


– As Mexicans prepare to vote in the country’s presidential election on Sunday, 2024 has proven to be one of the most violent years for candidates and election officials in the country, with more than 225 killed, according to reports. 

On Wednesday, José Alfredo Cabrera Barrientos was murdered in front of supporters while campaigning for mayor of Coyuca de Benitez, in Guerrero state. He was ahead in the polls, in a region where the cartels are particularly strong.

According to Data Cívica, the victims of electoral political violence increased 235.7% from 2018 to 2023, during the term of the Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) administration, with 2024 being the most violent year so far.

‘I was leaving a neighborhood assembly late at night in the Peralvillo neighborhood when I suffered a cowardly attack. They shot me 6 times while I was inside my vehicle,’ said Alessandra Rojo de la Vega, candidate for mayor of Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc in Mexico City, who survived an assassination attempt a few days ago, in comments to Fox News Digital.

She blamed the lack of security being provided by officials. ‘This has not been the worst thing I have had to go through, but rather facing a prosecutor’s office that responds to government orders. I have been fighting for women victims of violence for 6 years so that they have access to justice. We help 30 women a day here in Mexico City and I know what the prosecutor’s office does, the criminal negligence with which they act. And when it happens to you, it feels so much deeper.’

While the Mexican president’s spokesperson did not respond to Fox News Digital, Reuters recently reported that AMLO deemed the new data ‘sensationalism.’ The Reuters report noted that AMLO defended his record, pointing to a drop of 5% in homicides in 2023 compared to 2022.  

According to a report from the Mexican consulting firm Integralia, political violence has left 701 victims from September 2023 to May 19, 2024, including 225 murders of candidates, politicians or former officials seeking office on June 2.

Candidate Rojo de la Vega complained that, ‘No authority has called me to inform me about how the investigation is going. I have 60 complaints to different authorities for the violence that I have experienced throughout my campaign in Cuauhtémoc and all the demands have been ignored, with the impunity that characterizes this government.’ 

‘The government blames and despises the victims. It is happening to me, and it has happened to thousands of women and Mexicans throughout the country. I am grateful to have the opportunity to make my case visible …the lack of justice and impunity that exists in Mexico which, far from protecting victims, favors criminals.’

According to a special report on political violence, ‘Map of risks of criminal interference in local elections 2024,’ produced by Integralia, ‘Organized crime interferes in elections through: murders, attacks and threats against public officials and candidates, campaign financing, imposition of candidates, mobilization or inhibition of the vote, and alteration of the voting process during the election day.’

The states with the ‘highest risk’ of interference by organized crime in local elections include Guerrero, Michoacán, Colima, Jalisco, Chiapas and Morelos, while nine states have a ‘high risk,’ including Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, Guanajuato, State of Mexico, Tabasco and Veracruz.

The Intergralia report claims that ‘criminal groups mainly subjugate municipal governments to build their authority, so they can have access to valuable resources (such as collaboration with police) in order to operate with full impunity, to diversify their activities, and neutralize their rivals. Electoral processes offer the opportunity to establish and strengthen criminal authority since the beginning of the new administration.’

President López Obrador recently noted that 500 candidates have received federal protection against violence.

‘This time it was my turn. However, this is what all the citizens of Matamoros experience, where confrontations, shootings, and risky situations are experienced every day,’ Leticia Salazar told Fox News Digital. Salazar is a candidate for the municipal presidency of Matamoros. Matamoros is located in Tamaulipas, a border state with the United States.

‘While we toured the Brisas neighborhood, visiting house by house, we encountered a confrontation between criminals and state police. The bullets were very close, but I survived. A family allowed us to take shelter in their home so that the entire team would be safe. Unfortunately, this is what most families in Matamoros suffer. My story is known because I am a candidate seeking the municipal presidency, but it is what the citizens of Matamoros experience every day.’ 

‘We need order in the city of Matamoros. Criminals have advanced so much because no one stopped them. One of the most common crimes here is extortion. It happens to many families, merchants, and businessmen. I am determined to put order in the city. Nobody is going to stop us. Nobody is going to intimidate us nor are we going to be afraid, even having suffered this event,’ she said.

While Claudia Sheinbaum is ahead in official polling, some analysts are pointing to other polls predicting the election is much closer, even positing that the main opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez’s showing could surprise many.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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A senior ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia is not bluffing about using tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine and warned that the conflict could spill over into other countries.

Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy chair of the Security Council of Russia, made the comments after President Biden quietly authorized Kyiv to launch U.S.-supplied weapons at military targets just over the border in Russia that are supporting an offensive against the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv.

‘This is, alas, neither intimidation nor bluffing,’ Medvedev said Friday, speaking on the potential to use strategic nuclear weapons, per Reuters.

Russia has been using staging locations just across the border to enable its attacks against Ukraine and Biden has given Ukraine the go-ahead to use American weaponry to hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them. Germany has also backed the move.

The White House says the policy is limited and prohibits the use of army tactical missile systems (ATACMS) or long-range strikes inside Russia. 

In March, the U.S. quietly delivered long-range ATACMS to Ukraine for the first time – which the Ukrainians have since deployed against Russian military forces inside Ukraine.

Medvedev said Friday that ‘Russia regards all long-range weapons used by Ukraine as already being directly controlled by servicemen from NATO countries.’

‘This is no military assistance, this is participation in a war against us. And such actions could well become a casus belli (an act that provokes a war),’ Medvedev said Friday, per Reuters. 

Medvedev, who served as Russian president from 2008 and 2012, said that the West’s ongoing support of Ukraine could lead to an escalation of the 27-month-old full-scale invasion.

‘The current military conflict with the West is developing according to the worst possible scenario. There is a constant escalation when it comes to the firepower of NATO weapons being used. Therefore, nobody today can rule out the conflict’s transition to its final stage,’ Medvedev said.

The comments come as depleted Ukrainian troops are losing ground in the war – and just weeks after the U.S. agreed to send an extra $60 billion in aid to the war-torn country. In the border region of Kharkiv, Ukraine has endured a Russian onslaught this month that has stretched Kyiv’s outgunned and outmanned forces.

The White House says that Russia’s forward progress has stalled and that Russia will not be able to capture Kharkiv. 

Russia has only moved forward by a few kilometers and its forces are under relentless barrage by the Ukrainians and suffering at an extraordinary cost, the White House tells Fox News. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Friday that it’s only a matter of time before Ukraine utilizes the Western weaponry to strike Russian territory.

The developments and threats of escalation came just weeks after Gen. Charles Brown, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said NATO military trainers will eventually be sent to Ukraine, according to a report in the New York Times.

Ukrainian officials have asked their U.S. and NATO counterparts to help train 150,000 new recruits closer to the front line for faster deployment, per the report. 

Rep. Eli Crane, R-Ariz., told Fox News Digital at the time that deploying military trainers would lead to a wider war in the region.

Friday’s comments by Medvedev are not the first time he has taken a hardline stance against the West. In January, he warned the U.K. that putting boots on the ground in Ukraine would amount to a declaration of war against Russia.

In January, he also raised the prospect of nuclear war, warning NATO allies that a defeat for Russia in Ukraine could provoke a nuclear war. 

‘The loss of a nuclear power in a conventional war can provoke the beginning of a nuclear war,’ he said in a Telegram post.

‘Nuclear powers have [never] lost major conflicts on which their fate depends,’ the Kremlin official added. 

Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin, as well as Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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With all the media attention this week, and indeed for the last couple of weeks, one would think that the 2024 presidential election will turn on the results of the recently concluded trial in New York City where Trump was convicted on all 34 counts on Thursday.

Based on polling by my firm, Schoen/Cooperman and that of other independent firms, both media and non-media, that is far from the truth. In fact, an examination of the polls that have come out in the days prior to the verdict suggest, pretty compellingly, that the 2024 election is unlikely to be about Trump and his legal problems or Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden who goes on trial later this month on gun charges.

Put simply, the American people are not concerned about these issues. They’ve already factored in their assessment of the candidates and those assessments are reflected in the polls. And, to the extent that there’s been any impact of the four sets of criminal charges filed against Trump, if anything, they have helped, if not hurt him, specifically with Republicans. But even since the trial began Trump’s numbers have improved marginally in the seven key swing states. And indeed, very modestly nationally as well.

When you look at the polls in detail, what voters are focused on is not the issues that the national news media is riveted to, but on more mundane but critical issues. They are focused on what’s important to them and means concerns like inflation, the cost of living and the southern border. 

The fact that is lost by most of the national liberal media is that increasing numbers of people are living paycheck to paycheck. Despite the moderating of inflation since the beginning of the year, Americans are still paying prices at the grocery store and the gas pump that are at least 20% higher than when Biden took office.

It is also the case that despite the millions of jobs that have been created under the Biden administration which the incumbent president likes to trumpet, voters give him very little credit for that and other economic accomplishments. They want to know what, if anything, he is going to do to hold prices down and restrict the growth of government spending.

So far, the answer from the White House has been silence on these key issues, leaving Democrats everywhere to begin to panic about the incumbent’s chances of winning reelection. 

The consensus I get from Democratic insiders who served in the Clinton and Obama White Houses — from the top to the bottom — is that Joe Biden’s electoral position is a lot worse than his pole position. And the chances that his strategy will succeed are increasingly remote.

Having worked for Bill Clinton, who was uniquely sensitive to changes in public opinion, it is hard for me to imagine a White House that is more tone-deaf, obdurate and indeed seemingly unconcerned with the day-to-day problems facing the American people.

The second issue facing the American people that the Biden administration refuses to focus on more directly is the southern border. Despite a willingness now to do a bipartisan deal on border security with Republicans, today’s Democrats and the president seem uniquely and demonstrably unwilling to take any executive action to demonstrate concern about the millions of people who have streamed across the southern border in the last three years. Trying to win debating points with the Republicans who blocked the bipartisan legislation in the House is an exercise in futility and failure. The president either acts or he doesn’t act. And if he doesn’t act, the chances of Joe Biden winning the November election are dramatically reduced.

For former President Donald Trump the challenge is somewhat different. He has made the case, compellingly for his voters, that this is a ‘rigged’ political system with a ‘rigged’ judicial system that has been weaponized. Voters either believe that or they don’t. They either believe the 2020 election was marred by fraud or they think, despite whatever flaws there were, it was a free and fair election. 

The bottom line for Trump is this: Voters want to hear what Trump himself will do to lower inflation and reduce the cost of groceries and gasoline. They want policy recommendations, not rhetoric about a system both sides agree is fundamentally flawed. And I would argue that Turmp has made it clear that he will tighten the southern border.  

I think for him to be explicit and precise about what exactly he will do will be of greatest importance. I think Trump must avoid both excessive rhetoric and references to things like ‘mass deportation camps’ which speak of policies that rub many Americans the wrong way. 

Put another way, Trump is in a much stronger position if he runs on policy and his ideas for the future rather than the type of extreme rhetoric that he has understandably articulated during the trial. 

The trial is over. The American people are focused on the issues facing the country. Former President Trump needs to focus on them. And in that way, he faces a similar challenge to the incumbent president. 

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Donald Trump is wasting no time in getting back on the campaign trail now that the verdict is in and his historic criminal trial in New York City is over.

The former president and presumptive Republican presidential nominee headlined a campaign fundraiser just a couple of hours after being convicted. On Saturday he’ll attend a UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) match in Newark, New Jersey, Fox News confirmed. And on Sunday he’ll sit for a ‘Fox and Friends’ interview.

‘We’ll be fighting hard,’ Trump told Fox News’ Brooke Singman in an interview soon after he was found guilty of all 34 felony counts in his case, the first in which a former or current president stood trial.

Trump emphasized that he was excited to get back on the campaign trail. 

On Friday, as he addressed reporters from the atrium of his Trump Tower in New York City, where he launched his first White House bid nine years ago, the former president vowed that ‘we’re going to fight.’.

For six weeks, Trump had been confined to the courtroom in Lower Manhattan, which prevented him from campaigning across the country other than on weekends and Wednesdays, when there was no trial.

But Trump’s campaign touted that even during the duration of the trial, the candidate was able to generate ‘billions of dollars’ in media coverage as well as host rallies and fundraisers.

The former president’s tenure in court also didn’t seem to put a dent in the slight edge he enjoys in the polls over President Biden in the key battleground states that will likely decide the outcome of their rematch.

And the former president’s top pollsters put out a memo on the eve of the verdict arguing that a conviction would not have any electoral consequences.

‘We are already back to the mission,’ the Trump campaign told Fox News Digital on Thursday evening. ‘President Trump won’t let this sham stop the movement of this campaign to save the nation.’

Longtime Republican strategist David Carney, a veteran of multiple GOP presidential campaigns who is now steering a pro-Trump super PAC, told Fox News that ‘the show trial is over and Trump is unleashed to campaign at will again. With the miscarriage of justice out in the open, he will have the wind to his back.’

Trump enjoyed an initial burst of fundraising courtesy of his guilty verdicts.

The former president’s campaign announced on Friday morning that it had hauled in $34.8 million in fundraising from 6pm ET to midnight on Thursday, immediately after the verdict went viral.

On Friday evening, the campaign updated their fundraising total – nearly $53 million over 24 hours.

The campaign highlighted in a release that they raked in ‘a record shattering small dollar fundraising haul and said it was ‘nearly double the biggest day ever recorded for the Trump campaign on the WinRed platform.’ They emphasized that the guilty verdicts ‘have awakened the MAGA movement like never before.’

Trump will continue his fundraising blitz with a swing at the end of next week in California.

The former president heads to the blue bastion of San Francisco on June 6 for a fundraising dinner hosted by tech investors David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya, two of the heaviest hitters in Silicon Valley and co-hosts of the hot ‘All-In’ podcast.

Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, a Trump ally and potential 2024 running mate who spent time a few years back in San Francisco working for hedge funds in the tech sector, was instrumental in putting the top dollar fundraising together.

Trump heads south to Beverly Hills for a June 7 fundraiser and a June 8 finance event in Newport Beach in Orange County.

The trip doesn’t mean the Trump campaign thinks overwhelmingly blue California may be in play. 

Instead, Trump’s swing and two fundraisers in the Bay Area on June 5 headlined by Vice President Kamala Harris are the latest proof that the Golden State remains a crucial ATM for campaign cash.

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President Biden has urged Hamas to accept a new peace deal on offer from Israel, but some remain skeptical about the details of the deal and whether it was Israel who proposed the deal in the first place. 

‘The Israeli government is united in the desire to return our hostages as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal,’ a statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office read. 

‘Therefore, the Prime Minister authorized the negotiating team to present an outline for achieving this goal, while insisting that the war will not end until all of its goals are achieved, including the return of all our hostages and the elimination of Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities,’ the statement continued. 

‘The exact outline proposed by Israel, including the conditional transition between the stages, allows Israel to maintain these principles,’ the statement concluded. 

Shortly after Biden’s announcement, Congress issued a letter to Netanyahu inviting him to address a joint meeting of the House of Representatives and the Senate, citing the ‘existential challenges’ the two nations face, including increased cooperation between rival nations Iran, China and Russia. 

‘To build on our enduring relationship and to highlight America’s solidarity with Israel, we invite you to share the Israeli government’s vision for defending democracy, combating terror and establishing a just and lasting peace in the region,’ the letter declared. 

Biden addressed the Israel-Gaza war from the White House on Friday, insisting that ‘it’s time for this war to end, and the day after to begin.’ 

He laid out that Israel has proposed a three-tiered ceasefire plan, which has been transmitted by Qatar to Hamas after intensive negotiations between Israel, Qatar, Egypt and ‘other Middle Eastern countries.’ 

Some confusion followed whether the plans Biden and Netanyahu each mentioned were the same or different, with some arguing that the language Netanyahu used could indicate two plans in discussion, but a National Security Council (NSC) spokesperson told Fox News Digital that these were the same plan. 

Biden called Israel’s deal ‘comprehensive’ and a ‘roadmap to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages’: The first phase would last for six weeks that would include a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas of Gaza and the release of a number of hostages – including Americans – in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners and the return of the remains of deceased hostages to their families. 

Biden also claimed the deal would allow 600 trucks with humanitarian aid to enter Gaza ‘every single day’ and reach those who needed it most. Meanwhile, negotiations would continue to help the deal move from Phase One to Phase Two, which would include the release of all remaining living hostages, followed by a thorough reconstruction plan for Gaza in Phase Three. 

‘I want to level with you today as to where we are and what might be possible, but I need your help: Everyone who wants peace now must raise their voices,’ Biden said. ‘Let the leaders know they should take this deal, work to make it real, make it lasting, and forge a better future out of the tragic terror attack and war.’

‘It’s time to begin this new stage, for the hostages to come home, for Israel to be secure, for the suffering to stop,’ he added, stressing that Hamas faces ‘truly a decisive moment.’ 

However, some have quickly taken a critical stance on the proposal, with some suggesting the deal on offer would not end Hamas but instead help them escape total annihilation.  

‘What the president outlined was a pathway for Hamas to survive, rebuild and one day be capable of launching another October 7, while allowing Hezbollah to remain an even greater threat on Israel’s northern border,’ Richard Goldberg, a senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital. 

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Donald Trump is touting ‘record shattering’ fundraising fueled by his convictions in the first trial of a former or current president in the nation’s history.

The former president’s campaign announced on Friday morning that it had hauled in $34.8 million in fundraising from 6 p.m. ET to midnight on Thursday, immediately after Trump was found guilty of all 34 felony counts in his criminal trial in New York City.

And on Friday evening, the Trump campaign announced an update — nearly $53 million raised in the 24 hours following the verdict through their online digital fundraising platform.

The campaign touted that the fundraising was ‘nearly double the biggest day ever recorded for the Trump campaign on the WinRed platform’ and emphasized that the guilty verdicts ‘have awakened the MAGA movement like never before.’

The surge in contributions comes as Trump aims to close the fundraising gap with President Biden as they face off in a 2024 election rematch.

‘From just minutes after the sham trial verdict was announced, our digital fundraising system was overwhelmed with support,’ Trump campaign senior advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles wrote in a statement on Friday morning.

They spotlighted that ‘not only was the amount historic, but 29.7% of [Thursday’s] donors were brand-new donors to the WinRed platform.’

And pointing to the autumn election, LaCivita and Wiles reiterated that ‘President Trump is fighting to save our nation and November 5th is the day Americans will deliver the real verdict.’

Minutes after the verdict was read in the first trial of a former or current president in the nation’s history, Trump’s team put out a fundraising appeal to supporters.

‘Friend: Is this the end of America?,’ Trump asked in the email. ‘I was just convicted in a RIGGED political Witch Hunt trial.

‘My end-of-month fundraising deadline is just DAYS AWAY!’ Trump emphasized in the email, which included a photo of the former president labeling him a ‘political prisoner.’

WinRed, the GOP online fundraising platform used by Trump’s campaign, among others, briefly shut down within an hour of the verdict.

Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita advised donors encountering a WinRed error message to sign up for Trump’s text messaging list or log back onto the site and try again. 

‘If you are one of the millions of American Patriots wanting to donate to Donald Trump’s campaign and you get an error message from @WINRED …don’t give up! Log back on and try again ! or Text TRUMP to 88022,’ LaCivita wrote in a tweet.

Trump’s campaign website also directed donors to Anedot, another fundraising platform used by various GOP campaigns.

Trump’s team also fired off a warning shot to the campaigns of down-ballot Republicans not to try and raise money directly off of the former president’s conviction, to prevent the ‘siphoning’ of donations headed to Trump’s coffers.

Meanwhile, the former president’s top pollsters put out a memo on the eve of the verdict arguing that a conviction would not have any electoral consequences.

Trump holds a trio of top dollar fundraisers in California at the end of next week.

Biden’s re-election campaign also quickly sent out fundraising appeals following the verdict.

‘Despite a jury finding Donald Trump guilty today, there is still only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: At the ballot box,’ the Biden campaign wrote in a fundraising text to supporters Thursday evening. 

And it urged that ‘if you have been waiting for the perfect time to make your first donation to Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, we’re here to tell you today is the day.’

Trump has been aiming to close his fundraising gap with Biden. In April, his campaign and the Republican National Committee for the first time out-raised the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

While Trump has stepped up his fundraising, the Biden campaign still enjoyed an $84 million to $49 million cash-on-hand advantage at the end of April.

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Former U.N. Ambassador and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley has remained silent on the criminal conviction of former President Donald Trump as prominent Republicans and former Trump rivals continue to sound off.

Haley’s social media accounts have made no mention of the conviction as of early Friday afternoon and neither she, nor her representatives, responded to Fox News Digital’s repeated requests for comment.

Haley, who has been on a visit to Israel, posted on her X account multiple times since the conviction describing the horrors of the Oct. 7 attack carried out by Hamas against Israel.

Trump and Haley’s strong working relationship deteriorated after Haley entered the 2024 GOP primary field despite previously saying she would not, which the former president took issue with during the campaign multiple times.

After Trump came out on top of the battle for the GOP nomination that involved the trading of personal attacks between him and Haley, the former ambassador was at first noncommittal about whether she would support him.

Haley ultimately came out and endorsed Trump this month.

‘I will be voting for Trump,’ Haley said during an event at the Hudson Institute in Washington.

‘Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech,’ Haley added. ‘Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they’re just going to be with him. And I genuinely hope he does that.’

Reactions from prominent Republicans started pouring in immediately following Trump’s conviction and many of Trump’s other primary opponents have also weighed in on the conviction with mixed reactions.

The jury found Trump guilty Thursday on all 34 counts of falsifying business records related to the hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election.

Moments after the verdict was delivered by the jury, the former president spoke to reporters in the hallway outside the courtroom. 

‘This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt, as a rigged trial and disgrace. It wouldn’t give us a venue change,’ Trump said. ‘We were at 5% or 6% in this district, in this area. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial.’ 

Trump said ‘the real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people.’ 

Fox News Digital’s Brooke Singman contributed to this report.

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President Joe Biden took heat Friday for his strange response to a question about his political rival’s historic criminal conviction following remarks from the White House, flashing what some called an ‘evil’ grin. 

President Biden, 81, said Friday after former President Donald Trump was found guilty in his New York criminal trial that ‘he’ll be given the opportunity, as he should, to appeal that decision, just like everyone else has that opportunity.’ Biden added that it was ‘reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict.’

As Biden walked away from the podium, a reporter shouted out a question: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What’s your response to that, sir?’

The president paused, turned to the reporters and flashed what some called a ‘disturbing’ smile for almost 10 seconds before walking away, not offering a verbal response. 

‘Do you think a conviction will have an impact on the campaign?’ the reporter pressed, without a response from the president. 

Sage Steele, a former ESPN reporter, reacted to the video on X, saying, ‘Honestly, I rarely use the word evil to describe another human being but…..’

Amber Duke, an editor for The Spectator, posted similarly on X, ‘The President of the United States’ disturbing reaction to being asked if Trump is a political prisoner and if he is responsible for Trump’s criminal conviction.’ 

Jason Miller, a senior Trump campaign official commented on the site, ‘where was the senile fool shuffling off to???’

Karoline Leavitt, spokesperson for the Trump campaign commented, ‘Evil.’ A Republican National Committee X account posted, ‘Pure Evil.’ 

‘He’s NOT even trying to hide it anymore . . . Biden’s grin is all American voters need to see,’ Rep Wesley Hunt, R-Texas., said.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., said, ‘Joe Biden is a clear and present threat to democracy.’

Fox News Digital’s Greg Norman and Chris Pandolfo contributed to this report.  

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Former President Donald Trump’s Republican presidential primary opponents offered a variety of reactions to the guilty verdict in his New York City trial, ranging from blasting Democrats for pursuing the charges against him to complete silence.

The jury found Trump guilty Thursday on all 34 counts of falsifying business records related to the hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott posted a video of himself on X blasting what he called a ‘hoax,’ a ‘sham’ and evidence of an ‘obsolete injustice justice system.’

‘DA Bragg and the judge should be ashamed of themselves. This isn’t just ridiculous, this actually erodes the confidence that Americans have in the justice system. Unbelievable,’ Scott said.

‘But good news is coming. DA Bragg, hear me clearly. You cannot silence the American people. You cannot stop us from voting for change. Joe Biden’s injustice, Joe Biden’s two-tier injustice system, weaponizing the justice system of the United States of America against a political opponent, un-American. Joe Biden, you’re fired. We the people stand with Donald Trump.’

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum wrote, ‘This verdict is a travesty of justice. The judge was a Biden donor. The prosecutors were Biden supporters. This Lawfare should scare every American. The American people will have their say in November,’ while entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy predicted the trial’s outcome would ultimately backfire, referencing District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s promise to ‘nail Trump,’ and Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter being a ‘Democratic operative.’

Former Vice President Mike Pence told Fox News Digital Trump’s conviction was ‘an outrage and disservice to the nation.’

‘No one is above the law, but our courts must not become a tool to be used against political opponents. To millions of Americans, this was nothing more than a political prosecution driven by a Manhattan DA who ran for office on a pledge to indict the former president and this conviction undermines confidence in our system of justice,’ he said. 

‘This conviction also sends a terrible message to the wider world about the American justice system and only further divides us at a time when the American people are struggling under the failed policies of the Biden administration at home and abroad. Having been convicted in a court of law, the former president has every right to appeal this conviction and I trust it will be overturned on appeal in a manner that will restore public confidence in our system of justice and equal treatment under the law.’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wrote, ‘Today’s verdict represents the culmination of a legal process that has been bent to the political will of the actors involved: a leftist prosecutor, a partisan judge and a jury reflective of one of the most liberal enclaves in America — all in an effort to ‘get’ Donald Trump.’ 

‘That this case — involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago — was even brought is a testament to the political debasement of the justice system in places like New York City,’ he wrote. ‘This is especially true considering this same district attorney routinely excuses criminal conduct in a way that has endangered law-abiding citizens in his jurisdiction.

‘If the defendant were not Donald Trump, this case would never have been brought, the judge would have never issued similar rulings, and the jury would have never returned a guilty verdict. In America, the rule of law should be applied in a dispassionate, even-handed manner, not become captive to the political agenda of some kangaroo court.’

Conservative commentator Larry Elder called the verdict an ‘outrage’ and declared that ‘a monster has been unleashed.’

‘If Democrats don’t think Republican AGs and DAs can’t unleash lawfare on Democrat politicians, think again!!!’ he added.

Businessman Perry Johnson wrote, ‘Today marks a troubling chapter in American history. This was always a political maneuver, not a legal one. The Biden Administration’s weaponization of the justice system is evident, showing that Democrats will go to any lengths to silence and eliminate political rivals.’ 

‘The American people recognize this as lawfare, and they understand its peril. President Trump will rightly appeal this unjust verdict — and he WILL WIN!’ he added.

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, a staunch Trump critic, took a different, not-so-surprising approach, calling on the verdict to be respected.

‘It is not easy to see a former President and the presumptive GOP nominee convicted of felony crimes; but the jury verdict should be respected. An appeal is in order but let’s not diminish the significance of this verdict,’ he wrote.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and former Texas Rep. Will Hurd have so far remained silent since the verdict was handed down.

Representatives of Haley did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment. A spokesperson for Christie declined to comment.

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SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk is set to hold a town hall with former President Donald Trump, as reported shortly after the former president was criminally convicted in New York City on Thursday.

Trump is expected to answer submitted questions with Musk on a live stream that will also be broadcast on NewsNation, The New York Post reported on Friday.

It is expected that Trump will answer submitted questions during the live stream event, which will also be broadcast in a partnership deal with cable channel NewsNation, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The exact timing of the town hall on X, a platform Trump was suspended from three years ago, is not clear.

Fox News Digital reached out to Musk’s team and the Trump campaign but did not immediately receive a response.

‘This will be interesting,’ the tech billionaire posted on X.

The original plan was for the event to be a debate before the Biden campaign declined an invitation due to the previously negotiated debates scheduled with Trump, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the event and the Biden campaign’s thinking. 

Musk is also reportedly planning a similar town hall with independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Musk spoke out on X following the news of Trump’s conviction in his criminal trial, arguing that the development chips away at the faith Americans have in their legal system.

‘Indeed, great damage was done today to the public’s faith in the American legal system,’ Musk posted on the platform he owns. ‘If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.’

Trump and Musk have recently developed a friendly relationship, and they reportedly speak on the phone several times a month. Musk is also believed to be under consideration for an advisory role if Trump returns to the White House. 

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