


JERUSALEM – Retired Gen. Yaakov Amidror, the former national security adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, discussed with Fox News Digital the likelihood of an imminent full-blown war between the Jewish state and the Lebanon-based terrorist movement Hezbollah.

The Shiite Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah, which is the de facto ruler of Lebanon, according to experts on the country, fired some 50 rockets into northern Israel on Sunday. Shrapnel from a Hezbollah anti-tank missile hit an American citizen and two Israelis. The 31-year-old American is in critical condition. Since last week, Hezbollah has launched over 200 rockets and drones into Israel’s north.

‘We don’t expect the Americans to fight for us. That should be done by Israelis. This is a principle that we don’t want to change. What we need is American support by sending munitions of all kinds, and to do it in very high number, in a constant flow that will allow us to do the war with our constraints in our military and capabilities,’ Amidror, a distinguished fellow for the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA,) told Fox News Digital.

When asked if Israel is prepared for a war with Hezbollah, Amidror said, ‘It’s a question without an answer, because for such a war you are never fully prepared.’ He said the real question is if ‘Israel has enough to wage a war against Hezbollah in full. For that, the answer is yes. The more time that we will have after the war in Gaza, the better our situation will be, because we have to fulfill our stores and let the soldiers and the commanders rest, after nine months of war.’

Hezbollah’s ally, Hamas, invaded Israel on Oct. 7 and massacred nearly 1,200 people, including over 30 American citizens. Hezbollah has launched thousands of rocket attacks on Israel’s north following Hamas’ mass slaughter.

Amidror identified three main threats from Hezbollah. The first is the ‘huge number of rockets and missiles.’ He said many ‘are very precise. And this is a bigger threat for Israel.’ The second threat, he says, is ‘the anti-tank capability of Hezbollah, which launched more than 1,000 anti-tank missiles into Israel since the beginning of the war. It’s a huge threat to our ground forces.’ The third threat, he said, is drones. ‘We don’t have a full answer for that. And this is something that we are learning and becoming better at every day,’ he said.

Israel has fought two previous wars against Hezbollah, in 1982 and 2006, and Amidror said Israel is preparing for 100,000 Hezbollah rockets and missiles in the next war. 

When questioned if Iran would join Hezbollah in a war against the Jewish state, Amidror said, ‘It’s more about deterring Iran and destroying part of its economic infrastructure and so on, if the Iranians will take part in this, in this war, it’s not 100%. The Iranians who make the calculation that they are not happy to risk Tehran for Beirut, but it is something that we cannot know in advance, and we have to make all the preparations to be ready.’

When asked if Hezbollah launches a war, would Israel’s response be to knock out Beirut’s water, sewage and electrical facilities, Amidror said this is an argument within the military system.

Amidror said there is a second school of thought that he subscribes to. He believes Israel should concentrate on Hezbollah and not the Lebanese state, noting that if a peace process is to happen it should be done ‘by weakening Hezbollah and not weakening the Lebanese system.’

The key Hezbollah stronghold is in south Beirut. Amidror stressed how Hezbollah uses civilian buildings as rocket launchers and storage for its armaments. Hamas and Hezbollah frequently commit war crimes by exploiting their civilian populations to advance their war goals. ‘In Lebanon it will be a devastating war,’ Amidror said about the possibility of a third Israel-Hezbollah war unfolding in 2024.

On a recent visit to the country’s north, Israel’s Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant told troops, ‘Your goal is to ensure your readiness and to erode the enemy’s [Hezbollah] capabilities.’

Gallant also noted, ‘Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorist organizations have lost 450 [fighters] – 15 commanders at the level of brigade commanders or above, were eliminated. This includes three division commanders and makes up for over 50% of Hezbollah’s total number of commanders in southern Lebanon. This is very significant.’

Fox News’ Peter Petroff contributed to this report.

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Former President Donald Trump published a screed on Tuesday warning Republican lawmakers that they have no choice but to pass the SAVE Act, warning ‘our whole voting system is under siege.’ 

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act would amend the National Voter Registration Act, requiring states to obtain proof of citizenship from voters for federal elections, and purging non-citizens from voter rolls. 

‘Republicans must pass the Save Act, or go home and cry yourself to sleep,’ Trump wrote on his proprietary social media platform Truth Social. 

He continued, ‘Non citizen Illegal Migrants are getting the right to vote, being pushed by crooked Democrat Politicians who are not being stopped by an equally dishonest Justice Department.’

Under the legislation, voters would be required to provide proof of citizenship via IDs and documentation such as a passport, a government-issued photo ID showing proof the individual was born in the U.S., military IDs, or a valid photo ID as well as documentation showing proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, the legislation states. 

The Democratic leadership is urging its House members to vote against the bill in the lead-up to the vote, saying it would place ‘an extreme burden [on] countless Americans’ in order to vote. 

‘The Dems can’t win on their policies, the only way they can win is to CHEAT. They do it at every level of government, and they do it well. That’s how they get an incapacitated moron like Joe Biden elected,’ the former president said in his Truth Social post. ‘The Justice Department is CORRUPT and won’t do a thing to help. They have no shame!’

If the SAVE Act is successfully passed through the House, it faces an uphill battle in the Democrat-controlled Senate. 

Even if the bill overcame the upper chamber of Congress, President Biden has vowed to kill the legislation if asked to sign.

Trump ended his message with a threat to ‘pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before’ if elected in November, saying such individuals would be ‘sent to prison for long periods of time.’

The former president seemed to specifically call out Facebook creator and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, saying, ‘We already know who you are. DON’T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!’

Fox News Digital’s Emma Colton contributed to this report.

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A pro-Palestinian news outlet linked to Hamas is facing scrutiny from three separate House committees in a joint memo urging the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate.

Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., and Education & Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday accusing The Palestine Chronicle and the U.S. nonprofit that runs it of running afoul of several laws.

‘We write to urge you to investigate The Palestine Chronicle and People Media Project for violating the law, particularly for providing material support to a known terrorist organization in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2339B, for filing a false tax return in violation of 26 U.S.C. § 7206, and for failing to file a valid tax return and pay estimated taxes in violation of 26 U.S.C. § 7203,’ the letter said.

It comes after multiple Israeli hostages taken into Gaza by Hamas during their Oct. 7 terror attack were found in the home of Abdallah Aljamal, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Aljamal was a contributor to media outlets, including The Palestine Chronicle, as well as a spokesman for the Hamas-run Gaza Labor Ministry. He was killed by the IDF during an operation to rescue the hostages.

‘During his time as a ‘journalist,’ Mr. Aljamal was listed as a ‘correspondent’ on The Palestine Chronicle’s website, but the publication later changed the description to ‘contributor’ after news of his holding innocent Israeli hostages was reported around the world,’ the lawmakers’ letter said.

The Republicans also accused The Palestine Chronicle and People Media Project of having ties to Iran, writing that the outlet’s founder and editor-in-chief, Ramzy Baroud, ‘has also written for Kayhan International, an outlet that reportedly is funded by Iran’s supreme leader. Notably, Kayhan International has had six of its published writers appear on state-controlled sites that were previously seized in 2020 by the U.S. government after finding that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps unlawfully used them to further a global covert influence campaign.’

The lawmakers pointed to a federal statute that states anyone under U.S. jurisdiction providing ‘material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization, or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both, and, if the death of any person results, shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life.’

‘[B]ased on the facts available, The Palestine Chronicle and People Media Project appear to be at the very least complicit in supporting Hamas, and at worst full-fledged financiers of terrorism,’ the letter said.

Lastly, they accuse People Media Project of knowingly misrepresenting its finances on tax forms, arguing the DOJ would be ‘remiss’ to not investigate alleged discrepancies in the group’s revenue in recent years.

‘I am deeply concerned that an organization enjoying tax-exempt status in the United States not only employed a journalist who worked with Hamas to hold innocent Israelis hostage, but also chose an editor-in-chief who appears to have links to Iran and potentially its terror financing network,’ Smith told Fox News Digital. ‘Any individual or organization attempting to manipulate our tax code in furtherance of terrorism must be punished.’

Smith’s Ways & Means Committee opened a separate investigation into the outlet and its related nonprofit last month and demanded that the IRS revoke People Media Project’s tax-exempt status.

As of Monday, the nonprofit is also being sued by Almog Meir Jan, one of the Israeli hostages who was reportedly held at Aljamal’s home.

Fox News Digital reached out to the DOJ and The Palestine Chronicle for comment.

Fox News Digital’s Joseph Wulfsohn contributed to this report.

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Democrats in Congress mostly resisted calling for President Biden to drop out of the race despite raising private concerns during an all-caucus, closed-door meeting Tuesday, according to reports. 

Lawmakers returned to Washington, D.C., this week after the Fourth of July recess, offering Democrats the first time to get together in person and discuss Biden’s disastrous debate performance two weeks ago. 

However, in a sharply worded letter sent Monday, Biden insisted that he would stay in the race and urged party leaders to refocus their criticisms on former President Trump. The letter seemed to at least temporarily slow the momentum of Democrats who are publicly calling for the president to step aside. Most members instead are towing the party line on Biden publicly, at least for now. 

At least 20 Democratic lawmakers stood up to speak during the nearly two-hour all-caucus meeting Tuesday, in what for many is an existential moment for their country considering a second Trump presidency, The Associated Press reported. Most of those who spoke wanted Biden to end his candidacy, a person granted anonymity to discuss the meeting told the outlet.

However, speaking publicly afterward, most Democrats who had urged against Biden continuing his re-election campaign have recanted, according to Axios. They acknowledged it would be too difficult to replace him as their nominee at this stage, just weeks before Democrats will convene at their convention in Chicago. Conversations between House and Senate Democrats were ‘dour’ and ‘sad,’ lawmakers in the meeting told the AP. 

‘He said he’s going to remain in, he’s our candidate, and we’re going to support him,’ Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, said on CNN. 

Over the weekend, Nadler was among those privately saying Biden should not run, explicitly telling colleagues on a call Sunday that the president needed to drop out of the race, the New York Times reported. Nadler backtracked after Tuesday’s meeting, instead stating that his reservations were ‘beside the point’ and that Biden was ‘going to be our nominee.’ 

‘He has the delegates. I keep telling them that,’ Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., told Politico of Biden. ‘He got 14 million votes. Nobody else has any.’

‘I’m staying with Papa,’ Rep. Adriano Espaillat, D-N.Y., said, according to the AP. He said his constituents understand what the country went through during the COVID-19 pandemic and how Biden led through the crisis. ‘He was fit then, and he’s fit now.’

Democrats on Sunday had described this week as critical for Biden to prove that his campaign is viable. 

Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., who briefly ran for president himself, stated Sunday that Biden needs to ‘reassure the American people that he can run a vigorous campaign to defeat Donald Trump.’ 

Bennett confirmed to CNN on Tuesday that he told lawmakers during the closed-door session he does not believe Biden can defeat Trump in November. 

‘I think we could lose the whole thing,’ he said, referring to the White House and both chambers of Congress. 

While the all-hands meeting resolved most Democrats to inaction, late in the day Tuesday a seventh House Democrat, Rep. Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey, publicly called on Biden not to run for re-election. With Trump seeking to return to the White House, ‘the stakes are too high – and the threat is too real – to stay silent,’ Sherrill said. 

Among the seven who have stuck their necks out publicly by calling for Biden to step aside is Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee. 

‘The idea that we are going to slow-walk into fascism because we don’t want to hurt somebody that we respect’s feelings – I cannot even begin to tell you how angry that makes me,’ Smith said, according to the Times.

Before the all-caucus gathering on Tuesday, a smaller group of Democrats facing competitive House races in November were ‘pretty much unanimous’ in a separate meeting of their own that Biden has ‘got to step down,’ Axios reported, citing lawmakers involved. ‘There were actual tears from people, and not for Biden,’ one lawmaker told the outlet. 

The majority of Democratic senators who spoke during the lunch meeting expressed deep concerns about whether Biden can beat Trump in November, though they stopped short of saying he should step down from the race, a person familiar with the conversation and granted anonymity to discuss it told the AP. There were also a handful of senators who defended Biden. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York repeated, ‘I’ve said before, I’m with Joe.’

Some are turning more serious attention to Vice President Kamala Harris as an alternative, the AP reported.

Biden spent part of his Tuesday evening speaking on a virtual call with more than 200 Democratic mayors, saying he will win re-election with ‘basic block-and-tackling’ and boasting of the thousands of calls being made to voters, doors being knocked and signs being posted in support of his candidacy, according to a readout from his campaign.

That came after the president met virtually late Monday with the Congressional Black Caucus, whose members are core to Biden’s coalition, thanking them for having his back, and assuring them he would have theirs in a second term. He was also to meet with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, whose leadership – along with that of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – has said publicly they are sticking with the president.

Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas, a freshman Democrat, said there is too much at stake to turn away from Biden at this point in the campaign, saying a second Trump presidency would be extremely harmful to Black Americans across the country. ‘We are not willing to risk our freedoms for somebody feeling good because there’s a different name on the ballot,’ she said.

Having been on the campaign trail with Biden, Crockett told the AP, ‘That is why I can feel so confident, because I have seen more than the 90 minutes that everybody is so concerned about.’

Additionally, Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., who ended his long-shot 2024 Democratic presidential bid months ago, was asked by reporters if he felt vindicated by Democrats calling on Biden to step aside. 

‘If this is vindication, vindication has never been so unfulfilling,’ he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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Dr. Kevin O’Connor, President Biden’s physician, has been mostly out of the public’s view despite first overseeing Biden’s health care in 2009 and building what has been described as a cozy relationship with the Biden family over the last 15 years. 

‘I have never had a better commander than Joe Biden,’ O’Connor said in a rare profile interview with his alma mater, New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine, when Biden served as vice president. ‘All politics aside, he approaches his craft with such honor. He’s 100 percent ‘family first.’ He’s ‘genuinely genuine.’’

O’Connor’s name, however, has recently become common in news reports, as speculation mounts that Biden’s mental acuity has slipped and concerns grow that the White House’s credibility regarding information on the president’s health is dwindling amid repeated gaffes, miscues and disjointed remarks Biden has made during public events. 

The White House physician is affectionately known to Biden and his family simply as ‘Doc,’ and was specifically requested by Biden in 2009 to stay on as his physician after serving on the White House Medical Unit under the George W. Bush administration. 

O’Connor was first appointed to the White House Medical Unit in 2006 for what was intended to be a three-year military assignment, according to his profile published by the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine, from which he graduated in 1992. Instead, ‘Vice President Biden asked O’Connor to stay on,’ the profile continues. O’Connor complied, marking the beginning of their doctor-patient relationship that has reportedly evolved into a cozy relationship with the president’s large family. 

Biden’s 2017 memoir ‘Promise Me, Dad,’ which was re-examined recently by Fox News Digital, features the president reflecting on his close relationship with ‘Doc,’ including O’Connor joining the family on their annual vacation to Nantucket, balking at the family’s ‘browsing extravaganza’ on the tony island. 

The physician’s relationship with the family seemingly grew closer, according to the memoir, when the president’s son, Beau Biden, was diagnosed with brain cancer – which ultimately claimed his life in 2015. 

‘Doc was good with Beau, who was still trying to get his bearings in those first few days. Real fear was starting to creep in. Sometimes Beau would grab him when everybody else was out of earshot to get his honest assessment,’ Biden wrote in the memoir. 

‘‘Whatever it is, this is bad,’ he told Beau, ‘but we’re gonna find out what it is. And once we find out what it is, we will have a plan.’’ 

‘‘Promise?’ Beau asked.’


In another excerpt, Beau Biden requested O’Connor ‘promise’ to take care of his father if he should die. 

‘‘Seriously, Doc. No matter what happens. Take care of Pop. For real. Promise me. For real,’’ Beau Biden said to O’Connor, according to the book. 

Back in 2018, Biden’s sister-in-law, Sara Biden, described O’Connor as a ‘friend’ who provided medical advice to members of the Biden family beyond the eventual commander in chief. 

‘Colonel O’Connor was actually a friend and he — we would frequently ask for his recommendations if any of us had a medical issue, so it was not uncommon to ask him if he had a recommendation,’ she said in a deposition related to a New York state medical malpractice case involving her daughter.

Republican Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, who served as former President Obama’s White House physician before also overseeing former President Trump’s health, told the New York Post this month that Jill Biden has a cozy and familial relationship with O’Connor. 

‘Kevin O’Connor is like a son to Jill Biden — she loves him. It’s crazy. Kevin O’Connor was in that job on day one of the Biden administration because they knew they could trust Kevin to say and do anything that needed to be said or done and cover up whatever needed to be covered up. He is part of the Biden family,’ Jackson told the outlet. 

O’Connor, who retired as an Army colonel in 2017, also had a business relationship with the Biden family, Politico reported. He introduced Jim Biden, the president’s younger brother, to military health officials and met with another hospital president as the younger Biden pursued healthcare ventures through the hospital chain Americore in 2017, according to the outlet. 

‘I truly enjoyed our time together the other day,’ O’Connor wrote to a Pennsylvania hospital president after a meeting he shared with Jim Biden, according to Politico. ‘You and your team clearly share our vision, and I look forward to seeing you again in coming months.’ 

Concern over Biden’s mental sharpness hit a fever pitch late last month, when he delivered a botched debate performance that included losing his train of thought at times and giving garbled answers in a subdued and raspy voice. The debate unleashed panic among Democratic allies and members of the media, as they remarked his debate performance was a failure that added fuel to the fire surrounding concerns about Biden’s mental acuity and age. 

Amid the fallout from the debate, as well as his first sit-down interview with the media last week that did not help quell concerns, Biden has vowed to stay in the race. 

‘I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump,’ Biden wrote in a letter Monday to congressional Democrats, calling on them to end their questions on whether he should end his re-election bid.

‘I wouldn’t be running again if I did not absolutely believe I was the best person to beat Donald Trump in 2024,’ he added.

The White House did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment when asked about O’Connor’s close relationship with the president and the first family or whether the president would be evaluated by an outside doctor. Fox Digital also reached out to O’Connor through George Washington University, where he serves as associate professor of health, human function and rehabilitation sciences, but did not receive a response. 

As the White House and Biden campaign try to dismiss concerns over Biden’s debate performance, repeated gaffes and miscues while in public, the White House press corps has grilled the administration about the president’s health in increasingly fiery exchanges with press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. On Monday, one White House reporter noted during the press briefing that the administration’s ‘credibility’ regarding the president’s health has been called into question, while another reporter asked Jean-Pierre if the media could hear directly from O’Connor regarding Biden’s health. 

O’Connor has never taken the podium at the White House to speak with the media, Fox News Digital found, including back in 2022, when Biden was diagnosed with COVID-19. 

Former White House doctor under the Trump administration, Sean Conley, spoke to the media when Trump was diagnosed with COVID in 2020, as did Trump’s previous physician Jackson in 2018 to tout the then-president’s ‘good genes’ and how he passed a cognitive test. 

O’Connor has released a handful of statements and updates on the president’s health since Biden was sworn into the nation’s highest office in 2021, including when he was diagnosed with COVID, as well as updates on Biden’s annual physicals. 

His interviews with the media and public events, however, are few and far between. O’Connor did have a sit-down, recorded conversation with the Federation of State Medical Boards in 2022, when he discussed his work in the White House and medical background, as well as another recorded interview with his alma mater last year. 

O’Connor has overwhelmingly brushed off media requests for interviews and comments in recent weeks, various media reports show, including when contacted by Fox News Digital since Biden’s disastrous debate performance on June 27. 

The physician released his latest letter on Monday to address mounting concerns over reports showing a Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times across eight months. 

O’Connor said Parkinson’s specialist Dr. Kevin Cannard was chosen for Biden’s annual physicals ‘not because he is a movement disorder specialist, but because he is a highly trained and highly regarded neurologist here at Walter Reed and across the Military Health System, with a very wide expertise which makes him flexible to see a variety of patients and problems.’

The letter added that Biden did not see ​​a neurologist outside his annual physicals. 

No signs of neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, ascending lateral sclerosis, stroke or cervical myelopathy, were found during Biden’s physical in February, O’Connor said. 

The Parkinson’s expert’s visits to the White House have fanned the flames surrounding the media’s concern that the White House has reportedly not been forthright with the public about the president’s concern. 

On Monday, during the White House press briefing, Jean-Pierre had a fiery exchange with CBS reporter Ed O’Keefe after brushing off questions regarding confirmation of Cannard’s White House visits. 

‘It’s a very basic, direct question,’ O’Keefe shouted at Jean-Pierre. ‘That’s what you should be able to answer by this point.’

‘No, no, no, no, no,’ Jean-Pierre immediately pushed back. ‘Ed, please. A little respect here. Please.’

‘So every year around the president’s physical examination, he sees a neurologist. That’s three times, right? So I am telling you that he has seen a neurologist three times while he has been in this presidency. That’s what I’m saying,’ Jean-Pierre continued. 

O’Keefe continued to press the matter, with O’Connor’s letter confirming Cannard’s White House visits later Monday. 

President Biden was pressed in an interview with George Stephanopoulos last week on whether he would take a cognitive test and release the results to the public, which Biden repeatedly dodged. 

‘Have you had the specific cognitive tests, and have you had a neurologist, a specialist, do an examination?’ Stephanopoulos asked.

‘No, no one said I had to. … They said I’m good,’ Biden responded.

Fox News Digital’s Landon Mion and Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to this report. 

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Donald Trump clearly wants to run against Joe Biden, even though many Democrats and media liberals want the president to bow out.

But he’s starting to rough up Kamala Harris, just in case.

There may be a little reverse psychology at play here, as well as a fundraising bonanza. The more that Trump argues that Biden is toast, the more he may stiffen the president’s resolve not to be pressured out of the race. Not even by the New York Times, which yesterday ran a second editorial: ‘He has come to regard himself as indispensable. He does not seem to understand that he is now the problem — and that the best hope for Democrats to retain the White House is for him to step aside.’

Trump is so certain of a big victory after Biden’s debate meltdown that it may well affect his VP choice, which I’m certain will be unveiled at week’s end. He had been talking about an announcement the first day of next week’s Milwaukee convention, which would blow out coverage of the first couple of days, but has switched saying before the convention. And it has probably given a big boost to J.D. Vance.

In a phone interview last night with Sean Hannity, Trump was asked if he wanted to run against Biden.

‘Well, we prepared for him, but I don’t think it’s going to matter,’ Trump said, adding that the president is ‘only semi-running things’ while the people that surround the Oval Office are really in charge. 

What about the talk that if Biden steps aside, it would be Kamala Harris?

‘Well, I think that it will be her,’ said Trump. ‘I think they are very concerned about the vote if it’s not her. They are very, very– I mean, they’re gun-shy, they don’t want to do it any other way. I’ve actually come to believe that’s what they’re going to do.’

He concluded, ‘I think she’s an ineffective person, she was in charge of the border, she’s never been there, she didn’t do a good job, and she hasn’t done a job on a lot of other things, but it would seem to me from a political standpoint that’s who they’re going with.’

Trump had called her ‘pathetic’ in those golf cart comments taped by an aide. 

The subject lines of two recent fundraising emails: ‘Biden is dropping out!’ and ‘President Kamala Harris?’ .

Biden insists he’s doing nothing of the sort, but he’s had an awful couple of weeks. He has lost Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, two anti-Trumpers, especially Colbert, who held a softball session with the president just three months ago.

More important, the White House has been caught in another coverup. The New York Post first reported that the White House physician, Kevin O’Connor, brought in a Parkinson’s specialist who visited the building 10 times between 2022 and last March. 

This neurologist, Kevin Cannard, examined the president three times, but it was buried in a report as if it were a routine part of Biden’s annual physical. What many are missing is that Cannard met with a liaison in the medical unit and was undoubtedly providing Parkinson’s guidance to Biden’s longtime doctor. 

Karine Jean-Pierre was absolutely hammered at Monday’s briefing, with CBS’s Ed O’Keefe accusing her of misleading the press. O’Connor released a BS letter confirming Cannard’s role that was basically a non-denial denial.

Getting information out of this White House is like pulling teeth.

What’s more, Politico reports that O’Connor was basically in business with Biden’s brother Jim, introducing him to hospital officials in an effort to drum up business.

The leak of Biden’s comments to Democratic governors that he won’t do events after 8 p.m., so he can get more sleep, brought plenty of mockery.

The Wall Street Journal, which drew so much condemnation from the MSM a month ago for its piece ‘Biden Seems to be Slipping,’ was back yesterday with devastating new reporting.

‘The White House has limited Biden’s daily itinerary and shielded him from impromptu exchanges…and sought to make sure meetings with donors stuck to scripted pleasantries. 

‘Senior aides dismissed travel suggestions over worries the president didn’t have the stamina for them…including an idea for Biden to make weekly cross-country trips in 2022 to tout the benefits of his infrastructure law.’

Anita Dunn, who oversees communications strategy, and such longtime loyalists as Steve Richetti and Mike Donilon, are getting some of the blame.  

All of this unfolded as Biden’s slips became increasingly obvious, and his top advisers were assuring everyone the president was fine. 

Regarding Biden and Dunn’s shared disdain for the media, a spokesman said, ‘The president and Anita only feel that way about some of the press.’

Another telling anecdote: German officials, knowing of the fatigue issue, planned a 2022 event for Biden in the early evening. But Biden didn’t show, and Tony Blinken filled in, saying the president had gone to bed. The secretary of State denies saying this.

Having fumbled the Stephanopoulos sitdown, when he could have been doing five interviews, Biden faces one more test: A solo press conference tomorrow at the NATO summit in Washington. It’s his chance to show he’s quick enough to deal with aggressive questioning. And a supposed revolt by congressional Democrats hasn’t materialized.

After lying low, Trump will seize the spotlight again with his veep announcement. And his expectation that he’ll win easily has given a boost to Vance, who is backed by Don Jr.

The Ohio senator, despite being in office less than two years, has become perhaps the most forceful advocate of a populist version of the MAGA agenda, one that favors tariffs and America First isolationism over traditional Republicanism. Although the ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ author opposed Trump in 2016, even likening him to Hitler, they have long since mended fences. And Vance is a veteran who served in Iraq. 

If Trump sees himself coasting to victory, it’s easier to go with Vance.


The other alternative appears to be Marco Rubio, who spoke at a Trump rally in Florida last night. Rubio is a nationally known figure and foreign policy expert who guided Trump on Latin American affairs. He would energize at least part of the Hispanic community and is a plausible president who could take over if necessary.

The downside is that Rubio would start running for the 2028 nomination on day one, which could draw coverage from a boss who likes to be the center of attention. 

Vance is the ideological pick; Rubio is the governing pick.

Trump told me in our interview that it doesn’t matter who he selects, that people vote for the top of the ticket. And he’s right about that.

But after insisting in several interviews that his only retribution would be success, he was back to making threats yesterday, seeming to target Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg:

‘We will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time. We already know who you are. DON’T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!’

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So with each passing day, it becomes clear that we’re living in a country run by a demented royal family. You got the mad King, a senile dude who can barely hold onto the presidency, much less his own bowels. You got the evil Queen, an ego-mad status seeker who demands to be called a doctor even though she’s not. It’s a doctorate in education. That’s like demanding to be called a pilot, because a flight attendant once pinned some wings on your shirt when you were 12. True, getting a doctorate in education is about as hard to acquire as a horse burger at my slaughterhouse. And of course, there’s the entitled Prince, a cut rate Caligula, whose idea of a family outing is an orgy. It feels like they need their own theme song. 

Let’s start at the top. The guy’s hanging by a thread and that thread is hanging by a hair plug. On Monday, Joe sent a letter saying he’s staying in. I’m told we have a copy of it. It reads in part, quote, ‘’The voters of the Democratic Party have voted. They have chosen me to be the nominee of the party. Do we now just say this process didn’t matter, that the voters don’t have a say?’

Well, in truth, Democrat voters have less choice than the orphans I hire to shave my back. In short, the letter says we successfully lied to you. It’s too late, —- off. It’s defiant. He is raging not just against the Democrats, but against the dying of the light. He’s saying to the Dems, come and get me. Will they? Not if the evil Queen can help it. During a solo campaign stop in North Carolina yesterday, Jill claimed Joe is all in. If she means entombed, she’s right. 

He supported your career? What exactly did he do for your career other than marry you? He didn’t stop being a senator so you could go to fake doctor school. You were a substitute teacher. You weren’t separating conjoined twins. So, like one of those sign language interpreters, you see her now at every event, front and center, waving her arms like she’s warning people away from a bathroom that Jerry Nadler just left. The signal is a vote for Joe is a vote for me. She’s like Leonard Skynyrd. Yeah, they still tour, even though everyone’s dead. And yet the media is terrified to call her out because she’d do anything to stay where she is. She doesn’t want to go back to Delaware. No one does. The only thing in Delaware worth seeing are the signs to New Jersey. But her compassion is as phony as her degree. She should be teaching summer school to the slow kids but instead masquerades as the good wife as she pushes her confused husband into traffic. And how will that play out? Joe can’t resign. She’ll be seen as the villain. It’ll be humiliating. No more parties. No more expensive dresses. No more spots on ‘The View’, gagging on the persistent, pungent blasts of Whoopi’s farts. So she’s forcing him to do this? Not for his health. He’s dying. This is for her. And she knew these days were coming. 

Don’t scream, just talk. That’s exactly what I say to Judge Jeanine. But they let her talk and she doesn’t. Maybe she really is the acting president. Pretty obvious that Jill is the one out there campaigning because Joe can’t. If you wanted to prove that the debate was a one-off disaster, he’d be out there proving it. Instead, all he did yesterday was call in with morning breath and yell. But to his credit, at least he didn’t try to order a pizza. And for once, people saying he’s lost his mind weren’t talking about Scarborough. Yeah, but what about the Prince? Joe’s fun-loving son, Hunter, is now the commander-in-chief’s de facto gatekeeper. More like de facto crypt keeper. But this job is right up Hunter’s alley. Hunter is used to holing up in hotel rooms for weeks at a time, planning and plotting. And who better to give Joe something to keep him awake? We already know how he can get cocaine delivered right to the White House. It’s weird that after all of this, Hunter is in the Oval Office. Can you believe that? From a halfway house to the White House. From crackhead to Lincoln’s bed, from meth pipes to stars and stripes. 

All of this is insane. You know, they told you that if you didn’t vote for Joe, the White House would be occupied by a power-hungry tyrant who refuses to leave office even when everyone knows he’s unfit and that a convicted felon would be running the country. Guess they were right.

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The White House was pressed Tuesday about whom the Pentagon would contact if a nuclear missile were fired toward the U.S. after 8 p.m., which is when President Biden has said he needs to call it a day.

Last week, Biden told Democratic governors during a private meeting at the White House that he would stop scheduling events after 8 p.m. so he can get more sleep, according to a report by The New York Times.

At a press briefing Tuesday, Fox News’ Peter Doocy pressed White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the president’s mental health and being at his sharpest before 8 p.m.

‘Well, he also says he’s sharpest before 8 p.m. So, say that the Pentagon at some point picks up an incoming nuke. It’s 11 p.m. Who do you call? The first lady?’ Doocy asked.

Jean-Pierre told Doocy the president has a team to let him know of any news that is ‘pertinent and important’ to the American people.

She also said Biden has someone he appointed to get the news from the National Security Council should that scenario ever happen.

Who that person is, Jean-Pierre did not say.

Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy said when he was speaker there were many times he attended meetings in the Oval Office and the first lady was there.

Doocy asked Jean-Pierre if Jill Biden was making decisions or advising the president while attending the meetings.

‘No, the president is the president of the United States. He makes decisions,’ Jean-Pierre said.

The questioning came after Doocy asked Jean-Pierre if the president was committed to serving a full second term if elected. The press secretary answered, ‘Yes.’

The correspondent then told Jean-Pierre the president said his health is fine, but ‘it’s just his brain and that he’s as sharp as before.’

The press secretary quickly jumped in to tell Doocy that Biden was ‘joking,’ to set the record straight.

‘What’s the joke?’ Doocy asked, before being told by Jean-Pierre that Biden was making a ‘lighthearted joke.’

‘That he has a problem with his brain?’ Doocy asked.

‘He was speaking off the cuff and making a joke,’ Jean-Pierre said. ‘You know the president. He likes to joke a lot. He’s the same guy who says, ‘I know I look 40,’ right? So, he likes to make jokes.’

Doocy questioned how that was a joke and was told people laugh when Biden says it.

Biden’s poor performance during the late June presidential debate against former President Trump reinforced concerns about Biden’s age and fitness for office, which have been growing for months.

Biden is facing growing pressure to drop out of the 2024 race.

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President Biden delivered a strong opening address to welcome foreign leaders to NATO’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington D.C. Tuesday evening — a highly-anticipated speech as members of his own party and foreign leaders expressed concerns over his fitness for the presidency and continued re-election campaign. 

Biden spoke Tuesday evening to welcome foreign leaders to the summit, touting the strength of NATO, looking ahead to the future, and seeking to show strength amid chaos within the Democratic Party over his plans to continue running for re-election. 

Biden seemingly bounced back Tuesday evening, delivering a strong address without any major stumbles or setbacks. 

‘Today, NATO is more powerful than ever,’ Biden said Tuesday evening. ‘It’s good that we’re stronger than ever because this moment in history calls for our collective strength. Autocrats want to overturn global order, which is by and large, kept for nearly 80 years and counting. Terrorist groups continue to plot evil schemes, cause mayhem and chaos and suffering in Europe. Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine continues and Putin wants nothing less than Ukraine’s total subjugation to end Ukraine.’ 

The Russia-Ukraine war began under the Biden administration.

‘Ukraine can and will stop Putin,’ Biden said. ‘Russia will not prevail. Ukraine will prevail.’ 

Biden, during the address, announced a historic donation of air defense equipment to Ukraine. The U.S., Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, and Italy are coming together to provide Ukraine with equipment for five additional strategic air defense systems. 

Biden also gave NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg the Presidential Medal of Freedom Tuesday night as he opened the summit in Washington D.C. 

‘So much of the progress we made in the Alliance is thanks to the secretary,’ Biden said, adding that Stoltenberg has guided NATO through ‘one of the most consequential periods in its history.’ 

‘The whole world will reap the rewards of your labor for years to come in the form of security, opportunity and greater freedom,’ Biden said. ‘For these reasons, I am pleased to award you the highest civilian honor the United States can bestow—a Presidential Medal of Freedom.’ 

The three-day summit, which began Tuesday, will focus on ways to reassure Ukraine of NATO’s enduring support and offer some hope to its war-weary citizens that their country might survive the biggest land conflict in Europe in decades. NATO’s day-to-day work is led by Stoltenberg, the former prime minister of Norway, until he is replaced as secretary-general on Oct. 1 by outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Biden’s address Tuesday night came at a consequential time for the future of his presidency and a potential second term. 

Biden and the White House have maintained that he will continue running his 2024 re-election campaign. 

Sources told Fox News Digital that Biden has been personally working the phones to call Democratic colleagues, supporters and donors to quell concerns — and the strategy appears to be working. 

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., came out in support of the president, along with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. 

Rank-and-file Democrats in the House also rallied behind the president, as well as a number of top Democratic senators. 

Biden also saw support from the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Monday night. 

However, Democratic sources told Fox News Digital that ‘the reality’ is that Election Day is just four months away, and the Democratic Party ‘can’t just parachute a replacement in that can beat Trump this late in the game.’

‘The reality is, it is too late in the game to replace the guy if we want to win — that’s it,’ the source told Fox News Digital.

Additionally, despite reports of top donors considering pulling their support, the source told Fox News Digital that those donors ‘have a multi-decade personal relationship’ with Biden.

‘There is loyalty there, and he has delivered on many pieces of the Democrat agenda,’ the source told Fox News Digital. ‘Kamala has not proven that she is a viable replacement — even though Biden has given her years of world leader meetings and more.’

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As doubts grow about President Biden’s mental acuity, the spotlight turns to whether he can step down as the presidential nominee while completing his first term, and what that would mean for Vice President Kamala Harris’ political future.

‘Vice President Kamala Harris owes the American people an explanation as to why she has not been honest about President Biden’s steep decline into incapacity,’ Mike Howell, executive director of the conservative advocacy group Heritage Action, told Fox News Digital.

‘She chose politics over national security and history will judge her for that decision.’

Howell added that Democratic lawmakers are unlikely to call for Biden to retire immediately and allow Harris to take the helm, because ‘to admit that is that they’ve basically been complicit in a lie for the last three and a half years,’ referring to Biden’s declining health.

‘Him stepping down is an implicit endorsement of Kamala Harris being the nominee, because she would be the incumbent president at that point, and so I think that factors into it,’ Howell said. ‘What’s happening right now is there’s just going to be a series of rounds of people increasingly calling for it, and obviously President Biden’s trying to resist those calls as much as possible. But I think it’s unavoidable that more and more do call.’

Despite the growing chorus of concerned lawmakers calling on Biden to suspend his re-election campaign due to his poor debate performance and fading vitality, Biden has repeatedly said he is not dropping out of the race.

‘Most of the Democrats who are questioning whether or challenging President Biden should run are in either swing districts or tough re-election races of their own, or they need independent and Republican votes,’ Democratic strategist Mustafa Rashed told Fox News Digital in an interview.

‘It’s tough,’ Rashed continued. ‘The advantage that the vice president has is that she’s been adjacent to the Oval Office for the last three and a half years, which is something that no one else can say. I would also say that she’s the only person that’s been nationally, publicly and thoroughly vetted right now, like some of the other candidates have not gone through the sort of vetting process that’s required to run for national office.’

Other potential Democratic candidates who have been floated as options to replace Biden include Gov. Gavin Newsom, of California, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, of Michigan.

When asked at a Biden-Harris campaign event in New Hampshire this week, Newsom said Harris would likely win in a hypothetical matchup against former President Trump. 

‘I have no doubt about that. And that’s from someone that’s also known her longer than most, before we were both in politics,’ Newsom said, The Associated Press reported. ‘But I don’t expect it’s going to come to that.’

Democrats also met behind closed doors Monday as pressure mounted on Biden to drop out of the race. 

Fox News learned that multiple Democrats on House committees expressed concerns about the viability of Biden continuing to run for re-election against Trump after House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., held a virtual meeting with ranking Democrats on House panels Sunday afternoon.

Fox is told the consensus among most Democrats on the call who suggested Biden should abandon the race was that the party should focus on Harris as a potential successor.

Additionally, a recent CNN/SSRS poll shows Harris performing slightly better than Biden in a matchup against Trump.

House Republicans are already on the offense against Harris as a possible replacement for Biden’s candidacy should he step down from the race.

GOP lawmakers – in both safe red seats and swing districts being targeted by the left – dismissed Harris as a political threat to their chances in November, arguing she’s still tied to the same progressive Biden policies they believe are unpopular with voters.

Rep. Nick Langworthy, R-N.Y., who served as longtime chair of the New York Republican Party before coming to Congress, previously told Fox News Digital, ‘Kamala Harris is just as responsible for this administration’s failures, but she’s more incompetent.’

A swing-seat Republican who asked not to be named told Fox News Digital they were skeptical Harris would do better on the debate stage than Biden. 

‘I would say she’s the weakest part of the ticket right now, as bad as Biden is,’ that GOP lawmaker said.

Reps. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., Mark Takano, D-Calif., Don Beyer, D-Va., and Adam Smith, D-Wash., reportedly expressed privately that Biden should exit the presidential race as the Democratic nominee on Sunday. Most of them also reportedly said Harris should be the nominee, two people familiar with the meeting told The Associated Press. 

Following reports on the meeting, Beyer issued a statement saying he backs the president staying in the race. 

‘I support President Biden. I support the Biden-Harris ticket, and look forward to helping defeat Donald Trump in November,’ the representative said. ‘I was proud to host an event this week in Northern Virginia with the President, and will continue doing all I can to support the Biden-Harris campaign in Virginia and across the country.’

Fox News’ Elizabeth Elkind, Greg Wehner and Chad Pergram contributed to this report.

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