desert, moonscapes and Indian trading posts in between. 

With my burger and beer I felt what Jack Kerouac once described as ‘end of the land sadness,’ but the company was very pleasant and as I looked around I saw sawdust on the floor, a Beach Boys cover band was playing, but I wondered, was this authentic?

Now, Hinano has been there since 1962 and apparently Jim Morrison loved it, so it had that going for it, but on the other hand, it felt almost like we were all playacting in some other time and place, like a 60’s California Renaissance Fair. And I could easily hold both of those ideas in my mind.

I thought about Hinano on Wednesday when Donald Trump underwent an at times hilarious interview at the National Association of Black Journalists in which he basically said Harris only recently started calling herself back, and used to go by Indian. About 15 minutes of anger and scandal ensued, then mostly disappeared. 

I asked the one woman I met who was furious about it if she thought it would change any votes. Without a beat she said, ‘no.’

It was immediately clear to me, and to the people I spoke with, Democrat and Republican alike, that this was just Trump being unflinchingly Trump. But at the same time, Trump is a very unique kind of character.

Donald Trump has been a celebrity for 50 years, a kind of stylish contrarian, the guy who goes the other way and never backs down or apologizes. Even though this has all been completely consistent, to those who dislike him it also feels put on, like Trump has been playing a character or a brand for half a century and cannot separate the mask from his face anymore.

With Harris, things are a bit different. Republican voters are apoplectic that she seems to be changing her positions on everything from fracking to health care with no pushback from the liberal media. To them, this is the dictionary definition of inauthentic. But that’s not how Democratic voters see it.

The ones I talk to see a person who spent her whole life in party politics, and who knows how to bend to the will of the collective, and frankly, as far as Democratic politicians go, that is awfully authentic. Let’s not forget it was Barack Obama himself who ‘evolved’ from opposing gay marriage owing to his deep Christian beliefs to supporting it once it was politically feasible.

What was important about Trump’s attack on Harris’ alleged racial code switching is that he was precisely dinging her for being inauthentic, for pretending to be different people for different audiences. This is where Harris still has something to prove to swayable voters; they don’t quite know who she really is.

Between now and the end of the Democratic National Convention, both sides will eagerly try to paint Harris in the minds-eye of persuadable voters, and for these voters commitment to the good of the party will not be enough for her. They need to see the real Kamala Harris stand up, and need to believe that it is the same Kamala Harris that would preside in the Oval Office next year.

In the end, after a few years, a few more trips and visits,I decided that Hinano is authentic, but the place had to earn it. So does the vice president, and she doesn’t have a lot of time to do that.

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A new report shows that countries within the Five Eyes intelligence partnership – the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand – heavily rely on China for rare earth elements (REEs), a set of metallic elements that play a crucial role in the mineral supply chain market.

The Five Eyes alliance has become an integral part of global intelligence and security operations. The group collaborates on intelligence matters and shares sensitive information to ensure collective security and thwart global threats. 

Rare earth elements are necessary to produce military equipment, and the report notes that Western military supply chains are also highly vulnerable to Chinese decisions to limit REEs exports.

The report titled ‘Decreasing Rare Earths Dependency: How the Five Eyes Alliance can Minimize Rare Earths Trading Risk with China’ argues that Five Eyes countries must diversify away from China for their supply of REEs. 

The U.S. had once been a key player in the rare earth elements market. Now, the U.S. is very dependent on China, importing as much as 80% of its REEs from China, according to the report.

‘The Five Eyes countries are dangerously exposed to China when it comes to rare earth minerals, as they are all over reliant on China for this critical resource,’ Helena Ivanov, associate fellow at the Henry Jackson Society and author of the report, told Fox News Digital.

The report highlights that rare earth elements are used for defense technologies like fighter jets and that China can leverage its dominance of the industry for political purposes, using this advantage to project its influence on the global stage.

Speaking on background, a spokesperson for the House Select Committee on the CCP told Fox News Digital that ‘the CCP increasingly leverages its markets, technology, and control over critical minerals to pressure the United States and its allies and partners. To counter these predatory practices, the United States must enhance U.S. trade and technology collaboration with its allies and partners while decreasing dependence on the PRC in critical supply chains.’

China overwhelmingly dominates the industry’s supply chain, accounting for 60% of global production and almost 90% of processing in the market.

In addition to being a valuable resource for military technology, rare earth elements are also critical in manufacturing smartphones, digital cameras, computer hard drives, fluorescent and LED lights, flat-screen TVs, computer monitors and electronic displays.

‘If no alternatives are found, the report warns that North American producers of critical minerals estimate that should confrontation occur, China could cut short the supply of critical minerals to the U.S. in an event of war and exhaust the U.S. stock of minerals necessary for its defense apparatus in less than 90 days.’

Admiral John Aquilino, leader of the Indo-Pacific Command, testified before the House Armed Services Committee in 2023 that China will meet President Xi’s goal to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027. Given recent tensions over Taiwan, the group’s overreliance on an adversarial China is worrisome.

China is not shy about its willingness to exploit its market dominance by restricting exports when it suits its interests and has used its monopoly over the industry for political purposes in the past. In 2023, the report points out, China explored limiting the export of rare earth minerals that are critical to the manufacturing of the F-35 fighter jets and other weaponry.

The U.S. is keenly aware of its vulnerabilities to China’s dominance of the market and has taken some measures to reduce its dependence on Beijing. The Department of Defense and other agencies are building programs to strengthen the domestic supply chain of REEs. In April, the Department of Energy announced $17.5 million as part of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for four projects to help lower the cost and reduce the environmental impacts of extracting REEs.

Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said in a statement at the time that the investments announced ‘will increase our national security while helping rebuild America’s manufacturing sector and revitalize energy and mining communities across the country.’

The vulnerabilities highlighted in the report shows the importance for the Western alliance to reduce its dependency on China overall. Without such risk reduction, the report argues that democratic countries may face a situation similar to Europe’s past reliance on Russian gas prior to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. 

The only way out of this situation, the report says, is collaboration within the Five Eyes Alliance, as countries like Canada, Australia and the U.S. can ramp up domestic production and decrease China’s influence in the market.

‘In the last few years, China has become a bad faith actor, and substantial issues and risks are involved with relying on China for REEs,’ the report said.

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In 1958, the National Election Study began surveying Americans’ trust in government, revealing that approximately 75% believed the federal government would do the right thing almost always or most of the time. However, according to Pew Research in 2023, this trust has plummeted to a seven-decade low of merely 16%. 

Alarmingly, only 2% of Americans now believe that the government consistently acts correctly, and confidence in elected officials continues to erode. The primary reason for this decline is clear: our government leaders no longer take responsibility for their decisions.

In the upcoming 100 days leading up to the election, consider whether you hear either candidate admit to mistakes on the campaign trail. Statements such as ‘I made a mistake,’ ‘That was a bad decision,’ or ‘We shouldn’t have gone down that path’ have become rare. 

True leadership is challenging and often solitary. It requires making tough decisions and, more importantly, acknowledging both successes and failures. Unfortunately, our politicians no longer engage in this level of honesty, contributing significantly to the diminishing trust in the federal government. People understand that no one can be right all the time… we are only human.

During this election season, you will also witness both sides of the political spectrum engaging in the blame game. Whether through television soundbites, newspaper columns or social media, it is common to see one side blaming the other for current issues, including the economy, immigration, crime, abortion or climate change.

When leaders resort to blaming others, it sets a precedent that if we cannot solve our problems, we are justified in blaming someone else for the difficulties or inaction. 

True leaders do not solve problems by shifting blame. Instead, they strive to unite people around a shared vision and actionable solutions. When top elected officials indulge in blame games, it further erodes public trust in their ability to accomplish anything meaningful.

Restoring trust in government requires addressing the disconnect between what politicians say and what people perceive. For instance, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., once remarked, ‘Anyone who would think that they’re at some advantage because of Joe Biden’s age thinks that at their peril because he’s very sharp.’ Yet, a few months later, she questioned Biden’s capability to run for president and immediately endorsed Kamala Harris once he dropped his re-election campaign.

Similarly, Harris famously deflected when asked about her plans to visit the border by saying, ‘And I haven’t been to Europe yet.’ Despite her role in addressing illegal migration, she failed to acknowledge the incomplete efforts.

Even more starkly, in the years following the 2020 election, President Trump continually described the election as ‘rigged.’ True leaders accept defeat graciously and work toward a comeback, akin to athletes in sports who often achieve remarkable comebacks.

As we approach the upcoming election, it remains to be seen whether voters will prioritize personality over policies. Social media also plays a significant role in eroding trust, with many people relying on their smartphones for information. The rapid consumption of news through brief soundbites often prevents people from getting the full story, influencing their perceptions and actions significantly.

Americans yearn to restore their trust and faith in their leaders. Politicians need to understand that showing vulnerability and admitting to mistakes does not signify weakness but strength. 

In any leadership role, be it in corporate America or a family-run business, making wrong choices is inevitable. However, confidence is instilled by leader.s who can persist in their vision despite setbacks. 

It’s time for our leaders to rebuild our trust, starting with three simple words: ‘I was wrong.’ 

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

Venezuela’s current political upheaval following an allegedly fraudulent presidential election will not be resolved simply by putting the opposition candidates in power, though it is a strong first step, experts told Fox News Digital. 

‘I certainly think that these are patriots,’ Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told Fox News Digital during a digital press conference. ‘Maria Corina Machado is … one of the bravest people I’ve ever encountered and one of the greatest political figures in the world.’

‘She’s remained in the country steadfast,’ Rubio continued. ‘She put aside any personal ambitions she may have had in her hand and allowed her to be the candidate for the opposition, and didn’t let that get in the way.’

‘So these are extraordinary people, and the only reason you do that is because you love your country,’ he added. 

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro intervened in the November 2023 primaries to prevent the immensely popular Machado from standing against him, instead forcing her to stand aside and allow Edmundo Gonzalez to pick up the banner of the opposition.

Pre-election polling (which is illegal in the country) showed Gonzalez had double the support that Maduro and his United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) had, but the Maduro-controlled National Electoral Council handed to the incumbent with an alleged victory margin of 51%, compared to 44% support for the opposition. 

Venezuelans took to the streets in peaceful protest following the decision, but Maduro sent out police to crack down on them and to clear the streets, leading to violent clashes and escalation. 

Ultimately, the Biden administration on Thursday declared Gonzalez the rightful winner of the election, arguing, ‘Given the overwhelming evidence, it is clear to the United States and, most importantly, to the Venezuelan people that Edmundo González … won the most votes in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election.’ 

Joseph Humire, the executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society, stressed that ‘real change to Venezuela will not happen with one election, but it’s a starting point.’ 

‘After 25 years of autocratic, socialist rule, Venezuelans have lost most if not all of their freedoms,’ Humire told Fox News Digital. 

‘They have little to no economic freedom, political freedom, and even severely limited freedom of speech,’ Humire explained. ‘The main reason Venezuelans voted in such high numbers for Edmundo Gonzalez in this election (and de facto for Machado as well even though she was barred from being on the ballot) is because they want their freedoms back.’

‘Venezuela is run by a criminal system that is embedded with most state institutions and has an equal power network outside the government through armed non-state actors,’ Humire continued. ‘Maduro losing and leaving is a necessary but insufficient condition for real change in Venezuela.’

‘But even if Maduro and his cohorts (regime leaders) leave Venezuela, the Chavista criminal system remains and will, no doubt, try to subvert and manipulate the transition process,’ he added, pointing to Bolivia as a nation where a leader resigned but returned because the country couldn’t dismantle the power structure he established. 

Humire suggested that Machado and Gonzalez continue working to ‘delegitimize the Chavista regime,’ referring to Hugo Chavez and the government structure he established in Venezuela and Maduro inherited after taking office in 2013. He cautioned that the opposition may have ‘adaptive agents’ within it that remain sympathetic to Maduro’s party. 

‘The opposition has always been filled with what the Venezuelans call ‘enchufados,’ which is a Spanish term for those who are ‘plugged into’ the regime,’ Humire said. ‘These are fake opposition members that have back-door business and political deals with the Maduro regime.’

‘My concern is that these ‘enchufados’ will either a) shift the narrative to one that legitimizes Maduro’s electoral fraud; and/or b) subvert the transition process in Venezuela even if Edmundo Gonalez is accepted as the president-elect,’ he warned. 

Isaias Medina III, a former United Nations Security Council diplomat and Edward Mason Fellow at Harvard University, told Fox News Digital that the ‘massive marches’ in Venezuela this week ‘reflect a grassroots demand for change,’ but he also acknowledged the steep challenge that comes with ‘challenging a cruel regime willing to use force against its population.’

‘Venezuelan politics requires profound renovation,’ Medina said. ‘Regrettably, an exit strategy for Venezuela is necessary. However, is it truly Maduro’s decision to agree to any negotiation or amnesty proposal? Numerous dubious stakeholders manipulate Venezuela’s lost sovereignty, turning the situation into a transnational crisis threatening regional peace and security.’ 

‘Venezuela needs a new political approach free from ‘politiqueros’ who prioritize personal gain over national welfare and from governmental paternalistic policies: governments must serve its citizens not the other way around,’ he argued. ‘The focus must shift towards education, job opportunities, and a real representative congress to debate issues and find effective solutions.’

‘If Gonzalez and Machado cannot solve the ‘ousting’ of the puppet usurper in ‘Miraflores’ (the Venezuelan White House), they will struggle to rebuild the country,’ he insisted. ‘However, I hope they prove me wrong.’

‘Venezuela needs more than messianic ‘Presidents’; it requires a transitional government with a strong purpose to restore the rule of law, reverse distorted governance, and evict illegal pirate occupants,’ Medina added.

‘Real change requires integrating merit-based qualified individuals across sectors and transforming the state’s paternalistic socialist practices into self-development opportunities for a poverty-stricken nation with abundant resources,’ he stressed. ‘Venezuela needs a ‘New Way’ away from 21st-century socialism that effectively combines citizen-public-private policies with economic development incentives.’

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