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President Biden will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, after Israeli officials were confused if the two leaders would meet at all.

Axios journalist Barak Ravid originally reported on X that Netanyahu’s team was unsure if their meeting with Biden – which was slated for Tuesday – would take place. An Israeli official told Ravid that Netanyahu, who is visiting Washington, D.C., this week, is still ‘waiting for an answer’ from the White House.

On Monday night, a U.S. official told Fox News that the meeting was set for Thursday. Netanyahu arrived in the U.S. a little more than 24 hours after Biden announced that he was dropping out of the 2024 race, signaling a time of turmoil for the Democratic Party.

Netanyahu’s arrival also comes days after Biden announced that he was diagnosed with COVID-19.  As of Monday afternoon, the president is still isolated in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, though he is said to be recovering.

In a letter released on Monday, Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, wrote that the president ‘completed his tenth dose of PAXLOVID this morning.’

‘His symptoms have almost resolved completely,’ the doctor wrote. ‘His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature remain absolutely normal. His oxygen saturation continues to be excellent on room air [sic]. His lungs remain clear.’

‘The President continues to perform all of his presidential duties,’ O’Connor added.

Shelley Greenspan, who is the White House Liaison to the American Jewish community, wrote on X that Vice President Kamala Harris will also speak with Netanyahu at some point this week. Biden endorsed Harris in the 2024 presidential race shortly after dropping out.

On Wednesday, Netanyahu will give a speech in front of Congress, though Harris reportedly declined to presume over the address, according to the Washington Post. Before departing Israel for D.C., Netanyahu told reporters that his country would stand by the U.S. ‘regardless [of] who the American people choose as their next president.’

‘In this time of war and uncertainty, it’s important that Israel’s enemies know that America and Israel stand together,’ the leader said.

Netanyahu also requested a meeting with former President Trump this week, according to Politico. It is unclear if Trump agreed to the meeting.

Fox News Digital reached out to Netanyahu’s office and the White House for additional information.

The Associated Press and Fox News Digital’s Danielle Wallace and Paul Steinhouser contributed to this report.

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At the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, the kindness and good nature of the local denizens were much talked about by attendees. But there was something else in the air: A new kind of openness to Donald Trump. 

I spent a lot of time outside the security perimeter, or ‘zone,’ as it was locally known, because I generally prefer talking to people who aren’t wearing lanyards and credentials for my work.

I stopped by the Milwaukee Brat Bar near the RNC entrance a few times, mainly because they have a cigarette machine, and my vice of choice was hard to find in the area.

There, one afternoon, I was getting change and I heard a man and a woman talking. They were in their thirties, nice looking. I couldn’t tell if they were a couple, coworkers or friends. And then I heard her say, ‘It’s like I’m coming around to Trump.’

For me, this kind of comment was like a ’49er striking gold, so I politely introduced myself and inquired if I might I ask them a few questions.

I wanted to know when this softening of attitude towards the former president had started. She wasn’t sure. She thought it had been gradual, but that the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump had built on it. As for the guy, he told me he had not voted for Trump in 2016 or 2020. I asked if he had been open to it back then, and he said no. And in ’24? Yes, he was now.

It didn’t seem policy driven, or even the ‘are you better off than you were four years ago?’ thing. It was more like finding a way to tolerate an annoying member of your friend group. Trump was no longer a dealbreaker for a dinner party invitation.

The next day, grabbing lunch at Who’s on Third, I met Jay and Jeff, who are both very committed Trump supporters. Jay, in advertising and in his fifties, had been coming down to the zone for lunch every day to dig the goings on.

Their enthusiasm was high. Both thought the iconic image of Trump pumping his fist after getting shot was a game changer. They almost seemed giddy at the prospect of a second Trump term.

One question I have asked strong Trump supporters over the years is whether the people they work with know how the feel about him. Both Jeff and Jay said they weren’t shy about it now, but acknowledged they used to be. I hear that a lot.

Trump just isn’t taboo anymore, and one has to wonder if that might be part of why Joe Biden is no longer in this race.

My most personal acquaintance with Milwaukee kindness came one evening when my friends stranded me. I had been to dinner, and told my crew prior to dinner to let me know when they were heading back to the hotel. After dinner, I texted ‘where are you?’ 

They were at the hotel. 

It wasn’t the end of the world. I’d take an Uber, but I was out of cigarettes and went back into Brats. There I met Scott and Lizzie, a married couple who looked like they belonged in a Williamsburg, Brooklyn, electroclash night club in 2004, not like the RNC cats at all.

But they were Trump supporters, so we got to talking and I told them my story. That’s when Scott glanced at an approving Lizzie and they offered me a ride.

In a very Northeast way I said, ‘I can’t ask ya to do dat, it’s a half hour.’

He said, ‘You’re not asking, we’re offering.’  And I said, ‘You know what? Ok.’ I think it was the most Midwestern thing I’d ever heard uttered.

On the way back to the hotel, an incredible thunderstorm rattled giant flashes of lightning that dominated the skies. This truly was the flat and honest middle of America. We chatted about our kids, the amazing joy and challenge of all that. We also played a game I invented back in the 90s based on the sitcom ‘Friends.’ Lizzie won.

But politics did come up, and it turned out all three of us had had a slow acceptance of Trump. We talked about how his newly minted running mate, JD Vance, had been a Never Trumper. It seemed like all of us, or at least most of us, had been. Fully embracing him was so new, and so crazy, we agreed. But it was also a natural evolution many people have gone through. 

I told them a story about the night of the election in 2016 when I asked a mentor of mine, ‘What do we do now?’ And he said, ‘You call balls and strikes. He does something you like – say so, something you don’t like – say so.’

Lizzie, Scott and I all agreed there was more that we liked than we didn’t.

When I got back to the hotel and told my friends what happened, one said it was the most Dave Marcus story ever, and maybe so. But it’s really just an American story. I’ve gotten plenty of rides from strangers in Texas, California, and a million other places because we liked each other. 

But I felt something new in Wisconsin. Trump just isn’t taboo anymore, and one has to wonder if that might be part of why Joe Biden is no longer in this race.

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During his second rally of the day, vice presidential nominee JD Vance once again called on Democrats to invoke the 25th Amendment following President Biden’s announcement on Monday that he was exiting the presidential race.

‘Can anybody just admit that if Joe Biden is not fit to run for president, he ain’t fit to serve as President of the United States either?’ Vance asked the crowd. ‘And if Kamala Harris is too blind or too corrupt to admit to the American people that Joe Biden should have never been in there, she’s not fit to serve, either. We got to get them both out of there.’ 

Vance continued, adding that he was just as shocked as everyone else to find out Biden had dropped out of the race.

‘My wife told me that Joe Biden had decided to withdraw from the presidential race. Now, see, you guys are excited about that. I don’t know, I was looking forward to debating Kamala Harris actually,’ Vance said. ‘I was promised a debate with Kamala Harris, and that’s what I plan to get.’

Vance argued that making Harris the presidential nominee is dangerous as she is even worse than Biden.

‘Now, history will remember Joe Biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but one of the worst presidents of the United States of America. But my friends, Kamala Harris is a million times worse, and everybody knows it,’ Vance explained.

‘She signed up for every single one of Joe Biden’s failures, and she lied about his mental capacity to serve as president. Our country has been saddled for three and a half years with a president who cannot do the job. And that is all because Kamala Harris and the rest of the Democrats lied about his ability to be our president. I think we ought to kick them all out come November and replace him with some people who care about this country,’ Vance said. 

Vance added more points about Harris and her failure to secure the border.

‘Harris is actually even more extreme than Biden, even though that’s hard to believe. She wants to totally decriminalize illegal immigration. She supported abolishing ICE and wanted to defund the police. Even Joe Biden never went so far as to say he wanted to defund the police,’ Vance said.

‘There is simply no way that you can sit here and say the policies of Joe Biden have worked, which is to say that we got to kick Kamala Harris out of the Oval Office. Don’t give her a chance,’ Vance urged.

Vance, once again, called what is happening to the Democratic Party a threat to democracy.

‘Democrats are the ones who want to throw out 14 million ballots and not elect Kamala Harris, but select Kamala Harris with a bunch of billionaires and Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi making the decision instead of Democrat voters. It’s disgraceful. And that’s the threat to American democracy, that corruption and that broken process,’ Vance said.

Vance offered the crowd an open invitation to the Republican Party where their vote would matter and be heard.

‘If you are a Democrat primary voter, they don’t give a damn about you because they don’t give a damn who you voted for. If you are a Democrat and you look at this corrupt process, I invite you to the Republican Party. We want to make America great again. We believe in elections. We believe in persuading voters, not lying to them for three and a half years and then doing a switcheroo,’ Vance said.

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President Biden’s decision to stand down from re-election yesterday is unprecedented in its timing.

No presidential candidate has ever announced that they were not seeking another term this close to Election Day.

The decision has made Vice President Harris the overwhelming favorite for the Democratic Party nomination.

Today’s Fox News Power Rankings explains how Harris’ elevation could reshape the race and what comes next in Democrats’ nominating process.

This guide provides answers to two more burning questions about the move.

First, how Harris is likely able to use Biden’s existing campaign funds; second, why she can appear on all 50 states’ general election ballots.

Harris and/or Democrats can likely use Biden’s existing campaign funds

Harris has received endorsements from the vast majority of Democratic Party leaders and luminaries.

While the party has not yet formally nominated a candidate and this cycle has been unpredictable, this guide will presume that she is the Democrat presidential nominee.

The existing ‘Team Biden-Harris’ campaign had $240 million cash on hand at the end of June, and that money is critical to Harris’ election bid.

Harris is likely to be able to use it.

The figure above is one number, but it is calculated by taking the Biden-Harris campaign committee’s cash as well as that of the Democratic National Committee, the state parties, joint fundraising committees and allied political action committees (PACs).

Only the Biden-Harris campaign committee part of the overall number is even in question, since the DNC, state parties and other groups listed above are their own entities.

According to FEC filings, the Biden-Harris campaign committee had just under $96 million in cash on hand at the end of June.

As for that $96 million, Harris is likely to be able to use all of that, too.

An analysis of FEC rules indicates that since Harris was running with Biden, she would have access to those specific funds.

Shanna Ports, senior legal counsel at the Campaign Legal Center, told the Wall Street Journal that ‘she would maintain access to all the funds in the committee and could use them to advance her presidential candidacy.’

That is not a guarantee, and anti-Harris groups may litigate the issue. The Republican chair of the FEC has referenced a rule that general election funds in that figure are subject to refund unless they are appropriately reassigned or redistributed.  

Even if Harris couldn’t inherit the funds directly, precedent suggests that Biden’s committee could transfer money to the Democratic National Committee.

That would put Democrats in as strong a position as if the money went directly to Harris.

Another clear option would be to transfer the funds to a super PAC, though that is less financially efficient. Super PACs cannot coordinate with a campaign, and they are often subject to higher advertising rates.

Harris can appear on all 50 states’ general election ballots

No deadlines have passed that would prevent or ‘lock out’ Harris from appearing on a general election ballot in any of the 50 states.

Remember, Democrats had not yet formally nominated Biden – the Democratic National Convention is scheduled for next month. Until yesterday, he was merely the ‘presumptive nominee.’ (Republicans made former President Trump their formal nominee at the Republican National Convention last week.)

This means there is no need for a ‘change’ or ‘swap’ on general election ballots.

The party just needs to nominate a candidate before any general election ballot access deadlines. 

That understanding of ballot access rules is supported by local elections officials. One senior official in the Republican-run battleground state of Georgia said on Monday, ‘Biden dropping out will not impact Georgia ballots. As the Democrats haven’t had a convention, there is no ‘nominee’ to replace.’

Democrats have consistently viewed Ohio as the first ballot access deadline on Aug. 7 (there is disagreement over whether the deadline is that early following legislative changes; for the purposes of this analysis, it only matters that Democrats consider the deadline Aug. 7).

As long as the party has a formal nominee by that date, or is persuaded that the Ohio deadline is later, then Harris is set to appear on every state ballot.

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Vice President Harris raised $81 million in the first 24 hours since President Biden ended his re-election bid and endorsed his vice president to succeed him as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, her campaign announced.

The Harris campaign touted in an email release on Monday afternoon that the money raised was the ‘largest 24-hour raise in presidential history.’

The campaign said more than 888,000 grassroots donors made contributions during the 24 hours, with 60% of them making their first contribution during the 2024 election cycle. And the campaign says it signed up 43,000 of those donors to make recurring donations.

But the Harris campaign did not offer a breakdown of what percentage of the $81 million was raised online by small-dollar donations and what share came from top-dollar donors. The haul includes money raised by the campaign, the Democratic National Committee and joint fundraising committees.

‘The historic outpouring of support for Vice President Harris represents exactly the kind of grassroots energy and enthusiasm that wins elections,’ campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz said in a statement. ‘Already, we are seeing a broad and diverse coalition come together to support our critical work of talking to the voters that will decide this election.’

The one-day haul easily tops the nearly $53 million former President Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee announced that they brought in nearly two months ago through their online digital fundraising platform in the first 24 hours after Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts in his criminal trial in New York City.

The Harris fundraising announcement comes as the party started to quickly coalesce behind the vice president after Biden ended his bid. The president endorsed Harris immediately after suspending his own campaign, which ignited a surge of endorsements by Democrat governors, senators, House members and other party leaders in backing the vice president to succeed Biden as the party’s 2024 standard-bearer.

Biden on Sunday suspended his campaign amid mounting pressure from within the Democratic Party for the president to drop out after a disastrous debate performance last month.

The 81-year-old president’s uneven delivery and awkward answers during the first 20 minutes of the debate in front of a national audience quickly prompted questions about his mental and physical ability to serve another four years in the White House.

The money brought in over the past 24 hours by Harris will help rebuild a once-massive Biden campaign war chest that was partially depleted as fundraising started to dry up amid the increasing chorus of calls for the president to drop out of the race.

Munoz said in a statement that ‘there is a groundswell behind Kamala Harris, and Donald Trump is terrified because he knows his divisive, unpopular agenda can’t stand up to the Vice President’s record and vision for the American people.’

The Biden campaign and the DNC enjoyed a fundraising lead over Trump and the RNC this year. But Trump and the RNC topped Biden and the DNC, $331 million to $264 million, during the April-June second quarter of 2024 fundraising.

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Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz warned Republicans against underestimating Vice President Kamala Harris as she emerges as the top contender for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president.

‘Republicans, I worry, vastly underestimate Kamala Harris. They don’t think very highly of her. They don’t think she’s terribly bright. When you or I bring up Kamala Harris’ name in Republican circles, people laugh. It’s immediately a punchline,’ Cruz said Monday on his podcast ‘Verdict with Ted Cruz.’ 

Cruz warned against Republicans preemptively celebrating a Trump-Vance win months out from the election, arguing Democrats and the media will promote Harris as an ‘historic’ candidate. 

‘I think people are underestimating what billions of dollars of free media, of the entire corrupt corporate media complex, pitching her as a combination of Mother Teresa, Oprah and Gandhi,’ Cruz said. 

‘I still think Trump wins in November, but this is not a layup. It is not given.… If you’re a Democrat, what makes you nervous is chaos, and this much chaos 100 days out is scary. But you know what? Even more scary is going to an election where you’re almost certain to lose, which is where Biden was,’ he continued. 

President Biden announced Sunday afternoon on X that he was bowing out of the presidential race, which was quickly followed by him endorsing his vice president to run in his place. 

‘My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this,’ Biden said in a follow-up social media post endorsing Harris. 

The vice president held her first public address Monday since Biden’s announcement, praising Biden for his decades in government. 

‘I am a firsthand witness that every day our President Joe Biden fights for the American people and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation,’ she said Monday from the South Lawn of the White House during an event celebrating NCAA athletes. 

‘Celebrate after Election Day. Celebrate after we’ve won. Now is not the time for celebration. Now is the time for hard work.’

Harris is not yet the official nominee of her party, as the DNC must first certify her – or another potential candidate – next month. 

Former President Trump officially became the nominee of the Republican Party last week after announcing Ohio. Sen. JD Vance as his running mate. Cruz said the RNC, which was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was the ‘best’ he’s attended in all his years in politics. However, he remarked it was concerning to see some in the GOP were ‘overconfident’ that Trump has an election win locked. 

‘I was very worried at the convention,’ Cruz said. ‘… I am afraid people were overconfident at the convention. There was an air of celebration. It was, ‘We’ve won. We’re on to victory. This is a landslide. Trump’s coming back in. We’ve got a huge Republican majority.”

‘In my view, and I was trying to say this, ‘Look, there’s a time for celebration. Celebrate after Election Day. Celebrate after we’ve won. Now is not the time for celebration. Now is the time for hard work.”

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Donald Trump’s pick for vice president, JD Vance, hit the campaign trail on Monday, less than 24 hours after President Biden announced he was dropping out of the race for a second term in office.

Vance began his day hosting a campaign rally in his hometown of Middletown, Ohio, where he linked Vice President Kamala Harris to the ‘worst president in history,’ and said that he was just as shocked as most people were to hear the news that he was dropping out of the presidential race. 

‘You know, I was hanging out with my kids yesterday. We were actually at the swimming pool, and somebody brought over their phone and showed me the news that Joe Biden had announced he was dropping out of this race. And look, I don’t like Joe Biden and I don’t like his policies. And I’m not a Democrat primary voter. I never have been, and I never will be unless this goes really wrong, ladies and gentlemen,’ Vance recalled.

‘I imagine most of you did not vote for Joe Biden. If you did, welcome aboard. We’re glad to have you,’ Vance said.

Vance went on stating that what is happening now is a threat to democracy.

‘The idea of selecting the Democrat Party’s nominee because George Soros and Barack Obama and a couple of elite Democrats got in a smoke-filled room and decided to throw Joe Biden overboard. That is not how it works. That is a threat to democracy, not the Republican Party, which is fighting for democracy every single day,’ Vance said. 

Vance continued saying that he really believes that most Americans are fundamentally good, whether they’re Democrat, Republican or independent.

‘So my message to Democrats who are disgusted by this process because of how anti-democratic it is. You are welcome in the Republican Party, where we think we should persuade voters and not lie to voters. Come on in. The water’s warm,’ Vance said.

While speaking to the crowd, Vance acknowledged Michigan being a battleground state and said that he could not give the state of Michigan any reason to vote against the Trump-Vance ticket and would work hard for every single vote. 

‘While my life wasn’t all that different from a lot of people who grew up in Middletown, Ohio, it was tough, but it was surrounded by loving people, and it was surrounded by something that, if we don’t fight, is not going to be around for the next generation of kids. And that’s opportunity. Middletown had an opportunity, and we got to make sure it’s there for the next generation,’ Vance said. 

Vance also shared the moment Trump called to ask him to be his running mate and shared why it was the right opportunity for him and his family to take. 

‘So I had no idea what was coming. And when the president called me and asked me. He said, ‘Would you like to run as my vice presidential running mate?’ I said, ‘Well, yeah, of course’,’ Vance shared. ‘But he did something that was really amazing. Afterwards, he said, ‘What do you think about the statement I’m about to put out?’ Of course, he put it out on social media. It’s one of the things I love about President Trump is that he speaks directly to people. He doesn’t allow a bunch of consultants to filter him. He is who he is. And that’s why a lot of us love him.’

Vance is set to hold another rally in Radford, Virginia, on Monday evening. 

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Sen. Eric Schmitt is urging all members of the Cabinet, including Vice President Kamala Harris, to invoke the 25th Amendment against President Biden, Fox News Digital has learned. 

Schmitt sent letters to every member of Biden’s Cabinet Monday afternoon, just a day after the president suspended his re-election campaign amid pressure from within his own party about his age and fitness to serve another term. 

Biden, instead, endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to serve as the 2024 Democratic nominee in his place. 

While he has dropped out of the race, the White House has maintained that the president will finish his first term, which concludes Jan. 20, 2025. 

But Republicans, including his GOP opponent, former President Trump, are questioning his ability to serve for the remainder of his term. 

Schmitt, on Monday, sent letters to the Cabinet, including Harris, urging them to invoke the 25th Amendment. While many have suggested the invocation of the 25th Amendment, Schmitt is the first to officially take action. 

‘Joe Biden has decided he isn’t capable of being a candidate; in so doing his admission also means he cannot serve as President,’ Schmitt told Fox News Digital. ‘Therefore, it is in the best immediate interest of the safety of the United States for Joe Biden to resign from office or face removal under the 25th Amendment.’ 

Schmitt said that under the Biden-Harris Administration, Americans have ‘fought to stay afloat financially, have seen America’s standing on the world stage diminished, and have been pushed aside in favor of illegal aliens flooding across our southern border.’ 

‘If Joe Biden is incapable of running for office, he is incapable of serving in office,’ Schmitt told Fox News Digital. ‘It is that simple.’ 

Fox News Digital obtained letters Schmitt sent to members of the Cabinet Monday evening. 

‘If President Biden is willing to admit he is unable to continue to stand as the Democratic Party nominee for President after the primary process due to his health, he is unable to continue to serve as President until January 20, 2025,’ Schmitt writes in the letters to members of the president’s Cabinet. 

‘As the Democrats scramble to find a new nominee, it is with a sober awareness of the gravity of my request that I ask that you, as a principal officer of the executive department, discharge your constitutional duty under the 25th Amendment, working with Vice President Harris and rest of the Cabinet to submit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a written declaration of the truth we now all see—President Biden is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,’ he continues. ‘If President Biden is unwilling to resign, for the sake of our great nation, you must do your duty to relieve him of his constitutional powers and duties.’ 

The U.S. Constitution’s 25th Amendment states that ‘whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.’ 

Schmitt wrote to members of the Cabinet that ‘while Vice President Harris may have deficiencies to effectively serve as the Acting President in any way that benefits the American people, she has not displayed a medical, incurable inability to discharge the powers and duties of the Presidency, unlike President Biden.’ 

Schmitt wrote that ‘the same Democrat elites that forced President Biden’s hand over the past several weeks did so long after the American people could see his inability to discharge his powers and duties.’ 

‘He should have never stood for reelection through the primaries. Rather than allow the voice of the people to speak through the democratic process of primary elections, the Democratic party insiders and megadonors will now have the opportunity to pick a new candidate in a crony-filled backroom of their convention,’ he wrote. ‘In 2024, the Democratic Party is anything but democratic.’ 

Schmitt urged the Cabinet secretaries to take action ‘for the sake of our nation.’ 

‘We cannot wait until January 20, 2025 for a mentally capable President,’ Schmitt wrote. ‘The stakes are too important given the domestic and foreign challenges the United States is currently facing.’ 

Schmitt said Americans ‘cannot afford a part-time President.’ 

‘I urge you to fulfill your constitutional duty and relieve President Biden of his constitutional powers and duties,’ he wrote. ‘If he is medically unable to be a candidate for Presidency (after he won the primary), then he is unable to unable to discharge the powers and duties of the Presidency today.’ 

The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News digital’s request for comment.

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President Biden may not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday as planned, according to a report.

Axios journalist Barak Ravid reported on X that Netanyahu’s team is no longer expecting to meet with Biden Tuesday. An Israeli official told Ravid that Netanyahu, who is visiting Washington, D.C., this week, is still ‘waiting for an answer’ from the White House.

The development comes days after Biden announced that he was diagnosed with COVID-19. 

As of Monday afternoon, the president is still isolated in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, though he is said to be recovering.

In a letter released on Monday, Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, wrote that the president ‘completed his tenth dose of PAXLOVID this morning.’

‘His symptoms have almost resolved completely,’ the doctor wrote. ‘His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature remain absolutely normal. His oxygen saturation continues to be excellent on room air [sic]. His lungs remain clear.’

‘The President continues to perform all of his presidential duties,’ O’Connor added.

The meeting change also comes a day after Biden announced that he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. He immediately endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, with many other prominent Democrats joining him.

‘It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president,’ Biden wrote in a public letter. ‘While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interests of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.’

Before departing Israel for D.C., Netanyahu told reporters that his country would stand by the U.S. ‘regardless [of] who the American people choose as their next president.’

‘In this time of war and uncertainty, it’s important that Israel’s enemies know that America and Israel stand together,’ Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress on Wednesday. He is also expected to meet with Harris.

Fox News Digital reached out to Netanyahu’s office and the White House for additional information.

Netanyahu also requested a meeting with former President Trump this week, according to Politico.

It is unclear if Trump agreed to the meeting.

The Associated Press and Fox News Digital’s Danielle Wallace and Paul Steinhouser contributed to this report.

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Vice President Kamala Harris is now backed by more than half the delegates she needs to clinch the nomination for president, according to the Associated Press. 

According to a Monday report, more than 1,000 delegates have told the outlet or announced publicly that they plan to support Harris at the Democratic National Convention, which is more than half of the delegates needed to win the nomination vote, according to an Associated Press survey. 

The AP notes that the survey is an unofficial tally, as Democratic delegates are free to vote for the candidate of their choice at the convention later in August. 

Under current Democratic Party rules, a candidate will need the support of 1,976 delegates on the first ballot of that vote to win the nomination, the AP notes. 

President Joe Biden dropped out of the race on Monday and endorsed his ticket-mate, after insisting for weeks that he was ‘in it to win it.’ 

Biden’s disastrous debate performance in June first sparked skepticism that the 81-year-old politician might be unable to serve another four years – or beat former President Donald Trump in November. 

Facing dwindling poll numbers and concerns of cognitive decline, the dam of party support broke and scores of Democratic lawmakers and leaders called for Biden to step aside. 

‘My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term,’ Biden said in a statement on X, formerly Twitter. 

‘My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump,’ he said. 

In the 24 hours since Biden announced he was suspending his campaign, Harris raked in a staggering $81 million in fundraising, her campaign announced Monday. 

The campaign touted in an email release that the money raised was the ‘largest 24-hour raise in presidential history.’ 

And the campaign showcased that over 888,000 grassroots donors made contributions during the past day, with 60% of them making their first contribution during the 2024 election cycle. The haul includes money raised by the campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and joint-fundraising committees.’

‘The historic outpouring of support for Vice President Harris represents exactly the kind of grassroots energy and enthusiasm that wins elections,’ campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz said in a statement. 

By comparison, former President Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee announced that they hauled in nearly $53 million through their online digital fundraising platform in the first 24 hours after the former president was convicted on all 34 felony counts in his criminal trial in New York City. 

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