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Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan ‘worked together to deprive’ former President Trump of ‘his constitutional and legal rights,’ the House Judiciary Committee said in a new staff report exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital, saying their findings should prompt appellate courts to ‘reverse the verdict.’

Fox News Digital exclusively obtained the interim staff report created by the House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. 

The report, titled ‘Lawfare: How the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and a New York State Judge Violated the Constitutional and Legal Rights of President Donald J. Trump,’ spanning 35-pages, outlines the committee’s findings since it launched its probe into the matter in March 2023. 

Trump was found guilty in May on all counts following a six-week-long trial — the first of a former President of the United States. Bragg, in April 2023, had charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. Trump had pleaded not guilty. The former president has vowed to appeal the verdict. 

The committee has said that Bragg’s prosecution of Trump was politically motivated, and ‘opened the door for future prosecutions of a former president — or current candidate — that would be widely perceived as politically motivated.’ 

The report revealed that Bragg’s prosecution of Trump suffered from ‘severe legal and procedural defects.’ 

The committees investigated ‘the use of lawfare tactics’ and sought to expose ‘the two-tiered justice system that extends from the highest offices in the Department of Justice to the offices of politically ambitious state and local prosecutors.’ 

‘A fundamental principle of the American system of justice is that no individual is above the law. But just as important is the precept that prosecutors prosecute conduct, not individuals. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, however, ran for office on a platform of investigating and prosecuting President Trump, bragging about his extensive experience suing President Trump,’ the report states. ‘Although Bragg was initially hesitant to bring charges once he became district attorney, he faced intense political pressure to do so, including a leaked resignation letter from a special assistant district attorney who attacked Bragg for being too timid. That same prosecutor, Mark Pomerantz, later authored a tell-all book in which he took Bragg to task for failing to prosecute President Trump.’ 

‘Unsurprisingly, just months after Pomerantz’s book premiered — and after President Trump declared his candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination — Bragg succumbed to this political pressure and filed charges relying on Pomerantz’s theory of the case,’ the report states. 

The report outlined the committee’s findings, saying Bragg used an ‘unconstitutional and unprecedented Russian-nesting-doll theory of criminal liability, in which the jury never had to reach unanimity beyond a reasonable doubt as to each element of the criminal offenses.’ 

The committee also criticized the Biden administration for refusing to ‘intercede to protect federal interests’ as Bragg sought to prosecute alleged violations of federal campaign finance laws. 

The committee also slammed Judge Merchan for ‘egregious legal rulings before and during the trial that all cut against President Trump’s rights.’ 

The committee pointed to Merchan’s decision not to recuse himself from the case, despite his daughter’s work for Democrat politicians. The committee, in its report, described that as ‘manifest political bias against President Trump.’ 

They also pointed to the gag order imposed upon Trump before, during and after the trial, which prevented the former president from speaking about court staff or witnesses; his admission of ‘plainly inadmissible, irrelevant, and unfairly prejudicial testimony’ against the former president; and his refusal to allow the testimony of former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley Smith. 

‘President Trump never had a real shot at a fair trial in Manhattan,’ the report states. ‘In a more neutral jurisdiction, where a politically ambitious prosecutor was not motivated by partisanship and a trial judge with perceived biases did not refuse to enforce a fir proceeding, President Trump would never have been found guilty.’ 

The report states that ‘Manhattan is anything but a neutral jurisdiction.’ 

The committee said that the state or local prosecution of a current or former president by a popularly elected district attorney ‘raises substantial federal interests and raises serious concerns about conflict between state and federal entities.’ 

‘While Bragg and Congressional Democrats dismiss these concerns, the Committee has taken steps to ensure that certain federal officials may have a fair trial in a more neutral venue,’ the report states. 

The committee said its oversight work ‘is not done,’ but said the report presents ‘the facts about how the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and a Manhattan judge worked together to deprive President Donald J. Trump of his constitutional and legal rights.’ 

The committee heard testimony from top legal experts during the investigation — testimony that they say ‘makes clear that President Trump’s trial was riddled with constitutional defects.’ 

‘Defects that should prompt the New York appellate courts to reverse the verdict,’ the report states. ‘The trial violated basic principles of due process.’ 

The committee said Trump was ‘deprived of the opportunity to defend himself from the alleged underlying crime because prosecutors never disclosed it’ and Merchan ‘never forced them to do so.’ 

During the trial, New York prosecutor Joshua Steinglass said the underlying crime was a violation of a New York law called ‘conspiracy to promote or prevent election.’

 Typically, on their own, falsifying business records and conspiracy to promote or prevent elections are viewed as misdemeanors. 

‘Because President Trump had no notice of the specific charges against him, in particular the underlying crime and its essential elements, he did not have a meaningful opportunity to defend himself from those charges,’ the report states. 

The House Judiciary Committee is now demanding ‘an honest review of the facts and the law,’ which the committee stressed would ‘likely lead appellate courts to vacate the conviction and dismiss the indictment with prejudice.’ 

‘This will go a long way in restoring the American people’s trust and confidence in our justice system, although more work is ahead,’ the report states.

Trump was set to be sentenced after being found guilty on all counts on July 11 — just days before the Republican National Convention, where Trump is set to be formally nominated as the 2024 GOP presidential nominee. 

Trump’s sentencing will be delayed until September 18. 

The delay comes after Trump moved to overturn the conviction in the Manhattan case following the U.S. Supreme Court’s long-awaited ruling on the issue of presidential immunity. 

The Supreme Court ruled that a former president has substantial immunity for official acts committed while in office. 

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Concerns about President Biden’s mental sharpness and calls for him to drop out of the race have sparked questions about the 25th Amendment and what role Vice President Kamala Harris would play in triggering that process. 

The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to declare a president unfit for office. The vice president then becomes acting president. However, the section of the amendment specifically addressing this procedure has never been invoked.

Experts talked to Fox News Digital about what that unprecedented process would look like.

‘The 25th amendment process was designed to be difficult.’ Jonathan Turley, Fox News Media contributor and the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, told Fox News Digital. ‘It is highly doubtful that Harris will play Biden’s Brutus.’

‘For one thing, it is unlikely to garner the needed support in the cabinet. To seek a removal and miss would leave Harris looking not just premature but positively predatorial. With the entire White House staff marshalled to support the President, it would be viewed as a mutinous moment.’

Several Republicans have called for the 25th Amendment to be triggered.

‘What we are seeing is that they have decided to cover up for Joe Biden to protect their radical agenda as opposed to doing what is in the best interest of the American people,’ GOP Rep. Byron Donalds recently told Fox News. ‘If that resolution hits the floor, I would vote for it 100 percent. But at the end of the day, Kamala Harris and the cabinet, they have a responsibility to the American people. They have a constitutional duty to the American people.’

Turley said that ‘given his statements in the last 24 hours’ President Biden ‘would contest the invocation in a disastrous standoff just before the Convention.’

‘President Biden would quote Grover Cleveland that ‘the ship of Democracy, which has weathered all storms, may sink through the mutiny of those aboard,’’ Turley added. ‘Harris could then find herself overboard rather than the President.’

Zack Smith, a legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, also told Fox News Digital that the way the amendment is worded would allow Biden the opportunity to push back.

 ‘Under the terms of the Amendment, Harris couldn’t unilaterally act,’ Smith explained.  

‘Section 4 of the Amendment provides that when the ‘Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or such other body as Congress may by law provide,’ send written notice to the House and Senate that the President can’t do his job, the Vice President becomes Acting President.  Of course, Congress hasn’t provided for an alternative body, so it would fall to the ‘principal officers of the executive departments,’ which most understand to be cabinet secretaries — though there could be some ambiguity about who’s included in this group.’

‘If the President disagrees with this determination, he can send written notice that he is able to resume his duties and will unless the group that removed him disagrees within four days,’ Smith continued. ‘Then, Congress must assemble within 48 hours and resolve the conflict within 21 days. Two-thirds of both houses would have to override the President’s claim that he is fit for office.’

Fox News Digital reached out to Harris’s office inquiring whether she had noticed a visible mental decline from Biden and if the 25th Amendment has been discussed, but her office did not provide a response.

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President Biden has been ‘incredibly busy working the phones’ and will continue to make calls through this week, a source familiar told Fox News Digital, and his strategy to save his re-election bid appears to be working. 

Biden has been facing mounting calls from members within his own party to step aside and suspend his re-election campaign following his disastrous debate performance last month. However, Biden is going all in to tamp down dissent among lawmakers, activists and pundits pushing for Democrats to dump him as the nominee, and rescue his suddenly tenuous candidacy, sources told Fox News Digital. 

‘President Biden has been incredibly busy working the phones,’ a source familiar with the president’s efforts told Fox News Digital, adding that Biden will be making more calls on Tuesday. 

By Monday evening, the tides appeared to be turning – at least, on Capitol Hill. More than half a dozen Democratic sources told Fox News Digital that the ‘breathless calls’ to swap out Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee should be ignored.

Amid numerous reports of House and Senate Democrats planning to abandon Biden over the weekend, the president began the day Monday by sending a letter to congressional Democrats saying he is ‘firmly committed to staying in this race’ and argued that any further questioning of his candidacy ‘only helps Trump and hurts us.’ 

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., reportedly had been considering holding a meeting Monday to gather support from colleagues to call on Biden to step aside.

That meeting did not take place, sources told Fox News Digital. 

Instead, from the Senate, Americans saw Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., come out in support of the president, along with Sens. John Fetterman Catherine Cortez-Masto, and Raphael Warnock

Other senators, like Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., would not directly commit to supporting the president, saying he first needed to meet with his Democratic Senate colleagues on Tuesday.

‘I’m holding off on any further commentary until we have a chance to meet,’ he told Fox News.

On the other side of the Capitol, however, House Democrats, including Reps. Bennie Thompson, Ayanna Pressley, Rosa De Lauro, Dan Goldman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Steven Horsford and Jim Clyburn, rallied behind the president.

‘The matter is closed—Joe Biden is our nominee,’ Ocasio-Cortez told Fox News. ‘He is not leaving this race. He is in this race and I support him.’

By Monday evening, House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., who hosted a call with his Democratic colleagues — specifically ranking members on House committees Sunday night — said he still stands by the president. 

‘I made clear publicly the day after the debate that I support President Joe Biden and the Democratic ticket,’ Jeffries said late Monday. ‘My position has not changed.’

When pressed on whether Biden is the best person to be the Democratic nominee in 2024, Jeffries stood his ground.

‘Same answer,’ he said.

A source familiar with the Democratic leadership told Fox News Digital that Jeffries’ position will not change.

‘You won’t see Jeffries or [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer come out against Biden,’ the source said.

The source told Fox News Digital that members of the National Finance Committee remain behind Biden, as do members of the Congressional Black Caucus and ‘most ranking members on the hill.’

Biden participated in a virtual meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus on Monday night. The president delivered remarks and answered questions from members of the caucus.  

‘During the conversation, President Biden thanked those on the call, talked about the stakes of this election, and the critical role CBC leaders will play in reelecting him and beating Donald Trump,’ the Biden campaign told Fox News Digital. 

Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., put out a statement shortly after the conclusion of the call, saying it ‘reaffirmed’ her support for Biden and Harris. 

‘Undermining Biden only weakens our resolve to defeat Donald Trump in November,’ she said. 

Also on Monday night, Biden got the support of Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Nanette Barragan and Deputy Chair Adriano Espaillat. 

‘The chaotic calls you’re seeing for Biden to drop out are just noise from the media and professional Democrats. Sure, political operatives are having a public meltdown over one bad debate night, but let’s keep things in perspective,’ a Democrat strategist and former Biden administration official told Fox News Digital. ‘Joe Biden has already proven he can do this job and, importantly, he is the only one who has beaten Donald Trump before.’

The former official pointed to polling post-debate, noting that those numbers ‘haven’t tanked’ because ‘his age is already factored into how voters are approaching this.’

‘Millions of Americans supported him in the primary, and the idea of starting over with a new candidate this late in the game is pure fantasy,’ the Democratic strategist and former official continued. ‘We have a known entity in Biden, who is running on popular policies, and trying to reinvent the wheel now is not just impractical—it is magical thinking.’

The official added, ‘While the political class is salivating over a scandal to chase clicks, voters aren’t going to abandon Biden in favor of Trump because of one bad debate.’

However, Democratic sources told Fox News Digital that ‘the reality’ is that Election Day is just four months away, and the Democratic Party ‘can’t just parachute a replacement in that can beat Trump this late in the game.’

‘The reality is, it is too late in the game to replace the guy if we want to win — that’s it,’ the source told Fox News Digital.

Additionally, despite reports of top donors considering pulling their support, the source told Fox News Digital that those donors ‘have a multi-decade personal relationship’ with Biden.

‘There is loyalty there, and he has delivered on many pieces of the Democrat agenda,’ the source told Fox News Digital. ‘Kamala has not proven that she is a viable replacement — even though Biden has given her years of world leader meetings and more.’

Meanwhile, some reports following the debate suggested chaos among staffers within the White House and the Biden administration, but sources within the administration sought to quell those concerns.

‘The President has been counted out time and time again over his career, and especially over the past five years since he announced his presidential campaign,’ a longtime Biden staffer told Fox News Digital. ‘From winning the nomination in 2020, to being one of the few to defeat an incumbent president, to rescuing the economy, to getting his legislative agenda through, to leading the party to defeat the red wave—he has continued to prove the doubters wrong.’

The longtime staffer added, ‘With that kind of a win-loss record, why would I panic?’

Another administration official told Fox News Digital that it is ‘ironic that the same beltway voices who’ve rushed to count us out every week of this presidency are pretending we’re unused to being counted out.’ 

‘That’s when we’re at our best,’ the official said. 

Meanwhile, another Biden administration source told Fox News Digital that even amid the chaos, Biden ‘is still going to win’ and that staffers are ‘keeping the faith.’ 

‘The choice is between someone who had a bad debate and someone who presidential historians said was the worst president in U.S. history,’ the source said. ‘Democrats know that Trump is unhinged and unfit to be president.’

Even his opponent — former President Trump — has said he believes that Biden will be at the top of the Democrats’ ticket.  

Trump spoke exclusively with Fox News Digital after the debate on June 27, saying it was ‘a great honor to be on stage representing the people of our country.’

When asked if Biden would still be the Democratic nominee, Trump told Fox News Digital: ‘Yes, I think he will be the nominee.’

When pressed further on early concerns from Democrats over Biden’s performance, Trump maintained that Biden would not be replaced.

‘No, I don’t think so,’ Trump said.

Then, touting his own debate performance, he told Fox News Digital that he ‘beat’ Biden, and suggested he would have beaten any Democrat on stage with him.

‘They wouldn’t have done any better,’ Trump said. ‘No one else would have been better.’

Since the debate, Trump and his campaign have been relatively silent on the chaos within the Democratic Party. 

However, a Trump campaign source told Fox News Digital that the former president prefers to focus on campaigning and the upcoming Republican National Convention instead of on his rival’s implosion.

‘Democrats are in disarray,’ the Trump campaign source told Fox News Digital. ‘Why get in the way of them shooting at each other?’ 

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Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., third in line to the presidency, said President Biden must ‘seriously consider’ how to secure his legacy for the future as calls grow among Democrats for Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race over concerns about his mental fitness.

Murray, who as president pro tempore is third in line to the presidency, said in a statement on Monday that Biden needs to be ‘more forceful and energetic’ on the campaign trail to prove to voters that he is more fit for another term in the White House than former President Trump.

‘President Biden has to lead the charge in making that case,’ Murray said.

‘We need to see a much more forceful and energetic candidate on the campaign trail in the very near future in order for him to convince voters he is up to the job,’ Murray said. ‘At this critical time for our country, President Biden must seriously consider the best way to preserve his incredible legacy and secure it for the future.’

Biden’s physical and mental fitness were called into question after the first presidential debate in June, sparking calls from voters, Democratic members of Congress and donors for the party to select a new nominee to take on Trump in November.

House Democrats held a virtual meeting over the weekend to discuss the future of Biden’s re-election campaign in the wake of his highly-criticized performance at the debate.

Biden, however, has remained defiant against all calls to step aside, proclaiming that he will be staying in the race.

‘The bottom line here is that we’re not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere,’ Biden said during a call into MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ on Monday.

‘I wouldn’t be running if I didn’t absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024,’ Biden said. ‘We had a democratic nominating process where the voters spoke clearly. I won 14 million of those votes.’

Fox News’ Aubie Spade and Nikolas Lanum contributed to this report.

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A new slimmed-down Republican Party platform that won quick and overwhelming approval is the latest sign of former President Trump’s expanding ideological grip over the GOP.

While the platform – which softens longstanding Republican Party language in support of a federal ban on abortion – was praised by a number of top social conservative leaders, not all evangelicals were happy with the new document.

The platform, drafted by the former president and his top aides, was passed on Monday by a committee dominated by Trump supporters, which met behind closed doors in Milwaukee ahead of next week’s Republican National Convention.

The vote in favor of the platform – which was loaded with populism and nationalism – was 84 to 18, according to a source who attended the meeting.

‘Ours is a forward-looking Agenda with strong promises that we will accomplish very quickly when we win the White House and Republican Majorities in the House and Senate,’ Trump wrote on social media as he praised the passage of the platform.

The platform, titled ‘America First: A Return to Common Sense,’ is the GOP’s first in eight years, as the 2016 document was duplicated in 2020. The 2016 platform weighed in at roughly 66 pages. The new version came in at just 16 pages.

The platform’s section on abortion was significantly softened from the 2016 document.

Following Trump’s lead, the document spotlights that abortion is best handled by the states.

‘We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process and that the states are, therefore, free to pass laws protecting those rights,’ the draft reads.

However, for the first time in 40 years, the document makes no mention of a federal abortion ban, which the presumptive GOP presidential nominee has emphasized that he opposes.

Instead, the new platform stresses, ‘We will oppose late term abortion while supporting mothers and policies that advance prenatal care, access to birth control, and IVF (fertility treatments).’

In a letter spotlighted by the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, seven evangelical and anti-abortion leaders – including Faith and Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed and SBA Pro-Life America president Marjorie Dannenfelser – gave their support to the platform.

‘President Donald J. Trump has a clear track record of keeping his promises. During his first term, we pro-life and pro-family leaders applauded his courageous leadership,’ the letter highlighted. ‘We support President Trump’s vision and his commitment reflected in the Platform to the causes that millions of Americans hold so dear – protecting life and promoting the family.’

However, not everyone was happy.

‘I am concerned the Republican Party is moving away from its strong, definitive goal of protecting children from the moment of conception,’ Tony Perkins, president of the influential Family Research Council, wrote on social media.

Brent Leatherwood, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, which is the public policy wing of the Southern Baptist Convention, took to social media to argue that ‘now is the time to advocate for a robust vision for life — at all levels of government — not retreat from it.’

Additionally, ahead of the vote, a policy group aligned with former Vice President Mike Pence – who has long been a champion for evangelical voters – urged the convention delegates on the platform committee not to purge the anti-abortion language.

The platform also abandoned long-standing language opposing same-sex marriage.

On economic issues, the platform does not spotlight reducing the national debt and instead calls to ‘end inflation’ and ‘Make America Affordable again.’

In a major break from past precedent on trade issues, the platform now supports tariffs.

The document also highlights Trump’s pledge against cutting Social Security or Medicare.

Marc Short, a director of legislative affairs in the Trump administration and a chief of staff for then-Vice President Pence who this cycle served as a top adviser on Pence’s unsuccessful presidential campaign, took aim at the planks.

‘Embracing tariffs and avoiding addressing entitlement spending, have been mainstays of the Democrat party. Adopting massive tax increases ( tariffs) as part of the Republican platform will not lead to economic prosperity,’ Short argued.

The platform also included much of the language and rhetoric Trump uses on the campaign trail, including calls for the U.S. border with Mexico to be sealed and urging an end to ‘the weaponization of government against the American people.’

‘It doesn’t say we’re not going to support this or that. It just focuses on the broad issues that everybody knows we’re going to support,’ said a delegate who supported the platform who asked for anonymity to speak more freely.

The delegate told Fox News that the new platform ‘is something that I can go out and sell. It’s very simple, straightforward, very readable and very understandable.’

The Biden campaign took aim at the document, charging that ‘Donald Trump’s policy ‘platform’ reads more like the screed of an unhinged and unwell conspiracy theorist who hates America and is in it for himself.’

The platform is expected to be easily approved at the full party convention next week.

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The president of the largest teachers’ union, who was mocked over the weekend for giving an ‘off-the-rails’ speech, has visited the White House dozens of times during Biden’s presidency.

White House visitor logs show that National Education Association (NEA) President Rebecca ‘Becky’ Pringle, who delivered a viral speech over the weekend that drew intense criticism, visited the Biden White House at least 24 times between 2021 and early 2024, a Fox News Digital review found.

In March of this year, Pringle met with Biden’s national economic advisor Lael Branard roughly a month after meeting with Jade Cabrera of the White House Office of Public Engagement.  

In February 2024 and December 2023, Pringle visited the White House as part of large gatherings with President Biden. Pringle had two other visits with Vice President Harris’s Deputy Chief of Staff Erin Wilson in October 2023. 

Over the course of 2023, Pringle met with at least two of First lady Jill Biden’s aides, including her special assistant and senior adviser, as well as a meeting with now-former White House Director of Domestic Council Susan Rice.

The visitor logs show Pringle participated in a virtual event with the first lady, along with American Federation of Teachers (AFT) president Randi Weingarten one day after Biden was sworn into office in January 2021. She also participated in a one-on-one meeting with President Biden in December 2022. She went on to visit several highly-attended White House events in 2021 and 2022.

During NEA’s Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA) in Philadelphia over the weekend, Pringle called for transformative social justice change in the education system in the pursuit of equity. 

‘To unite not just our members, but the nation to reclaim public education as a common good, as the foundation of our democracy, and then transform it into something it was never designed to be—a racially and socially just and equitable system,’ Pringle said. 

‘We worked hard to rid ourselves of a tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt White House, but the reality is that the seeds that were sown during that horrible season continue to germinate,’ she said, referring to the Trump administration.

She continued by vowing to ‘protect public education’ and said, ‘We will fight privatization. We will fight vouchers. We will fight any and all schemes to drain resources from our beloved public schools,’ appearing to refer to school choice.

Pringle, who donated $2,800 to Biden’s 2020 campaign and $500 to the Biden Victory Fund, said the union’s ‘work must be about electing people like’ President Biden and Vice President Harris, promising to re-elect them this year.

She also said the union is pro- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), a controversial concept that has sparked backlash at colleges, K-12 schools, in all levels of government, and private companies across the United States.

The Florida Board of Governors passed a regulation in January limiting public funding for DEI, defining them as ‘any program, campus activity, or policy that classifies individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation and promotes differential or preferential treatment of individuals on the basis of such classification.’

School choice advocate Corey DeAngelis ripped Pringle’s recent comments in a previous statement to Fox News Digital, calling her one of the ‘power-hungry control freaks [who] think they own your kids.’

‘These power-hungry control freaks think they own your kids. They’re in a cult that worships government and detests parents. It’s time to defund teachers’ unions and allow the money to follow the child,’ DeAngelis said. ‘Becky Pringle pulled a Dwight Schrute. She is off-the-rails and desperate to maintain control over the minds of other people’s children.’

Last year while speaking on a panel, Pringle said that ‘racial’ and ‘social justice’ must be at the forefront of education policy in the United States.

‘For us at the NEA, education justice must be about racial justice, it must be about social justice, it must be about climate justice. It must be about all of those things,’ Pringle said. 

‘For our students to be able to come to school ready to learn every day–We can never think of education as an isolated system because everything connects to our students’ ability to learn. So, we have to necessarily talk about housing justice, food inequality, and the reality that we all just went through a global pandemic together and of course it was the most marginalized communities that were already suffering from the inequities in every single social system in this country and every country.’

Pringle previously faced backlash during the pandemic when she raked in over $500,000 while her teachers’ union was pushing for schools to remain closed and teachers were making a fraction of her high salary.

Fox News Digital reached out to the White House and NEA for comment on Pringle’s White House visits but did not receive a response.

Fox News Digital’s Hannah Grossman and David Rutz contributed to this report.

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Most of the House Democrats who have urged President Biden to bow out of the 2024 race are silent on whether they’d support him as the White House nominee if their calls go unheeded.

The 81-year-old leader’s disastrous debate performance two weeks ago has fueled concerns among his fellow Democrats that he may not be able to beat former President Donald Trump in November.

Reps. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., Seth Moulton, D-Mass., Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, Angie Craig, D-Minn., and Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., have all come out publicly urging Biden to step aside.

Fox News Digital reached out to each of the five Democrats via email multiple times on Monday and did not hear back. 

Biden and his campaign have both maintained that he is staying in the race and is the best suited candidate to keep Trump from a second term. 

But even his allies are questioning whether he has the stamina and mental acuity to lead in his own second term, much less run a campaign until early November. Some Democrats have expressed concerns that his candidacy could drag down vulnerable leftists running for the House and Senate as well.

The window for Democrats to choose a new candidate, however, is rapidly closing and will likely be virtually impossible after the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago in August.

The president wrote to congressional Democrats earlier on Monday making clear that he was not budging. 

‘The question of how to move forward has been well aired for over a week now,’ Biden wrote. ‘And it’s time for it to end. We have one job. And that is to beat Donald Trump.’

The pressure only grew since then, with Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, adding to the calls for Biden to step aside during a CNN interview late afternoon on Monday.

Smith maintained during the interview that he would support Biden if he becomes the nominee in August, however.

Democratic lawmakers were largely evasive on Capitol Hill Monday night when Congress returned to session for its first full week since the debate. Those who did stop to speak to the media largely defended Biden and directed their ire toward Trump.

Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., a Biden ally and the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, would not answer reporters’ questions on Biden’s candidacy after House votes.

When asked how he thought Vice President Kamala Harris would do at the top of the 2024 ticket, Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., told reporters, ‘I think she’d be phenomenal. I think it’s time for a woman to be president…But Joe Biden is our president, and we’re going to support him.’

Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said her group would be meeting with Biden sometime this week. She also took a veiled shot at fellow Democrats for publicly airing their frustrations with Biden.

‘I think it would be hard not to be concerned,’ she said of Biden’s debate performance, before adding, ‘I think that he has been a really wonderful president the last three and a half years and has worked closely with the progressives.’

‘I think the conversation is important to have right now because people do have concerns, but I just don’t think it should be in public.’

Rep. Joe Morelle, D-N.Y., who reportedly expressed concerns with Biden’s candidacy on a House Democratic call Sunday, would not confirm those reports when asked by reporters but conceded he needed to see improvements in the president.

‘Well I mean, I think the president, I’ve said, I think needs to demonstrate to the American public that what we saw in the debate is not normal state of affairs,’ Morelle said. ‘Unfortunately, it’s a burden he has now, but he’s got to continue to do that, and he’s got to do it quickly.’

Others, like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., emphatically stuck up for Biden as the Democratic nominee. Neither addressed concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities. 

When reached for comment earlier on Democrat calls to step down, a Biden campaign spokesperson pointed to his comments at a Wisconsin rally on Friday.

‘I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work. I’m staying in the race, and I will beat Donald Trump,’ Biden said.

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President Biden’s physician said a neurologist who specializes in Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders visited the White House as part of his annual physical examinations amid concerns over the president’s health and mental acuity.

In a letter released Monday night, White House physician Kevin O’Connor said Dr. Kevin Cannard was chosen for Biden’s annual physicals ‘not because he is a movement disorder specialist, but because he is a highly trained and highly regarded neurologist here at Walter Reed and across the Military Health System, with a very wide expertise which makes him flexible to see a variety of patients and problems.’

The president did not see a neurologist outside his annual physicals, the letter stated.

O’Connor said he received permission from Biden and Cannard to release the neurologist’s identity and the nature of his visits.

‘To protect patient privacy for the thousands of patients of the White House Medical Unit and the physicians who treat them, normally we do not disclose the names of specialists we work with,’ the letter reads.

No signs of neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, ascending lateral sclerosis, stroke or cervical myelopathy, were found during Biden’s physical in February, O’Connor said. 

He redirected to his Feb. 28 letter where he said ‘an extremely detailed neurologic exam was again reassuring in that there were no findings which would be consistent with any cerebellar or other central neurological disorder.’

This comes after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters at a news briefing earlier on Monday that she would not identify Cannard or share details surrounding his White House visits for privacy purposes. Though she did say Biden has an annual physical evaluation that includes seeing a neurologist and pointed out that the results have been publicly shared.

The letter from O’Connor also highlighted that the results of Biden’s annual physicals have been made public each time.

Concerns surrounding Biden’s cognitive abilities continued to rise following news of visits to the White House by a Parkinson’s disease expert. The New York Post reported that a Parkinson’s expert from Walter Reed visited the White House at least eight times in an eight-month period, including for a Jan. 17 meeting with O’Connor.

O’Connor’s letter laid out Cannard’s background as a neurology specialist and explained that he has been the neurology consultant to the White House Medical Unit since 2012. It also stated that Cannard has examined Biden for each of his annual physicals, including his most recent one in February.

Before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, Cannard held regular neurology clinics at the White House medical clinic for the thousands of active-duty military members assigned to support White House operations, the letter said, noting that many military personnel experience neurological issues in connection with their service.

Questions about Biden’s health and mental fitness were amplified following his shaky debate performance last month against former President Trump, which prompted several Democrats’ calls for Biden to exit the presidential race. Others in the party remain vocal about their continued support for the president’s re-election campaign.

Biden has repeatedly said since the debate that he plans to remain in the race as he seeks to defeat Trump for a second time in November. 

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Remember Harvey Weinstein, the sex fiend? So awful. He stood out in an industry where pepper spray is a condiment. Remember what he first said when accused? 

Weinstein said that if you forgave him, his mission would be to send Donald Trump into retirement. He thought that would deflect us away from his depravity. It was a depravity, we found out later, all of Hollywood knew about but ignored, like my script for Bridget Jones’ Diarrhea. So either the Weinstein accusations were going to blow up, or Harvey was going to cover his a** with enough Trump hate to beat the rap. 

If it had been up to the media, he would have succeeded. But there were just too many victims and they were talking loudly. Doesn’t that sound exactly like what’s happening now? Like that scary dog your whole neighborhood hated? 

The Biden dementia story has escaped the yard barking and leaving a trail of poop behind it. And once again, Trump hatred is the weapon of mass distraction. What a sanctimonious phony anyway. So you see the Weinstein strategy. We must beat Orange Hitler to permit Joe’s awfulness and senility.

Will it work this time? Nope. Confidence in Joe from Scranton is fading like the spray tan on his pinched, empty face. And now, just like Hollywood covering for Harvey because they gain from it. We see that our media has been covering for Joe sagging a**, and theirs too. While Joe disintegrated.

Those of us who called out Joe’s incapacity were denigrated or ignored, like Jesse Watters at a nude beach. Meanwhile, The Times, Washington Post, Axios and all the others obsessed on a flag outside Justice Alito’s house or endlessly bombarded us with Russian collusion tales and lawfare tales of Jan. 6 insurrectionists. What do all these tales have in common? Trump hate, as distraction.

To the left, it’s a giant scandal vaccine. Just keep injecting Trump as Hitler into the narrative and you can cure any bad publicity for the left. The side effect is you lose your hair. But suddenly, now a shocked media is running with this story full blast. After ignoring that, Joe ran his 2020 campaign from his basement that he regularly called a ‘lid’ at 11 a.m. Back in 2019, we saw pictures of his note cards with pre-submitted questions and answers from reporters.

Now, videos once dismissed as right wing cheap fakes are shown as proof by the very same media outlets. But before the debates, they were as bogus as clips of Dana Perino being nice to orphans. True, our president hasn’t been running this joint for the last four years, and the media still isn’t interested in asking who has. It hasn’t been Kamala. She reads to children and their literacy scores drop. The reason for this, I call it award porn. The media learned quickly that to win awards, do nothing but exposes on Trump, and they were handing out Pulitzers for Russiagate exposes like they were shots of Ozempic in ‘The View’s’ green room. But you never win awards for exposing Democrats. That would be like a vampire biting the neck of another vampire. 

Meanwhile, the biggest DC scandal of our lifetimes, our president is vegetable adjacent, has been ignored for years. Instead, we got heaping helpings of climate change, police malfeasance, diversity in the military and gender. So why is the media now suddenly feeding on Joe’s carcass like Nancy Pelosi on a hijacked blood mobile? Because once the story escaped their electrified fence and ran free in the wild, it became a money maker.

The great Joe Biden dementia scandal is suddenly getting the clicks from the general audience, unlike the red soy meat the media usually feeds their left wing base. So now they’re just not covering their a****, they’re covering their mortgages. So, as our crack reporters tried desperately to paint themselves as noble investigators, they’re also trying to get us to believe that Democrats are heroic for turning on Joe.

But you’re not a hero when you’re caught lying. That’s why I had to give back all my BET awards. Suddenly the media, the dems, are all truth tellers. Even Jerry Nadler is questioning Joe’s fitness, and he looks like a parade float with a slow leak. Let’s not forget the other hoaxes: Fake laptop, Russian collusion, fine people. The media didn’t see them as hoaxes because they made them. Well, we didn’t miss them. As the old saying goes, I’m the guy doing his job. You must be the other guys.

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A sixth House Democrat is now asking President Biden to duck out of the 2024 White House race and accusing his campaign of dismissing concerns from fellow members of his party.

Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, told CNN host Jake Tapper point-blank on Monday afternoon that he believes the 81-year-old president is not the best candidate to beat former President Trump in November.

‘I think he should step aside. I think it’s become clear that he’s not the best person to carry the Democratic message,’ Smith said.

He maintained that Biden did ‘a great job’ so far, citing the U.S.’s economic rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘And then on the other side, we’ve got Donald Trump, who’s a complete disaster,’ Smith said. ‘We’ve got a good message. The president has shown he’s not capable of delivering that message…in an effective way.’

Smith also pushed back on Biden allies’ pleas to get the topic of Biden’s fitness for office out of the news cycle.

‘A lot of Democrats are saying, ‘Well, let’s move on. Let’s stop talking about it.’ We’re not the ones who are bringing it up. We’re not the ones who said ‘Anytime, anyplace,’ and only Joe Biden was on that stage with Donald Trump,’ Smith said.

‘Our constituents are bringing it up, the country is bringing it up.  The…campaign strategy of ‘Be quiet and fall in line and let’s ignore it’ simply isn’t working right now.’

He’s one of several national-level Democrats urging Biden to step aside after his disastrous performance in the CNN Presidential Debate last month. Even some of Biden’s allies raised concerns after he spoke with a hoarse voice, which he said was due to a cold, and stumbled over his own answers several times during the prime-time event. Viewers also observed him appearing tired and noticeably less sharp than he looked the last time he faced Trump in 2020.

‘There were concerns leading up to it,’ Smith said when asked if that event alone made him doubt Biden. ‘And it hasn’t gotten better since the debate.’

The Washington state Democrat also emphasized he was not calling on Biden to resign from the Oval Office early. He added, however, that he could support Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor.

For his own part, the president has refused to step aside multiple times since the debate. 

He also wrote to Congressional Democrats earlier on Monday making clear that he was not budging.

‘The question of how to move forward has been well aired for over a week now,’ Biden wrote. ‘And it’s time for it to end. We have one job. And that is to beat Donald Trump.’

Other Democrats calling on Biden to step aside are Reps. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., Angie Craig, D-Minn., Mike Quigley, D-Ill., and Seth Moulton, D-Mass.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Biden campaign for comment.

Smith’s CNN interview comes before House Democrats are all slated to be in one room together for the first time since the debate, for their regular Tuesday morning caucus-wide meeting.

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