


Former Trump administration communications director Anthony Scaramucci argued President Biden will have to do more to prove he’s up to being president for another four years.

‘I went to President Biden‘s fundraiser in East Hampton and I thought he did quite well reading the teleprompter today and meeting with people,’ Scaramucci said. ‘However, that is not going to be enough to prove to the American people that he’s up for another four years.’ 

The comments come after the first presidential debate last week between Biden and former President Trump, with many observers and commentators criticizing the president’s performance and calling into question his ability to continue the campaign.

The performance even led to some Democrats calling on the president to drop out of the race, arguing that Biden demonstrated he is unfit to go toe-to-toe with Trump in November.

The Biden campaign has so far pushed back against the critics, acknowledging the weak debate performance but vowing the president would stay in the race.

But Scaramucci, who briefly served in Trump’s administration before stepping down and becoming a frequent critic of the former president, suggested that Biden would have to do more to demonstrate his fitness to continue.

‘President Biden needs to appear in unscripted settings and handle fair but tough questioning (further demonstrations of his ability to read from a teleprompter will not assuage my concerns). Four ideas come to mind,’ Scaramucci said, citing ideas from his friend Whitney Tilson.

Among the ideas were for Biden to hold an hour-long press conference at the White House every week before the election, do an interview with ’60 Minutes,’ meet with the editorial board of the New York Times to demonstrate why the paper was wrong to call for his resignation, and appear on a late-night T.V. show.

‘This can all be done in the next week – there is no time to waste,’ Scaramucci said.

The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment.

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Adm. Rachel Levine — a transgender assistant secretary for health in the Biden administration — has long been among the most extreme of the gender extremists in American public life, but new documents reveal she’s even more fringe than we knew.  

Levine got wind that World Professional Association for Transgender Health, itself a hardcore lefty advocacy group helping drive the current gender crisis in America, was going to (gasp!) set recommended age minimums for gender-based medical interventions in its 2022 guidance.

She came down like a hammer, reaching out through backchannels to interfere. 

WPATH wanted a minimum age of 14 for hormone treatment, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation and 17 for genital surgeries. 

Levine wanted no limits whatsoever … especially for the surgeries. 

But why the backchannel outreach? She’s the face of Biden’s transgender policy posture, after all.

Per an email revealed in a recent court filing, Levine was ‘confident, based on the rhetoric she is hearing in D.C., and from what we have already seen, that these specific listings of ages, under 18, will result in devastating legislation for trans care.’ 

In other words, if WPATH conceded an inch to medical reality, it might hurt Levine’s boss Joe Biden politically.

And WPATH, not shockingly, reportedly broke its own rules and defied the wishes of its own committee members to oblige this high-ranking and powerful government official (who plainly has the support of the president, or whoever makes decisions in this White House). 

Remember: WPATH is, by any normal standard, about as far out there as it’s possible to get on trans issues. 

Even as European nations and Britain have rightly turned away from the idea that kids should have a greased path to medical intervention for gender dysphoria — interventions that can have brutal lifelong effects, like infertility — WPATH stubbornly holds on. 

Despite the heartbreaking testimony of brave detransitioners like Luka Hain and Chloe Cole, failed totally by the medical establishment. 

But even that outfit was too moderate for Levine, and its minor gesture at sane policy had to be swept away to aid national Democrats. 

This is what results when you let fanatics literally living out their ideology effectively set policy on a truly difficult issue. 

Extremists like Levine customarily claim that trans people are marginalized, at risk, oppressed by society, etc., so they must be given everything they want as soon as they ask for it no matter how nonsensical. 

That concept then gets enshrined in policy and medical guidance and every other official posture.

In fact, the opposite is true. 

Witness the fate of brave whistleblowerslike Eithan Haim, the Texas surgeon now facing four felony charges for bringing to light the unethical and possibly illegal activities of doctors at America’s largest children’s hospital. 

Or Jamie Reed, who was attacked by the ACLU for doing the same thing at a St. Louis gender clinic.

No, the power is (for the moment) on Levine’s side as she maneuvers to sweep away all guardrails around protecting kids from medical disasters. 

Which is precisely what makes the good fight against her and her brothers-in-arms so essential. 

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Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and Trump primary challenger, warned Republicans should prepare for Democrats to replace President Biden with a candidate who is ‘younger’ and more ‘vibrant,’ while repeating her push for cognitive tests for all candidates for federal office. 

‘They are going to be smart about it. They’re going to bring somebody younger. They’re going to bring somebody vibrant. They’re going to bring somebody tested,’ Haley told the Wall Street Journal Saturday.

‘This is a time for Republicans to prepare and get ready for what’s to come because there is no way that there will be a surviving Democratic Party if they allow Joe Biden to continue to be the candidate.’

Some Democrats have also called on Biden to drop out of the race after his debate performance against former President Trump. 

In reference to Biden’s performance, Haley said, ‘Our enemies just saw that they have between now and Jan. 20 to do whatever it is they want to do.’ 

Haley said in May that despite their contentious primary contest in which both candidates threw personal insults at each other, she planned to vote for Trump in November. 

She also told the Journal she had reached out to the former president recently and had a ‘good conversation.’

Trump previously said he believes Haley will be ‘on our team in some form.’

Haley previously served as Trump’s United Nations ambassador. 

‘America deserves the strongest leader possible,’ Haley said on X Saturday. ‘Thursday night was shocking. It’s exactly why I have been calling for mental competency tests for anyone running for office. Joe Biden owes the American people transparency about his cognitive abilities.’

She added that Washington, D.C. is ‘full of older people,’ and voters need to know ‘who is up to the challenge and who is not.’ 

‘To the millions of Nikki Haley supporters who are tired of Donald Trump and his MAGA allies constantly attacking them, running moderates and independents out of the party and repeatedly refusing to commit to accepting the 2024 election results, you have a home in President Biden’s coalition,’ Biden spokesperson Ammar Moussatold Fox News Digital of Haley’s comments.

Haley also questioned Trump’s cognitive abilities during the Republican primary, noting that he seemingly confused her with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 

Haley, 52, told the Journal Democrats could suffer down-ballot losses if they keep Biden as the nominee.

‘If they continue down this path, and they have Biden as their nominee, they are committed to hurting America,’ she said. 

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— Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has become a fixture among conservatives since dumping the Democrat Party two years ago to become an independent.

The outspoken critic of President Biden and her former party is now rumored to be on former President Trump’s running mate shortlist — albeit as a long shot — something she hasn’t shied away from as discussions about the best choice for Republicans to reel in undecided and moderate voters ramp up ahead of the Republican National Convention (RNC) next month.

Fox News Digital caught up with Gabbard, who said in May she’d be ‘honored’ to join Trump on the Republican ticket, during a recent trip to Washington, D.C., where she shared what she viewed as the required qualities for any individual hoping to be picked by the former president.

‘In order to win, you have to be able to bring in people who may not already be with you or already be a part of your support base. This is important, not only for the election, to be able to bring in our fellow Americans,’ 

‘It is also important to do the tough work that will follow should President Trump win, to be able to actually root out the rot of corruption that exists within permanent Washington, to root out the deep state, root out those who believe that their function in government is more important than the people of this country,’ she said.

‘We’ve got to flip it on its head and remind people that we should have a limited government that exists to serve the people, not the other way around.’

Those who have mentioned Gabbard as a potential option for Trump point to what could be her ability to attract moderates and independents given her more liberal views on certain social positions, as well as her views on how the Democrat Party has become more radical over time.

Gabbard left the party in 2022, stating, ‘I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism.’

She detailed her thought process behind the decision in a book she published earlier this year, ‘For Love Of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind.’

‘When I announced I was leaving the Democratic Party, I got a flood of messages and emails and notes and DMs from people who, as you just pointed out, felt the same way that I did,’ Gabbard told Fox when asked about her book’s message.

‘I saw the opportunity to be able to actually go into more detail, not only on the reasons why I left the Democratic Party, but the experiences that I’ve had that brought me to that decision to leave the party that I was associated with for over 20 years, recognizing that that may help others who are struggling through their political decision, both about whether or not they want to be associated with the party or leave the Democratic Party, but also really critically, how they will vote in this election.’

Gabbard said her book was ‘a very direct call to action’ because of what the party had become.

It’s unclear when exactly Trump might announce his running mate, but he suggested last month he may make the announcement at the RNC in Milwaukee next month. He told Fox News last week he had decided who it was going to be, before later stating his pick would be in attendance at his first debate against Biden, which was held Thursday in Atlanta.

Those on the shortlist who joined Trump in Atlanta included Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and New York Rep. Elise Stefanik. However, Gabbard was notably not present.

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The first lady’s steadfast support of President Biden after his heavily criticized debate performance Thursday may seem admirable to some Americans, but not all of them.

Bill Stevenson, who was married to Jill Biden from 1970 to 1975, candidly discussed his ex-wife in an interview with the New York Post Saturday.

‘The Dr. Jill Biden who I’ve seen on TV in the last five years is not the same person I married or that I recognize in any way,’ Stevenson lamented. ‘She’s matriculated into a completely different woman.’

On Thursday, the first lady gushed about her husband’s debate performance despite immediate calls for Biden to drop out of the race.

‘Joe, you did such a great job,’ she told him at a debate after-party. ‘You answered every question. You knew all the facts.’

According to Stevenson, Jill Biden’s support of her husband is far from helpful.

‘I just don’t understand why she is so adamant about defending him and keeping him in the race since it appears that he’s struggling,’ Stevenson said. ‘It appears that he’s struggling with everybody these days.

‘I’ve been proud of her at certain moments. I have no hard feelings. … I’m just surprised to see her front and center in the middle of this battle after flying under the radar for so many years. She’s always been very driven. People say she’s the one who wants to be president now.’

Stevenson, a staunch supporter of former President Trump, also accused the sitting president of lying habitually.

‘It makes me cringe every time he calls Trump a liar because I’m telling you right now, there is no better liar than President Biden,’ Stevenson said.

‘He’s just a bad person. I’m probably one of the few people outside his family who has known him for 50 years.’

Biden is facing increased public scrutiny after his appearance at the presidential debate Thursday, where he appeared frail and stumbled numerous times. On Friday, The New York Times editorial board called for the 81-year-old politician to drop out of the race.

‘Biden is not the man he was four years ago,’ the editorial board wrote. ‘The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. … [T]he greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.’

The first lady’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

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A top Polish official recently appeared to draw an unflattering comparison between President Biden’s Thursday debate performance and the decline of ancient Rome.

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski made the comment in an X post Friday. The statement was posted in English, which hinted it was intended for English-speaking audiences because Sikorski usually posts in Polish. 

In the X post, Sikorski took aim at Marcus Aurelius’s son, Commodus, whose reign marked the end of Pax Romana, an era of peace and prosperity in ancient Rome.

‘Marcus Aurelius was a great emperor but he screwed up his succession by passing the baton to his feckless son Commodus (He, from the Gladiator),’ Sikorski wrote. ‘Whose disastrous rule started Rome’s decline.

‘It’s important to manage one’s ride into the sunset.’

Biden’s recent debate performance has sparked commentary across the world, prompting increased concern about his advanced age and declining cognitive abilities.

Media publications in Russia, China, Iran and other countries all covered the debate and used it as an opportunity to criticize the U.S.

Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst and author of ‘Putin’s Playbook,’ told Fox News Digital most foreign publications ‘are derogatory of both candidates and mocking America.’

‘Bottom line, Moscow feels confident that the societal crisis that has engulfed the U.S. is good for Russia,’ Koffler said.

Fox News Digital reached out to Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for additional comment but did not immediately hear back.

Fox News Digital’s Peter Aitken contributed to this report.

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President Biden’s incoherency and fatigue at last night’s CNN Presidential Debate has left Democratic insiders questioning whether President Biden should seek a second term in office. But a more urgent issue is the president’s ability to continue his first term in office. This guide explains the constitutional mechanism for Biden to be replaced as the sitting president.

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution spells out the presidential order of succession.

The first three scenarios deal with the possibility of death, resignation, or illness. It is through these sections that Vice Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Gerald Ford each became President of the United States. The fourth and most talked about section in the 25th Amendment provides a mechanism to remove a president without their consent. 

It last became part of the national conversation in the aftermath of the January 6 riots, when some cabinet members reportedly discussed removing former President Trump from office.

According to the relevant section, these steps would take place: 

The Vice President (in this case, Kamala Harris) and a majority of cabinet members deliver a written declaration to the president pro tempore of the Senate (Sen. Patty Murray, D-WA) and Speaker of the House (Rep. Mike Johnson, R-LA) saying that he is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’ This would make Harris the acting president.If President Biden writes a letter saying he is capable of performing his duties, then he resumes them unless Harris and the cabinet majority deliver another declaration stating the same inability. That must be sent within four days of the president’s declaration.The question would then go to Congress, who would assemble within 48 hours and vote on the issue within 21 days. If that vote succeeded, Biden would be stripped of his office, and Harris would continue as acting president until Americans chose their next President in the next election. In that scenario, Harris could run for President in that same election.

No. There is no reporting that anyone in Biden’s inner circle or the White House is considering such a move. 

Elsewhere, voices across the political spectrum have raised the possibility that Biden is not capable of remaining in office.

That includes figures ranging from Johnson to comedian Jon Stewart.

As above, the 25th amendment also deals with succession in the event of death or resignation. In both cases, Vice President Harris would become President of the United States.

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The first presidential debate of 2024 left many Americans and even some traditional Democratic allies wondering about President Biden’s mental fitness for office based on what appeared to be his unclear train of thought at times and his raspy voice on Thursday night.

The White House responded to these concerns, claiming that the president, who is 81, was fighting a cold, but some doctors said they perceive the health issues go beyond the sniffles — with one noting that ‘it is an issue of fitness, not of age.’

Dr. Brett Osborn, a Florida neurosurgeon who specializes in cognitive function, told Fox News Digital on Friday about his concerns. 

‘President Biden’s performance in [Thursday] night’s debate reignited longstanding discussions about his cognitive abilities and his overall leadership capacity,’ Osborn told Fox News Digital. 

‘Throughout the evening, Biden struggled to maintain a coherent narrative, often losing his train of thought mid-sentence, and providing vague, rambling and undecipherable answers to highly critical questions,’ said Osborn, expressing his professional opinion.

‘His frequent pauses, stumbling over words and reliance on notes underscored concerns about his mental acuity,’ Osborn added. 

‘Biden struggled to maintain a coherent narrative, often losing his train of thought mid-sentence.’

These seeming signs of cognitive decline highlight a ‘growing inability’ to manage the complexities required by the job of the presidency, according to the neurosurgeon.

‘His difficulty in articulating clear, concise responses and his apparent disorientation during the debate were seen by many – including his own constituents – as very troubling indicators of his overall health and an obvious decline in his cognitive function,’ Osborn said.

‘President Biden lacks the mental sharpness required for the highest office in the land … especially amid [today’s] current national and international crises.’

The neurosurgeon, who has not treated Biden personally, also mentioned the 46th president has undergone multiple surgeries for brain aneurysms.

There is a famous saying in neurosurgery, Osborn noted: ‘When the air hits your brain, you’re never the same.’ 

The surgeon surmised, ‘The odds have been stacked against him for years, long before his presidency.’

Dr. Marc Siegel, physician, clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Fox News medical contributor, also spoke with Fox News Digital about concerns from his end.

‘The debate is, in a way, a psychiatric or cognitive stress test,’ he told Fox News Digital. 

Although Biden was able to respond to questions and seemed to be spatially aware, according to Siegel, the president did display ‘frequent disorientation’ and had ‘problems with spontaneity or redirecting,’ the doctor said. 

He has not personally examined Biden.

Siegel described Biden’s speech as ‘meandering,’ noting that he ended sentences in different places than intended, and ‘often mixed up ‘trillions’ and ‘billions’ and ‘millions.’’

Siegel confirmed that a physical illness, even with a cold, can bring out cognitive issues ‘even more.’

‘Even so, it’s hard to believe this is all from a cold,’ Siegel told Fox News Digital. ‘Either way, we need someone who is sharp despite a cold.’ 

The NYU Langone physician noted that cognitive issues ‘wax and wane,’ so they won’t always present the same way.

While the age of both candidates has been raised as a concern, Siegel countered that what’s important is a president’s physical and mental fitness.

‘It is an issue of fitness, not of age,’ he said. ‘It is an issue of mental acuity, which is especially important if there is a crisis.’ 

While Biden is 81 (he turns 82 in November), Trump is 78 years old. 

During an appearance on ‘Fox & Friends’ on Friday morning, Siegel also spoke about the possibility of cold medications impacting Biden’s performance.

‘It is an issue of fitness, not of age. It is an issue of mental acuity.’


‘None of the medications that he would be taking for a cold, except something that might make him drowsy, would be relevant here,’ he said. 

‘And I don’t think they would give him something that would make him drowsy before a debate,’ he said.

He added, ‘We’ve been watching this a long time. This is something progressive.’

Fox News Digital reached out to the Biden campaign and to the White House press office for comment.

Earlier this year, concerns emerged about Biden’s age and memory after the release of a special counsel’s report. The report described the Democrat’s memory as ‘hazy,’ ‘fuzzy,’ ‘faulty,’ ‘poor’ and having ‘significant limitations,’ the Associated Press noted at the time.

The report indicated that Biden could not recall certain milestones in his own life, such as the date his own son Beau died of brain cancer, as Fox News Digital reported at the time. (Beau Biden passed away on May 30, 2015.)

‘My memory is fine,’ Biden responded afterward from the White House. 

‘A person with growing problems of memory and judgment is frequently the last to acknowledge it.’


The New York Times editorial board and others have called on Biden to step out of the race after his debate performance. 

Vice President Kamala Harris acknowledged that Biden had a ‘slow start’ to the debate, but she defended his performance overall and his record during his time in the White House.

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Said Dr. Siegel in a New York Post opinion piece that ran in the publication on Saturday morning, ‘This isn’t a question of age. Cognition varies widely with age, and it isn’t fair to say that executive function is automatically impaired at a certain point in life. But it’s a sad medical fact that a person with growing problems of memory and judgment is frequently the last to acknowledge it.’

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The re-election campaign for President Biden says it has raised a whopping $27 million since his rocky debate performance against former President Trump.

From the day of the debate through Friday evening, the Biden-Harris campaign told Fox News that it had raised $27 million.

The updated figure comes after the campaign said on Friday that it raised $14 million in ‘a sign of strength of our grassroots support’ on debate day and the morning after.

The campaign also noted Friday that 11 p.m. to 12 p.m. on Thursday – the first hour after the debate – was the single best hour of fundraising since the campaign’s launch in April 2023.

The large sums of cash come as Biden’s campaign seeks to address Democratic Party panic over whether he is mentally fit to serve as president following his disastrous faceoff with Trump in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday.

‘I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious,’ Biden, who at 81 is the oldest president in the nation’s history, told cheering supporters at a Friday afternoon rally in the crucial battleground state of North Carolina.

‘Folks, I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to,’ Biden acknowledged. ‘But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. And I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up.’

The president, pointing to his 2024 rematch with Trump, emphasized, ‘I would not be running again if I did not believe with all my heart and soul that I can do this job.’

Struggling with a raspy voice and delivering rambling answers, Biden struggled during portions of the debate. Several political analysts noted, however, that the president sharpened his answers as the debate progressed.

Biden’s uneven and, at times, halting performance grabbed the vast majority of headlines from the debate and sparked a new round of calls from political pundits, publications and some Democrats for the president to step aside as the party’s standard-bearer.

Top Biden allies have pushed back against such talk as they defended the president and targeted Trump for ‘lying’ throughout the debate.

Two Democratic sources confirmed to Fox News that top Biden campaign officials worked to calm concerns and fears as they huddled privately on Friday at a previously scheduled meeting with top party donors.

‘Biden‘s record grassroots fundraising from the day of the debate is critical. It helps blunt the criticism from Biden’s performance,’ veteran political strategist and Democratic National Committee member Maria Cardona told Fox News.

Cardona, a top Biden supporter, said spotlighting the fundraising ‘reminds Democrats that there is enthusiasm for the president and urgency to make sure that the liar and criminal Donald Trump doesn’t get close to the Oval Office.’

Another Democratic strategist and presidential campaign veteran said that team Biden’s focus on fundraising ‘is their best and maybe their only card to play.’

Trump campaign senior adviser Brian Hughes discounted the Biden fundraising.

‘As of last week, the Biden campaign has spent $100 million on cable, TV and radio. They’ve spent money on a bloated organization. Yet President Trump’s lead has grown in battleground states, and now we see polling and enthusiasm on the ground putting Virginia and Minnesota in play for the GOP nominee for the first time in many election cycles,’ Hughes told Fox News.

The Trump campaign – enjoying the post-debate narrative – had no need to immediately emphasize its own fundraising, but told Fox News Friday afternoon it brought in $8 million the day of the debate.

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America’s adversaries didn’t just think President Biden got pummeled in Thursday’s debate, they claim the United States was the real loser.

Russia, China, Iran and others weighed in after Biden’s faltering performance left viewers stunned. Media outlets in those countries, many of which are government-run, seized on the debate debacle to criticize the U.S.

‘Every outlet, big and small, carries a piece describing what happened,’ Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst and author of ‘Putin’s Playbook,’ told Fox News Digital. ‘Some have more than one. Most of them, if not all, are derogatory of both candidates and mocking America.’

‘What [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is seeing is that the American Society is deeply fractured and consumed by its own problems,’ Koffler said. ‘Putin likely believes that Russia wins either way, no matter who wins, because he expects the U.S. to plunge into chaos in the aftermath of the elections, because the country is so divided and polarized.’

‘Bottom line, Moscow feels confident that the societal crisis that has engulfed the U.S. is good for Russia,’ she added. 

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov claimed that Putin ‘was too bored to wake up and watch the U.S. debate,’ but that ‘we have seen media reports about these debates.’ 

Peskov added that the Kremlin has made no attempt to ‘assess this debate’ or make ‘official conclusions’ and insisted that Russia has ‘never interfered in the election campaigns of the United States.’ 

Outside the Kremlin, Russian media have reportedly touted the debate as a victory for Russia, with Putin positioned to dictate terms in the war in Ukraine – especially if Donald Trump were to win the White House. 

They highlighted Biden’s ‘half-open mouth, unblinking eyes’ and ‘blank expression on his face.’ 

‘This is how Joe Biden appeared before an audience of millions,’ Russian state TV New York bureau chief Valentin Bogdanov said on Kremlin-backed RT. 

The news report especially focused on the reaction from CNN, calling the anchors ‘powerless’ and the Democratic Party in the throes of a ‘deep panic,’ according to East2West. 

China also took an unfavorable view of the debate. Official media appeared to generally ignore it, but the state-run Global Times labeled it ‘the most chaotic presidential debate ever’ and ‘like a reality show’ while also highlighting the times Biden and Trump talked about China, according to the BBC. 

The Global Times most specifically took issue with Trump blaming Beijing for ‘the raging COVID-19 epidemic and U.S. economic woes.’ 

State-owned Beijing News claimed that the debate exposed both candidates’ shortcomings, with a ‘habitually confused’ Biden and Trump spreading ‘rumors’ instead of answering questions directly. 

The Xinhua news agency framed the debate within the context of an America ‘weary of another Biden-Trump match-up’ and focusing on Biden’s ‘several verbal slips’ and ‘unclear’ speech, while hitting Trump for failing to answer questions directly while providing statements that ‘contained many exaggerations and falsehoods.’

Chinese social media personalities were even more pointed. Former state media editor Hu Xijin on social media platform X mocked the U.S. presidential debate for proving ‘very entertaining for many Chinese people,’ according to Newsweek. 

‘Objectively speaking, the low-quality performance of these two old men was a negative advertisement for Western democracy,’ he wrote. 

Other social media users described the debate as a ‘disaster,’ ‘train wreck’ and ‘waste of time, though it should be noted that Chinese media has regularly tried to paint the U.S. as a country in turmoil with an uncertain political future. 

Iran’s Republic News Agency did not appear to focus much on the debate as the country holds its own presidential elections this weekend, which dominated coverage, but Middle East expert and The Foreign Desk editor-in-chief Lisa Daftari warned that the mediocre showing at the debate will interest all of America’s rivals. 

‘Any American adversary may look at President Biden’s performance as a reminder that the leader of the free world is currently less than competent,’ Daftari said. ‘It’s always been the case that the United States has the ability to defend its interests and bring about stability throughout the world just through deterrence and proper rhetoric and positioning.’

‘That has not always been the case with the Biden administration, and [Thursday] night’s performance allows for an even more extreme perception of American weakness,’ she added. 

‘We are looking at many precarious global crises right now, including China invading Taiwan, Iran’s regime possessing and/or using nuclear weapons, Iran’s regime continuing its proxy wars against Israel and Western assets in the region [and] Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine,’ Daftari said. ‘Of course, any one of these current crises may find more momentum between now and the election.’

Reaction even in allied nations was less than glowing, starting with Polish Foreign Minister Radslaw Sikorski’s cryptic message on X, which some have taken to be an unfavorable comparison between Biden and the great Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. 

‘Marcus Aurelius was a great emperor, but he screwed up his succession by passing the baton to his feckless son Commodus (He, from the Gladiator) whose disastrous rule started Rome’s decline),’ Sikeorski wrote. ‘It’s important to manage one’s ride into the sunset.’ 

French news outlet Le Monde described that debate as a ‘terrible storm’ and bemoaned Biden’s obsession with trying to ‘push his opponent off his hinges’ by mocking Trump’s answers to questions, the BBC reported. 

German outlet Der Spiegel compared the debate to ‘a car accident’ and half-heartedly applauded both candidates for the ‘theatrical performance’ while claiming that supporters on both sides will feel that their candidate did their job. 

Another outlet, Die Welt, lamented that Biden was not an exciting candidate but one who had ‘common sense and a stable personality’ who would keep ‘normalcy’ in the White House. 

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