


Former President Trump fired up a major gathering of conservative and faith voters on Saturday, just days ahead of what’s expected to be an epic head-to-head battle with President Biden in the first presidential debate of 2024.

A diverse crowd of more than a thousand attendees of the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s annual Road to Majority conference piled into the Washington Hilton’s ballroom to hear Trump, who spared no time in mentioning the pending clash.

‘Nobody’s going to be watching the debate on Thursday night, right?’ Trump quipped, prompting laughs from the crowd.

He spent part of his opening remarks calling for Christians to get out and vote in November. 

‘Christians don’t vote that much. You don’t have to vote in four years, but you have to vote this time,’ he joked.

Trump spoke on a number of issues important to voters of faith, including late-term abortion and his administration’s movement of the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 

‘Never again will the federal government be used to target Americans of faith,’ Trump said, referencing crackdowns on gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also lamented religion ‘becoming less and less important’ across the country, citing its decline as a reason the country is facing crime and other problems.

Trump railed against the ‘radical left,’ who he said ‘rigged’ the 2020 election, and vowed they wouldn’t do the same this year.

‘They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom,’ Trump said, referencing the various prosecutions being carried out against him.

Trump got what appeared to be the loudest applause when speaking on illegal immigration, when he vowed to begin the ‘largest deportation operation in American history’ on his first day in office.

The Road to Majority Conference is hosted annually by the Faith & Freedom Coalition, a major Christian grassroots organization with more than 3 million members across the U.S. 

The conference is known as the largest public policy gathering of conservative Christian activists in the U.S., and will focus on policy issues that matter most to voters of faith ahead of the 2024 election.

Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin spoke just ahead of Trump, issuing a call to action to get the former president back into the White House, as well as strengthened Republican majorities in Congress.

The two appeared together for the first time earlier this month — not long after a poll showed Trump and Biden tied in the blue-leaning state — fanning the rumors already circulating that Youngkin is being considered as a potential vice presidential running mate.

Other prominent speakers at the conference were South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who left the Democratic Party in 2022, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty.

Noem, Carson and Gabbard have also all been mentioned as potential running mates for Trump. The event marks the latest instance where a number of those reportedly in the running for the role could be competing on stage for Trump’s approval ahead of the Republican National Convention this summer.

Trump will meet Biden on an Atlanta stage this Thursday in a debate hosted by CNN, the first meeting between the two rivals since their final debate ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

The two are only expected to meet on the debate stage one other time ahead of the November general election, when ABC News hosts its debate in September.

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Thanks to a tidal wave of fundraising following his conviction in the first criminal trial of a former or current president, Donald Trump has all but erased President Biden’s once massive fundraising advantage in their 2024 election rematch.

In May, for a second straight month, the former president and the Republican National Committee significantly outraised Biden and the Democratic National Committee. And the president’s formidable cash-on-hand advantage over Trump has seemingly evaporated.

The Biden campaign’s months-long lead in the cash dash allowed his team to drown out Trump on the airwaves and to build an impressive ground game operation in comparison to the Trump campaign’s much more frugal foundations.

But Trump’s fundraising boost since clinching the GOP nomination in early March, and his surge since being convicted of 34 felony counts in his New York City trial, now allow him to match Biden in the ad wars and to potentially build a sizable ground operation.

While Biden’s campaign has spent upwards of $65 million to carpet the airwaves with ads in support of president’s re-election, according to AdImpact, a leading national ad tracking firm, the Trump campaign has yet to launch a general election ad buy.

But Biden’s ad wars advantage may soon be challenged. Make America Great Again (MAGA) Inc., a top super PAC supporting the former president, announced a $100 million ad blitz this summer. The group’s announcement came immediately after it landed a staggering $50 million contribution from conservative banking heir Timothy Mellon.

When it comes to the ground game battle, the Biden campaign on Thursday announced that it had reached 200 campaign offices and 1,000 staffers in the key battleground states that will decide the 2024 election rematch.

‘With just over four months until the election, Donald Trump couldn’t match our battleground infrastructure if he tried,’ Biden campaign battleground states director Dan Kanninen said in a statement. 

Kanninen argued that ‘while Trump’s team is desperately trying to spin their lack of infrastructure as ‘strategic,’ the bottom line is that Donald Trump cannot buy back the time he has lost — and invisible campaigns don’t win.’

Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller pushed back, as he pointed to polls in the key battleground states that indicate Trump with a slight edge.

‘What Biden could use is 1,000 more votes in states like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, because he’s losing to President Trump in all of them!’ Miller claimed.

Trump’s campaign says that it and the RNC have offices in the key swing states, but declines to give specific numbers. The campaign reiterates that its paid staff and volunteer operation are ‘expanding daily.’

But Trump’s campaign for a couple of months has emphasized that it is building a ‘leaner’ operation than it had in 2020 when the then-White House incumbent ran for re-election. It is planning an operation with fewer offices and staff, and to a degree outsourcing, as it relies on allied groups to beef up its ground game.

‘There will definitely need to be some catching up to do for Trump to try to match the infrastructure that Biden has built,’ Greg Moore, a regional director for the conservative advocacy powerhouse Americans For Prosperity, told Fox News.

But Moore, a longtime veteran of the group’s formidable grassroots outreach and ground game efforts, said ‘there’s still a fantastic opportunity for the Trump team to be able to start to grow that infrastructure and focus on building out a true, authentic, grassroots strategy.’

Pointing to the Trump campaign, Moore argued that ‘there’s no question there’s a ton of energy in the supporters. The level of enthusiasm among Trump’s supporters is higher than the level of enthusiasm among Biden’s supporters, which means while the staff gain might lean toward Biden, actually recruiting authentic volunteers is an area where Trump should have an advantage.’

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Former President Trump’s first day in court for a hearing to determine the lawfulness of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment in the classified document investigation concluded Friday without a decision being made.

Friday’s hearing inside a courthouse in Fort Pierce, Florida, ended around 2:30 p.m. after the court heard arguments from the defense and prosecution as well as constitutional lawyers supporting either side’s analysis.

Prior to concluding for the day, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon heard an argument from a lawyer backing up the Trump defense team’s claims.

Josh Blackman of Landmark Legal Foundation argued that Smith did not wield the proper authority to exercise the powers he had been given.

The arguments were centered on whether the law authorizes the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel, such as Smith. The discussions during the hearing were policy-heavy, as each side sought to prove what is truly meant by the law and what authority is ultimately bestowed on Garland and Smith.

Matthew Seligman, a constitutional lawyer and scholar, argued on behalf of the DOJ during the hearing, pointing to one specific word in a statute that backs Garland’s appointment of Smith in the classified documents case.

The word ‘appoint’ is used in section 533, he pointed out to Cannon. This is significant, he explained, as ordinary employees are not installed via appointment. The word is used in the context of government officials, who are put in place by appointment.

According to Seligman, who is part of a group of constitutional lawyers called Defenders of Democracy, the statute is abundantly clear in granting the attorney general the authority to appoint such officials, or special counsels, to prosecute crimes in the U.S.

Trump’s lawyers argued that because Smith was unlawfully appointed and not confirmed by Congress, the case should be thrown out.

Defense attorney Emil Bove used the phrase ‘shadow government’ while arguing against the validity of Smith’s appointment.

Bove mentioned the term while describing a situation in which inferior officers, unconfirmed by the Senate, are put in power. ‘These are the risks we are running,’ he said.

DOJ prosecutor James Pearce argued for Smith’s team and opened by telling Cannon that the Trump team’s legal analysis is, ‘foreclosed by precedent’ and that it could lead to ‘pernicious consequences.’

Smith’s team maintains that Garland has the statutory authority to appoint a special counsel, pointing to US Code 28 Section 516, which gives the AG the authority to prosecute criminal matters and puts the AG in charge of any litigation on behalf of the United States.

Pearce also told Cannon that while Smith’s team is operating independently on a day-to-day basis, DOJ regulations allow the AG to ask for an explanation of any step taken by the special counsel.

Cannon was reportedly very active during the hearing, asking questions of both sides, including asking Bove about the text of Section 533, ‘What is a special attorney or assistant? What is the difference?’

At the end of the hearing, after hours of arguments on dense and complicated legal issues, Cannon seemed to home in on one issue: whether Garland had any direct role in Trump’s indictment.

Cannon asked Pearce if there had been any oversight by Garland on Smith’s team in relation to the issue that Garland has repeatedly assured Congress that Smith is acting independently and that there has been no coordination with the Biden White House.

Pearce assured the judge that Smith’s team had complied with all the DOJ regulations governing the special counsel.

Cannon is expected to issue a written order in the coming days.

Fox News Digital’s Julia Johnson and Jamie Joseph contributed to this report.

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Amid the circulation of videos on social media in recent weeks which appear to show President Biden’s mental acuity dwindling and a recent Wall Street Journal report adding fuel to the speculation, low expectations for his performance ahead of the debate next week against former President Trump could buck his chance of victory.

And Trump may be helping Biden set expectations low by dinging him on his age and acuity in recent interviews. Trump has called for Biden to be drug tested prior to taking the debate stage, saying that if he does well it will be due to performance enhancements. 

‘If he’s standing, they’ll say it was a brilliant performance,’ Trump said at the National Rifle Association (NRA) Convention last month in Dallas.

However, ‘low expectations’ will be used to Biden’s advantage, according to one expert.

‘I’d be wary of assuming that Biden’s going to have a bad performance, or of talking down his potential performance because he has surpassed expectations at the 2020 debate, at the State of the Union address, and at the press conference where they were talking about his mental acuity,’ presidential historian and author Tevi Troy told Fox News Digital.

‘That doesn’t mean he’s always all there, and I fully recognize that he is not the person he was in 2012 when he debated very effectively against Paul Ryan,’ added Troy, who served as a senior HHS official in the President George W. Bush administration. ‘But when you lower the expectations of your opponent’s performance, it’s easy for the opponent to exceed those expectations strategically. It’s something to worry about.’

Thursday’s presidential debate will be the first between the GOP and Democratic frontrunners, since neither Trump nor Biden participated in party primary debates – a first in several decades. 

Troy, also a senior researcher at the Bipartisan Policy Center think tank, believes the real problem for Biden next week ‘is it’s easy to run against Trump when Trump’s in office, but now Biden’s in office and people are still unhappy with one situation.’

‘They’re unhappy with the illegal immigration, they’re unhappy with inflation, and they’re unhappy with the sense that Biden doesn’t have it and doesn’t know what’s going on or isn’t on top of his game. So, the ‘memory campaign’ is a bit of a hard thing to pull off in this circumstance,’ he said.

Meanwhile, a GOP strategist told Fox News Digital ‘the bar is so low’ for Biden, ‘so him making it through a sentence is seen as a success in the eyes of the Democrat party.’

‘After the State of the Union, everyone was saying it was a great success for him, simply because he made it through with a few notable stumbles. He had a couple, but I think voters can’t forget, and they have to truly understand, like, what Joe Biden is actually saying. His union address was one of the most divisive speeches I’ve seen,’ the source said.

‘What voters really need to focus on are his policy positions,’ the source continued. ‘The platform that he ran on in 2020 that he’s going to unify the country. And I think a lot of voters can get behind that. But we have seen the exact opposite during his entire time as president. And I think Donald Trump can make a really good case about that. And on top of that, just being able to stumble him up a couple times.’

Meanwhile, the White House is working to discredit videos of the president online, terming them ‘cheap fakes,’ which are edited out of context, slowed or sped up.

‘The discredited right-wing critics of President Biden who spread other debunked lies, including that the 2020 election was stolen, are clearly threatened by the wide range of nonpartisan fact-checkers that have pulled back the curtain on the cheap fake smears they’re forced to rely on – since the last thing they want to discuss is Joe Biden’s agenda to cut taxes for working families and keep bringing violent crime to historic lows,’ White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital this week.

The president’s mental acuity has become the center of political discourse this month after a bombshell Washington Journal report, which the White House dismissed, revealed that many lawmakers on Capitol Hill had questions about Biden’s mental acuity after many said his aging was apparent in private meetings.

As of Thursday, President Biden is the frontrunner in a hypothetical matchup against former President Trump for the first time since October, as positive views of the economy inch up — hitting their highest level thus far in the Biden presidency, according to a new Fox News national survey.

Since May, there has been a 3-point change in the presidential race. Trump was ahead by one point last month, while Biden is up by two points today: 50%-48%. That’s well within the margin of error. Biden’s current 50% support is his best this election cycle; he hasn’t been ahead of Trump since October 2023 and that was by just 1 point (49%-48%).

Fox News Digital’s Dana Blanton contributed to this report. 

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has raised another round of speculation about his health following publication of photos from his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

‘I don’t know what the severity of his health is like, but, just by looking at it on the TV screens, [he] doesn’t look like a healthy man,’ Professor Sung-Yoon Lee, fellow at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C., and author of ‘The Sister: North Korea’s Kim Yo Jong, the Most Dangerous Woman in the World,’ told Fox News Digital. ‘But it’s been like that for, you know, almost 10 years now.’

Former CIA North Korea analyst Sue Mi Terry aroused speculation when she said, based on footage of his meeting with Putin in Pyongyang, that Kim ‘doesn’t look too good to me.’ 

‘There was a time when he lost a little weight, and he looked better, so my initial reaction was that he didn’t look, in terms of being healthy, because his health is something that we always track anyway,’ Terry said, according to The Hill. 

Lee agreed with Terry’s assessment, describing part of the meeting when Kim first arrived at the meeting in his limousine and walked ‘no more than 30 yards’ before getting on an escalator. With that minor exertion, ‘you could see Kim Jong Un huffing and puffing, and you could audibly hear it: [He was] breathing hard like that after walking 25, 30 yards, and even when the two sat down, he was still out of breath,’ Lee said. 

However, Lee cautioned that Kim has long appeared unhealthy, looking ‘morbidly obese’ for much of his tenure as the supreme leader of the hermit kingdom and that even if he appears incredibly unhealthy again following his weight loss in 2021, he could still live well thanks to the health care at his disposal. 

‘Kim is filthy rich: He owns an entire state — it’s his domain in a medieval style, absolute monarch… he has the finest medical team, first-rate, although the health care system throughout the nation is dilapidated,’ Lee explained. ‘It’s a joke, but he has good doctors working for him, and their raison d’etre is to make sure that Kim doesn’t collapse the next day.’ 

Lee noted that both Kim’s father and grandfather, Kim Jong Il and Kim Sung Il, respectively, died from heart attacks, and he talked at length about Kim’s many vices, such as heavy drinking and smoking. 

A 2016 report from The Guardian noted that Kim had gained 90 pounds in the four years since he took over following his father’s death due to ‘binges’ of food and alcohol to cope with ‘constant fear of being assassinated.’ The report cited South Korea’s intelligence service, which claimed that Kim weighed 286 pounds at the time. 

‘Kim also apparently suffered gout in October 2014,’ Lee revealed. ‘He was not seen in public from mid-September to about mid-October and then showed up with a cane.’

Kim’s health will also remain vitally important to Putin, who increasingly relies on weapons from his allies as the war in Ukraine depletes both sides. Reports indicate that North Korea could have sent as many as 5 million artillery shells to Russia, based on the size of containers shipped last week. 

‘Kim knows that he has some leverage now with Putin and for Putin to make this on this pilgrimage, this unusual visit to North Korea,’ Lee argued. ‘[It] says a lot about how the two sides are joined together in rewriting international law, international norms, violating sanctions — brazenly denying any military collusion.’

‘The two men signal to Washington and other allies that, hey, you do your best to derail our partnership: We’re standing tall together,’ Lee concluded.

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Former President Trump released a video Thursday mocking independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for not meeting the requirements to appear at the first presidential debate.

The short video, recorded aboard Trump’s private jet, addressed reports that Kennedy had insufficient support in national polls and did not appear on enough state ballots to earn a spot at CNN’s upcoming debate.

‘I know RFK Jr. wants to try to get onto the stage on Thursday, and I’d love to have him frankly, because I don’t think he’s much of a debater, and he’s got some very liberal, radical left ideas,’ Trump said in the video. ‘But you have to get certain numbers, that was the criteria, and he’s way below those numbers. He’s not coming close.’

‘So I hope to see him up there someday, but it looks to me like he’s not going to qualify on many fronts,’ Trump continued. ‘They say he hurts Biden more than he hurts me, and I don’t know if that’s true or not. They say he hurts Biden because he’s a serious left person. If he is, that’s good — I don’t really care.’

In order to qualify for the CNN-hosted debate, candidates are required to receive at least 15% support in four separate national polls. Candidates must also be on the ballot in enough states to make it hypothetically possible to collect the 270 electoral college votes necessary to win the election.

Kennedy — the highest-performing 2024 candidate outside the Republican and Democratic parties — failed to meet the criteria by the Thursday morning deadline, the network said.

A CNN spokesperson independently confirmed to Fox News that RFK Jr. did not qualify.

‘You have to do better than six or seven points. Maybe someday he’ll be there, but I doubt it,’ Trump concluded in his Thursday video.

The independent candidate was only able to produce the necessary 15% support figure in three separate national polls, according to a news release by CNN. The network also reported that Kennedy had not qualified for the ballot in enough states to meet the 270 possible electoral college votes threshold.

‘Presidents Biden and Trump do not want me on the debate stage and CNN illegally agreed to their demand,’ Kennedy said in his own statement on Thursday. ‘My exclusion by Presidents Biden and Trump from the debate is undemocratic, un-American, and cowardly.’

‘Americans want an independent leader who will break apart the two-party duopoly,’ he added. ‘They want a President who will heal the divide, restore the middle class, unwind the war machine, and end the chronic disease epidemic.’

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Tyler Cherry, the former Interior Department communications director in the Biden administration, has been hired in a new role and will be working on communications inside the Biden White House, despite sparking controversy last year over social media posts attacking police, criticizing Republicans and supporting the anti-Israel movement.

‘After more than three years at Interior working for Secretary Deb Haaland, Cherry started last week as an associate communications director at the White House,’ Politico reported this week.

Cherry sparked controversy last year after social media posts surfaced in which he blasted law enforcement and promoted ‘Russiagate.’

‘Praying for #Baltimore, but praying even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases,’ Cherry posted in 2015 amid riots that were sparked following the death of Freddie Gray, a Black man, in police custody in Baltimore.

‘Apt (sic.) time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs,’ he stated in a separate post months later.

In 2018, Cherry called for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Homeland Security Department agency tasked with preventing cross-border crime and illegal immigration, to be abolished. 

Cherry was also posting support for ‘Palestine’ on social media in 2014 during the Gaza War in which Palestinian forces, led by the radical Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas, launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, sparking a forceful Israeli response that involved airstrikes and a ground invasion.

‘Cheersing in bars to ending the occupation of Palestine — no shame and f— your glares #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine,’ Cherry said on July 25, 2014, in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Cherry also has a history of criticizing Republicans on social media, including in 2017 when he said that conservatives in the Republican Party were focused on ‘white grievance politics.’

‘The Tea Party was never about the debt/deficit but about racism and white grievance politics,’ he wrote on X.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said, ‘We’re very proud to have Tyler on the team.’

Fox News’ Thomas Catenacci contributed to this report.

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The judge presiding over former President Trump’s classified records case is holding a hearing Friday to consider whether the appointment of U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith and the funding of his investigations is ‘unlawful.’

Judge Aileen Cannon of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida had postponed the trial stemming from Smith’s investigation into Trump’s alleged improper retention of classified records indefinitely. 

Upon postponing the trial, Cannon scheduled deadlines for reports on June 10 and 17 and a nonevidentiary hearing on a motion to dismiss on Friday, ‘based on unlawful appointment and funding of special counsel.’ 

Cannon expanded Friday’s hearing to allow amici to argue before the court, as well as Trump defense attorneys and federal prosecutors. 

Former Attorney General Ed Meese, who served under former President Reagan, filed an amicus brief in the case, in which he argues that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of Smith as special counsel – a private citizen at the time – is in violation of the appointments clause of the Constitution. 

Garland appointed Smith as special counsel on Nov. 18, 2022 – just days after Trump announced he would run for president in 2024. 

‘Not clothed in the authority of the federal government, Smith is a modern example of the naked emperor,’ the brief states. 

‘Improperly appointed, he has no more authority to represent the United States in this Court than Bryce Harper, Taylor Swift, or Jeff Bezos,’ they argued. 

Meese argues that the ‘illegality’ of Smith’s appointment is ‘sufficient to sink Smith’s petition, and the Court should deny review.’ 

Meese and company noted in the brief that Smith was appointed ‘to conduct the ongoing investigation into whether any person or entity [including former President Trump] violated the law in connection with efforts to interfere with the lawful transfer of power following the 2020 presidential election or the certification of the Electoral College vote held on or about January 6, 2021.’

Garland defended his move earlier this month during a hearing on Capitol Hill, arguing that ‘there are regulations under which the attorney general appoint special counsel. They have been in effect for 30 years, maybe longer, under both parties.’ 

‘The matter that you’re talking about, about whether somebody can have an employee of the Justice Department serve as special counsel has been adjudicated,’ Garland argued, adding that other special counsel appointments he and other attorneys general have made cite a regulation that points to a statute. 

Meese, however, in his briefs filed in several points in the Trump cases, argued that ‘none of those statutes, nor any other statutory or constitutional provisions, remotely authorized the appointment by the Attorney General of a private citizen to receive extraordinary criminal law enforcement power under the title of Special Counsel.’

Meese’s brief was even mentioned in a question by Justice Clarence Thomas in the Supreme Court oral arguments over Trump’s presidential immunity in Smith’s other case regarding 2020 election interference, which the high court is expected to decide this month.

Presenting arguments on June 21 in Florida on behalf of Meese will be Gene Schaerr; Josh Blackman on behalf of Professor Seth Barrett Tillman; and Matthew Seligman on behalf of constitutional lawyers, former government officials, and ‘State Democracy Defenders Action.’

Meanwhile, Cannon scheduled an additional hearing from June 24 to 26 and set deadlines for disclosures from the special counsel for early July and the defendants’ speedy trial report for July 19 – the final day of the Republican National Convention.

Trump is set to be sentenced in Manhattan after being found guilty on all counts in New York v. Trump, stemming from District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s investigation on July 11. 

Cannon scheduled a status conference for July 22 and another hearing for later that day.

Cannon did not schedule a new trial date.

Trump faced charges stemming from Smith’s investigation into his possession of classified materials. He pleaded not guilty to all 37 felony counts from Smith’s probe, including willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice and false statements.

Trump was also charged with an additional three counts as part of a superseding indictment from the investigation – an additional count of willful retention of national defense information and two additional obstruction counts.

Trump pleaded not guilty.

Cannon’s move last month to indefinitely postpone the trial comes after the judge unsealed a slew of documents related to the FBI’s investigation into the former president and the FBI’s raid on his Mar-a-Lago, Florida, estate in 2022.

The documents provided a detailed look into the personnel involved in the raid on Mar-a-Lago and a play-by-play timeline of it. One of the documents is an FBI file that suggests the agency’s investigation into Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents was dubbed ‘Plasmic Echo.’

Another unsealed FBI memo memorialized the role of Garland in the investigation.

In a document dated March 30, 2022, Garland provided his approval to allow the investigation into Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents to upgrade to a ‘full investigation.’

‘This email conveys Department of Justice (DOJ) Attorney General (AG) [Merrick Garland] approval for conversion to a full investigation,’ a synopsis of the restricted document reads.

Also, last month, Smith and federal prosecutors admitted in a court filing that documents seized during the raid on Mar-a-Lago are no longer in their original order and sequence.

‘There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans,’ Smith’s filing states.  

The prosecutors had previously told the court that the documents were ‘in their original, intact form as seized.’ 

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is investigating whether that evidence was ‘altered or manipulated.’

Smith also charged Trump in a separate jurisdiction, in Washington, D.C., out of his investigation into election interference and Jan. 6. Trump pleaded not guilty to those charges, as well.

That trial was postponed indefinitely. The Supreme Court is considering arguments on presidential immunity and whether Trump is immune from prosecution in Smith’s case.

The high court is expected to rule on the matter by the end of the term next week.

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Former New York mayor, billionaire entrepreneur and media magnate Michael Bloomberg contributed nearly $20 million to help boost President Biden in his 2024 election rematch with former President Trump, sources confirm to Fox News.

Bloomberg, a one-time Republican turned independent turned Democrat, wrote a massive $19 million check to the Future Forward PAC, known as the FF PAC, which is the leading super PAC supporting Biden’s bid for a second term in the White House.

And Bloomberg, who briefly ran unsuccessfully against Biden for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, also gave the maximum donation of $929,600 to the Biden Victory Fund, a fundraising committee that benefits the president’s re-election campaign and various Democratic Party committees.

Sources with knowledge of the transfers confirmed them to Fox News on Thursday evening.

‘I stood with Joe Biden in 2020, and I am proud to do so again,’ Bloomberg said in a statement to the Washington Post, which was the first news organization to report the massive contributions.

Bloomberg shelled out a staggering $1 billion of his own money on his 2020 Democratic presidential nomination bid.

After he dropped out of the race, he transferred roughly $18 million to the Democratic Party. And he separately announced the funding of a $100 million independent ad campaign to boost Biden’s White House bid.

Bloomberg, who at 82 is a year older than Biden, according to Forbes Magazine, is the 15th wealthiest person in the world, with approximately $106 billion in assets.

As the news of the Bloomberg contributions was going viral, so was word that conservative billionaire donor Timothy Mellon gave a mind-boggling $50 million contribution last month to a leading super PAC supporting Trump’s White House bid.

According to a federal disclosure filing on Thursday, Mellon made his contribution to Make America Great Again (MAGA) Inc. the day after Trump was convicted of all 34 felony counts in his criminal trial, which is the first involving a former or current president in the nation’s history.

The New York Times was first to report the contribution from Mellon, who’s an heir to the Pittsburgh-based Mellon banking family.

In its fundraising filings, MAGA Inc. disclosed that it brought in over $68 million in fundraising last month, with most of the money coming from Mellon, with another $10 million from the conservative mega donors Dick and Liz Uihlein, founders of the Uihlein shipping and packaging company.

The super PAC announced a few days after the Mellon donation that they were reserving $100 million in ad reservations to run spots this summer in support of Trump.

The latest contribution from Mellon follows a previous $25 million donation earlier this cycle to MAGA Inc. Mellon also contributed roughly the same amount to American Values, the main super PAC supporting Democrat turned independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign.

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Gay Trump voters are shattering the Democratic Party’s ‘lie’ that the LGBT community only votes blue, the president of the Log Cabin Republicans told Fox News Digital. 

‘Donald Trump is providing an opportunity for everybody to have an equal shot on a fair playing field. And that’s what it comes down to at the end of the day. LGBT voters don’t need to be pandered to. We don’t need to be marginalized. We just need to be given the same opportunity for success, and for freedom, and for liberty as everybody else,’ Log Cabin Republicans President Charles Moran told Fox News Digital in a Zoom interview earlier this week. 

‘Donald Trump is the only candidate who’s making that happen,’ he continued. ‘There’s no assumption … of us being in a discounted or a diminished state.’

The Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s oldest and largest organization of LGBT Republicans, with over 10,000 members across the country, including 80 chapters in 40 states, Moran said. Though the group’s base focuses on centrist and center-right gay voters, Log Cabin Republicans also has strong support from suburban women and youths. 

Throughout Moran’s interview, he stressed that Trump, in conjunction with former first lady Melania Trump, is spreading a message of unity while vowing to implement policies that benefit all Americans, regardless of skin color, gender or sexual orientation. 

Trump has made massive strides in courting the gay community in his previous campaigns, with Moran anticipating again increasing the number of gay voters supporting the GOP this year. In 2016, Trump only received 14% of the gay vote, but he doubled that statistic to 28% in 2020.

‘This is a year where we can absolutely drive those LGBT numbers up, and I’m going to shoot for as close to 50% as possible. And the really important thing here is that shatters the stereotype that if you’re gay you have to be a Democrat. We know that not to be true as much, as the left wing and mainstream media want to keep pushing that lie. It’s just not true. Nearly a third of the LGBT voters in the last election voted for Republicans, both for either President Trump or for congressional Republicans,’ he said. 

The Trump campaign told Fox News Digital that Trump’s commitment to curbing inflation and addressing spiraling crime rates if re-elected will benefit all Americans. 

‘By bringing down inflation and the skyrocketing cost of living, cutting taxes, and restoring law and order in our communities, President Trump’s second term agenda will create a safer and more prosperous America for ALL Americans, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or creed!’ Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, said. 

Moran noted that amid efforts to earn a greater share of gay votes, members of the LGBTQ community have become disenchanted with the Democratic Party’s ‘virtue signaling’ and ‘pandering.’

‘I think one of the biggest things that we’ve seen in 2024 is that the era of virtue signaling and pandering is coming to a very quick halt. You saw corporations during Pride Month really cut back and curtail on some of the over-the-top virtue signaling that had been going on because they got called out on it, mocked and shamed for that inauthenticity back in 2023. I don’t think any of those corporate CEOs wanted to go back into that in 2024. So I’m really in a strong position at this point to let Republicans know: Just be authentic with it, because the Biden administration has been taking an ever-increasing role of the pandering and virtue signaling,’ Moran said. 

He pointed to the White House’s pride month event last year, when a trans activist went topless on the South Lawn, as well as the White House flying a progress flag, which he called the ‘bastardized version of the traditional rainbow flag,’ while flanked by American flags last year. The White House quickly condemned the trans activist for the nudity stunt, as footage of the scene from the South Lawn went viral. 

‘It’s turned into a mockery,’ he said of recent ‘pandering’ at the White House. 

‘It is worse now under Joe Biden internationally to be gay. The lives of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East and in other parts of the world, in Africa and the Caribbean and some places in Southeast Asia, it is now worse and more dangerous than it was under Donald J. Trump.’

When asked if Biden or Trump has better policies that benefit the gay community, Moran did not hesitate when answering, ‘Trump.’ He cited that Trump is the ‘first president ever elected in history that supported LGBT marriage, marriage equality on day one,’ that the 45th president has made it easier to be a gay voter in the Republican Party, that gay people across the world were at less risk of harm and discrimination under the Trump administration due to his foreign policies, and that the 45th president leaves pandering at the door in favor of authentic messaging.

‘LGBT voters have gotten to the point now, where they are mature enough and they’re sophisticated enough to say, like, ‘hey, it’s not so much: do you support marriage equality, or some of these other LGBT rights issues?’ It’s a ‘are you … creating a condition as an elected official for me to be able to survive, to thrive, to raise my family, to run my business?’ And every one of the answers that keeps coming back is ‘no’ from these Democrats,’ he said. 

‘At some point, you can’t just keep slapping the rainbow lipstick on a pig here. And that’s exactly what the Democrats are trying to do with the pandering and the virtue signaling.’ 

Moran conveyed that Biden has even worsened gay rights for people on the world stage with weak foreign policies. 

‘Under the Biden administration, it’s actually gotten worse because of that lack of strong foreign policy presence, and because of the lack of America being willing to stand up for our morals and values on an international stage. It’s actually gotten worse. What they’ve done to empower Iran, the releasing of the $10 billion and the consideration of doing it again, absolutely has an impact in our world. Where they’re executing gays and lesbians regularly for being who they are,’ he said. 

‘It is worse now under Joe Biden internationally to be gay. The lives of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East and in other parts of the world, in Africa and the Caribbean and some places in Southeast Asia, it is now worse and more dangerous than it was under Donald J. Trump,’ he continued. 

Biden-Harris 2024 spokesperson Kevin Munoz told Fox News Digital on Wednesday that ‘LGBTQ+ Americans couldn’t have more at stake this election: Donald Trump and his extremist allies are running to gut LGBTQ+ rights and erase history as their top priorities.’

‘LGBTQ+ Americans deserve leaders who will fight for every American’s freedom and dignity. That’s what President Biden and Vice President Harris have done throughout their time in office, and what they will do if reelected, including pressing Congress to pass the Equality Act. There has never been a more critical time to protect the rights of all Americans, no matter who you love or how you identify, and [President Biden is running] to not just safeguard, but strengthen the rights and voice of every single American,’ Munoz continued. 

News broke this week that former first lady Melania Trump will join the Log Cabin Republicans for her second campaign fundraiser with the group this summer and her fourth fundraiser with them overall. Moran said that Melania Trump is ‘an amazing ally’ and communicator who spreads the message of ‘unity.’ 

‘She really knows that inclusion does win and that unity is one of the most important things that we have going for us in this country. And that’s kind of the tone that she’s set with a lot of the coalitions this year, in terms of bringing Americans together. And we know that under Joe Biden, it doesn’t matter if you’re gay or you’re straight, if you’re black or you’re white, or you’re Asian, if you’re Christian, if you’re Jewish or you’re Muslim, life is worse for you now under Joe Biden and his failed leadership than it was under Donald Trump. And that’s something that we can all rally around,’ he argued. 

Melania Trump will join the Log Cabin Republicans in Manhattan on July 8, with donations benefiting the group’s ‘Road to Victory’ program to boost voter turnout for the GOP. 

Moran reflected on President Reagan’s mantra that ‘80% my friend is not 20% my enemy,’ which he said is embraced by the Log Cabin Republicans as they look to broaden the GOP vote. 

‘You don’t have to agree with us on all of our public policy points, but if you agree that we have a place in the party, or that America is a place where LGBT people can and should have the same rights and responsibilities as every other person, we can work with you on that. And that’s what we’re going to do to have a lasting, durable majority in the Republican Party.’

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